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Author: József Gyürüsi
Version: 16/155 16-CNL 113 512, Rev. D
Date: 2012-06-15
= EPTF CLL Statistics Measure, Function Description
:author: József Gyürüsi
:revnumber: 16/155 16-CNL 113 512, Rev. D
:revdate: 2012-06-15
== How to Read This Document
This is the Function Description for the Statistics Measure Feature of the Ericsson Performance Test Framework (TitanSim), Core Load Library (CLL). TitanSim CLL is developed for the TTCN-3 <<_1, ‎[1]>> Toolset with TITAN <<_2, ‎[2]>>. Additionally, to understand the functionality of this feature, read the documentation of the Variable ‎<<_5, [5]>> feature.
== Scope
This document is to specify the content and functionality of the Statistics Measure feature of the TitanSim CLL.
== Recommended Way of Reading
The readers are supposed to get familiar with the concept and functionalities of TitanSim CLL ‎<<_3, [3]>> in general, and the Variable <<_5, ‎[5]>> feature. They should get familiar with the list of acronyms and the glossary in the Terminology section.
= General Description
This document specifies the Statistics Measure feature of the TITANSim CLL.
The EPTF Statistics Measure feature makes it possible to
* Create stand-alone Statistics or Statistics belonging to a given Variable
* Measure statistical data and update the value of Statistics
* Reset Statistics
* Enable/Disable Statistics
* Create an EPTF Variable from a given Statistics
EPTF Statistics can be created in two different ways. The first case is when the Statistics is created belonging to an EPTF Variable. In this case, a certain type of Statistics is created for the given EPTF Variable, and this Statistics is always updated by Statistics Measure if the value of the EPTF Variable changes. Thus, the value of Statistics is available according to push model.
The second case is, if the user creates a stand-alone Statistics of a given type. In this case, no Variable is assigned, it is the user`s responsibility to update the value of this Statistics and add new data to it, when required.
Statistics can have different types:
* `content`: The value of a Variable (it cannot be a stand-alone Statistics)
* `delta`: The new value – the old value (last measured)
* `deltaSum`: The new value – the initial value (first measured)
* `min`: minimal value ever
* `max`: maximal value ever
* `mean`: mean value
* `standardDev`: contains both standard deviation and mean
* `EPS`: measures the number of events during a measurement period (events/sec) and the length of the measurement period (sec). For Variables the events are the refresh events
* `chrono`: measures the time
* `density`: counts the number of values that fall between user defined boundaries. The scale of the boundaries can be set to linear or logarithmic between a minimal and maximal boundary value.
* `percentile95`: statistics values are ordered into increasing order and percentile95 statistics value is calculated as the element at the number of elements * 0.95 position (position is rounded upwards if it is not an integer value). The user should set boundary intervals to quantify the measurement space. The final statistics value will be the upper boundary of the interval in which the percentile95 element falls or the maximum of elements if the percentile95 element is above the higher boundary.
* `percentileP`: this statistic is the general version of percentile95 statistics. The statistics values are ordered into increasing order and p^th^ percentile statistics value is calculated as the element at the number of elements * p^th^ position. The user should set boundary intervals to quantify the measurement space. The final statistics value will be the upper boundary of the interval in which the p percentile element falls.
* `limits`: calculates a `statusLED` based on predefined threshold for certain colors. Also, relative difference to a reference value can be used for the calculation.
* `custom`: provides the ability to the user to create own statistics. The user should register its on custom statistics functions consistently with existing structure of EPTF Statistics Measure feature. The registered custom statistic then can be applied like other statistic type.
The aim of the EPTF Statistics Measure feature is to calculate and handle all these type of Statistics in one component.
To be able to use EPTF Statistics Measure, the user component should extend the `EPTF_StatMeasure_CT` component.
== Detailed Description of Supported Statistics
The statistics that are created for an EPTF Variable updated with a new measured data when the value of Variable is refreshed by the refresh mechanism.
New measured data can be added manually to stand-alone statistics and statistics that belong to an EPTF Variable by the `addData` functions.
=== `Content`
The content statistics is defined to be able to interpret the value of an EPTF Variable as a statistics. This statistics does not contain any data, only the reference to the EPTF Variable.
This statistics cannot be defined for stand-alone statistics, and cannot be reset.
=== `Delta`
The delta statistics measures the difference between the last measured value and the current value.
=== `DeltaSum`
This statistics measures the difference between the current value and the first value after the statistics was reset.
=== `Min`
This statistics measures the minimal value since reset.
=== `Max`
This statistics measures the maximal value since reset.
