blob: cac60489ab338b19ffa394bfd4dd597823b20060 [file] [log] [blame]
// //
// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB //
// //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
// //
// Module: EPTF_CLL_TransportIPL4_Definitions
// Purpose:
// -
// Module Parameters:
// tsp_EPTF_TransportIPL4_sctpReestablishmentTime - *float* - time gap between two reestablishment try. 0.0 means disabled
// Module depends on:
// <EPTF_CLL_Transport_CommonDefinitions>
// <IPL4asp_Types>
// <IPL4asp_PortType>
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_TransportMessageBufferManager_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_RBTScheduler_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_HashMap_Definitions>
// Current Owner:
// Last Review Date:
// 2009-02-20
// Detailed Comments:
module EPTF_CLL_TransportIPL4_Definitions
import from EPTF_CLL_Transport_CommonDefinitions all;
import from IPL4asp_Types all;
import from IPL4asp_PortType all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_TransportMessageBufferManager_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_RBTScheduler_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_HashMap_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Transport_IPsecHandler_Definitions all;
modulepar float tsp_EPTF_TransportIPL4_sctpReestablishmentTime := 0.0;
// Data Types
// Group: EPTF_TransportIPL4_Definitions
// Purpose:
// The definitions of the IPL4 communication port component
group EPTF_TransportIPL4_Definitions {
// const: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenTypesHashMapName
// Purpose:
// constant for the name of hashmap storing LGen types
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenTypesHashMapName := "EPTF_TransportIPL4:LGenTypes hashmap";
// const: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoHashMapName
// Purpose:
// constant for the name of hashmap storing connection information
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoHashMapName := "EPTF_TransportIPL4:connections hashmap";
// Type: f_EPTF_TransportIPL4_messageProcess_FT
// Purpose:
// Function type to register callback functions
// Elements:
// -
type function f_EPTF_TransportIPL4_messageProcess_FT () runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfo
// Purpose:
// Record for storing LGen Informations
// Elements:
// msgHandler - <f_EPTF_TransportIPL4_messageProcess_FT> - message handler function
// eventHandler - <f_EPTF_TransportIPL4_messageProcess_FT> - event handler function
// msgLenCalc - <EPTF_TransportIPL4_getMsgLen> - message length calculating function
// defaultBufferingHandlerActivated - *boolean* - whether the default buffering handler was activated for this LGenType
// Detailed Comments:
type record EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfo
f_EPTF_TransportIPL4_messageProcess_FT msgHandlerOldFn,
f_EPTF_TransportIPL4_messageProcess_FT eventHandlerOldFn,
EPTF_Transport_MsgCallback_FT msgHandlerNewFn,
EPTF_Transport_EventCallback_FT eventHandlerNewFn,
EPTF_TransportIPL4_getMsgLen msgLenCalc,
boolean defaultBufferingHandlerActivated,
EPTF_Transport_ConnectionOpened_FT connOpenedFn,
EPTF_Transport_ConnectionClosed_FT connClosedFn
// const: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfo_init
// Purpose:
// constant for initialize the LGen Info
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfo c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfo_init :=
msgHandlerOldFn := null,
eventHandlerOldFn := null,
msgHandlerNewFn := null,
eventHandlerNewFn := null,
msgLenCalc := c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_emptyGetMsgLen,
defaultBufferingHandlerActivated := false,
connOpenedFn := null,
connClosedFn := null
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_getMsgLen
// Purpose:
// Stores the message length calculation function and its parameters.
