blob: 04ea861e0c36eaeb24888bf632f27fa8f8e25535 [file] [log] [blame]
// //
// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB //
// //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
// //
// Module: EPTF_CLL_CLI_Functions
// Purpose:
// This module contains the implementation of generic EPTF_CLL_CLI functions.
// Module depends on:
// <EPTF_CLL_CLI_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Semaphore_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Variable_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
// <TELNETasp_PortType>
// <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions>
// <TCCConversion_Functions>
// Current Owner:
// Jozsef Gyurusi (ETHJGI)
// Last Review Date:
// 2010-03-22
// Module Parameters:
// tsp_EPTF_CLL_CLI_ShowWelcome - boolean - if true: welcome message is shown at login on the terminals
// (defult: false)
// tsp_EPTF_CLI_Functions_debug - boolean - enables debug logs in CLI
// tsp_EPTF_CLI_Client_Functions_debug - boolean - enables debug logs in CLI Client
// Detailed Comments:
// This module contains the interface functions for the EPTF_CLL_CLI and EPTF_CLL_CLI_Client.
// Public functions of CLI:
// <f_EPTF_CLI_init_CT>
// <f_EPTF_CLI_getHelpTxt>
// <f_EPTF_CLI_getCommandHelp>
// <f_EPTF_CLI_executeCommand>
// <f_EPTF_CLI_closeTerminal>
// <f_EPTF_CLI_closeDisplayTerminal>
// <f_EPTF_CLI_setAliasTag>
// Public functions of CLI_Client:
// <f_EPTF_CLI_Client_init_CT>
// <f_EPTF_CLI_Client_registerCommand>
// <f_EPTF_CLI_Client_sendCommandDisplay>
// General functions:
// <f_EPTF_CLI_splitString>
module EPTF_CLL_CLI_Functions {
import from EPTF_CLL_CLI_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Base_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Semaphore_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
import from TELNETasp_PortType all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Functions all;
import from TCCConversion_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_HashMap_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_HashMapStr2Int_Functions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_PrivateDebugDefinitions all;
// CLI:
group CLI {
// show welcome message when logged in
modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_CLL_CLI_ShowWelcome := false;
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_init_CT
// Purpose:
// This function initializes the EPTF_CLI_CT component.
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_selfName - the name of the component
// in template ASP_TelnetPortParameters pl_telnetTestPortParameters := omit - the parameters of the telnet test port
// that belongs to the main terminal
// in template ASP_TelnetPortParameters pl_displayTelnetTestPortParameters := omit - the parameters of the telnet test port
// that belongs to the display terminal
// Detailed Comments:
// This function should be called before any other EPTF_CLI_CT functions are used.
// The pl_telnetTestPortParameters and pl_displayTelnetTestPortParameters
// arguments can be used to override the test port parameters defined in the
// configuration file.
// These parameters can be used to switch off the telnet ports by setting them to '*'.
// The telnet ports can be enabled with an additional call of this
// function with non-* arguments.
public function f_EPTF_CLI_init_CT(
in charstring pl_selfName,
in template ASP_TelnetPortParameters pl_telnetTestPortParameters := omit,
in template ASP_TelnetPortParameters pl_displayTelnetTestPortParameters := omit
// ,inout TELNETasp_PT pl_terminalPort := EPTF_CLI_TELNET_PCO,
// inout TELNETasp_PT pl_displayTerminalPort := EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO
) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
// enable telnet ports, if they are disabled, even if init function was already called.
// but do not disable them if they were enabled
// This is needed if e.g. UIHandler_CLI_init is called after UIHandler_init:
if ((v_EPTF_CLI_terminalDisabled or not v_EPTF_CLI_initialized) and log2str(pl_telnetTestPortParameters)!="*") {
v_EPTF_CLI_terminalDisabled := false;
} else {
// do not map the telnet port (CLI disabled)
if (not v_EPTF_CLI_initialized) {
v_EPTF_CLI_terminalDisabled := true;
if ((v_EPTF_CLI_displayTerminalDisabled or not v_EPTF_CLI_initialized) and log2str(pl_displayTelnetTestPortParameters)!="*") {
map(self:EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO, system:EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO);
v_EPTF_CLI_displayTerminalDisabled := false;
} else {
// do not map the display telnet port (CLI disabled)
if (not v_EPTF_CLI_initialized) {
v_EPTF_CLI_displayTerminalDisabled := true;
if (v_EPTF_CLI_initialized) {
v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap := f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_New(pl_selfName&".CommandAliasHashMap");
v_EPTF_CLI_commandAliases := {};
v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList := {};
v_EPTF_CLI_commandResults := {};
v_EPTF_CLI_clientConnected := false;
v_EPTF_CLI_displayConnected := false;
if (isvalue(pl_telnetTestPortParameters)) {
if (isvalue(pl_displayTelnetTestPortParameters)) {
unmap(self:EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO, system:EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO);
map(self:EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO, system:EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO);
v_CLI_mainHandler := activate(as_EPTF_CLI_mainHandler());
v_EPTF_CLI_loggingMaskId := f_EPTF_Logging_registerComponentMasks(c_EPTF_CLI_loggingComponentMask, c_EPTF_CLI_loggingEventClasses, EPTF_Logging_CLL);
if(tsp_EPTF_CLI_Functions_debug) {
f_EPTF_Logging_enableLocalMask(v_EPTF_CLI_loggingMaskId, c_EPTF_CLI_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
} else {
f_EPTF_Logging_disableLocalMask(v_EPTF_CLI_loggingMaskId, c_EPTF_CLI_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
v_EPTF_CLI_initialized := true;
private function f_EPTF_CLI_cleanup_CT() runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
if(not v_EPTF_CLI_initialized) {
v_EPTF_CLI_initialized := false;
v_CLI_mainHandler:= null;
if (not v_EPTF_CLI_displayTerminalDisabled) {
unmap(self:EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO, system:EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO);
if (not v_EPTF_CLI_terminalDisabled) {
v_EPTF_CLI_terminalDisabled := true;
v_EPTF_CLI_displayTerminalDisabled := true;
private altstep as_EPTF_CLI_mainHandler() runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
[] as_EPTF_CLI_handleMgmtMsgs();
[] as_EPTF_CLI_handleTELNETaspIf();
[] as_EPTF_CLI_handleDisplayTELNETaspIf();
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_getHelpTxt
// Purpose:
// Get help about a given command.
