blob: 973323b669a9f766a74785d9a6d99a017daf8bc6 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.stem.definitions.lattice.impl;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.STEMURI;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.common.DublinCore;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.Edge;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.Graph;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.GraphFactory;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.Label;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.Node;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.Activator;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.geo.InlineLatLongDataProvider;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.geo.LatLong;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.geo.LatLong.SegmentBuilder;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.geo.LatLongProvider;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.geo.LatLongProviderAdapter;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.geo.LatLongProviderAdapterFactory;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.labels.AreaLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.labels.LabelsFactory;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.nodes.Region;
* Copyright (c) 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
public class LatticeGeneratorUtilityImpl extends GraphLatticeGenerator {
private static final String URI_SQR_PREFIX = URI_PREFIX+"SQR_";
private static final String URI_GLBL_PREFIX = URI_PREFIX+"GLB_";
* must specify the lattice type
// testing
//static double[][][] ltlg;
public static final double DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = Math.PI/180.0;
public static final String DEFAULT_POPULATION_NAME="human";
public static final double DEFAULT_POPULATION_COUNT = 1.0;
public LatticeGeneratorUtilityImpl(String type) {
* Kilometers per degree latitude.
public static final double KM_PER_DEG_LAT = 40008.629 / 360.0;
* Kilometers per degree latitude.
public static final double KM_PER_DEG_LON = 40008.629 / 360.0;
* returns a square lattice of specified size as a graph
* @param xSize
* @param ySize
* @param area
* @param addNearestNeighbors
* @param addNextNearestNeighbors
* @param periodicBoundaries
* @return
public Graph getGraph(int xSize, int ySize, double area, boolean addNearestNeighbors, boolean addNextNearestNeighbors, boolean periodicBoundaries) {
final Graph graph = GraphFactory.eINSTANCE.createGraph();
final DublinCore dc = graph.getDublinCore();
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("E yyyy.MM.dd 'at' hh:mm:ss a zzz");
String valid = formatter.format(c.getTime());
final Node nodeHolder[][] = new Node[xSize][ySize];
// Create the nodes and put them into the graph
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++) {
final Region regionNode = createRegionNode(URI_SQR_PREFIX, x, y, graph);
// on a square lattice all nodes have area=1.0
final AreaLabel areaLabel = LabelsFactory.eINSTANCE.createAreaLabel();
areaLabel.setURI(STEMURI.createURI(Label.URI_TYPE_LABEL_SEGMENT + "/"+ STEMURI.generateUniquePart()));
nodeHolder[x][y] = regionNode;
} // for each y
} // for each x
// the egde creation required a common border length.
// right now this is an int so set the minimum at 1
// this is NOT actually used in any calculation
// TODO commonBorderLength should be of type double
double borderLength = Math.sqrt(area);
if(borderLength < 1.0 ) borderLength = 1.0;
int commonBorderLength = (int) borderLength;
// If we are including Nearest Neighbors (NN)
if(addNearestNeighbors) {
//Add the edges
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++) {
if((y-1)>=0) {
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][y - 1],nodeHolder[x][y], commonBorderLength);
} else {
if(periodicBoundaries) {
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][ySize - 1],nodeHolder[x][y], commonBorderLength);
if((x-1)>=0) {
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x - 1][y],nodeHolder[x][y], commonBorderLength);
}else {
if(periodicBoundaries) {
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[xSize - 1][y],nodeHolder[x][y], commonBorderLength);
} // for each y
} // for each x
}// NN edges
// If we are including NEXT Nearest Neighbors (NNN)
if(addNextNearestNeighbors) {
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++) {
// uppper right?
