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Author: József Gyürüsi
Version: 36/198 17-CNL 113 512, Rev. A
Date: 2014-12-03
= EPTF CLL SMacro, User Guide
:author: József Gyürüsi
:revnumber: 36/198 17-CNL 113 512, Rev. A
:revdate: 2014-12-03
== About This Document
=== How to Read This Document
This is the User Guide for the `SMacro` feature of the Ericsson Performance Test Framework (EPTF), Core Library (CLL). EPTF CLL is developed for the TTCN-3 ‎<<_1, [1]>> Toolset with TITAN ‎<<_2, [2]>>. This document should be read together with the Function Description of the `SMacro` feature <<_5, ‎[5]>>. For more information on the EPTF CLL, consult the User Guide <<_4, [4]>> and the Function Specification <<_3, ‎[3]>> of the TitanSim.
== System Requirements
In order to use the `SMacro` feature the system requirements listed in EPTF CLL User Guide <<_4, ‎[4]>> should be fulfilled.
= `SMacro`
== Overview
The `SMacro` feature is developed to replace the former external template handling mechanism in CLL LGenBase.
String Macros are necessary when someone needs to replace certain patterns in a text. These patterns are called String Macros and the string itself is termed as String Template.
|String Template |`"Username is: $SIGNUM"`
|String Macro |`SIGNUM`
|Value of String Macro |`_ethjgi_`
|Resolved string template |`"Username is: ethjgi"`
== Description of Files in this Feature
The EPTF CLL SMacro feature includes the following files:
* __EPTF_CLL_SMacro_Definitions.ttcn__ - this TTCN-3 module contains common type definitions used by the `SMacro` Component
* __EPTF_CLL_SMacro_Functions.ttcn__ - this TTCN-3 module contains the implementation of `SMacro` functions
* __EPTF_CLL_SMacro_ExternalFunctions.cc__ - this TTCN-3 module contains external functions for `SMacro`
== Description of Required Files from Other CLL Features
The EPTF SMacro feature depends on the following CLL features:
* `Base`
* `Common`
* `FreeBusyQueue`
* `HashMap`
* `Logging`
== Description of Required External Features outside CLL
* `TCCUsefulFunctions_CNL113472 (TCCConversion_Functions)`
== Installation
Since `EPTF_CLL_SMacro` is used as a part of the TTCN-3 test environment this requires TTCN-3 Test Executor to be installed before any operation of these functions. For more details on the installation of TTCN-3 Test Executor, see the relevant section of <<_2, [2]>>.
If not noted otherwise in the respective sections, the following are needed to use `EPTF_CLL_SMacro`:
* Copy the files which belong to the CLL features listed in section <<description_of_files_in_this_feature, Description of Files in this Feature>> and <<description_of_required_files_from_other_CLL_features, Description of Required Files from Other CLL Features>> to the directory of the test suite or create symbolic links to them.
* Import the `SMacro` test or write your own application using EPTF `SMacro`.
* Create _Makefile_ or modify the existing one. For more details, see the relevant section of <<_2, ‎[2]>>.
* Edit the config file according to your needs, see following section <<configuration, Configuration>>.
== Configuration
The executable test program behavior is determined through the run-time configuration file. This is a simple text file which contains various sections. The usual suffix of configuration files is _.cfg_. For further information on the configuration file, see ‎<<_2, [2]>>.
The EPTF `SMacro` feature does not define any module parameters.
== Usage
To use the EPTF `SMacro` feature, do the following:
* Extend your component with the `EPTF_SMacro_CT` component
* Call the init function (`f_EPTF_SMacro_init_CT`) of the `SMacro` to initialize the feature
* Use its public functions to handle String Macros or String Templates
* Call `f_EPTF_Base_cleanup_CT` function before your component terminates, or call `f_EPTF_Base_stop` function if the execution should be stopped (for example, because of an error the execution is forced to stop immediately)
== How to Define, Redefine, or Undefine a String Macro
After the initialization you should define the needed String Macros by calling the `f_EPTF_SMacro_define` function.
Example: defining the USER macro with value `__`"ethjgi"`__`
f_EPTF_SMacro_define("USER", "ethjgi");
var charstring my_stringTemplate := "Username is: $USER";
The value of the resolved String Template is: `_"Username is: ethjgi";_`
It is possible to redefine macro value by calling the `f_EPTF_SMacro_define` function again.