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_commandName := "" - the name of the command to get help about
// Return Value:
// charstring - the help text for the command
// Detailed Comments:
// If pl_commandName is not specified, returns the help about all available commands
public function f_EPTF_CLI_getHelpTxt(in charstring pl_commandName := "") runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return charstring {
var charstring vl_commandName := pl_commandName;
var charstring vl_helpText := "";
if (pl_commandName=="") {
// general help
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
// TODO: ensure that the release script replaces the version number here:
"EPTF Command Line Interface version: "&c_EPTF_Common_versionInfo&"\n"&
"Usage: <command> [arguments]\n\n"&
"Executes the given command with the specified arguments.\n"&
"Lines starting with '#' or '//' are treated as comments and are ignored.\n"&
"Available commands:\n"&
" alias - creates an alias to a command\n"&
" unalias - removes an alias\n"&
" lsalias - prints information about an alias\n"&
" allalias - lists all alias - command pair\n"&
" help - print this help message\n"&
" exit - close the terminal\n"&
" quit - close the terminal\n"&
" stop - terminate execution, stop all TitanSim components\n"&
" stopAll - terminate execution, stop all TitanSim components\n";
vl_commandName := "<command>";
} else {
// help about a specific comamnd
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"Help information about command: "&pl_commandName&"\n";
var boolean vl_commandFound := false;
// built-in commands:
if (pl_commandName=="help") {
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"Syntax: help [<command name>|help]\n"&
" Parameters:\n"&
" <command name> - the name of the command to get help about.\n"&
" help - prints this help message.\n"&
"If called without arguments general help message is printed\n"&
"\nThis command is owned by component "&f_EPTF_Base_selfName()&
" ("&log2str(self)&")";
} else if (pl_commandName=="exit" or f_putInLowercase(pl_commandName)=="quit") {
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"Syntax: "&pl_commandName&"\n"&
" "&pl_commandName&" - exit from the terminal session.\n"&
"\nThis command is owned by component "&f_EPTF_Base_selfName()&
" ("&log2str(self)&")";
if (f_putInLowercase(pl_commandName)=="quit") {
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"\nThe command name is case insensitive!"
} else if (pl_commandName=="stopAll") {
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"Syntax: stopAll\n"&
" stopAll - stops all TitanSim components and terminates test execution.\n"&
"\nThis command is owned by component "&f_EPTF_Base_selfName()&
" ("&log2str(self)&")";
} else if (f_putInLowercase(pl_commandName)=="stop") {
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"Syntax: "&pl_commandName&"\n"&
" "&pl_commandName&" - stops all TitanSim components and terminates test execution.\n"&
"\nThis command is owned by component "&f_EPTF_Base_selfName()&
" ("&log2str(self)&")"&
"\nThe command name is case insensitive!";
} else if(pl_commandName=="alias"){
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"Syntax: alias <command name> <alias>\n"&
" Parameters:\n"&
" <command name> - the name of the command - or another alias - for which the alias will be registered.\n"&
" <alias> - a string without any whitespaces that can be used insted of <command name>.\n"&
" It is possible to create alias for command parts also, but you have to signal them when used.\n"&
" example: alias <xml format of data description> mydata\n"&
" ds get $mydata$\n"&
"\nThis command is owned by component "&f_EPTF_Base_selfName()&
" ("&log2str(self)&")";
} else if(pl_commandName=="unalias"){
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"Syntax: unalias <alias>\n"&
" Parameters:\n"&
" <alias> - Alias to be removed.\n"&
"\nThis command is owned by component "&f_EPTF_Base_selfName()&
" ("&log2str(self)&")";
} else if(pl_commandName=="lsalias"){
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"Syntax: lsalias <alias>\n"&
" Parameters:\n"&
" <alias> - Alias to be listed.\n"&
"\nThis command is owned by component "&f_EPTF_Base_selfName()&
" ("&log2str(self)&")";
} else if(pl_commandName=="allalias"){
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"Syntax: allalias\n"&
" List all aliases registered in the system."&
"\nThis command is owned by component "&f_EPTF_Base_selfName()&
" ("&log2str(self)&")";
else {
// registered commands:
for(var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList); i:=i+1) {
//print all help if (pl_commandName=="")
//print only the help of the specified command
if (pl_commandName==""
or pl_commandName==v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].commandName
or (v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].caseInsensitive
and f_putInLowercase(pl_commandName)==v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].commandName)
) {
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
" "&v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].commandName&" - "&v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].commandHelp&"\n";
if (pl_commandName!="") {
vl_commandFound := true;
// print the owner of the command if help is requested for a specific command:
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"\nThis command is owned by component "&v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].ownerCompName&
" ("&log2str(v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].ownerCompRef)&")\n";
if (v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].caseInsensitive) {
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&
"The command name is case insensitive!\n"