=== `Mean`
This statistics measures the mean, i.e. the arithmetic average of the data values added since reset.
=== `StandardDev`
This statistics measures the mean and standard deviation, i.e. the arithmetic average and the variance of the data values added since reset.
=== `EPS`
This statistics measures how many new values were added during the measurement period and also the length of the measurement period. Before the value of the statistics is read out the update function should be called. The length of the measurement period can be specified in seconds, or if not specified the time since addition of the first data is used. This statistics can be used to measure the number of events during a certain time (if 1 sec is used for the duration), the average events/sec during the measurement period, or the time during a period.
=== `Chrono`
This statistics measures the time during a user given period, or the elapsed time since the start of the measurement.
=== `Density`
This statistics can measure the number of data falling between user given boundaries. Also the number of data below the minimal and above the maximal boundary is measured.
It is possible the set automatically calculated boundaries between a minimal and maximal value on a linear or a logarithmic scale.
This statistics corresponds to the density function without normalization. If all measured counter is divided by the sum of all counters we will get the density function.
An example measured density statistics is shown on the figure below:
A data value falls into a coloumn if:
* Lower boundary `<= Value < Upper boundary`
* The 0^th^ column measures the number of values that falls below the minimal boundary: `value < min boundary`
* The last column measures the values that larger or equal the maximal boundary: `value <= max boundary`
If there is N boundary specified the number of intervals measured will be N+1.
=== `Percentile95`
`Percentile95` statistic provides the lowest element from a sequence of numbers that is bigger then the 95 percent of all the elements.
`Percentile95` statistic is based on density (‎<<density, `Density`>>) and max (‎<<max, `Max`>>) statistics. Values are categorized by density statistic. The position of the required element and its boundary is computed incrementally. If the computed boundary is the highest boundary where no upper limit exists, the statistic value will be the maximum of the elements, otherwise statistic value will be the highest limit of the computed boundary.
The precision of the statistic can be improved by defining boundaries more frequently however it results in performance loss. It is recommended that the user creates the boundaries for the necessary precision only.
=== `PercentileP`
`PercentileP` statistic provides the lowest element from a sequence of numbers that is bigger then the p^th^ percent of all the elements. This is a general version of `percentile95` statistics (<<percentile_95, ‎`Percentile95`>>), where p value is set to `_95_`.
`PercentileP` statistic is based on density (<<density, `Density`>>) and max (‎<<max, `Max`>>) statistics. Values are categorized by density statistic. The position of the required element and its boundary is computed incrementally. If the computed boundary is the highest boundary where no upper limit exists, the statistic value will be the maximum of the elements, otherwise statistic value will be the highest limit of the computed boundary.
The precision of the statistic can be improved by defining boundaries more frequently however it results in performance loss. It is recommended that the user creates the boundaries for the necessary precision only.
=== `Limits`
The limits statistics provides a `StatusLED` with the color and the text determined from the last measured data. Each color have a lower limit value. The color of the limits statistics LED will be set to the color whose limit is the highest below the last measured data. If no such limit is found, the color is set to the default color of the limits statistics.
The limits statistics can be calculated from a source variable. The type of the variable can be integer or float. The value of the variable is compared to the limit values and the color of the LED will be set accordingly.
The limits statistics can also have a reference value variable. The type of the reference variable can be integer or float. If specified the value that is compared to the specified LED color limits in this case is the relative difference from the reference value in percentage:
The limit values for different colors can be changed anytime. When they are changed, the limits statistics is reset. It is possible to set different limit for the same color more than once.
See the color of the limits statistics in the figure below:
=== `Custom`
Custom statistic enables the user to create her/his own statistics. The functions realizing the new statistic must be registered by the user by providing the statistic name, the previously mentioned custom statistic functions with their current argument list to the `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_newStat` function.
Provided argument list is type of `EPTF_IntegerList` which can be used as a number of pointers to TTCN databases.
Custom statistics and registered functions can be used trough the following interface:
==== New Statistics Function (`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_newStat_custom`)
Registers the new statistics and creates the statistics also based on provided statistic name, statistic functions and current argument list.
Like other statistics, custom statistic can be created from a variable or can be created stand alone. If statistics is created from a variable, the add data function is called automatically on value changes.
The function also resets and enables the statistic, then calls user defined new statistic function.
==== Enable Statistics Function (`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_enableData_custom`)
Change the state of statistics to enabled. Statistic can only be updated when its state is set to enabled.
If the statistic has been created from a variable, the value changes of its variable will trigger the statistic.
