| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| // //
| // Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB // |
| // // |
| // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials // |
| // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 // |
| // which accompanies this distribution, and is available at // |
| // https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html //
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| // Module: EPTF_DataSource_Test_Definitions
| //
| // Purpose:
| // This module provides definitions for testing DataSource
| //
| // Module depends on:
| // -
| //
| // Current Owner:
| // TitanSim Group
| //
| // Last Review Date:
| // -
| //
| // Detailed Comments:
| // Provide definitions to test
| //
| //
| ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| module EPTF_DataSource_Test_Definitions
| {
| import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
| import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions all;
| import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions all;
| import from EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Definitions all;
| import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
| const charstring c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_var_prefix := "GUIDataSourceVar_";
| //TODO: ez itt nagyon nem stimmt. XML kene legyen, vagy ezt kell encodolni, hogy jo legyen.
| // charstring, ELSZSKU-tol kerni mintat, azt kiegesziteni az adott esetnek megfeleloen
| /*/
| const charstring c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_nothingspecial := "
| <window xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl' height='386.000000' id='EPTF_Main_Window' orientation='vertical' title='TTCN constructed window' width='820.000000'>
| <hbox id='EPTF_Main_hbox' orientation='vertical'>
| <tabbox id='Execution_Control.tabbox' layout='LISTCARD'>
| <tabs>
| <iteratordata element='LGenList' id='LGen' source='ExecCtrl'/>
| <tab id='Execution_Control.Clients.%LGen%.tab' label='%LGen%'/>
| <!-- <tab id='Execution_Control.EG.tab' label='Entity groups'/> -->
| <!-- <tab id='Execution_Control.LGens.tab' label='Clients'/> -->
| </tabs>
| <tabpanels>
| <iteratordata element='LGenList' id='LGen' source='ExecCtrl'/>
| <tabpanel orientation='vertical'>
| <hbox id='Execution_Control.EG.data' orientation='vertical'>
| <iterator element='EntityGroups' id='EGList' source='ExecCtrl'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='%EGList% count:'/>
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='EPTF_ExecCtrl.EG.%EGList%.count' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='EntityCount' source='ExecCtrl'>
| <params>
| <dataparam>%EGList%</dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| </iterator>
| </hbox>
| </tabpanel>
| </tabpanels>
| </tabbox>
| </hbox>
| </window>
| ";
| /*/
| const charstring c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_nothingspecial :=
| "<window xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl' height='386.000000' id='EPTF_Main_Window' orientation='vertical' title='TTCN constructed window' width='820.000000'>"&
| "<!-- <Widgets xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl'> -->"&
| " <hbox id='EPTF_Main_hbox' orientation='vertical' flex='1'>"&
| " <tabbox id='Execution_Control.tabbox' layout='LISTCARD' flex='1'>"&
| " <tabs>"&
| " <tab id='Execution_Control.EG.tab' label='Entity groups'/>"&
| " <tab id='Execution_Control.LGens.tab' label='Clients'/>"&
| " </tabs>"&
| " <tabpanels>"&
| " <tabpanel orientation='vertical'>"&
| " <hbox id='Execution_Control.EG.LIST.data' orientation='vertical' flex='1'>"&
| " <iterator element='EntityGroups' id='EGList' source='ExecCtrl'>"&
| " <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='%EGList% count:'/>"&
| " <textbox flex='1.000000' id='EPTF_ExecCtrl.EG.%EGList%.count' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>"&
| " <externaldata element='EntityCount' source='ExecCtrl'>"&
| " <params>"&
| " <dataparam name='EntityGroup' value='%EGList%'/>"&
| " </params>"&
| " </externaldata>"&
| " </textbox>"&
| " </iterator>"&
| " </hbox>"&
| " </tabpanel>"&
| " <tabpanel orientation='vertical'>"&
| " <tabbox id='Execution_Control.Clients.tabbox' layout='LISTCARD' flex='1'>"&
| " <tabs>"&
| " <iteratordata element='LGenList' id='LGen' source='ExecCtrl'/>"&
| " <tab id='Execution_Control.Clients.%LGen%.tab' label='%LGen%'/>"&
| " </tabs>"&
| " <tabpanels>"&
| " <iteratordata element='LGenList' id='LGen' source='ExecCtrl'/>"&
| " <tabpanel orientation='vertical'>"&
| " <tabbox id='Execution_Control.Clients.EGroups.%LGen%.tabbox' layout='LISTCARD' flex='1'>"&
| " <tabs>"&
| " <iteratordata element='EntityGroups' id='EGrp' ptcname='%LGen%' source='LGenBase'/>"&
| " <tab id='Execution_Control.Clients.%LGen%.%EGrp%.tab' label='%EGrp%'/>"&
| " </tabs>"&
| " <tabpanels>"&
| " <iteratordata element='EntityGroups' id='EGrp' ptcname='%LGen%' source='LGenBase'/>"&
| " <tabpanel orientation='vertical'>"&
| " <tabbox id='Execution_Control.Clients.%LGen%.%EGrp%.Scenarios.tabbox' layout='LISTCARD' flex='1'>"&
| " <tabs>"&
| " <iteratordata element='Scenarios' id='Scenario' ptcname='%LGen%' source='LGenBase'>"&
| " <params>"&
| " <dataparam name='EntityGroup' value='%EGrp%'/>"&
| " </params>"&
| " </iteratordata>"&
| " <tab id='Execution_Control.Clients.%LGen%.%EGrp%.%Scenario%.tab' label='%LGen%.%EGrp%.%Scenario%'/>"&
| " </tabs>"&