if (vl_commandFound) {
// help about a specific command and command is found
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&"\n"&
"For more detailed information try:\n"&
vl_commandName&" help";
} else if (pl_commandName=="") {
// general help
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&"\n"&
"For more detailed information on a command try:\n"&
"help "&vl_commandName;
} else {
// help about a command that is not found
vl_helpText := vl_helpText&"\n"&
"No help available for command "&vl_commandName&": Command not found.";
return vl_helpText;
// returns the id of the command, -1 if not registered
// searches the database case insesitively if the pl_caseInsensitive is true (default)
private function f_EPTF_CLI_getCommandId(in charstring pl_commandName, in boolean pl_caseInsensitive := true) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return integer {
for(var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList); i:=i+1) {
if (not pl_caseInsensitive and pl_commandName==v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].commandName) {
return i;
if (pl_caseInsensitive and f_putInLowercase(pl_commandName)==f_putInLowercase(v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].commandName)) {
// case insesitive command with same name exist,
// or an already registered case sensitive command name case insesitively matches with the new command name
return i;
return -1;
// returns true if the command is registered
private function f_EPTF_CLI_isRegistered(in charstring pl_commandName, in boolean pl_caseInsensitive := true) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return boolean {
return (f_EPTF_CLI_getCommandId(pl_commandName,pl_caseInsensitive)!=-1);
// returns the id of the command, -1 if not registered
private function f_EPTF_CLI_findCommandId(in charstring pl_commandName) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return integer {
for(var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList); i:=i+1) {
if (pl_commandName==v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].commandName) {
return i;
if (v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].caseInsensitive and f_putInLowercase(pl_commandName)==v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[i].commandName) {
return i;
return -1;
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_getCommandHelp
// Purpose:
// Returns the help of the command given at registration
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_commandName - the name of the command to get help about
// Return Value:
// charstring - the registered help string for the command
public function f_EPTF_CLI_getCommandHelp(in charstring pl_commandName) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return charstring {
// search for the command:
var integer vl_commandId := f_EPTF_CLI_findCommandId(pl_commandName);
if (vl_commandId==-1) {
// command not found, or what is found is not case insensitive
return "No help available for command "&pl_commandName&": Command not found.";
return v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[vl_commandId].commandHelp;
private function f_EPTF_CLI_unlockSemaphore_PostProc(in integer pl_idx, in EPTF_IntegerList pl_argList) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
var charstring vl_resultValue := f_EPTF_Var_getCharstringValue(pl_idx); // format: "<pid> <commandResult>"
var charstring vl_commandPID := regexp(vl_resultValue,c_EPTF_CLI_anyWord&c_EPTF_CLI_everything,0); // trim down the command PID from the command value
var integer vl_executeSemaphoreId := pl_argList[0];
// if the result belongs to the executed command: store the result and unlock its semaphore:
if (str2int(vl_commandPID)==vl_executeSemaphoreId) {
v_EPTF_CLI_commandResults[vl_executeSemaphoreId] := vl_resultValue;
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_executeCommand
// Purpose:
// Executes a built-in or registered command with the given arguments and returns the result
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_command - the command to execute
// Return Value:
// charstring - the result returned by the command
public function f_EPTF_CLI_executeCommand(in charstring pl_command) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return charstring {
var charstring vl_commandName := regexp(pl_command,c_EPTF_CLI_anyWord&c_EPTF_CLI_everything,0); // trim down the command name from pl_command
var charstring vl_commandArgs := regexp(pl_command,c_EPTF_CLI_anyWord&c_EPTF_CLI_everything,1); // trim down the command args from pl_command
var integer vl_idx := -1;
var charstring vl_ret := f_EPTF_CLI_preProcessAlias(vl_commandArgs);
return vl_ret;
if(f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap, vl_commandName, vl_idx))
return f_EPTF_CLI_executeCommand(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAliases[vl_idx]&" "&vl_commandArgs);
if (vl_commandName=="") {
return "";
return f_EPTF_CLI_getHelpTxt("alias");
return f_EPTF_CLI_registerAlias(vl_commandArgs);
return f_EPTF_CLI_unalias(vl_commandArgs);
return f_EPTF_CLI_lsalias(vl_commandArgs);
return f_EPTF_CLI_allalias();
if (vl_commandName=="help") {
return f_EPTF_CLI_getHelpTxt(vl_commandArgs);
if (vl_commandName=="exit" or f_putInLowercase(vl_commandName)=="quit") {
if (vl_commandArgs!="") {
return f_EPTF_CLI_getHelpTxt(vl_commandName);
return "Command Line Interface terminal closed.";
if (vl_commandName=="stopAll" or f_putInLowercase(vl_commandName)=="stop") {
if (vl_commandArgs!="") {
return f_EPTF_CLI_getHelpTxt(vl_commandName);
return vl_commandName&" was already executed"; // this executed only if there was a stop before
var integer vl_commandVarIdx := f_EPTF_Var_getId("CLI."&vl_commandName&".command");
if (vl_commandVarIdx==-1) {
// case sensitive command not found.
