blob: f59d1b4d92608806dd59bcd2e2c3c0bf83b8b58d [file] [log] [blame]
// //
// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB //
// //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
// //
// Module: EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ILog_Functions
// Purpose:
// This module contains function definitions for EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ILog feature
// Module Parameters:
// -
// Module depends on:
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ILog_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_ILog_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_ILog_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigFunctions>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Functions>
// Current Owner:
// Janos Zoltan Svaner (EJNOSVN)
// Last Review Date:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
module EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ILog_Functions {
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigFunctions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ILog_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_ILog_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_ILog_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_LoggingFunctions all;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_register_DB
// Purpose:
// Calls <f_EPTF_ILog_register_DB>.
// Parameters:
// pl_logItemFn - *in* <EPTF_ILog_LogItem_FT> - callback function reference for saving log items
// pl_paramList - *in* <EPTF_IntegerList> - list of optional parameters
// Return Value:
// *integer* - the index of the new database record in the database list
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_register_DB(
in EPTF_ILog_LogItem_FT pl_logItemFn,
in EPTF_IntegerList pl_paramList := {} )
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT
return integer {
return f_EPTF_ILog_register_DB(pl_logItemFn, pl_paramList);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_newChains
// Purpose:
// This function creates a new chains or reuses an existing free chains for short and detailed chains.
// Sets the elements of the application data assigned to the FSM context.
// Parameters:
// pl_eAbsIdx - *in* integer - entity absolute index
// pl_fsmCtx - *in* integer - FSM ctx index
// pl_logHeaderDetailedFn - *in* <EPTF_ILog_LogHeader_FT> - callback function reference for generating the detailed chain log header
// pl_paramDetailed - *in* <EPTF_IntegerList> - list of detailed chain optional parameters
// pl_logHeaderShortFn - *in* <EPTF_ILog_LogHeader_FT> - callback function reference for generating the short chain log header
// pl_paramShort - *in* <EPTF_IntegerList> - list of short chain optional parameters
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_newChains(
in integer pl_eAbsIdx,
in integer pl_fsmCtx,
in EPTF_ILog_LogHeader_FT pl_logHeaderDetailedFn := null,
in EPTF_IntegerList pl_paramDetailed := {},
in EPTF_ILog_LogHeader_FT pl_logHeaderShortFn := null,
in EPTF_IntegerList pl_paramShort := {})
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
// check previous data existance
if( (c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_appDataIdForDetailedChainIdId<f_EPTF_LGenBase_getAppDataSizeOfFsmCtx(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_bIdx)) and
(f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, short)!=-1 or f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, detailed)!=-1)){
f_EPTF_Common_warning(%definitionId & c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_unprocesedChains);
var integer vl_chainId := f_EPTF_ILog_newChain(c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_shortChain, short, pl_logHeaderShortFn, pl_paramShort);
f_EPTF_LGenBase_setAppDataItemOfFsmCtx( pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_bIdx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_appDataIdForShortChainIdId, vl_chainId);
vl_chainId := f_EPTF_ILog_newChain(c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_detailedChainName, detailed, pl_logHeaderDetailedFn, pl_paramDetailed);
f_EPTF_LGenBase_setAppDataItemOfFsmCtx( pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_bIdx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_appDataIdForDetailedChainIdId, vl_chainId);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId
// Purpose:
// Returns an element of the application data assigned to the FSM context
// Parameters:
// pl_eAbsIdx - *in* integer - entity absolute index
// pl_fsmCtx - *in* integer - FSM ctx index
// pl_type - *in* <EPTF_ILog_chainType> - chain type: detailed | short
// Return Value:
// *integer* - the application specific data of the requested chain
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(
in integer pl_eAbsIdx,
in integer pl_fsmCtx,
in EPTF_ILog_chainType pl_type
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT
return integer{
if( f_EPTF_LGenBase_getAppDataSizeOfFsmCtx(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_bIdx)<=enum2int(pl_type) ){
return -1; // no chain found
if(pl_type == short){
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_getAppDataItemOfFsmCtx(pl_eAbsIdx,pl_fsmCtx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_bIdx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_appDataIdForShortChainIdId);
} else {
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_getAppDataItemOfFsmCtx(pl_eAbsIdx,pl_fsmCtx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_bIdx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_appDataIdForDetailedChainIdId);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_addToChainsBase
// Purpose:
// Add element(s) short and or detailed chain Id(s) to the chains that are given in the test step arguments.
