blob: 84b367f1d0b17096077ca4461a521e41839b84ee [file] [log] [blame]
(RJ) RServi Development Bundle
== Requirement for all RJ setups ==
The R packages 'rj' and '' (for graphics) must be installed in an R library.
== Content ==
(rservi web application)
Web application providing an RServi pool configurable via web and or JMX.
The pool id is the web context name (so by default rservi).
To start the pool using Tomcat:
1. Put it into the 'webapps' directory of Tomcat
2. Start Tomcat
3. Open the configuration interface in a browser:
The WEB-INF/lib folder can be used also for the standalone server
providing an RServi pool configurable via JMX:
java -cp "*" org.eclipse.statet.rj.servi.pool.StandalonePoolServer <id>
See also the JavaDoc of org.eclipse.statet.rj.servi.pool.StandalonePoolServer.
(demo client)
Binaries of a small demo client to connect to an RServi pool
1. Copy the SWT bundles for your platform into the directory.
2. To start the client run:
java -cp "*" org.eclipse.statet.rj.servi.demo.DemoApp
(source snapshot / webapp+democlient projects)
Eclipse projects with all sources of the web application and demo client
1. Import the projects using the import wizard 'Existing projects into
2. The rj.server project depends on the JRI API. Add the JRI library to the
build path, if required.
To absolutely exclude all Eclipse dependencies, remove the source folders
named 'srcEExtensions' from the build-/class-path.
(eclipse rcp projects)
Eclipse plug-ins (Osgi bundles) relevant for Eclipse RCP client development
and the Eclipse project of the RCP demo application
1. Import the projects using the import wizard 'Existing projects into
2. Load the plug-in target definition '' located in the project
'org.eclipse.statet.rj' project