blob: a8ada9577f1c4563e3c8b0ccf56dcfe7a7a24654 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2019 Stephan Wahlbrink and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
#, or the Apache License, Version 2.0
# which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0
# Contributors:
# Stephan Wahlbrink <> - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.statet.rj.servi.node;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.eclipse.statet.jcommons.lang.NonNullByDefault;
import org.eclipse.statet.jcommons.lang.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.statet.jcommons.status.Status;
import org.eclipse.statet.jcommons.status.StatusException;
import org.eclipse.statet.internal.rj.servi.Utils;
import org.eclipse.statet.rj.renv.core.DefaultLocalConfigurator;
import org.eclipse.statet.rj.renv.core.REnvConfiguration;
* Configuration for an R node.
public class RServiNodeConfig implements PropertiesBean {
public static final String BEAN_ID= "rconfig";
public static final String R_HOME_ID= "r_home.path";
public static final String R_ARCH_ID= "r_arch.code";
public static final String JAVA_HOME_ID= "java_home.path";
public static final String JAVA_ARGS_ID= "java_cmd.args";
private static final String JAVA_ARGS_OLD_ID= "java_args.path";
public static final String NODE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_PREFIX= "node_environment.variables.";
public static final String NODE_ARGS_ID= "node_cmd.args";
public static final String BASE_WD_ID= "base_wd.path";
* Property id for R startup snippet
* @see #setRStartupSnippet(String)
* @since 0.5
public static final String R_STARTUP_SNIPPET_ID= "r_startup.snippet";
public static final String CONSOLE_ENABLED_ID= "debug_console.enabled";
public static final String VERBOSE_ENABLED_ID= "debug_verbose.enabled";
* Property id for timeout of start/stop of nodes
* @see #setStartStopTimeout(long)
* @since 2.0
public static final String STARTSTOP_TIMEOUT__ID= "startstop_timeout.millis";
private static final long STARTSTOP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT= 30 * 1000;
private @Nullable String rHome;
private @Nullable String rArch;
private @Nullable String javaHome;
private String javaArgs;
private final Map<String, String> environmentVariables= new HashMap<>();
private String nodeArgs;
private @Nullable String baseWd;
private String rStartupSnippet;
private boolean enableConsole;
private boolean enableVerbose;
private long startStopTimeout;
public RServiNodeConfig() {
this.rHome= System.getenv("R_HOME");
this.rArch= System.getenv("R_ARCH");
this.javaArgs= "-server";
this.nodeArgs= "";
this.rStartupSnippet= "";
public RServiNodeConfig(final RServiNodeConfig config) {
synchronized (config) {
public String getBeanId() {
return BEAN_ID;
public synchronized void load(final RServiNodeConfig templ) {
this.rHome= templ.rHome;
this.rArch= templ.rArch;
this.javaHome= templ.javaHome;
this.javaArgs= templ.javaArgs;
this.nodeArgs= templ.nodeArgs;
this.baseWd= templ.baseWd;
this.rStartupSnippet= templ.rStartupSnippet;
this.enableConsole= templ.enableConsole;
this.enableVerbose= templ.enableVerbose;
this.startStopTimeout= templ.startStopTimeout;
public synchronized void load(final REnvConfiguration config) throws StatusException {
{ final Status status= config.getValidationStatus();
if (status.getSeverity() >= Status.ERROR) {
throw new StatusException(status);
final DefaultLocalConfigurator configurator= new DefaultLocalConfigurator(config);
public synchronized void load(final Properties map) {
if (this.javaArgs.length() == 0) {
final int prefixLength= NODE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_PREFIX.length();
for (final Entry<Object, Object> p : map.entrySet()) {
final String name= (String) p.getKey();
if (name != null && name.length() > prefixLength
&& p.getValue() instanceof String) {
this.environmentVariables.put(name.substring(prefixLength), (String) p.getValue());
{ final String s= map.getProperty(STARTSTOP_TIMEOUT__ID);
this.startStopTimeout= ((s != null) ? Long.parseLong(s) : STARTSTOP_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT);
public synchronized void save(final Properties map) {
Utils.setProperty(map, R_HOME_ID, this.rHome);
Utils.setProperty(map, R_ARCH_ID, this.rArch);
Utils.setProperty(map, JAVA_HOME_ID, this.javaHome);
Utils.setProperty(map, JAVA_ARGS_ID, this.javaArgs);