// Parameters:
// pl_eAbsIdx - *in* integer - entity absolute index
// pl_fsmCtx - *in* integer - FSM ctx index
// pl_dbIdx - *in* integer - the database id that stores the log elements of the chain
// Return Value:
// *integer*
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_addToChainsBase(
in integer pl_eAbsIdx,
in integer pl_fsmCtx,
in integer pl_dbIdx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT
return integer{
var EPTF_IntegerList vl_chains := {};
var integer vl_chainId := -1;
var boolean vl_allValidChains := true;
if(f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_shortLogEnabled(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx)){
vl_chainId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, short);
if(vl_chainId != -1){ vl_chains[sizeof(vl_chains)] := vl_chainId; } else {vl_allValidChains := false;}
vl_chainId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, detailed);
if(vl_chainId != -1){ vl_chains[sizeof(vl_chains)] := vl_chainId; } else {vl_allValidChains := false;}
var integer vl_elementIdx := f_EPTF_ILog_addToChains(pl_dbIdx, vl_chains);
// FIXME: fix artf235361 // f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_disableShortLogBase(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx);
if(vl_allValidChains == false){
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingDebugTraffic(%definitionId & c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_noValidWarning);
return vl_elementIdx;
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_addToChains
// Purpose:
// Calls the f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_addToChainsBase function to add elements to the chains listed in the pl_ptr
// Parameters:
// pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - record type for test step arguments
// pl_dbIdx - *in* integer - the database id that stores the log elements of the chain
// Return Value:
// *integer* - the index of the created item in the user side database, or -1 if the pl_dbIdx or the chain list
// does not contain valid chain id or the chain list is empty and there is no chain in use
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_addToChains(
in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr,
in integer pl_dbIdx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT
return integer{
var integer vl_eAbsIdx := pl_ptr.eIdx;
var integer vl_fsmCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
return f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_addToChainsBase(vl_eAbsIdx, vl_fsmCtx, pl_dbIdx);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_step_logSuccess
// Purpose:
// logSuccess STEP
// Calls the f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logSuccess function.
// Parameters:
// pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - record type for test step arguments
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_step_logSuccess(
in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
var integer vl_eAbsIdx := pl_ptr.eIdx;
var integer vl_fsmCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logSuccess(vl_eAbsIdx, vl_fsmCtx);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logSuccess
// Purpose:
// The function creates the log from the items of the short chain and deletes it from the detailed chain.
// Parameters:
// pl_eAbsIdx - *in* integer - entity absolute index
// pl_fsmCtx - *in* integer - FSM ctx index
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logSuccess(
in integer pl_eAbsIdx,
in integer pl_fsmCtx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
var boolean vl_allValidChains := true;
var integer vl_chainId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, short);
if(vl_chainId != -1){v_lastLogRet := f_EPTF_ILog_logChain( vl_chainId );} else {vl_allValidChains := false;}
vl_chainId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, detailed);
if(vl_chainId != -1){v_lastLogRet := f_EPTF_ILog_deleteChain( vl_chainId );} else {vl_allValidChains := false;}
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_deleteChainIds(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx);
if(vl_allValidChains == false){
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingDebugTraffic(%definitionId & c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_noValidWarning);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_step_logFailed
// Purpose:
// logFailed STEP
// The function calls the f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logFailed function.