Also user defined enable statistic function is applied here.
==== Disable Statistics Function (`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_disableData_custom`)
Change the state of statistics to disabled. Statistic can not be updated when its state is set to disabled.
If the statistic has been created from a variable, the value changes of its variable will not trigger the statistic.
Also user defined disable statistic function is applied here.
==== Reset Statistics Function (`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_resetStat_custom`)
Reset the statistic.
By default the function only set the statistic state to reset enabled, but doesn’t perform its resetting. It is recommended to act on reset from add data function.
Also user defined reset statistic function is applied here which can override previous behavior if necessary.
==== Create Variable From Statistics Function (`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_ createVarFromStat_custom`)
The function creates a variable from the statistic by applying user defined create variable from statistics function.
The type of custom statistic is not fixed, therefore user must fix its type and create this function according to it.
The created variable is synchronized automatically to the statistic value of its custom statistic.
==== Add Data Function (`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_addData_custom`)
If statistic is enabled, it updates statistics (optionally using the provided new statistic value) and also updates the variable created from the given statistic (if one exists).
It is recommended to act on statistics reset within this function.
==== Get Value Function (`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStat_custom`)
The function acquires the current value of the custom statistic.
==== Stat Value to String Function (`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_custom2str`)
The function converts the current statistic value to string.
= Functional Interface
Apart from this description a cross-linked reference guide for the TitanSim CLL Functions can be reached for on-line reading <<_4, ‎[4]>>.
== Naming Conventions
All functions have the prefix `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_`
== General Public Functions
The following sections describe the functions that are available for all statistics.
=== Initialization
Before using the EPTF Statistics Measure functions the
function should be called. This initializes the EPTF Statistics Measure feature.
=== Creating Statistics
f_EPTF_StatMeasure_newStat(varID, statType [, customStatName, customStatFunctions, customStatArguments])
This function creates a new Statistics of a given type (e.g.`min`, `max`, etc.) belonging to a Variable and returns the ID of the new Statistics.
NOTE: `percentileP` statistics will be created with p value `_50.0_` that can be changed later.
f_EPTF_StatMeasure_newStat_*(varID [,customStatName, customStat Functions, customStatArguments])
To create stand-alone Statistics of a given type, this function should be called substituting * with the Statistics type (e.g.`delta`). In place of the `varID`, in this case the `_-1_` value should be written.
NOTE: For the content Statistics type, it is not possible to create stand-alone Statistics (i.e. without a Variable assigned to it).
`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_addData_*(statID, newData)`
If no variable was given when the statistics was created, this function can be used to add new data. If the statistics was created for an existing EPTF Variable data will be automatically added when the value of the variable is refreshed, and it is considered as a new measured value.
NOTE: This function only works with enabled Statistics.
The Variable belonging to EPS statistics will not be updated automatically, additional functions has to be called (See <<updating_statistics, ‎ Updating Statistics>>).
This function creates all possible Statistics belonging to the given Variable ID.
=== Resetting Statistics
These functions can be used to reset given Statistics. The Statistics will be initialized. Then, a new measurement can be started.
NOTE: The value of the given Statistics is reset only when the `startMeasurement` or the `addData` function is called afterwards.
To reset the value of the statistics, the function
should be called. It resets the statistics and initializes its value. The created variable is updated also.
=== Updating Statistics
`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_update_EPS(statID, period)`
In case of Statistics belonging to Variables, the Statistics are automatically updated in the background, so that the user does not have to call any update functions.
For EPS type of Statistics, however, the user generally wants to define the measurement period, for which the EPS Statistics is calculated. For this aim, the `update_EPS` function should be called. If measurement period is not set or set to -1.0, the time is automatically measured using the elapsed time since the addition of the first data.
This function should be used to set the Variable belonging to EPS statistics to be updated automatically. If this function is not called `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_update_EPS()` has to be called to update the Variable.
=== Enabling/Disabling Statistics
Statistics can be enabled or disabled. Only enabled Statistics are updated with new values, disabled Statistics will not be updated and the `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_addData_`* function does not change their data either. New Statistics are created as enabled.
=== Get/Set Functions
This function returns the ID of the EPTF Variable the given statistics calculated from. If the Statistics does not belong to any Variable, the returned ID is `_-1_`.
`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStat_*(statID, statValue)`
This function can be called to receive the value of a Statistics `statID` of a certain type (* should be substituted by the type) in the `statValue` parameter. This function returns false if the value of the statistics is not available, e.g. when no data was added after reset.
This function returns the type (`content`, `min`, `max`, etc.) of the Statistics.