// Elements:
// getMsgLen - <f_IPL4_getMsgLen> - the function reference
// getMsgLenArgs - <ro_integer> - the function arguments
// Detailed Comments:
// - Using the old API functions, the getMsgLenFn will be set to null,
// the getMsgLenOldAPI will contain the callback function
// - Using the new API functions, the getMsgLenFn will be set to a
// wrapper function, which calls the appropriate getMsgLenFn
type record EPTF_TransportIPL4_getMsgLen
EPTF_Transport_GetMsgLen_FT getMsgLenNewFn,
f_IPL4_getMsgLen getMsgLenOldAPIFn,
ro_integer getMsgLenOldArgs,
EPTF_IntegerList getMsgLenNewArgs
const EPTF_TransportIPL4_getMsgLen c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_emptyGetMsgLen :={null, null, {}, {}}
// Type: EPTF_XCAP_Transport_LGenInfoList
// Purpose:
// List for storing LGen Information records
type record of EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfo EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfoList
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfo
// Purpose:
// Record for storing connection Informations
// Elements:
// LGenTypeId - *integer* - the ID of the LGen type using this connection
// automaticBuffering - *boolean* - automatic buffering on/off
// connectionState - <EPTF_TransportIPL4_connectionStates> - the state of the connection
// sctpInformation - <SctpTuple> - contains the sctp informations if required
// Detailed Comments:
type record EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfo
integer uniqueId,
integer LGenTypeId,
boolean automaticBuffering,
EPTF_TransportIPL4_connectionStates connectionState,
SctpTuple sctpInformation optional,
EPTF_TransportIPL4_sctpReestablishmentInfo sctpReestablishmentInfo optional,
OptionList options optional
const EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfo c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfo_init := {
uniqueId := -1,
LGenTypeId := -1,
automaticBuffering := false,
connectionState := NULL_VALUE,
sctpInformation := omit,
sctpReestablishmentInfo := omit,
options := omit
// Type: EPTF_XCAP_Transport_connInfoList
// Purpose:
// List for storing connection Information records
type record of EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfo EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoList
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_connectionStates
// Purpose:
// XCAP states
// Elements:
// OPENED(0),
// ERROR(2)
// CLOSED(3)
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type enumerated EPTF_TransportIPL4_connectionStates
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_sctpReestablishmentInfo
// Purpose:
// Record for storing informations for automatic SCTP reestablishment
// Elements:
// timerIdx - *integer* - the ID of the scheduled event
// localHost - <HostName> - host name of the connection's local side
// localPort - <PortNumber> - port number of the connection's local side
// remoteHost - <HostName> - host name of the connection's remote side
// remotePort - <PortNumber> - port number of the connection's remote side
// Detailed Comments:
type record EPTF_TransportIPL4_sctpReestablishmentInfo
integer timerIdx,
HostName localHost,
PortNumber localPort,
HostName remoteHost,
PortNumber remotePort,
charstring lGenType,
boolean automaticBuffering
const EPTF_TransportIPL4_sctpReestablishmentInfo c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_sctpReestablishmentInfo_init :=
timerIdx := -1,
localHost := "",
localPort := -1,
remoteHost := "",
remotePort := -1,
lGenType := "",
automaticBuffering := false
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_InterfaceInformation
// Purpose:
// Record Type to set Interface Information
// Elements:
// HostName - *charstring* - The IP adress of the interface
// HostPort - *integer* - The port number of the interface
// netmask - *charstring* - The netmask of the interface
// broadcast - *charstring* - The broadcast address of the interface
// ifname - *charstring* - The name of the interface
// count - *integer* - number of the interface
// virtualIfaceStart - *integer* - the number of the first interface
type record EPTF_TransportIPL4_InterfaceInformation {
charstring HostName,
integer HostPort,
charstring netmask,
charstring broadcast,
charstring ifname,
integer count,
integer virtualIfaceStart
//FIXME implement in common transport
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_InterfaceInformationList
// Purpose:
// Record of InterfaceInformation
// Elements:
// -
type record of EPTF_TransportIPL4_InterfaceInformation EPTF_TransportIPL4_InterfaceInformationList;
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_ASP_Connect
// Purpose:
// Record Type to connect message
// Elements:
// remName - <HostName> - The IP adress of the remote host
// remPort - <PortNumber> - The port number of the remote host
// locName - <HostName> - The IP adress of the local host
// locPort - <PortNumber> - The port number of the local host
// proto - <ProtoTuple> - The type of the connection
type record EPTF_TransportIPL4_ASP_Connect {
HostName remName,
PortNumber remPort,
HostName locName,
PortNumber locPort,
ProtoTuple proto
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_ASP_Listen
// Purpose:
// Record Type to listen message
// Elements:
// locName - <HostName> - The IP adress of the local host
// locPort - <PortNumber> - The port number of the local host
// proto - <ProtoTuple> - The type of the connection
type record EPTF_TransportIPL4_ASP_Listen {
HostName locName,
PortNumber locPort,
ProtoTuple proto
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_ASP_Close
// Purpose:
// Record Type to close message
// Elements:
// id - <ConnectionId> - The Id of the connection
// proto - <ProtoTuple> - The type of the connection
type record EPTF_TransportIPL4_ASP_Close {
