blob: dc81690dcb6f91ed1f342d30c9329f08c846189a [file] [log] [blame]
// //
// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB //
// //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
// //
// Clear XML namespace elements from source
// -----------------------------------------
// For validation because if its contain namespace
// elements the validation produce a "Element 'Widgets':
// No matching global declaration available for
// the validation root." error.
// DEFINES: setup different versions
// Version 3.48: change check the nested existence of iterator id {7.950767 / 1.185142}
#define VERSION_3 3.48
// Clear namespace elements from input
// All DEBUG Actions enable or disabled
//#define KI_DEBUG_ACTIONS 1
// Use time measure
//#define USE_TIME_MEASURE 1
// Print memory usage
// With XML check
// #define WITH_XML_CHECK 1
#include "Universal_charstring.hh"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "rapidxml.hh"
#include <algorithm>
// Override rapidxml: print [rapidxml_print.hpp:copy_and_expand_chars]
// for no conversion of <>'"& characters
namespace rapidxml
// Internal
//! \cond internal
namespace internal
// Internal character operations
// Copy characters from given range to given output iterator and expand
// characters into references (&lt; &gt; &apos; &quot; &amp;)
template<class OutIt>
inline OutIt copy_and_expand_chars(const char *begin, const char *end, char noexpand, OutIt out)
while (begin != end)
*out++ = *begin++;
return out;
#include "rapidxml_print.hh"
#include "EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions.hh"
#include "EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Definitions.hh"
#include "EPTF_CLL_DataSource_Functions.hh"
#include "EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_Definitions.hh"
#include "EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_WidgetFunctions.hh"
#include "EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions.hh"
#include "ttcn_ericsson_se_protocolModules_xtdp_xtdl.hh"
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/xmlschemas.h>
#include <string.h>
// ACTION macros ->
#define ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS(txt, args...) TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, txt, ## args);
#define ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS(txt, args...) no_action_in_guifunctions(txt);
#define ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS_PERMANENT(txt, args...) TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, txt, ## args); // no_action_in_guifunctions(txt);
//#define ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS_PERMANENT(txt, args...) no_action_in_guifunctions(txt);
#define NO_ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS(txt, args...) no_action_in_guifunctions(txt);
#define MB_OF_MEASURES 12
#define START_MEASURE(pl_idx, pl_str) start_timer(&v_timer_measure_start[pl_idx], &v_tv_measure[pl_idx]); strcpy(&v_time_measure_str[pl_idx][0],pl_str);
#define STOP_MEASURE(pl_idx) stop_timer(&v_timer_measure_start[pl_idx], &v_tv_measure[pl_idx], &v_time_measure_diff_summ[pl_idx]);
#define START_MEASURE(pl_idx, pl_str) ;
#define STOP_MEASURE(pl_idx) ;
using namespace rapidxml;
using namespace internal;
using namespace std;
using namespace EPTF__CLL__DataSource__Functions;
using namespace EPTF__CLL__UIHandler__WidgetFunctions;
using namespace EPTF__CLL__Variable__Definitions;
namespace EPTF__CLL__UIHandler__WidgetFunctions {
// External Variables [TTCN-3]
// EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_Definitions:
// -------------------------------
// v_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_nofRunning_processExternalData_handlers
// - number of running processes counter used waiting for all process done
// -------------------------------
// v_EPTF_UIHandler_WidgetFunctions_XTDP_XSD_filepath
// - validator XSD path if it its not empty: "" this is the validator XSD path.
// if empty, the validate process is not necessary.