Example: re-defining the `USER` macro with value `_"ezolzsi"_`
f_EPTF_SMacro_define("USER", "ezolzsi");
my_stringTemplate := "Username is: $USER";
The value of the resolved String Template is: `_"Username is: ezolzsi";_`
It is possible to undefine macro value by calling the `f_EPTF_SMacro_undefine` function.
Example: Undefining the `USER` macro
my_stringTemplate := "Username is: $USER";
The value of the resolved String Template is: `_"Username is: $USER";_`
== How to Resolve a String Macro
A String Template which contains any number of String Macro can be resolved by calling the `f_EPTF_SMacro_resolve` function.
Example: resolving the previously re-defined `USER` macro which has the value `_"ezolzsi"_`
var charstring my_stringTemaplate := "Username is: $USER";
var charstring my_resolvedStringTemplate :=
The value of `my_resolvedStringTemplate` is: `_"Username is: ezolzsi";_`
In the example above the `f_EPTF_SMacro_resolve` function was called without automatic evaluation since the default value of parameter `pl_autoEVAL` is `_false_`.
== How to Calculate Macro Value with Custom Function
It is possible to calculate the macro value with registered macro calculator function.
Example: defining the `SUM` macro to calculate its value by concatenating its two arguments and inserts "+" sign between them. First we have to define the macro to have calculator function name as its value.
`f_EPTF_SMacro_define("SUM", "f_calc_sum");`
The function that calculates the value of SUM macro is:
function f_calc_sum(
in EPTF_CharstringList pl_args,
in EPTF_IntegerList pl_userArgs := {}) {
return pl_args[0]&"+"&pl_args[1];
This macro calculator function needs to be registered with the name given in the define function.
Example: registering the macro calculator function with name `"f_calc_sum"`:
pl_functionName := "f_calc_sum",
pl_macro_function := refers(f_calc_sum)
In this way when the `f_EPTF_SMacro_resolve` function is called, the value of the SUM macro is calculated with `f_calc_sum` function which concatenates its two arguments and puts a "+" sign between them.
Example: resolving the String Template when the macro calculator function is registered:
var charstring my_stringTemplate :=
"How much is $(SUM, \"31"\, \"11"\)?"
var charstring my_resolvedStringTemplate :=
The value of `my_resolvedStringTemplate` is: `__`"How much is 31+11?"`__`
It is possible to deregister the macro calculator function by calling `f_EPTF_SMacro_deregisterCalcFn` function:
Example: resolving the String Template when the macro calculator function is deregistered:
my_resolvedStringTemplate :=
The value of `my_resolvedStringTemplate` is: `_"How much is f_calc_sum?"_`
== How to Escape Characters in TTCN-3 Code
String Macro parameters are enclosed in quotation marks. Since String Template is a TTCN-3 charstring the quotation marks needs to be escaped in TTCN-3 code.
var charstring my_stringTemplate :=
"MACRO1 value: $(MACRO1, \"parameter1\", \"parameter2\")
MACRO2 value: $(MACRO2, \"parameter3\")"
As it can be seen in the example above each quotation mark which encloses the macro parameters are escaped with "\" character.
=== How to Escape with `log2str` Function
In order to create the same string template (see in the example above) without having unreadable code, the `log2str` built-in TITAN function has to be used.
var charstring my_stringTemplate :=
"MACRO1 value: $(MACRO1, "&log2str("parameter1")&",
MACRO2 value: $(MACRO2, "&log2str("parameter3")&")";
The `log2str` function does the escaping automatically on its charstring parameter. Its return value is concatenated with other the parts of the String Template.
=== How to Escape String Templates Which Contains Macros as Parameter
It could happen that a macro which has parameters is a parameter of another macro. In that case the parameters need to be escaped in each level.
Example: `MACRO2` will be the second parameter of `MACRO1`
var charstring my_stringTemplate :=
"My string template: $(MACRO1, \"parameter1\",
\"$(MACRO2, \\\"parameter3\\\")\")"
As it can be seen in the example, each already escaped quotation mark is escaped two times again. Instead of doing this manually in TTCN-3 code, it is recommended to use the log2str built in TITAN function.