// try case insesitively:
var integer vl_commandId := f_EPTF_CLI_findCommandId(vl_commandName);
if (vl_commandId==-1) {
// command not found
return vl_commandName&": Command not found.";
if (v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[vl_commandId].caseInsensitive) {
// command is case insensitive (always true here)
vl_commandName := f_putInLowercase(vl_commandName);
vl_commandVarIdx := f_EPTF_Var_getId("CLI."&vl_commandName&".command");
var integer vl_resultVarIdx := f_EPTF_Var_getId("CLI."&vl_commandName&".result");
// blocking the excution until response is received:
var integer vl_executeSemaphoreId := f_EPTF_Semaphore_new();
// add the postproc for the result variable to unlock the execute semaphore when the result is received:
pl_idx := vl_resultVarIdx,
pl_postProcFn := {
funcRef := refers(f_EPTF_CLI_unlockSemaphore_PostProc),
argList := {vl_executeSemaphoreId}
// forward the command to the owner in the format: "<pid> <command>"
// the pid is needed to identify the result with the executed command
f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(vl_commandVarIdx, {charstringVal := int2str(vl_executeSemaphoreId)&" "&vl_commandArgs});
// TODO: write the PID of the executed command to terminal: "[vl_executeSemaphoreId] started"
// wait until result arrives
if (f_EPTF_Semaphore_waitForUnlock(vl_executeSemaphoreId)) {/*remove the warning*/};
// TODO: write the PID of the executed command to terminal: "[vl_executeSemaphoreId] done"
// remove the post proc:
pl_idx := vl_resultVarIdx,
pl_postProcFn := {
funcRef := refers(f_EPTF_CLI_unlockSemaphore_PostProc),
argList := {vl_executeSemaphoreId}
// return the result without the PID:
// the result value format: "<pid> <commandResult>"
return regexp(v_EPTF_CLI_commandResults[vl_executeSemaphoreId],c_EPTF_CLI_anyWord&c_EPTF_CLI_everything,1);
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_setAliasTag
// Purpose:
// Sets the tag that signs aliases to be replaced in commands
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_tag - the tag
public function f_EPTF_CLI_setAliasTag(in charstring pl_tag) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
v_EPTF_CLI_aliasTag := pl_tag;
// Blocking adjust:
// var integer vl_executeSemaphoreId := f_EPTF_Semaphore_new();
// f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(vl_commandVarIdx, {charstringVal := pl_commandArgs}/*, {refers(f_EPTF_CLI_executeCommand_adjustHandler), {vl_executeSemaphoreId}}*/);
// private function f_EPTF_CLI_executeCommand_adjustHandler(in integer pl_idx, in EPTF_Var_DirectContent pl_content,in boolean pl_result, in EPTF_IntegerList pl_argList) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
// var integer vl_executeSemaphoreId := pl_argList[0];
// f_EPTF_Semaphore_unlock(vl_executeSemaphoreId);
// }
// CLI-CLI_Client IF handling:
private function f_EPTF_CLI_handleRegisterCommand(in EPTF_CLI_Msg_RegisterCommand pl_msg, in EPTF_CLI_Client_CT pl_sender) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
// check if command can be registered:
var integer vl_commandId := f_EPTF_CLI_findCommandId(pl_msg.commandName);
if (pl_msg.caseInsensitive and vl_commandId==-1) {
vl_commandId := f_EPTF_CLI_getCommandId(pl_msg.commandName,pl_msg.caseInsensitive)
if (vl_commandId!=-1) {
// command already exists: registration failed
// send response with failed result:
registerCommandResp := {
id :=,
result := registerFailed
}) to pl_sender;
// registration successful
// set command forwarding and help message for command
var integer vl_newCommandIdx := sizeof(v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList);
v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandIdx] := c_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommand_init;
v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandIdx].commandName := pl_msg.commandName;
v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandIdx].commandHelp := pl_msg.commandHelp;
v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandIdx].ownerCompRef := pl_sender;
v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandIdx].ownerCompName := pl_msg.ownerCompName;
v_EPTF_CLI_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandIdx].caseInsensitive := pl_msg.caseInsensitive;
// create the variables:
var integer vl_idx,vl_displayVarIdx;
// add the postproc for the display variable:
pl_idx := vl_displayVarIdx,
pl_postProcFn := {
funcRef := refers(f_EPTF_CLI_showDisplay_PostProc),
argList := {}
// send response with OK result:
registerCommandResp := {
id :=,
result := registerOK
}) to pl_sender;
private function f_EPTF_CLI_showDisplay_PostProc(in integer pl_idx, in EPTF_IntegerList pl_argList) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
var charstring vl_displayValue := f_EPTF_Var_getCharstringValue(pl_idx);
private altstep as_EPTF_CLI_handleMgmtMsgs() runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
var EPTF_CLI_MgmtMsg vl_msg;
var EPTF_CLI_Client_CT vl_sender;
[] EPTF_CLI_MgmtIf.receive(?) -> value vl_msg sender vl_sender {
if (ischosen(vl_msg.registerCommand)) {
// TELNET IF Handling:
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_closeTerminal
// Purpose:
// Closes the terminal
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
public function f_EPTF_CLI_closeTerminal() runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
if (v_EPTF_CLI_terminalDisabled or not v_EPTF_CLI_initialized) {
// close terminal is not allowed after cleanup
if (v_EPTF_CLI_clientConnected) {
v_EPTF_CLI_clientConnected:= false;
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_closeDisplayTerminal
// Purpose:
// Closes the display terminal
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
public function f_EPTF_CLI_closeDisplayTerminal() runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
if (v_EPTF_CLI_displayTerminalDisabled or not v_EPTF_CLI_initialized) {
// close display terminal is not allowed after cleanup
if (v_EPTF_CLI_displayConnected) {
v_EPTF_CLI_displayConnected:= false;
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_sendMessageToTelnetIf
// Purpose:
// Send a custom message to be displayed to the user.
