blob: 1d0f20ab96db69be725c1ea1bbb3f1d61f684892 [file] [log] [blame]
// //
// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB //
// //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
// //
// Module: TestResultGen
// Purpose:
// This module provides definition of the Test Result Generator.
// Module Parameters:
// -
// Module depends on:
// <TCCFileIO_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Functions>
// Current Owner:
// ethjgi
// Last Review Date:
// 2010-11-26
// Detailed Comments:
// This module can be used to generate test results in a
// common (XML) format.
// The format of XML is generated from XSD.
// Before the test some TTCN3 modules should be generated by
// xsd2ttcn testresults.xsd
// Public functions:
// <enc_Testresult>
// <dec_Testresult>
// <enc_Testresults>
// <dec_Testresults>
// <f_TestResultGen_appendResult>
// <f_TestResultGen_writeResult>
// <f_TestResultGen_getCurrentTime>
// <f_TestResultGen_getEnvironment>
module TestResultGen {
import from ttcn_ericsson_se_TitanSim_Perftest all;
import from TCCFileIO_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
// Function: enc_Testresult
// Purpose:
// Encodes the given test result into octetstring (XML)
// Parameters:
// in Testresult p_testresult - The test result to encode
// Return Value:
// octetstring - test result encoded to XML
public external function enc_Testresult (in Testresult p_testresult) return octetstring
with {extension "prototype(convert) encode (XER:XER_EXTENDED)"}
// Function: dec_Testresult
// Purpose:
// Decodes the given octetstring (XML) into test result
// Parameters:
// in octetstring p_oct - valid XML input according to the
// testresults.xsd schema
// out Testresult p_testresult - The test result decoded
// Return Value:
// integer - status code: 0 if decode is successful, nonzero if not
public external function dec_Testresult (in octetstring p_oct, out Testresult p_testresult) return integer
with {extension "prototype(backtrack) decode (XER:XER_EXTENDED) errorbehavior(ALL:WARNING)"}
// Function: enc_Testresults
// Purpose:
// Encodes the given test results into octetstring (XML)
// Parameters:
// in Testresults p_testresults - The test result to encode
// Return Value:
// octetstring - test result encoded to XML
public external function enc_Testresults (in Testresults p_testresults) return octetstring
with {extension "prototype(convert) encode (XER:XER_EXTENDED)"}
// Function: dec_Testresults
// Purpose:
// Decodes the given octetstring (XML) into test results
// Parameters:
// in octetstring p_oct - valid XML input according to the
// testresults.xsd schema
// out Testresults p_testresults - The test results decoded
// Return Value:
// integer - status code: 0 if decode is successful, nonzero if not
public external function dec_Testresults (in octetstring p_oct, out Testresults p_testresults) return integer
with {extension "prototype(backtrack) decode (XER:XER_EXTENDED) errorbehavior(ALL:WARNING)"}
// Function: f_TestResultGen_appendResult
// Purpose:
// Reads test results from file, appends given result and writes back to the file
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_filename - the name of the file to append the results to
// in Testresult pl_testresult - The test result to add
// Return Value:
// boolean - status: true on success, false else
public function f_TestResultGen_appendResult(in charstring pl_filename, in Testresult pl_testresult) return boolean {
var Testresults vl_testresults := {{}};
var integer vl_fd := f_FIO_open_append_rdwr_excl(pl_filename);
if (vl_fd == -1) {
f_EPTF_Common_warning(%definitionId&": Cannot open file "&pl_filename);
return false;
var octetstring vl_data;
var integer vl_fileSize := f_FIO_seek_end(vl_fd);
if (vl_fileSize>0 and dec_Testresults(vl_data,vl_testresults)!=0) {
f_EPTF_Common_warning(%definitionId&": Cannot decode input file "&pl_filename);
return false;
vl_testresults.testresult_list[sizeof(vl_testresults.testresult_list)] := pl_testresult;
vl_fd := f_FIO_open_trunc_rdwr_excl(pl_filename);
return true;
// Function: f_TestResultGen_writeResult
// Purpose:
// The given result is written into the file
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_filename - the name of the file to write the results into
// in Testresult pl_testresult - The test result to write
// Return Value:
// boolean - status: true on success, false else
// Detailed Comments:
// Truncates file! Previous content is lost!!!!!