=== Convenience Functions
This function converts the value of the Statistics to charstring for easier printing.
=== Creating an EPTF Variable from a Statistics
`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat(statID, VarName)`
This function can be useful if the user wants to print the Statistics onto the GUI, or reach the value of a Statistics from a distant component.
The function creates an EPTF Variable form the given Statistics. The name of the created Variable can be given by `VarName`; if left empty, this name is auto-generated.
The value of the created EPTF Variables is updated automatically for all Statistics (including stand-alone Statistics) when the value of the corresponding Statistics changes.
== Summary Table of General Public Functions for EPTF Statistics Measure
See Summary of Statistics Measure Functions in the table below:
|Function name |Description
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_init_CT` |Initializes the `StatMeasure` component.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_newStat` |Creates new Statistics and returns its ID.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_addData_`* |Adds new data to a Statistics of a given type (*).
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createAllStat` |Creates all available Statistics for a Variable.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_resetStat` |Resets a Statistics.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_resetStats` |Resets all Statistics defined in the input parameter.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_initStatValue` |Resets the Statistics and initializes its value.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_update_EPS` |This function should be called to update the EPS type Statistics.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_enableStat` |Enables a Statistics.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_disableStats` |Disables a Statistics
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getVarIdx` |Returns the Variable ID the Statistics belongs to, or -1
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStat_`* |Returns the actual value of a Statistics of a given type (*)
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStatType` |Returns the type of the Statistics.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_value2str` |Converts the Statistics value to charstring.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat` |Creates a Variable from a Statistics with a given name.
|`f_EPTF_StatMeasure_changeToFloat_`* |Changes the value type to float of the statistics `delta`, `deltaSum`, `min` and `max`.
== Special Functions
This section describes additional functions that are available for a given statistics only.
=== `Delta`, `DeltaSum`, `Min` and `Max`
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_changeToFloat_`* can be used to change the type of these statistics to float if they are not standalone stats. The type of these standalone statistics is set to integer by default. This function has to be called before a variable is created from the statistics by the `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat` function.
=== `Mean`
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_N_mean` can be used to create EPTF Variable from the auxiliary data N (i.e. the number of data samples) of the mean statistics.
=== `StandardDev`
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStat_standardDev_mean` can be used to get the mean of the data. This mean value is calculated automatically for the `standardDev` statistics. It is not necessary to create an additional mean statistics.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStatIdx_standardDev_mean` can be used to get the `statID` of the mean statistics that is maintained automatically for the `standardDev` statistics. Do not reset, enable or disable this statistics! This ID can be used to create an EPTF Variable from this statistics.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_standardDev_mean2str` can be used to convert the mean statistics belonging to the `standardDev` statistics to string.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_N_standardDev` can be used to create EPTF Variable from the auxiliary data N (i.e. the number of data samples) of the `standardDev` statistics.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_S_standardDev` can be used to create EPTF Variable from the auxiliary data S (i.e. the sum of deviation squares of data samples) of the `standardDev` statistics.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_Mean_standardDev` can be used to create EPTF Variable from the auxiliary data Mean (i.e. the mean of data samples) of the `standardDev` statistics.
=== `EPS`
To calculate the EPS statistics and update its value and set the time of the measurement call `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_update_EPS`. If the period is not specified the time of the measurement is determined automatically. If 1 sec is specified for the period the value of the statistics will give the number of events since the start of the measurement.
The measurement is started when the `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_startMeasurement_EPS` is called or if the first data is added by the `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_addData_EPS` function after `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_resetStat_EPS` is called.
The current time since the start of the measurement can be read by `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getTime_EPS`.
To read out the length of the measurement period (i.e. the time between start and stop) call the function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getMeasurementLength_EPS`.
Additional calls to `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_update_EPS` can be used to update the stop time and the measurement length. The variable belonging to EPS statistics will get a new value if this function is called.
If user wants the Variable belonging to the EPS statistics to be updated automatically, he has to call the function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_registerDefaultUpdate_EPS` after he created this type of statistics.
=== `Chrono`
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_start_chrono` starts the chronometer. If this function is not called the measurement is started when the first data is added by the function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_addData_chrono`. However, `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_addData_chrono` updates the value of the statistics also.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getMeasurementLength_chrono` returns the length of the measurement. It is the time between start and update in seconds. Same as `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStat_chrono` but the value of the statistics is in the return value.