private function f_EPTF_CLI_sendMessageToTelnetIf(
in charstring pl_msg)
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
if (v_EPTF_CLI_terminalDisabled or not v_EPTF_CLI_initialized) {
// using the terminal is not allowed after cleanup
if (v_EPTF_CLI_clientConnected) {
} else {
f_EPTF_CLI_debug("Message "&pl_msg&" could not be sent to terminal: Terminal is not connected!");
private function f_EPTF_CLI_handleTELNETCommand(in charstring pl_command) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
// write result to telnet if:
private altstep as_EPTF_CLI_handleTELNETaspIf() runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
var charstring vl_msg;
var integer vl_connectCode;
[] EPTF_CLI_TELNET_PCO.receive(charstring:?) -> value vl_msg {
if (
(lengthof(vl_msg)>0 and substr(vl_msg,0,1) == "#")
or (lengthof(vl_msg)>1 and substr(vl_msg,0,2) == "//")
) {
repeat; // this line is treated as a comment
//Handle login
[] EPTF_CLI_TELNET_PCO.receive(integer:?) -> value vl_connectCode
if (vl_connectCode==1) { // connect
f_EPTF_CLI_debug("Invalid ASP received from port EPTF_CLI_TELNET_PCO. Ignored.");
} else if (vl_connectCode==3) { // disconnect
v_EPTF_CLI_clientConnected:= false;
v_EPTF_CLI_clientConnected := true;
if(tsp_EPTF_CLL_CLI_ShowWelcome) {
"\n\nWelcome to the Command Line Interface terminal!\n"&
"To get help about available commands use the ""help"" command.\n\n"
f_EPTF_CLI_warning("Invalid message received on CLI telnet port. Ignored");
private function f_EPTF_CLI_sendMessageToDisplayTelnetIf(
in charstring pl_msg)
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
if (v_EPTF_CLI_displayTerminalDisabled or not v_EPTF_CLI_initialized) {
// using the display terminal is not allowed after cleanup
if (v_EPTF_CLI_displayConnected) {
} else {
f_EPTF_CLI_debug("Message "&pl_msg&" could not be sent to display terminal: Display terminal is not connected!");
private function f_EPTF_CLI_handleDisplayTELNETCommand(in charstring pl_command) runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
// write result to telnet if:
if (pl_command=="exit" or f_putInLowercase(pl_command)=="quit") {
// otherwise execute commands like in the normal terminal:
private altstep as_EPTF_CLI_handleDisplayTELNETaspIf() runs on EPTF_CLI_CT {
var charstring vl_msg;
[] EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO.receive(charstring:?) -> value vl_msg {
if (
(lengthof(vl_msg)>0 and substr(vl_msg,0,1) == "#")
or (lengthof(vl_msg)>1 and substr(vl_msg,0,2) == "//")
) {
repeat; // this line is treated as a comment
[] EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO.receive(integer:?)
f_EPTF_CLI_warning("Invalid ASP received from port EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO. Ignored.");
v_EPTF_CLI_displayConnected := true;
if (tsp_EPTF_CLL_CLI_ShowWelcome) {
"\n\nWelcome to the Command Line Interface display terminal!\n"&
"Messages sent to the display terminal are shown here.\n"&
"To get help about available commands use the ""help"" command.\n\n"
[] EPTF_CLI_displayTELNET_PCO.receive
f_EPTF_CLI_warning("Invalid message received on CLI Display telnet port. Ignored.");
private function f_EPTF_CLI_registerAlias(in charstring pl_aliasArgs)
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return charstring
var charstring vl_commandName:="", vl_commandAlias:="";
var integer vl_idx := -1;
vl_commandName := regexp(pl_aliasArgs, c_EPTF_CLI_everything&" "&c_EPTF_CLI_anyWord, 0);
vl_commandAlias := regexp(pl_aliasArgs, c_EPTF_CLI_everything&" "&c_EPTF_CLI_anyWord, 1);
if(vl_commandName=="" or vl_commandName==""){
return "Illegal argument error!\n"&f_EPTF_CLI_getHelpTxt("alias");
if(not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap, vl_commandAlias, vl_idx)){
f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Insert(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap, vl_commandAlias, sizeof(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAliases));
v_EPTF_CLI_commandAliases[sizeof(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAliases)] := vl_commandName;
return "Alias already used for command: "&v_EPTF_CLI_commandAliases[vl_idx];
return "Alias registered! Command: "&vl_commandName&", alias: "&vl_commandAlias;
private function f_EPTF_CLI_preProcessAlias(inout charstring pl_args)
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return charstring //return "" if no error
var charstring vl_pre:="", vl_alias:="-", vl_post:="";
var integer vl_idx := -1;
vl_pre:=regexp(pl_args, "(*)"&v_EPTF_CLI_aliasTag&"(*)"&v_EPTF_CLI_aliasTag&"(*)", 0);
vl_alias:=regexp(pl_args, "(*)"&v_EPTF_CLI_aliasTag&"(*)"&v_EPTF_CLI_aliasTag&"(*)", 1);
vl_post:=regexp(pl_args, "(*)"&v_EPTF_CLI_aliasTag&"(*)"&v_EPTF_CLI_aliasTag&"(*)", 2);
if(vl_alias==""){return ""}
if(not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap, vl_alias, vl_idx))
return vl_alias&" is not a registered alias!";
pl_args := vl_pre&v_EPTF_CLI_commandAliases[vl_idx]&vl_post;
return "";
private function f_EPTF_CLI_unalias(in charstring pl_alias)
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return charstring
var integer vl_idx := -1;
if(not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap, pl_alias, vl_idx)){
return pl_alias&" is not a registered alias!";
v_EPTF_CLI_commandAliases[vl_idx] := "";
f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Erase(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap, pl_alias);
return "Alias removed!";
private function f_EPTF_CLI_lsalias(in charstring pl_alias)
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return charstring
var integer vl_idx := -1;
if(not f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap, pl_alias, vl_idx)){
return pl_alias&" is not a registered alias!";
return "Alias "&pl_alias&" is registered to command: "&v_EPTF_CLI_commandAliases[vl_idx];
private function f_EPTF_CLI_allalias()
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT return charstring
var charstring vl_ret:="List of all aliases registered in the system(alias - command): \n", vl_iter:="";
var integer vl_idx:=-1;
if(f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Begin(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap, vl_iter)){
f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Find(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap, vl_iter, vl_idx);
vl_ret := vl_ret&" "&vl_iter&" - "&v_EPTF_CLI_commandAliases[vl_idx]&"\n";
while(f_EPTF_str2int_HashMap_Next(v_EPTF_CLI_commandAlias_HashMap, vl_iter))
return "No aliases are registered yet! See 'help alias'!";
return vl_ret;
group Logging {
modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_CLI_Functions_debug := false;
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_error
// Purpose:
// Function to log an error from CLI feature.