public function f_TestResultGen_writeResult(in charstring pl_filename, in Testresult pl_testresult) return boolean {
var integer vl_fd := f_FIO_open_trunc_rdwr(pl_filename);
if (vl_fd == -1) {
f_EPTF_Common_warning(%definitionId&": Cannot open file "&pl_filename);
return false;
return true;
// dummy component needed by the external function f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand
type component TestResultGen_CT extends EPTF_Base_CT{}
// Function: f_TestResultGen_getCurrentTime
// Purpose:
// Returns the current time in a given string format
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_timeFormat - the format of the time (default: +%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
// Return Value:
// charstring - the current time in the given format
// Detailed Comments:
// For more time formats check the unix 'date' command
public function f_TestResultGen_getCurrentTime(in charstring pl_timeFormat := "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") runs on TestResultGen_CT return charstring {
var charstring vl_stdout;
var charstring vl_stderr;
var charstring vl_time := "Unknown";
f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand("date '"&pl_timeFormat&"'",vl_stdout,vl_stderr);
vl_time := vl_stdout;
return vl_time;
// Function: f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand
// Purpose:
// Executes shell command
// Parameters:
// pl_command - *in* *charstring* - the name of the script/command to execute
// pl_stdOut - *out* *charstring* - standard output
// pl_stdErr - *out* *charstring* - standard error
// Return Value:
// integer - exit code, zero if execution was successful
// Detailed Comments:
// -
private function f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand(in charstring pl_command, out charstring pl_stdout, out charstring pl_stderr) runs on TestResultGen_CT return integer {
var integer vl_returnCode := 0;
vl_returnCode := f_EPTF_Base_executeShell(pl_command, pl_stdout, pl_stderr, pl_enableAlts:=false);
// remove "\n" from the end of stdout
var integer vl_lengthStdOut := lengthof(pl_stdout);
if(vl_lengthStdOut > 0){
if(pl_stdout[vl_lengthStdOut-1] == "\n"){
pl_stdout := substr(pl_stdout, 0, vl_lengthStdOut-1);
// remove "\n" from the end of stderr
var integer vl_lengthStdErr := lengthof(pl_stderr);
if(vl_lengthStdErr > 0){
if(pl_stderr[vl_lengthStdErr-1] == "\n"){
pl_stderr := substr(pl_stderr, 0, vl_lengthStdErr-1);
return vl_returnCode;
// retuns the environment setting in pl_environment
// Function: f_TestResultGen_getCurrentTime
// Purpose:
// Returns the environment setting
// Parameters:
// out Environment_type pl_environment - the environment data returned
// Return Value:
// -
public function f_TestResultGen_getEnvironment(out Environment_type pl_environment) runs on TestResultGen_CT {
var charstring vl_stdout;
var charstring vl_stderr;
f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand("echo $USER",vl_stdout,vl_stderr);
pl_environment.user := vl_stdout;
f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand("uname -n",vl_stdout,vl_stderr); := vl_stdout;
f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand("uname -sr",vl_stdout,vl_stderr);
pl_environment.kernel := vl_stdout;
f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand("g++ -dumpversion",vl_stdout,vl_stderr);
pl_environment.gcc_version := vl_stdout;
f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand("compiler -v 2>&1 | gawk 'BEGIN{FS=\"(: )|(version )\"}/version/ {v=\" v\"$2} /Product/ {p=$2} /Build date/ {d=$2} END{print p v \" built on \" d}'",vl_stdout,vl_stderr);
pl_environment.titan_version := vl_stdout;
f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand("top bd00.50n2|grep Cpu| tail -n1 | sed 's/.*Cpu(s): //g;s/us,.*//g'",vl_stdout,vl_stderr);
pl_environment.cpu_info := vl_stdout;
f_TestResultGen_ExecuteCommand("grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2/1024\"MB\" }'",vl_stdout,vl_stderr);
pl_environment.memory_info := vl_stdout;
pl_environment.ePTF_DEBUG := log2str(c_EPTF_Common_debugSwitch);
} // end of module