Example: same string template with `log2str`
var charstring my_stringTemplate :=
"My string template: $(MACRO1,
In the next escape level it looks like:
Example: parameter3 of the previous example is MACRO2 again
var charstring my_stringTemplate :=
"My string template: $(MACRO1, \"parameter1\",
\"$(MACRO2, \\\" $(MACRO2,\\\\\"parameter3\\\\\")
As it can be seen, the parameter of `MACRO2`, which is the `MACRO2` itself, is escaped again.
Example: previous string template with `log2str`
var charstring my_stringTemplate :=
"My string template with log2str: $(MACRO1,
"&log2str("$(MACRO2, "&log2str("parameter3")&")")&")")&")"
It can be made more readable, if separate variables are defined for each String Macro parameter and those variables are used in the argument of the `log2str` function.
== How to Calculate Mathematical Expressions
If the String Template contains mathematical expressions which need to be evaluated you should use the built-in `EVAL` macro. Further details can be found in <<_5, [5]>>.
=== How to Use Built-in EVAL Macro
`EVAL` macro is defined by the init function (`f_EPTF_SMacro_init_CT`), therefore there is no need to register it.
var charstring my_stringTemplate := "Result of 2+4/2*3-
1 is: $(EVAL, \"2+4/2*3-1\" )."
var charstring my_resolvedStringTemplate :=
The value of `my_resolvedStringTemplate` is: `_"Result of 2+4/2*3-1 is: 7."_`
The mathematical expression which is the first parameter of the EVAL macro was passed to the registered `EVAL` calculator function which did the calculation.
=== How to Use Automatic Evaluation (`autoEVAL`)
After each String Macro is resolved in the String Template it is possible to call the built-in EVAL macro automatically. For this the `pl_autoEVAL` parameter of the `f_EPTF_SMacro_resolve` function should be set to true.
var charstring my_stringTemaplate := "Result of $(SUM, \"31"\, \"11"\) is: 31+11"
var charstring my_resolvedStringTemplate := f_EPTF_SMacro_resolve(
pl_stringTemaplate := my_stringTemplate,
pl_autoEVAL := true);
In the first round (in the background) the `f_EPTF_SMacro_resolve` function only resolves the SUM macro, then the string template looks like the following:
`"Result of 31+11 is: 31+11."`
Then the `autoEVAL` feature calculates both expressions and finally the value of `my_resolvedStringTemplate` is:
`"Result of 42 is: 42."`
= Error Messages
NOTE: Besides the below described error messages, error messages shown in <<_2, ‎[2]>> or those of other used features or product may also appear.
`*"(EVAL: Error: Division by zero.)"*`
It is not a classical error, since the execution is not stopped and there is not ERROR message in the logs. Only the above string is printed into the String Template as a resolved value. It occurs when the divisor is zero in case of division or remainder.
= Warning Messages
NOTE: Besides the below described warning messages, warning messages shown in ‎<<_2, [2]>> or those of other used features or product may also appear.
`*f_EPTF_SMacro_define: Warning: macro name <macro name> is invalid, should contain only characters 'a..z', 'A..Z', '_', '0..9'. Macro definition ignored.*`
If you try to define (`f_EPTF_SMacro_define`) a macro with invalid name you will get this warning message and the macro will be ignored. List of the allowed characters can be found in <<_5, [5]>>.
= Examples
The "test" directory of the deliverable contains the following example:
* __EPTF_SMacro_Test_Testcases.ttcn__
=== Terminology
*TitanSim Core Library (CLL):* is that part of the TitanSim software that is totally project independent. (That is, which is not protocol-, or application-dependent). The EPTF CLL is to be supplied and supported by the TCC organization. Any EPTF CLL development is to be funded centrally by Ericsson.
= Abbreviations
CLL:: Core Library
EPTF:: Ericsson Load Test Framework, formerly TITAN Load Test Framework
SMacro:: String Macro feature
TitanSim:: Ericsson Load Test Framework, formerly TITAN Load Test Framework
TTCN-3:: Testing and Test Control Notation version 3 <<_1, ‎[1]>>
= References
[1] ETSI ES 201 873-1 v3.2.1 (2007-02) +
The Testing and Test Control Notation version 3. +[Part 1: Core Language]
[2] User Guide for the TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor
[3] EPTF CLL for TTCN-3 toolset with TITAN, Function Specification
[4] EPTF CLL for TTCN-3 toolset with TITAN, User Guide
[5] EPTF CLL SMacro, Function Description
[6] EPTF CLL for TTCN-3 toolset with TITAN +[Reference Guide]