// External Functions [TTCN-3]
// EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_WidgetFunctions:
// -----------------------------------
// f_EPTF_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_waitForProcessExternalData_handlers
// - wait for all non blocking data request process done
// -----------------------------------
// f_EPTF_DataSource_getData_nonBlocking
// - non blocking get data function
// Variables
static bool v_EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_initialized = false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const char c_xml_head[] = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n";
static const char c_widgets_start[] = "<Widgets xmlns=''>";
static const char c_widgets_end[] = "</Widgets>";
static const char c_xml_root_name[] = "Widgets";
static const char c_xml_element[] = "element";
static bool v_case_sensitive = true;
static const char c_str_iterator[] = "iterator";
static const char c_str_metaiterator[] = "metaiterator";
static const char c_str_externalvalue[] = "externalvalue";
static const char c_str_condition[] = "condition";
static const char c_str_insertif[] = "insertif";
static const char c_str_element[] = "element";
static const char c_str_id[] = "id";
static const char c_str_ptcname[] = "ptcname";
static const char c_str_source[] = "source";
static const char c_str_params[] = "params";
static const char c_str_dataparam[] = "dataparam";
static const char c_str_name[] = "name";
static const char c_str_value[] = "value";
static const char c_str_negate[] = "negate";
static const char c_str_true[] = "true";
static const char c_str_metadata[] = "metadata";
static const char c_str_offset_id[] = "offset_id";
static const char c_str_orig_node_ptr[] = "orig_node_ptr";
static const char c_str_orig_node_name[] = "orig_node_name";
static const char c_str_orig_itvalues[] = "orig_itvalues";
static const char c_xml_insert_name[] = "insert_node";
static const char c_xml_delete_name[] = "delete_node";
static const char c_str_TODO[] = "TODO";
static const char c_str_empty[] = "";
static const char c_str_replace_sign[] = "%";
static const char c_str_replace_idx[] = "::idx";
static const char c_str_replace_count[] = "::count";
static const char c_str_replace_ref[] = "::ref";
static const char c_str_xml_version[] = "version";
static const char c_str_xml_version_value[] = "1.0";
static const char c_str_xml_encoding[] = "encoding";
static const char c_str_xml_encoding_value[] = "UTF-8";
static const char c_str_xml_standalone[] = "standalone";
static const char c_str_xml_standalone_value[] = "yes";
static std::size_t v_size_root_name = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_iterator = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_metaiterator = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_externalvalue = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_condition = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_insertif = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_element = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_id = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_ptcname = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_source = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_params = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_dataparam = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_name = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_value = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_true = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_orig_node_ptr = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_orig_node_name = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_orig_itvalues = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_xml_insert_name = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_xml_delete_name = 0;
static std::size_t v_size_offset_id = 0;
// Temporary attributes
static const char * v_temp_attributes[] = { c_str_orig_node_ptr,
// Temporary attributes length
static std::size_t * v_temp_attributes_size[] = { &v_size_orig_node_ptr,
// REAL Variables
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterator ID index [lifetime: reset_XML]
static int v_iterator_idx = 0;
// ============================================
// Document [rapidxml]
static xml_document<> v_doc;
// Playlist document [rapidxml]
static xml_document<> v_playlist_doc;
// For XML parts
static vector<char *> v_xmlStrs;
static long v_lastXmlStrs_length = 0;
static long v_xmlStrs_length = 0;
// For variable data
static vector<variable_data> v_variableData;
// variable data map
static map<long, int> v_variableDataMap;
// variable data map OFFSET ID
static long v_variableDataMapOffsetID;
// widget id map for BASE nodes TO doc OR playlist_doc
static map<string, xml_node<> *> v_widgetIDMap;
// clone widget id map for nodes in clone_doc
static map<string, node_parent> v_cloneWidgetIDMap;
// playlist widget id map for nodes TO playlist_doc
static map<string, playlist_data> v_playlistWidgetIDMap;
// Playlist item idx
int v_playlistIdx = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// root and clone root node // [lifetime: for test only]
static clock_t v_timer_full_start;
static struct timeval v_tv_full;
static double v_time_full_diff_summ = 0.0;
static clock_t v_timer_process_start;
static struct timeval v_tv_process;
static double v_time_process_diff_summ = 0.0;
static clock_t v_timer_measure_start[MB_OF_MEASURES];
static struct timeval v_tv_measure[MB_OF_MEASURES];
static double v_time_measure_diff_summ[MB_OF_MEASURES];
static char v_time_measure_str[MB_OF_MEASURES][256];
// Functions
// Function: init_XML
// Purpose:
// Initializes the XML parser
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Initialize the parser variables.