for (final Entry<String, String> variable : this.environmentVariables.entrySet()) {
map.setProperty(NODE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_PREFIX + variable.getKey(), variable.getValue());
Utils.setProperty(map, NODE_ARGS_ID, this.nodeArgs);
Utils.setProperty(map, BASE_WD_ID, this.baseWd);
Utils.setProperty(map, R_STARTUP_SNIPPET_ID, this.rStartupSnippet);
Utils.setProperty(map, CONSOLE_ENABLED_ID, Boolean.toString(this.enableConsole));
Utils.setProperty(map, VERBOSE_ENABLED_ID, Boolean.toString(this.enableVerbose));
Utils.setProperty(map, STARTSTOP_TIMEOUT__ID, Long.toString(this.startStopTimeout));
public synchronized void setRHome(final @Nullable String path) {
this.rHome= path;
public synchronized @Nullable String getRHome() {
return this.rHome;
public synchronized void setRArch(final @Nullable String code) {
this.rArch= code;
public synchronized @Nullable String getRArch() {
return this.rArch;
public synchronized @Nullable String getJavaHome() {
return this.javaHome;
public synchronized void setJavaHome(final @Nullable String javaHome) {
this.javaHome= (javaHome != null && javaHome.trim().length() > 0) ? javaHome : null;
public synchronized String getJavaArgs() {
return this.javaArgs;
public synchronized void setJavaArgs(final @Nullable String args) {
this.javaArgs= (args != null) ? args : "";
* Additional environment variables for the R process.
* @return a name - value map of the environment variables
public synchronized Map<String, String> getEnvironmentVariables() {
return this.environmentVariables;
public synchronized void addToClasspath(final String entry) {
String cp= this.environmentVariables.get("CLASSPATH");
if (cp != null) {
cp+= File.pathSeparatorChar + entry;
else {
cp= entry;
this.environmentVariables.put("CLASSPATH", cp);
public synchronized String getNodeArgs() {
return this.nodeArgs;
public synchronized void setNodeArgs(final @Nullable String args) {
this.nodeArgs= (args != null) ? args : "";
public synchronized void setBaseWorkingDirectory(final @Nullable String path) {
this.baseWd= (path != null && path.trim().length() > 0) ? path : null;
public synchronized @Nullable String getBaseWorkingDirectory() {
return this.baseWd;
* Returns the R code snippet to run at startup of a node.
* @return the code
* @see #setRStartupSnippet(String)
* @since 0.5
public synchronized String getRStartupSnippet() {
return this.rStartupSnippet;
* Sets the R code snippet to run at startup of a node.
* <p>
* Typical use case is to load required R packages. The default is an empty snippet.
* If the execution of the code throws an error, the startup of the node is canceled.</p>
* @param code the R code to run
* @since 0.5
public synchronized void setRStartupSnippet(final @Nullable String code) {
this.rStartupSnippet= (code != null) ? code : "";
public synchronized boolean getEnableConsole() {
return this.enableConsole;
public synchronized void setEnableConsole(final boolean enable) {
this.enableConsole= enable;
public synchronized boolean getEnableVerbose() {
return this.enableVerbose;
public synchronized void setEnableVerbose(final boolean enable) {
this.enableVerbose= enable;
* Returns the timeout of start/stop of nodes
* @return the timeout in milliseconds
* @since 2.0
public long getStartStopTimeout() {
return this.startStopTimeout;
* Sets the timeout of start/stop of nodes
* @param milliseconds the timeout in milliseconds
* @since 2.0
public void setStartStopTimeout(final long milliseconds) {
this.startStopTimeout= milliseconds;
public synchronized boolean validate(final @Nullable Collection<ValidationMessage> messages) {
boolean valid= true;
if (this.rHome != null && !new File(this.rHome).exists()) {
if (messages != null) {
messages.add(new ValidationMessage(R_HOME_ID, "The directory does not exist."));
valid= false;
if (this.javaHome != null && !new File(this.javaHome).exists()) {
if (messages != null) {
messages.add(new ValidationMessage(JAVA_HOME_ID, "The directory does not exist."));
valid= false;
if (this.baseWd != null && !new File(this.baseWd).exists()) {
if (messages != null) {
messages.add(new ValidationMessage(BASE_WD_ID, "The directory does not exist."));
valid= false;
if (this.startStopTimeout != -1 && this.startStopTimeout < 0) {
if (messages != null) {
messages.add(new ValidationMessage(STARTSTOP_TIMEOUT__ID, "Value must be > 0 or -1 (infinite)."));
valid= false;
return valid;