| " <tabpanels>"&
| " <iteratordata element='Scenarios' id='Scenario' ptcname='%LGen%' source='LGenBase'>"&
| " <params>"&
| " <dataparam name='EntityGroup' value='%EGrp%'/>"&
| " </params>"&
| " </iteratordata>"&
| " <tabpanel orientation='vertical'>"&
| " </tabpanel>"&
| " </tabpanels>"&
| " </tabbox>"&
| " </tabpanel>"&
| " </tabpanels>"&
| " </tabbox>"&
| " </tabpanel>"&
| " </tabpanels>"&
| " </tabbox>"&
| " </tabpanel>"&
| " </tabpanels>"&
| " </tabbox>"&
| " </hbox>"&
| "<!--</Widgets>-->"&
| "</window>"
| ;
| /*/
| /*
| tabpanelben legyen benne
| <tree id='Execution_Control.Clients.%LGen%.%Scenario%.TCtree' rows='3.000000'>
| <treecols>
| <treecol editable='false' flex='1.000000' label='TC name' widgetType='string'/>
| <treecol editable='false' flex='1.000000' label='Enabled' widgetType='checkBox'/>
| <treecol editable='false' flex='1.000000' label='State' widgetType='string'/>
| </treecols>
| <treechildren>
| <treeitem>
| <iteratordata element='TrafficCases' id='TC' ptcname='%LGen%' source='LGenBase'>
| <params>
| <dataparam>%EGrp%</dataparam>
| <dataparam>%Scenario%</dataparam>
| </params>
| </iteratordata>
| <treerow>
| <treecell id='%LGen%.%EG%.%Scenario%.%TC%.TCName' label='' tooltiptext=''>
| <externaldata element='TCName' ptcname='%LGen%' source='LGenBase'>
| <params>
| <dataparam>%EG%</dataparam>
| <dataparam>%Scenario%</dataparam>
| <dataparam>%TC%</dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </treecell>
| <treecell id='%LGen%.%EG%.%Scenario%.%TC%.Enabled' label='false' tooltiptext=''>
| <externaldata element='TCEnabled' ptcname='%LGen%' source='LGenBase'>
| <params>
| <dataparam>%EG%</dataparam>
| <dataparam>%Scenario%</dataparam>
| <dataparam>%TC%</dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </treecell>
| <treecell id='%LGen%.%EG%.%Scenario%.%TC%.StateName' label='Idle' tooltiptext=''>
| <externaldata element='TCStateName' ptcname='%LGen%' source='LGenBase'>
| <params>
| <dataparam>%EG%</dataparam>
| <dataparam>%Scenario%</dataparam>
| <dataparam>%TC%</dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </treecell>
| </treerow>
| </treeitem>
| </treechildren>
| </tree>
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider1 := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider1_result := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider2 := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider2_result := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider3 := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider3_result := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_notRegisteredProvider := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_notRegisteredProvider_result := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider_notValidIterator := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider_notValidIterator_result := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider_twoIterators := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider_twoIterators_result := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider_notValidDataType := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider_notValidDataType_result := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider_twoDataTypes := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| const XTDP_XML_Tag c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_XUL_registeredProvider_twoDataTypes_result := {xtdp_hbox := {}};
| */
| type component EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Client_CT extends EPTF_Base_CT, EPTF_Var_CT, EPTF_DataSourceClient_CT {
| var charstring v_Status :="";
| }
| type component EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Source_CT extends EPTF_DataSource_CT,EPTF_DataSourceClient_CT,EPTF_Var_CT {
| timer t_altwait := 1.0;
| }
| type component EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_Client_CT extends EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Client_CT {
| timer t_periodicUpdate := 1.2345;
| }
| //this component is used in NonBlocking testcases on DataSource Server
| type component EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_NonBlocking_CT extends EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Source_CT, EPTF_CLL_Test_NonBlocking_CT {}
| //this component is used in NonBlocking testcases on DataSource Client
| type component EPTF_CLL_DataSourceClient_Test_NonBlocking_CT extends EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_Client_CT, EPTF_CLL_Test_NonBlocking_CT {}
| type record of EPTF_Var_DirectContent EPTF_Var_DirectContentList;
| //this component is used in NonBlocking testcases
| type component EPTF_CLL_Test_NonBlocking_CT extends EPTF_Base_CT, EPTF_Logging_CT, EPTF_Var_CT {
| var EPTF_BooleanList v_Test_NonBlocking_listCalled := {}; //the element of this list is initialized in the testcase and the handler can check its state
| var EPTF_BooleanList v_Test_NonBlocking_handlerCalled := {}; //the element of this list is initialized in the testcase and the handler can check its state
| var EPTF_Var_DirectContentList v_Test_NonBlocking_expectedValueList := {}; //the elements are the expected value of the test checked in the handler
| var EPTF_Var_DirectContentList v_Test_NonBlocking_valueToSetList := {}; //the elements are the values that are set to the variables during the test
| var EPTF_CharstringList v_Test_NonBlocking_testDescriptionList := {}; //the elements are the descriptions of the tests