if( ((x+1)<xSize) && ((y+1)<ySize) ) {
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][y],nodeHolder[x+1][y+1], commonBorderLength);
} else {
if(periodicBoundaries) {
int x2 = x+1;
int y2 = y+1;
if(x2>=xSize) x2=0;
if(y2>=ySize) y2=0;
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][y],nodeHolder[x2][y2], commonBorderLength);
}// upper right
// lower right
if( ((x+1)<xSize) && ((y-1)>=0) ) {
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][y],nodeHolder[x+1][y-1], commonBorderLength);
} else {
if(periodicBoundaries) {
int x2 = x+1;
int y2 = y-1;
if(x2>=xSize) x2=0;
if(y2 <= -1) y2=ySize-1;
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][y],nodeHolder[x2][y2], commonBorderLength);
} // for each y
} // for each x
}// NNN edges
// Add the spatial polygons to the spatial attribute of each node's
// dublin core instance and for each edge. The value for the nodes will
// be a rectangular area expressed as a set of lat/long points that
// layout a polygon. The position of the polygon will at position that
// matches the position (x, y) of the node in the lattice.
addSpatialSpecifications(nodeHolder, xSize, ySize, area);
assert graph.sane();
return graph;
* Add the spatial specification to the spatial attribute of each node's
* dublin core instance. The value will be a retangular area expressed as a
* set of lat/long points that layout a polygon. The position of the polygon
* will at position that matches the position (x, y) of the node in
* the lattice. Node at position [0][0] will be in the upper left while the
* node at positon [numxs][numys] will be in the lower right of the
* rectangular area.
* @param nodeHolder
* @param xSize
* @param ySize
* @param area
private static void addSpatialSpecifications(final Node[][] nodeHolder, int xSize, int ySize, double area) {
// First run through all of the nodes creating a polygon for their
// border and adding the data as an inline value in the spatial
// attribute of the node's dublin core.
// scale is the scale factor (and twice the step size) for the lattice
double scale = Math.sqrt(area);
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++) {
final Node node = nodeHolder[x][y];
final LatLong nodeSegments = createNodePolygon(x,y,scale);
final String spatialURIString = InlineLatLongDataProvider
} // for each y
} // for each x
} // addSpatialSpecifications
* Add the spatial specification to the spatial attribute of each node's
* dublin core instance. The value will be a retangular area expressed as a
* set of lat/long points that layout a polygon. The position of the polygon
* will at position that matches the position (x, y) of the node in
* the lattice. Node at position [0][0] will be in the upper left while the
* node at positon [numxs][numys] will be in the lower right of the
* rectangular area.
* @param nodeHolder
* @param xSize
* @param ySize
* @param area
private static void addSpatialSpecifications(final Node[][] nodeHolder, int angularStep, int latSize, int lngSize) {
// First run through all of the nodes creating a polygon for their
// border and adding the data as an inline value in the spatial
// attribute of the node's dublin core.
// use equi-angular steps
int offset = angularStep/2;
int lat = -90;
int lng = -180;
for (int x = 0; x < latSize; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < lngSize; y++) {
final Node node = nodeHolder[x][y];
final LatLong nodeSegments = createPlateCarreePolygon(lat+offset,lng+offset,angularStep);
final String spatialURIString = InlineLatLongDataProvider
lng+= angularStep;
} // for each lng
lat+= angularStep;
lng = -180;// reset
} // for each lat
} // addSpatialSpecifications
* @param xi a counter in x
* @param yi a counter in y
* @param scale is the scale factor (and twice the step size) for the lattice
* @return
private static LatLong createNodePolygon(final double xi, double yi, double scale) {
final LatLong retValue = new LatLong();
final SegmentBuilder sb = new SegmentBuilder();
double x = xi*scale/KM_PER_DEG_LON; // convert to lon
double y = yi*scale/KM_PER_DEG_LAT; // convert to lat
double xstep = scale/(2.0*KM_PER_DEG_LON);
double ystep = scale/(2.0*KM_PER_DEG_LAT);
// We just make a square...