// Parameters:
// - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
// Return Value:
// -
private function f_EPTF_CLI_error(in charstring pl_message)
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT
f_EPTF_Logging_error(true, c_EPTF_CLI_loggingComponentMask&": "&pl_message);
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_warning
// Purpose:
// Function to log a warning from CLI feature.
// Parameters:
// - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
// Return Value:
// -
private function f_EPTF_CLI_warning(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT
f_EPTF_Logging_warning(true, c_EPTF_CLI_loggingComponentMask&": "&pl_message);
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_debug
// Purpose:
// Function to log a debug message from CLI feature.
// Parameters:
// - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
// Return Value:
// -
private function f_EPTF_CLI_debug(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT
f_EPTF_Logging_debugV2(pl_message, v_EPTF_CLI_loggingMaskId, {c_EPTF_CLI_loggingClassIdx_Debug});
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_debugEnabled
// Purpose:
// Function to check if debug is enabled for CLI
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true if debug enalbed
private function f_EPTF_CLI_debugEnabled()
runs on EPTF_CLI_CT
return boolean
return f_EPTF_Logging_isEnabled(v_EPTF_CLI_loggingMaskId, c_EPTF_CLI_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
} // ~group Logging
} //~group CLI
// CLI_Client
group CLI_Client {
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_Client_init_CT
// Purpose:
// This function initializes the EPTF_CLI_Client_CT component
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_selfName - name of the component
// in EPTF_CLI_CT pl_CLI_compRef := null - the CLI component reference used as a default
// to register the commands into
// Return Value:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// This function should be called before any other EPTF_CLI_Client_CT functions are used.
public function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_init_CT(
in charstring pl_selfName,
in EPTF_CLI_CT pl_CLI_compRef := null
) runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT {
if (v_EPTF_CLI_Client_initialized) {
v_CLI_Client_registerCommandResults := {};
v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList := {};
v_CLI_compRef := pl_CLI_compRef;
if (v_CLI_compRef!=null) {
v_CLI_Client_handler := activate(as_EPTF_CLI_Client_handleMgmtMsgs());
v_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingMaskId := f_EPTF_Logging_registerComponentMasks(c_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingComponentMask, c_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingEventClasses, EPTF_Logging_CLL);
if(tsp_EPTF_CLI_Client_Functions_debug) {
f_EPTF_Logging_enableLocalMask(v_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingMaskId, c_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
} else {
f_EPTF_Logging_disableLocalMask(v_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingMaskId, c_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
v_EPTF_CLI_Client_initialized := true;
private function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_cleanup_CT() runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT {
if (not v_EPTF_CLI_Client_initialized) {
v_EPTF_CLI_Client_initialized := false;
if (v_CLI_compRef!=null) {
v_CLI_Client_handler:= null;
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_Client_registerCommand
// Purpose:
// Register a new command into the CommanLineInteface
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_commandName - name of the new command
// in charstring pl_commandHelp - short help information about the command
// in f_EPTF_CLI_Client_commandHandler_FT pl_commandHandler - the handler function to
// handle the command
// in EPTF_CLI_CT pl_CLI_compRef := null - the CLI component to register the new command into
// in boolean pl_caseInsensitiveCommand := true - specifies if the new command is case sensitive or not
// Return Value:
// EPTF_CLI_RegisterCommandResult - tells if the registration was successful
// Detailed Comments:
// The name of the command given in pl_commandName cannot contain spaces.
// The name should be unique on the given CLI.
// The help string given in pl_commandHelp is printed when the help command is executed
// in the CLI terminal, or when all commands are listed. This is why it should be a short
// description of the command, if possible not exceeding 50 characters.
// More detailed help message can be given by implementing the handling of e.g. the "help"
// argument for the command. In this case more detailed help can be accessed by
// issuing "<command> help" on the terminal.
// The pl_commandHandler function is called with the command arguments when the command was
// issued in the CLI terminal: "<command name> <command args>"
// The CLI calls the handler assigned to the <command name>. The <command args> is
// passed to the handler in its pl_commandArgs argument. The pl_result of the
// handler is set to the <command name> when the handler is invoked.
// The handler should change this value. This value will appear on the CLI terminal.
// The handler function also should return an error code. The zero value means no error,
// any other positive value will appear on the CLI as the error code of the command.
// Negative error codes are not printed to the terminal (invisible error code).
// The pl_CLI_compRef argument of f_EPTF_CLI_Client_registerCommand can be used
// to use a different CLI component that was given in the <f_EPTF_CLI_Client_init_CT>
// as default. If pl_CLI_compRef is not specified, CLI component given during init is used.