// Parameters:
// pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - record type for test step arguments
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_step_logFailed(
in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
var integer vl_eAbsIdx := pl_ptr.eIdx;
var integer vl_fsmCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logFailed(vl_eAbsIdx, vl_fsmCtx);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logFailed
// Purpose:
// The function creates the log from the items of the short and detailed chain.
// Parameters:
// pl_eAbsIdx - *in* integer - entity absolute index
// pl_fsmCtx - *in* integer - FSM ctx index
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logFailed(
in integer pl_eAbsIdx,
in integer pl_fsmCtx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
var boolean vl_allValidChains := true;
var integer vl_chainId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, short);
if(vl_chainId != -1){v_lastLogRet := f_EPTF_ILog_logChain( vl_chainId );} else {vl_allValidChains := false;}
vl_chainId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, detailed);
if(vl_chainId != -1){v_lastLogRet := f_EPTF_ILog_logChain( vl_chainId );} else {vl_allValidChains := false;}
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_deleteChainIds(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx);
if(vl_allValidChains == false){
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingDebugTraffic(%definitionId & c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_noValidWarning);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_step_deleteLog
// Purpose:
// deleteLog STEP
// The function calls the f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_deleteLog function.
// Parameters:
// pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - record type for test step arguments
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_step_deleteLog(
in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
var integer vl_eAbsIdx := pl_ptr.eIdx;
var integer vl_fsmCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_deleteLog(vl_eAbsIdx, vl_fsmCtx);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_deleteLog
// Purpose:
// The function deletes the log from the items of the short and detailed chain.
// Parameters:
// pl_eAbsIdx - *in* integer - entity absolute index
// pl_fsmCtx - *in* integer - FSM ctx index
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_deleteLog(
in integer pl_eAbsIdx,
in integer pl_fsmCtx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
var boolean vl_allValidChains := true;
var integer vl_chainId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, short);
if(vl_chainId != -1){v_lastLogRet := f_EPTF_ILog_deleteChain( vl_chainId );} else {vl_allValidChains := false;}
vl_chainId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_getChainId(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, detailed);
if(vl_chainId != -1){v_lastLogRet := f_EPTF_ILog_deleteChain( vl_chainId );} else {vl_allValidChains := false;}
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_deleteChainIds(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx);
if(vl_allValidChains == false){
f_EPTF_Common_warning(%definitionId & c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_noValidWarning);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_step_shortLogNext
// Purpose:
// shortLogNext STEP
// Sets an element of the application data assigned to the FSM context: enable short log
// Parameters:
// pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - record type for test step arguments
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_step_shortLogNext(
in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
var integer vl_shortChainId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getAppDataItemOfFsmCtx(pl_ptr.eIdx,pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_bIdx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_appDataIdForShortChainIdId);
if(vl_shortChainId != -1) {
} else {
f_EPTF_Common_warning(%definitionId & c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_noValidWarning);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_disableShortLog
// Purpose:
// disableShortLog STEP
// Disable short log: sets an element of the application data assigned to the FSM context.
// Parameters:
// pl_eAbsIdx - *in* integer - entity absolute index
// pl_fsmCtx - *in* integer - FSM ctx index
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_disableShortLogBase(
in integer pl_eAbsIdx,
in integer pl_fsmCtx)
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
var integer vl_shortChainId := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getAppDataItemOfFsmCtx(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_bIdx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_appDataIdForShortChainIdId);
if(vl_shortChainId != -1) {
} else {
f_EPTF_LGenBase_loggingDebugTraffic(%definitionId & c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_noValidWarning);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_disableShortLog
// Purpose:
// Calls the f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_disableShortLogBase function to disable short log.