sb.add(x-xstep, y+ystep);
sb.add(x+xstep, y+ystep);
sb.add(x+xstep, y-ystep);
sb.add(x-xstep, y-ystep);
return retValue;
} // createNodePolygon
* Almost the same as createNodePolygon
* this code handles the north and south poles in a special way
* @param lat
* @param lng
* @param scale is the scale factor (and twice the step size) for the lattice
* @return
private static LatLong createPlateCarreePolygon(final double lat, double lng, double scale) {
final LatLong retValue = new LatLong();
final SegmentBuilder sb = new SegmentBuilder();
double x = lat;
double y = lng;
double step = scale/2.0;
double xmin = x-step;
double xmax = x+step;
double ymin = y-step;
double ymax = y+step;
if(xmin < -90) xmin = -90;
if(xmax > 90) xmax = 90;
// We just make a lat long space
sb.add(xmin, ymax);
sb.add(xmax, ymax);
sb.add(xmax, ymin);
sb.add(xmin, ymin);
return retValue;
} // createNodePolygon
// /**
// * For testing
// * @param args
// */
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// LatticeGeneratorUtilityImpl slgi = new LatticeGeneratorUtilityImpl(SQR_LATTICE_TYPE);
// //Graph g = slgi.getGraph(10, 10, 1, true, false, true);
// Graph g = slgi.getPlateCareeGraph(10, 100.0, true, false, true);
// Activator.logInformation("graph built save it");
// String graphUriString = "platform:/resource/play/graphs/testingLatticeGraph.graph";
// g.setURI(URI.createURI(graphUriString));
// URI outputURI = URI.createFileURI("/Users/jhkauf/Documents/runtime-stemMacOS.product/play/graphs/sqrLatticeGraph.graph");
// try {
// Utility.serializeIdentifiable(g, outputURI);
// } catch(Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// Activator.logInformation("done");
// }
* @param angularStep
* @param earthRadius
* @param useNearestNeighbors
* @param useNextNearestNeighbors
* @param periodicBoundaries
* @return
public Graph getPlateCareeGraph(int angularStep, double earthRadius,
boolean addNearestNeighbors, boolean addNextNearestNeighbors,
boolean periodicBoundaries) {
final Graph graph = GraphFactory.eINSTANCE.createGraph();
final DublinCore dc = graph.getDublinCore();
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("E yyyy.MM.dd 'at' hh:mm:ss a zzz");
String valid = formatter.format(c.getTime());
int latSize = (180/angularStep);
int lngSize = (360/angularStep);
final Node nodeHolder[][] = new Node[latSize][lngSize];
//ltlg = new double[latSize][lngSize][2];
// Create the nodes and put them into the graph
// we offset the centers so the lines of long/lat are right
// there is no node at either pole, just segments wrapping around
int offset = angularStep/2;
int lat = -90;
int lng = -180;
// for testing
double totalSphereSurfaceArea = 0.0;
for (int x = 0; x < latSize; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < lngSize; y++) {
String latSTR = "";
String lngSTR = "";
if((lat+offset)>=0.0) {
latSTR += (lat+offset)+"N";
} else {
latSTR += Math.abs(lat+offset)+"S";
if((lng+offset)>=0.0) {
lngSTR += (lng+offset)+"E";
} else {
lngSTR += Math.abs(lng+offset)+"W";
final Region regionNode = createRegionNode(URI_GLBL_PREFIX, latSTR, lngSTR, graph);
// test
//ltlg[x][y][0] = lat+offset;
//ltlg[x][y][1] = lng+offset;
final AreaLabel areaLabel = LabelsFactory.eINSTANCE.createAreaLabel();
double area = getAreaOnSphere(lat+offset,lng+offset,angularStep,earthRadius);
totalSphereSurfaceArea+= area;
nodeHolder[x][y] = regionNode;
lng+= angularStep;
} // for each lng
lat+= angularStep;
lng = -180;// reset
} // for each lat
// testing
//Activator.logInformation("Got total AREA = "+totalSphereSurfaceArea+" earth should be 510072000 km2");
// Add the spatial polygons to the spatial attribute of each node's
// dublin core instance and for each edge. The value for the nodes will
// be a rectangular area expressed as a set of lat/long points that
// layout a polygon. The position of the polygon will at position that
// matches the position (x, y) of the node in the lattice.
addSpatialSpecifications(nodeHolder, angularStep, latSize, lngSize);
// If we are including Nearest Neighbors (NN)
if(addNearestNeighbors) {
//Add the edges
for (int x = 0; x < latSize; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < lngSize; y++) {
if((y-1)>=0) {
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][y - 1],nodeHolder[x][y], angularStep);
} else {
if(periodicBoundaries) {
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][lngSize - 1],nodeHolder[x][y], angularStep);
if((x-1)>=0) {
createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x - 1][y],nodeHolder[x][y], angularStep);
// we don't wrap in latitude (x) as north pole is not connected to south
} // for each y
} // for each x
}// NN edges
// If we are including NEXT Nearest Neighbors (NNN)
// TODO no next nearest neighbors for now
// if(addNextNearestNeighbors) {
// for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) {
// for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++) {
// // uppper right?