| var EPTF_Var_CT v_Test_NonBlocking_clientRef; //reference to client DataSource used for test purposes
| var EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_NonBlocking_requestList v_Test_NonBlocking_ReqList := {}; //request params
| }
| type union EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_NonBlocking_Handler {
| fcb_EPTF_DataSource_getDataHandler dataHandler,
| fcb_EPTF_DataSource_getDataValueHandler dataValueHandler
| };
| type record EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_NonBlocking_request {
| charstring source,
| charstring ptcName,
| charstring element,
| charstring method,
| EPTF_DataSource_Params params,
| EPTF_IntegerList indexList
| };
| type record of EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_NonBlocking_request EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_NonBlocking_requestList;
| // indexes of userData array in handler functions
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_UserData_Index_Positive := 0;
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_UserData_Index_NonBlockingEffect := 1;
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_UserData_Index_TestIndex := 2;
| // these are used in nonBlocking testcases to indicate if the test behaves as blocking function
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_Without_Effect := 0;
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_With_NonBlocking_Effect := 1;
| // these are used to indicate that the test is positive or negative.
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_Negative := 0;
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_Positive := 1;
| //these constants indicates if the ret value should be ok or not |
| const EPTF_Var_DirectContent c_Test_NonBlocking_UserData_ExpectedValue_NOT_SET := {unknownVal := {omit}};
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_UserData_ExpectedValue_builtIn := 3;
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_UserData_ExpectedValue_2 := 4;
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_UserData_ExpectedValue_UnexpectedError := 5; |
| //these constants indicate the handler function type
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_Callable_Function_getCondition := 0;
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_Callable_Function_getConditionClient := 1;
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_Callable_Function_checkData := 2;
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_Callable_Function_getDataValue := 3;
| const integer c_Test_NonBlocking_Callable_Function_setDataValue := 4;
| const EPTF_Var_DirectContent c_Test_NonBlocking_NOTHING_TO_SET := {unknownVal := {omit}};
| //it is used to generate error on handler, when this parameter is in the list of params the handler will return errorcode
| const charstring c_TestNonBlocking_BuiltIn_Error_paramName := "errorParam";
| template charstring t_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_CheckGUIVariable_Manual_XUL(charstring pl_mainWindowWidgetId,charstring pl_PTCName := "") :=
| "
| <Widgets xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl'>
| <window height='386.000000' id='"&pl_mainWindowWidgetId&"' orientation='vertical' title='TTCN constructed window' width='820.000000'>
| <hbox id='EPTF_Main_hbox' orientation='vertical'>
| <hbox id='Params' orientation='vertical'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Available variables in PTC "&pl_PTCName&"' />
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var.AllVars.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider' ptcname='"&pl_PTCName&"'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='allVar'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| <iterator element='VarList' id='VarList' source='VarProvider' ptcname='"&pl_PTCName&"'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Value of %VarList% :'/>
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var.%VarList%.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider' ptcname='"&pl_PTCName&"'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='%VarList%'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| </iterator>
| </hbox>
| </hbox>
| </window>
| </Widgets>
| ";
| // this is a good XUL. It contains two iterators with different ID:
| const charstring c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_CheckTwoIteratorsWithDifferentID_XUL := "
| <Widgets xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl'>
| <window xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl' height='386.000000' id='EPTF_Main_Window' orientation='vertical' title='TTCN constructed window' width='820.000000'>
| <hbox id='EPTF_Main_hbox' orientation='vertical'>
| <hbox id='Params' orientation='vertical'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Available variables' />
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var.AllVars.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='allVar'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| <iterator element='VarList' id='VarList' source='VarProvider'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Value of %VarList% :'/>
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var.%VarList%.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='%VarList%'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| </iterator>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Dummy %VarList%'/>