// The argument pl_caseInsensitiveCommand can be used to specify if the command name
// is case sensitive or not. By default the command names will be registered
// case insensitively.
public function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_registerCommand(
in charstring pl_commandName,
in charstring pl_commandHelp,
in f_EPTF_CLI_Client_commandHandler_FT pl_commandHandler,
in EPTF_CLI_CT pl_CLI_compRef := null,
in boolean pl_caseInsensitiveCommand := true
) runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT return EPTF_CLI_RegisterCommandResult {
if (not v_EPTF_CLI_Client_initialized) {
// registration is not allowed after cleanup
return registerFailed;
if (pl_commandHandler==null or pl_commandName == "" or pl_commandHelp == "") {
// null handlers, names, help are not accepted, registration not successful
return registerFailed;
if (pl_commandName == "help"
or pl_commandName == "stopAll" or f_putInLowercase(pl_commandName) == "stop"
or pl_commandName == "exit" or f_putInLowercase(pl_commandName) == "quit" ) {
// these commands are reserved by CLI, cannot be registered
return registerFailed;
// check if command name contains spaces:
// regexp: any number of non-space + min 1 space + anything
var charstring vl_spaces := regexp(pl_commandName,"[^ ]#(,)([ ]#(1,))(*)",0);
if (vl_spaces!="") {
// command name contains space
return registerFailed;
// if the pl_CLI_compRef was specified and is different from v_CLI_compRef
// use that as CLI to register the command, otherwise use the default
// CLI given in the init function:
var EPTF_CLI_CT vl_CLI_compRef := v_CLI_compRef;
if (pl_CLI_compRef!=null and pl_CLI_compRef!=v_CLI_compRef) {
vl_CLI_compRef := pl_CLI_compRef;
} else if (vl_CLI_compRef==null) {
// no CLI comp ref specified
return registerFailed;
if (pl_caseInsensitiveCommand) {
pl_commandName := f_putInLowercase(pl_commandName);
var integer vl_semaphoreIdx := f_EPTF_Semaphore_new();
registerCommand := {
id := vl_semaphoreIdx,
commandName := pl_commandName,
commandHelp := pl_commandHelp,
ownerCompName := f_EPTF_Base_selfName(),
caseInsensitive := pl_caseInsensitiveCommand
}) to vl_CLI_compRef;
if(f_EPTF_Semaphore_waitForUnlock(vl_semaphoreIdx)) {/*remove the warning*/};
var EPTF_CLI_RegisterCommandResult vl_result := v_CLI_Client_registerCommandResults[vl_semaphoreIdx];
// reset the result database to failed value:
v_CLI_Client_registerCommandResults[vl_semaphoreIdx] := registerFailed;
// disconnect from the CLI if it was connected:
if (pl_CLI_compRef!=null and pl_CLI_compRef!=v_CLI_compRef) {
if (vl_result!=registerOK) {
// registration not successful
return vl_result;
// registration is successful (vl_result==registerOK)
// store the command data:
var integer vl_newCommandId := sizeof(v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList);
v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandId] := c_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommand_init;
v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandId].commandName := pl_commandName;
v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandId].commandHandler := pl_commandHandler;
v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandId].caseInsensitive := pl_caseInsensitiveCommand;
// create/subscibe to the variables:
// the local variable name has to contain the CLI compRef to allow
// to be able to register the same command into different CLI-s
var integer vl_commandVarIdx,vl_resultVarIdx,vl_displayVarIdx;
pl_localName := "CLI_Client."&log2str(vl_CLI_compRef)&"."&pl_commandName&".command"
pl_localName := "CLI_Client."&log2str(vl_CLI_compRef)&"."&pl_commandName&".result"
pl_localName := "CLI_Client."&log2str(vl_CLI_compRef)&"."&pl_commandName&".display"
v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[vl_newCommandId].commandDisplayIdx := vl_displayVarIdx;
// add the postproc for the command variable:
pl_idx := vl_commandVarIdx,
pl_postProcFn := {
funcRef := refers(f_EPTF_CLI_Client_executeCommand_PostProc),
argList := {vl_newCommandId,vl_resultVarIdx}
return vl_result;
private function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_executeCommand_PostProc(in integer pl_idx, in EPTF_IntegerList pl_argList) runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT {
if (not v_EPTF_CLI_Client_initialized) {
// command execution is not allowed after cleanup
var charstring vl_commandValue := f_EPTF_Var_getCharstringValue(pl_idx);
var charstring vl_commandPID := regexp(vl_commandValue,c_EPTF_CLI_anyWord&c_EPTF_CLI_everything,0); // trim down the command PID from the command value
var charstring vl_commandParams := regexp(vl_commandValue,c_EPTF_CLI_anyWord&c_EPTF_CLI_everything,1); // trim down the command args from command value
var integer vl_commandId := pl_argList[0];
var integer vl_resultVarIdx := pl_argList[1];
var charstring vl_result := v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[vl_commandId].commandName;
var integer vl_exitCode := v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[vl_commandId].commandHandler.apply(vl_commandParams, vl_result);
// if the handler does not change the result, "<command> done." is written to the terminal:
if (vl_result == v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[vl_commandId].commandName) {
vl_result := vl_result&" done.";
// in case of error and positive error code, the exit code is shown:
if (vl_exitCode>0) {
vl_result := vl_result&"\n"&v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[vl_commandId].commandName&" "&vl_commandParams&": Error code: "&int2str(vl_exitCode);
// format of the result value: "<pid> <commandResult>"
// the pid is needed to identify the result with the executed command
f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(vl_resultVarIdx, {charstringVal := vl_commandPID&" "&vl_result});
private function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_handleRegisterCommandResp(in EPTF_CLI_Msg_RegisterCommandResp pl_msg) runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT {
v_CLI_Client_registerCommandResults[] := pl_msg.result;
// returns the id of the command, -1 if not registered
private function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_findCommandId(in charstring pl_commandName) runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT return integer {