// if( ((x+1)<xSize) && ((y+1)<ySize) ) {
// createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][y],nodeHolder[x+1][y+1], commonBorderLength);
// } else {
// if(periodicBoundaries) {
// int x2 = x+1;
// int y2 = y+1;
// if(x2>=xSize) x2=0;
// if(y2>=ySize) y2=0;
// createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][y],nodeHolder[x2][y2], commonBorderLength);
// }
// }// upper right
// // lower right
// if( ((x+1)<xSize) && ((y-1)>=0) ) {
// createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][y],nodeHolder[x+1][y-1], commonBorderLength);
// } else {
// if(periodicBoundaries) {
// int x2 = x+1;
// int y2 = y-1;
// if(x2>=xSize) x2=0;
// if(y2 <= -1) y2=ySize-1;
// createEdge(graph,nodeHolder[x][y],nodeHolder[x2][y2], commonBorderLength);
// }
// }
// } // for each y
// } // for each x
// }// NNN edges
assert graph.sane();
//testCommonBorderEdges(graph, 10.0);
return graph;
* area element on sphere is
* dA = (R^2) sin(theta) d(theta) d(phi)
* or
* dA = (R^2) sin(lng)d(lng)d(phi) all in radians
* integrating this the area is
* A = (R^2)[cos(maxLat)-cos(minLat)][maxLng - minLng]
* R is constant as is [maxLng-minLng]
* @param centerLat
* @param centerLng
* @param angularStep
* @param earthRadius
* @return
public double getAreaOnSphere(double centerLat, double centerLng, double angularSize, double radius){
double step = angularSize/2.0;
double minLat = (90.0+centerLat - step)*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; // 0 to pi
double maxLat = (90.0+centerLat + step)*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; // 0 to pi
double minLng = (centerLng - step)*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
double maxLng = (centerLng + step)*DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
final double dLng = Math.abs(maxLng - minLng);
final double r2 = radius*radius;
final double latTerm = Math.cos(maxLat)-Math.cos(minLat);
final double area = r2*dLng*(Math.abs(latTerm));
return area;
* test that the common border edges are sane
* length should be <= sqrt(2) max latice const.
* @param g
* @param maxLatticeConstant
public boolean testCommonBorderEdges(Graph g, double maxLatticeConstant) {
double dmax = 1.01*Math.sqrt(2.0)*maxLatticeConstant;
EMap<URI,Edge> edgeMap = g.getEdges();
Iterator<URI> iter = edgeMap.keySet().iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
URI key =;
Edge e = edgeMap.get(key);
Node nA = e.getA();
Node nB = e.getB();
final LatLongProviderAdapter latLongProviderA = (LatLongProviderAdapter) LatLongProviderAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.adapt(nA, LatLongProvider.class);
double[] aC = latLongProviderA.getCenter();
final LatLongProviderAdapter latLongProviderB = (LatLongProviderAdapter) LatLongProviderAdapterFactory.INSTANCE.adapt(nB, LatLongProvider.class);
double[] bC = latLongProviderB.getCenter();
double r2 = ((aC[0]-bC[0])*(aC[0]-bC[0])) + ((aC[1]-bC[1])*(aC[1]-bC[1]));
double dist = Math.sqrt(r2);
if(dist > dmax) {
// one error is enough to fail
Activator.logInformation("Error - found bond length "+dist+ " xa,ya= "+aC[0]+","+aC[1]+ "=="+bC[0]+","+bC[1]);
return false;
return true;
}// SqrLatticeGeneratorImpl