| <iterator element='VarList' id='VarList2' source='VarProvider'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Value of %VarList2% :'/>
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var2.%VarList2%.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='%VarList2%'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| </iterator>
| </hbox>
| </hbox>
| </window>
| </Widgets>
| ";
| // this is an erroneus XUL for negative testing. It contains two iterators with the same ID but not included in each other:
| const charstring c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_CheckTwoIteratorsWithSameID_XUL := "
| <Widgets xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl'>
| <window xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl' height='386.000000' id='EPTF_Main_Window' orientation='vertical' title='TTCN constructed window' width='820.000000'>
| <hbox id='EPTF_Main_hbox' orientation='vertical'>
| <hbox id='Params' orientation='vertical'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Available variables' />
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var.AllVars.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='allVar'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| <iterator element='VarList' id='VarList' source='VarProvider'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Value of %VarList% :'/>
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var.%VarList%.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='%VarList%'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| </iterator>
| <iterator element='VarList' id='VarList' source='VarProvider'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Value of %VarList% :'/>
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var2.%VarList%.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='%VarList%'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| </iterator>
| </hbox>
| </hbox>
| </window>
| </Widgets>
| ";
| // this is an erroneus XUL for negative testing. It contains two iterators with the same ID but not included in each other:
| const charstring c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_CheckTwoIteratorsWithSameID_Inside_XUL := "
| <Widgets xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl'>
| <window xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl' height='386.000000' id='EPTF_Main_Window' orientation='vertical' title='TTCN constructed window' width='820.000000'>
| <hbox id='EPTF_Main_hbox' orientation='vertical'>
| <hbox id='Params' orientation='vertical'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Available variables' />
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var.AllVars.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='allVar'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| <iterator element='VarList' id='VarList' source='VarProvider'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Value of %VarList% :'/>
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var.%VarList%.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='%VarList%'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| <iterator element='VarList' id='VarList' source='VarProvider'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Value of %VarList% :'/>
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='Var2.%VarList%.value' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata element='VarValue' source='VarProvider'>
| <params>
| <dataparam name='VarValue' value='%VarList%'></dataparam>
| </params>
| </externaldata>
| </textbox>
| </iterator>
| </iterator>
| </hbox>
| </hbox>
| </window>
| </Widgets>
| ";
| const charstring c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_CheckDistributionChart_Manual_XUL := "
| <Widgets xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl'>
| <hbox id='EPTF_Main_hbox' orientation='vertical'>
| <hbox id='Params' orientation='vertical'>
| <label disabled='false' flex='0.000000' value='Available variables' />
| <distributionchart
| disabled='false' flex='1.000000'
| id='EPTF_ExecCtrl.Statistics.DistributionChart'
| title='Distribution Chart Wave'>
| <intervallimits id='ILimitsId' >
| <value>0.0</value>
| <value>1.0</value>
| <value>2.0</value>
| <value>3.0</value>
| <value>4.0</value>
| <value>5.0</value>
| <value>6.0</value>
| <value>7.0</value>
| <value>8.0</value>
| <value>9.0</value>
| <value>10.0</value>
| <value>11.0</value>
| <value>12.0</value>
| <value>13.0</value>
| <value>14.0</value>
| <value>15.0</value>
| <value>16.0</value>
| <value>17.0</value>
| <value>18.0</value>
| <value>19.0</value>
| <value>20.0</value>
| <value>21.0</value>
| <value>22.0</value>
| <value>23.0</value>
| </intervallimits>
| <valuelist color='red'
| id='EPTF_ExecCtrl.Statistics.DistributionChart.Value' legend='densityFreeTime'>
| <externaldata element='Wave' source='CheckDistributionChart_Provider' />
| </valuelist>
| </distributionchart>
| <textbox flex='1.000000' id='DistChartData' multiline='false' readonly='true' value=''>
| <externaldata
| element='Wave' source='CheckDistributionChart_Provider'/>
| </textbox>
| </hbox>
| </hbox>
| </Widgets>
| ";
| const charstring c_EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Test_CheckChart_Manual_XUL := "
| <Widgets xmlns='http://ttcn.ericsson.se/protocolModules/xtdp/xtdl'>
| <hbox id='EPTF_Main_hbox' orientation='vertical'>
| <hbox id='Params' orientation='vertical'>
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