ConnectionId id,
ProtoTuple proto
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_IncomingMessage
// Purpose:
// Union Type to incoming message
// Elements:
// asp_RecvFrom- <ASP_RecvFrom> - The received message
// asp_Event - <ASP_Event> - The Event message
// asp_readyToRelease - <ASP_ConnId_ReadyToRelease> - The ReadyToRelease message
type union EPTF_TransportIPL4_IncomingMessage {
ASP_RecvFrom asp_RecvFrom,
ASP_Event asp_Event,
ASP_ConnId_ReadyToRelease asp_readyToRelease
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_loggingEventClasses
// Purpose:
// list of logging event class names used on the EPTF CommPort IPL4 component
// Detailed Comments:
// <EPTF_Logging_EventClassPrefixList> { "Warning", "Debug" }
const EPTF_Logging_EventClassPrefixList c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_loggingEventClasses := { "Warning", "Debug" };
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_loggingClassIdx_Warning
// Purpose:
// logging class index for Warning
// Detailed Comments:
// *0*
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_loggingClassIdx_Warning := 0;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_loggingClassIdx_Debug
// Purpose:
// logging class index for Debug
// Detailed Comments:
// *1*
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_loggingClassIdx_Debug := 1;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incMessage
// Purpose:
// Incoming message index
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incMessage := 0;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incMessageName
// Purpose:
// Name of the incoming message statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incMessageName := "Number of the incoming mssages";
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incConnOpened
// Purpose:
// Incoming connection opened index
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incConnOpened := 1;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incConnOpenedName
// Purpose:
// Name of the incoming connection opened statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incConnOpenedName := "Number of the incoming connection opened events";
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incConnClosed
// Purpose:
// Incoming connection closed index
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incConnClosed := 2;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incConnClosedName
// Purpose:
// Name of the incoming connection closed statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incConnClosedName := "Number of the incoming conection closed events";
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incResult
// Purpose:
// Incoming message index
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incResult := 3;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incResultName
// Purpose:
// Name of the incoming result statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incResultName := "Number of the incoming reults";
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incSCTPEvent
// Purpose:
// Incoming sctp event index
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incSCTPEvent := 4;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incSCTPEventName
// Purpose:
// Name of the incoming SCTP Event statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incSCTPEventName := "Number of the incoming SCTP Event";
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outMessage
// Purpose:
// Outgoing message index
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outMessage := 0;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outMessageName
// Purpose:
// Name of the outgoing message statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outMessageName := "Number of the outoing messages";
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outConnect
// Purpose:
// Outgoing connect index
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outConnect := 1;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outConnectName
// Purpose:
// Name of the outgoing connect statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outConnectName := "Number of the outoing connects";
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outClose
// Purpose:
// Outgoing close index
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outClose := 2;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outCloseName
// Purpose:
// Name of the outgoing close statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outCloseName := "Number of the outoing closes";
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outListen
// Purpose:
// Outgoing listen index
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const integer c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outListen := 3;
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outListenName
// Purpose:
// Name of the outgoing listen statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outListenName := "Number of the outoing listens";
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_nofErrorsName
// Purpose:
// Name of the errors
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_nofErrorsName := "Number of the errors";
// Constant: c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_lastErrorStringName
// Purpose:
// Name of the errors
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_TransportIPL4_lastErrorStringName := "Last error string";
// Type: EPTF_TransportIPL4_CT
// Purpose:
// The IPL4 communication port component type declaration
// Elements:
// IPL4_PCO - <IPL4asp_PT> - The IPL4 port
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_initialized - boolean - If the component is initialized, prevents multiple initialization
