blob: 362c101207efeae196d6d2c18531e986e0240b4c [file] [log] [blame]
# This file contains area values for TANZANIA UNITED REPUBLIC
# /*********************************************************************************************
# * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# ***********************************************************************************************/
# /**********************************************************************************************
# * Key Format:
# *
# * For level 1 data, the key is the ISO3166-2 code. An ISO3166-2 code is composed as follows:
# * a two letter country code followed by up to three alphanumeric characters for the level 1 administration.
# *
# * For level 2 data, the key is the ISO3166-2 code followed by six digits. The leftmost two digits indicate
# * the level 1 container of a level 2 administration (i.e. California is a level 1 container for Orange County
# * which is a level 2 administration). The two digits were taken from a lexicographic sorting of all the
# * level 1 administrations within a country. Similarly, the four leftmost digits indicate a level 2 administration.
# * Again, these four digits are an index into the lexicographic sorting of all level 2 administrations within
# * a level 1 administration.
# ************************************************************************************************/
# This is the name of the class that will interpret the rest of the file's contents
# The ISO-3166-1 alpha3 code for the country
# The administration level of the area data
# This is the date range for which the area values in this file are valid
# See
VALID = start=1900-01-01;
# This is the source of the data
# Generated using GeoPolygon Raster Scan (PolygonAreaFinder)
# August 20, 2009.
TZ-0-G010001 = 2708.3
TZ-0-G010002 = 423.3
TZ-0-G010003 = 5552.1
TZ-0-G010004 = 3939.6
TZ-0-G010005 = 33495.6
TZ-0-G010006 = 8223.2
TZ-0-G010007 = 16145.0
TZ-0-G010008 = 15129.0
TZ-02-G020001 = 1059.3
TZ-03-G030001 = 16625.8
TZ-03-G030002 = 13305.8
TZ-03-G030003 = 11510.9
TZ-04-G040001 = 26055.7
TZ-04-G040002 = 5734.2
TZ-04-G040003 = 4129.4
TZ-04-G040004 = 9253.9
TZ-04-G040005 = 10936.2
TZ-05-G050001 = 9140.2
TZ-05-G050002 = 6028.2
TZ-05-G050003 = 6964.5
TZ-05-G050004 = 2724.8
TZ-05-G050005 = 4562.7
TZ-06-G060001 = 250.3
TZ-06-G060002 = 288.6
TZ-07-G070001 = 350.5
TZ-07-G070002 = 213.8
TZ-08-G080001 = 9849.1
TZ-08-G080002 = 15703.5
TZ-08-G080003 = 21945.5
TZ-09-G090001 = 2292.5
TZ-09-G090002 = 1391.7
TZ-09-G090003 = 1602.6
TZ-09-G090004 = 1265.9
TZ-09-G090005 = 6046.2
TZ-10-G100001 = 236.0
TZ-10-G100002 = 200.2
TZ-11-G110001 = 461.9
TZ-11-G110002 = 377.9
TZ-12-G220001 = 7960.7
TZ-12-G220002 = 37016.2
TZ-12-G220003 = 18940.2
TZ-2-G120001 = 13059.2
TZ-2-G120002 = 9741.5
TZ-2-G120003 = 37336.7
TZ-2-G120004 = 6152.0
TZ-20-G210001 = 47616.6
TZ-20-G210002 = 13553.8
TZ-20-G210003 = 14349.3
TZ-22-G230001 = 10496.1
TZ-22-G230002 = 19529.7
TZ-22-G230003 = 4219.2
TZ-22-G230004 = 7698.3
TZ-22-G230005 = 9712.4
TZ-23-G240001 = 8024.7
TZ-23-G240002 = 29539.5
TZ-23-G240003 = 13088.5
TZ-24-G250001 = 6482.9
TZ-24-G250002 = 7230.6
TZ-24-G250003 = 40274.1
TZ-24-G250004 = 20804.4
TZ-25-G260001 = 13571.8
TZ-25-G260002 = 4085.7
TZ-25-G260003 = 3489.7
TZ-25-G260004 = 4202.1
TZ-25-G260005 = 1449.2
TZ-25-G260006 = 123.5
TZ-3-G140001 = 2852.5
TZ-3-G140002 = 3511.6
TZ-3-G140003 = 11772.1
TZ-3-G140004 = 3873.8
TZ-4-G150001 = 27828.8
TZ-4-G150002 = 1809.1
TZ-4-G150003 = 935.7
TZ-4-G150004 = 18551.2
TZ-4-G150005 = 10098.6
TZ-4-G150006 = 2474.9
TZ-5-G160001 = 12.4
TZ-5-G160002 = 178.1
TZ-6-G170001 = 14061.3
TZ-6-G170002 = 14105.4
TZ-6-G170003 = 19416.6
TZ-6-G170004 = 23671.8
TZ-7-G180001 = 9855.1
TZ-7-G180002 = 4166.9
TZ-7-G180003 = 3944.3
TZ-8-G190001 = 5936.2
TZ-8-G190002 = 5074.3
TZ-8-G190003 = 2743.8
TZ-8-G190004 = 807.7
TZ-8-G190005 = 2894.9
TZ-8-G190006 = 644.6
TZ-9-G200001 = 9464.1
TZ-9-G200002 = 2127.9
TZ-9-G200003 = 7854.6
TZ-9-G200004 = 457.2
TZ-9-G200005 = 13509.8
TZ-UNK-G000001 = 38034.1
TZ-VI-G000001 = 38034.1