The `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getTime_chrono` function returns the time elapsed since the measurement was started.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_update_chrono` updates the measurement length. The value of the statistics is set to the time since start.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_stop_chrono` stops the chronometer and updates the value of the statistics. After the chronometer is stopped new data cannot be added with the `addData` function. The statistics has to be reset to add further data. Also after stopping the chronometer, the `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getTime_chrono` will return the time between starting and stopping the chronometer.
=== `Density`
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_setBoundaries_density` can be used to set the boundaries manually. When this function is called, the statistics is reset automatically.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_setScale_density` can be used to generate the boundaries automatically between the lower and the upper boundary. The scale can be set to linear or logarithmic. When this function is called, the statistics is reset automatically.
The `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStat_normalized_density` function returns the density function. It is normalized so that the sum of all values is `_1_`.
=== `Percentile95`
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_setBoundaries_percentile95` can be used to set the boundaries manually. When this function is called, the statistics is reset automatically.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_setScale_percentile95` can be used to generate the boundaries automatically between the lower and the upper boundary. The scale can be set to linear or logarithmic. When this function is called, the statistics is reset automatically.
The functions `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStatIdx_density_percentile95` and `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStatIdx_max_percentile95` return the index of the density and max statistics used by percentile95.
The functions
* `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_max_percentile95`
* `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_density_percentile95`
* `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_boundaries_density_percentile95`
can be used to create EPTF Variables from the max, density and the boundaries of the percentile95 statistics.
=== `PercentileP`
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_setBoundaries_percentileP` is the same as in `percentile95` statistics. It can be used to set the boundaries manually. When this function is called, the statistics is reset automatically.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_setScale_percentileP` can be used to generate the boundaries automatically between the lower and the upper boundary. The scale can be set to linear or logarithmic. When this function is called, the statistics is reset automatically.
The functions `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStatIdx_density_percentileP` and `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getStatIdx_max_percentileP` return the index of the density and max statistics used by `percentileP`.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_setValueP_percentileP` can be used to set the p value of the statistics where the p^th^ percentile should be calculated. The p value can be between 0.0 and `_1.0_`. If it is set to `_0.95_`, `percentileP` statistics calculates the same values as percentile95 statistics. The value 0.5 corresponds to the Median of the data values. When this function is called, the statistics is reset automatically.
The functions
* `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_max_percentileP`
* `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_density_percentileP`
* `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_boundaries_density_percentileP`
* `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_createVarFromStat_valueP_percentileP`
can be used to create EPTF Variables from the max, the density, the boundaries and the actually used p value of the percentile95 statistics.
=== `Limits`
The limits statistics can be created by the `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_newStat_limits` function. It is possible to set the limit values, the default led color, the reference variable via its arguments. The text field of the LED can show the value of the last measured data used to calculate the statistics. This can be enabled by this function also. This statistics, like the others, can be calculated automatically from an EPTF Variable. This variable can also be given for the function. The type of the variable can be integer or float.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_setLimits_limits` can be used to set the limit values for different LED colors. When it is called the statistics is reset.
The function `f_EPTF_StatMeasure_getLimits_limits` returns the limits currently used to calculate the limits statistics.
= Terminology
*TitanSim Core (Load) Library(CLL):* +
It is that part of the TitanSim software that is totally project independent. (I.e., which is not protocol-, or application-dependent). The TitanSim CLL is to be supplied and supported by the TCC organization. Any TitanSim CLL development is to be funded centrally by Ericsson.
*TitanSim Variables:* +
They contain values, from which TitanSim Statistics can be calculated automatically on changes or periodically.
*TitanSim Statistics Measure:* +
It is a feature, which is responsible for creating TitanSim Statistics and updating their value when required.
*TitanSim Statistics:* +
They are Statistics of TTCN-3 Variables. Possible Statistics are among others minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, etc. and also the content of a Variable can be a Statistics itself. The values of such Statistics are automatically and periodically updated in the background.
= Abbreviations
CLL:: Core Load Library
EPTF:: Ericsson Load Test Framework, formerly TITAN Load Test Framework
TitanSim:: Ericsson Load Test Framework, formerly TITAN Load Test Framework
TTCN-3:: Testing and Test Control Notation version 3 ‎<<_1, [1]>>.
= References
[1] ETSI ES 201 873-1 v3.2.1 (2007-02) +
The Testing and Test Control Notation version 3. Part 1: Core Language
[2] User Guide for the TITAN TTCN-3 Test Executor
[3] TitanSim CLL for TTCN-3 toolset with TITAN, Function Specification
[4] TitanSim CLL for TTCN-3 toolset with TITAN +[Reference Guide]
[5] EPTF CLL Variable Function Description