for(var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList); i:=i+1) {
if (pl_commandName==v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[i].commandName) {
return i;
if (v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[i].caseInsensitive and f_putInLowercase(pl_commandName)==v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[i].commandName) {
return i;
return -1;
/*public function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_sendCommandResult(
in charstring pl_commandName,
in charstring pl_resultText
) runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT {
if (not v_EPTF_CLI_Client_initialized) {
// terminal update is not allowed after cleanup
var integer vl_idx := f_EPTF_Var_getId("CLI_Client."&pl_commandName&".result");
f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(vl_idx, {charstringVal := pl_resultText});
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_Client_sendCommandDisplay
// Purpose:
// Send message to the display terminal
// Parameters:
// in charstring pl_commandName - the name of the command of which display should be used
// in charstring pl_displayText - the text to write to the display terminal
// Return Value:
// -
public function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_sendCommandDisplay(
in charstring pl_commandName,
in charstring pl_displayText
) runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT {
if (not v_EPTF_CLI_Client_initialized) {
// display update is not allowed after cleanup
// find the command id for the command:
var integer vl_commandId := f_EPTF_CLI_Client_findCommandId(pl_commandName);
if (vl_commandId==-1) {
f_EPTF_CLI_Client_warning(%definitionId&": Cannot send text to display: command not found: "&pl_commandName);
return; // command not found
f_EPTF_Var_adjustContent(v_EPTF_CLI_Client_RegisteredCommandList[vl_commandId].commandDisplayIdx, {charstringVal := pl_displayText});
private altstep as_EPTF_CLI_Client_handleMgmtMsgs() runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT {
var EPTF_CLI_MgmtMsg vl_msg;
[] EPTF_CLI_Client_MgmtIf.receive(?) -> value vl_msg {
if (ischosen(vl_msg.registerCommandResp)) {
group Logging {
modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_CLI_Client_Functions_debug := false;
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_Client_error
// Purpose:
// Function to log an error from CLI Client feature.
// Parameters:
// pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
// Return Value:
// -
private function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_error(in charstring pl_message)
runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT
f_EPTF_Logging_error(true, c_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingComponentMask&": "&pl_message);
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_Client_warning
// Purpose:
// Function to log a warning from CLI Client feature.
// Parameters:
// - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
// Return Value:
// -
private function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_warning(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT
f_EPTF_Logging_warning(true, c_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingComponentMask&": "&pl_message);
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_Client_debug
// Purpose:
// Function to log a debug message from CLI Client feature.
// Parameters:
// - pl_message - *in* *charstring* - the message to log
// Return Value:
// -
private function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_debug(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT
f_EPTF_Logging_debugV2(pl_message, v_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingMaskId, {c_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingClassIdx_Debug});
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_Client_debugEnabled
// Purpose:
// Function to check if debug is enabled for CLI Client
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// *boolean* - true if debug enalbed
private function f_EPTF_CLI_Client_debugEnabled()
runs on EPTF_CLI_Client_CT
return boolean
return f_EPTF_Logging_isEnabled(v_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingMaskId, c_EPTF_CLI_Client_loggingClassIdx_Debug);
} // ~group Logging
} //~group CLI_Client
// Function: f_EPTF_CLI_splitString
// Purpose:
// Splits a string using a given separator
// Parameters:
// pl_string - *in* *charstring* - input string
// pl_separator - *in* *charstring* - separator (default: " \t" i.e space and tab)
// pl_multipleSeparators - *in* *boolean* - true if multiple separators are allowed
// between elements (default). If it is false elements with "" value
// are generated between separators.
// Return Value:
// EPTF_CharstringList - the array of splitted elements
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed description:
// If the input string contains leading/trailing separator characters,
// one or all of them is trimmed before splitting depending on the
// pl_multipleSeparators parameter. For false only one, for true
// all of them is trimmed:
// f_EPTF_CLI_splitString("..AA..BB..",".") returns {"AA","BB"}
// f_EPTF_CLI_splitString("..AA..BB...",".",false) returns {"","AA","","BB","",""}
// If pl_multipleSeparators is false then
// f_EPTF_CLI_splitString("AA...BB",".",false) will return {"AA","","","BB"}
// while if true:
// f_EPTF_CLI_splitString("AA...BB",".",true) will return {"AA","BB"}
public function f_EPTF_CLI_splitString(
in charstring pl_string,
in charstring pl_separator := " \t",
in boolean pl_multipleSeparators := true
) return EPTF_CharstringList {
var EPTF_CharstringList vl_result := {};
var charstring vl_everything := "(*)";
var charstring vl_separatorNumber := "(,)";
if (not pl_multipleSeparators) {
vl_separatorNumber := "(,1)";
var charstring vl_separatorRegexp := "["&pl_separator&"]#"&vl_separatorNumber;
var charstring vl_anyWordRegexp := "([^"&pl_separator&"]#(,))"; // can be "" also
var charstring vl_currentString := regexp(pl_string,vl_separatorRegexp&vl_everything&vl_separatorRegexp,0);
vl_currentString != "";
vl_currentString := regexp(vl_currentString,vl_anyWordRegexp&vl_separatorRegexp&vl_everything,1)) {
vl_result[sizeof(vl_result)] := regexp(vl_currentString,vl_anyWordRegexp&vl_separatorRegexp&vl_everything,0);
return vl_result;
} //~EPTF_CLL_CLI_Functions