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_defaultList - <EPTF_DefaultList> - The defaultlist variable
// v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_incomingMessage - <EPTF_TransportIPL4_IncomingMessage> - Variable to store the incoming message
// v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_result - <Result> - variable to store the result
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_interfaceInformationList - <EPTF_TransportIPL4_InterfaceInformationList> - Variable to store the defined interfaces
// v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspRecvFrom - <ASP_RecvFrom> - variable to store the incoming messages
// v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent - <ASP_Event> - variable to store the incoming events
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenTypesHashMapId - *integer* - the ID of hashmap storing LGen types
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoHashMapId - *integer* - the ID of hashmap storing connection IDs
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfoFreeBusyQueue - <EPTF_FreeBusyQueue> - freebusyqueue storing LGen type informations
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfoList - <EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfoList> - list for storing LGen type informations
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoFreeBusyQueue - <EPTF_FreeBusyQueue> - freebusyqueue storing connection informations
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoList - <EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoList> - list for storing connection informations
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incStats - <EPTF_IntegerList> - contains the keys to the incoming statistics
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outStats - <EPTF_IntegerList> - contains the keys to the outgoing statistics
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incStatCounters - <EPTF_IntegerList> - contains the counters of the incoming statistics
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outStatCounters - <EPTF_IntegerList> - contains the counters of the outgoing statistics
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_nofErrors - *integer* - contains the index of the variable, which stores the number of errors
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_lastErrorString - *integer* - contains the index of the variable, which stores the last error message
// v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_loggingMaskId - *integer* - contains the logging mask ID
// vd_EPTF_TransportIPL4_defaultReceive - *default* - reference of activated default receiver altstep
// vd_EPTF_TransportIPL4_defaultEvent - *default* - reference of activated default event handler altstep
// vd_EPTF_TransportIPL4_defaultReadyToRelease - *default* - reference of activated default readyToRelease handler altstep
type component EPTF_TransportIPL4_CT
extends EPTF_MessageBufferManager_CT, EPTF_Base_CT, EPTF_Logging_CT, EPTF_Var_CT, EPTF_Scheduler_CT, EPTF_HashMap_CT, EPTF_FBQ_CT,
EPTF_Transport_IPsecHandler_CT {
private port IPL4asp_PT IPL4_PCO;
private var boolean v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_initialized := false;
private var EPTF_DefaultList v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_defaultList := {};
public var EPTF_TransportIPL4_IncomingMessage v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_incomingMessage;
public var Result v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_result;
private var EPTF_Transport_InterfaceInformationList v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_interfaceInformationList := {};
private var boolean v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_isBufferManagerEnabled := false;
public var ASP_RecvFrom v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspRecvFrom;
public var ASP_Event v_EPTF_CommPort_IPL4_aspEvent;
private var integer v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenTypesHashMapId;
private var integer v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoHashMapId;
private var EPTF_FreeBusyQueue v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfoFreeBusyQueue;
private var EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfoList v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_LGenInfoList := {};
private var EPTF_FreeBusyQueue v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoFreeBusyQueue;
private var EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoList v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_connInfoList := {};
private var EPTF_IntegerList v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incStats := {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
private var EPTF_IntegerList v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outStats := {-1,-1,-1,-1};
private var EPTF_IntegerList v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_incStatCounters := {0,0,0,0,0};
private var EPTF_IntegerList v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_outStatCounters := {0,0,0,0};
private var integer v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_nofErrors := -1;
private var integer v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_lastErrorString := -1;
private var integer v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_loggingMaskId := -1;
private var default vd_EPTF_TransportIPL4_defaultReceive := null;
private var default vd_EPTF_TransportIPL4_defaultEvent := null;
private var default vd_EPTF_TransportIPL4_defaultReadyToRelease := null;
private var Result v_TransportIPL4_dummyResult;
private var integer v_TransportIPL4_dummyInt;
private var float v_EPTF_TransportIPL4_sctpReestablishmentTime := tsp_EPTF_TransportIPL4_sctpReestablishmentTime;
} // end of module