// Parameters:
// pl_ptr - *in* <EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs> - record type for test step arguments
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_disableShortLog( in EPTF_LGenBase_TestStepArgs pl_ptr)
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
var integer vl_eAbsIdx := pl_ptr.eIdx;
var integer vl_fsmCtx := pl_ptr.refContext.fCtxIdx;
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_disableShortLogBase(vl_eAbsIdx, vl_fsmCtx);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_shortLogEnabled
// Purpose:
// gets short log enabled state
// Parameters:
// pl_eAbsIdx - *in* integer - entity absolute index
// pl_fsmCtx - *in* integer - FSM ctx index
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true if short log enabled else returned false
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_shortLogEnabled(
in integer pl_eAbsIdx,
in integer pl_fsmCtx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT
return boolean{
if (f_EPTF_LGenBase_isvalueAppDataItemOfFsmCtx(
)) {
var integer vl_shortLogEnabled := f_EPTF_LGenBase_getAppDataItemOfFsmCtx(
return (vl_shortLogEnabled==c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_enableShortLog);
} else {return false;}
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_deleteChainIds
// Purpose:
// delete chain idxs in FSM context
// Parameters:
// pl_eAbsIdx - *in* integer - entity absolute index
// pl_fsmCtx - *in* integer - FSM ctx index
private function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_deleteChainIds(
in integer pl_eAbsIdx,
in integer pl_fsmCtx
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT{
f_EPTF_LGenBase_setAppDataItemOfFsmCtx(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_bIdx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_appDataIdForShortChainIdId, -1);
f_EPTF_LGenBase_setAppDataItemOfFsmCtx(pl_eAbsIdx, pl_fsmCtx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_bIdx, c_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_appDataIdForDetailedChainIdId, -1);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logHeaderDetailed
// Purpose:
// Callback function for creating log header for the detailed log chains.
// Parameters:
// pl_chainId - *in* *integer* - chain Id of the logged chain
// pl_param - *in* <EPTF_IntegerList> - parameter list for the logged chain
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logHeaderDetailed( in integer pl_chainId, in EPTF_IntegerList pl_param)
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT {
if(tsp_EPTF_ILog_logFileName != "") {
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logToFile("-------------------------- Detailed Log : chain#" & log2str(pl_chainId) & " " & log2str(f_EPTF_ILog_getName(pl_chainId)) & " of Traffic Case: " & log2str(f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTcUniqueNameByTcIdx(f_EPTF_LGenBase_tcIdxOfFSM(pl_param[0], pl_param[1]))) & ", of Entity#" & log2str(pl_param[0]) & " --------------------------", v_logFileName);
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logToFile("-------------------------- Details ---------------------------", v_logFileName);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logHeaderShort
// Purpose:
// Callback function for creating log header for the short log chains.
// Parameters:
// pl_chainId - *in* *integer* - chain Id of the logged chain
// pl_param - *in* <EPTF_IntegerList> - parameter list for the logged chain
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logHeaderShort( in integer pl_chainId, in EPTF_IntegerList pl_param)
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT {
if(tsp_EPTF_ILog_logFileName != "") {
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logToFile("---------------------------Short Log : chain#" & log2str(pl_chainId) & "--------------------------", v_logFileName);
f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logToFile("-------------------------- TC: " & log2str(f_EPTF_LGenBase_getTcUniqueNameByTcIdx(f_EPTF_LGenBase_tcIdxOfFSM(pl_param[0], pl_param[1]))) & ", Entity#" & log2str(pl_param[0]) & " --------------------------", v_logFileName);
// Function: f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logToFile
// Purpose:
// Function to write the ilog logitems to file.
// Parameters:
// pl_fileName - *in* *charstring* - name of the log file
// pl_logItem - *in* *harstring* - charstring to write to file
public function f_EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_logToFile( in charstring pl_logItem, in charstring pl_fileName := tsp_EPTF_ILog_logFileName)
runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT {
f_EPTF_ILog_logToFile(pl_logItem, pl_fileName);
// Function: f_EPTF_Time
// Purpose:
// Create timestamp.
// Parameters:
// --
public function f_EPTF_Time() runs on EPTF_LGenBase_Private_CT return charstring{
return f_EPTF_ILog_Time();
} // module EPTF_LGenBase_ILog_Functions