void init_XML(void)
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("init_XML - v_EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_initialized[%d]", v_EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_initialized);
if(v_EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_initialized == false) {
// Init size variables for quick comparison
v_size_root_name = measure(c_xml_root_name);
v_size_iterator = measure(c_str_iterator);
v_size_metaiterator = measure(c_str_metaiterator);
v_size_externalvalue = measure(c_str_externalvalue);
v_size_condition = measure(c_str_condition);
v_size_insertif = measure(c_str_insertif);
v_size_element = measure(c_str_element);
v_size_id = measure(c_str_id);
v_size_ptcname = measure(c_str_ptcname);
v_size_source = measure(c_str_source);
v_size_params = measure(c_str_params);
v_size_dataparam = measure(c_str_dataparam);
v_size_name = measure(c_str_name);
v_size_value = measure(c_str_value);
v_size_true = measure(c_str_true);
v_size_orig_node_ptr = measure(c_str_orig_node_ptr);
v_size_orig_node_name = measure(c_str_orig_node_name);
v_size_orig_itvalues = measure(c_str_orig_itvalues);
v_size_xml_insert_name = measure(c_xml_insert_name);
v_size_xml_delete_name = measure(c_xml_delete_name);
v_size_offset_id = measure(c_str_offset_id);
// [lifetime: reset_XML]
// Reset number of running processes external variable
v_iterator_idx = 0; // Iterator ID index
// RapidXML documents
if(init_xml_doc(&v_playlist_doc) == false) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: The Playlist XML doc cannot be loaded!");
v_xmlStrs.clear(); // For xml strings
v_xmlStrs_length = 0;
v_variableData.clear(); // For variable data
v_variableDataMap.clear(); // variable data map
v_variableDataMapOffsetID = 0l; // variable data map OFFSET ID
v_widgetIDMap.clear(); // widget id map
v_playlistWidgetIDMap.clear(); // playlist widget id map
v_playlistIdx = 0; // Playlist item idx
// [lifetime: expand_XML() or refreshed_XML_forNode()]
v_cloneWidgetIDMap.clear(); // clone widget id map
v_EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_initialized = true;
// Function: cleanup_XML
// Purpose:
// cleanup the XML parser
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// cleanup the XML parser variables.
void cleanup_XML(void) {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("cleanup_XML - v_EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_initialized[%d]", v_EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_initialized);
if(v_EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_initialized == true){
// Reset all data
v_EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions_initialized = false;
// Function: reset_XML
// Purpose:
// reset the full XML document
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// reset the full XML document.
void reset_XML(void) {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("reset_XML[v_widgetIDMap.size() | v_variableDataMap.size() | v_cloneWidgetIDMap.size() = %d | %d | %d]", (int)v_widgetIDMap.size(), (int)v_variableDataMap.size(), (int)v_cloneWidgetIDMap.size());
// [lifetime: reset_XML]
v_iterator_idx = 0; // Iterator ID index
// For xml strings
for(unsigned int vl_idx=0; vl_idx< v_xmlStrs.size(); vl_idx++){
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("reset_XML - v_xmlStrs[%d]->%s",vl_idx, v_xmlStrs[vl_idx]);
v_xmlStrs[vl_idx] = 0;
v_xmlStrs_length = 0;
// Clear variable data and variable data map
v_widgetIDMap.clear(); // widget id map
v_playlistWidgetIDMap.clear(); // playlist widget id map
v_playlistIdx = 0; // Playlist item idx
// For v_cloneWidgetIDMap
for(std::map<string, node_parent>::iterator vl_node_map = v_cloneWidgetIDMap.begin(); vl_node_map != v_cloneWidgetIDMap.end(); vl_node_map++) {
node_parent vl_node_parent = vl_node_map->second;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("reset_XML - v_cloneWidgetIDMap[%s]->%ld : %ld : %d", vl_node_map->first.c_str(), vl_node_parent.node_offset_id, vl_node_parent.parent_offset_node_id, (int)vl_node_parent.iterator_like );
v_cloneWidgetIDMap.clear(); // clone widget id map
if(init_xml_doc(&v_playlist_doc) == false) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: The Playlist XML doc cannot be loaded!");
// Function: reset_clone_XML
// Purpose:
// reset the clone XML document
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// reset the clone XML document.
void reset_clone_XML(void){
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("reset_clone_XML[v_widgetIDMap.size() | v_variableDataMap.size() | v_cloneWidgetIDMap.size() = %d | %d | %d]", (int)v_widgetIDMap.size(), (int)v_variableDataMap.size(), (int)v_cloneWidgetIDMap.size());
// [lifetime: reset_XML]
v_iterator_idx = 0; // Iterator ID index
// Clear variable data and variable data map
// For v_cloneWidgetIDMap
for(std::map<string, node_parent>::iterator vl_node_map = v_cloneWidgetIDMap.begin(); vl_node_map != v_cloneWidgetIDMap.end(); vl_node_map++) {
node_parent vl_node_parent = vl_node_map->second;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("reset_clone_XML - v_cloneWidgetIDMap[%s]->%ld : %ld : %d", vl_node_map->first.c_str(), vl_node_parent.node_offset_id, vl_node_parent.parent_offset_node_id, (int)vl_node_parent.iterator_like );
v_cloneWidgetIDMap.clear(); // clone widget id map
// Function: expand_XML
// Purpose:
// Expand XML conditional, iterator, external value elements
// Parameters:
// pl_xml - *in* *charstring* - the input xul XML
// pl_parentWidgetID - *in* *charstring* - the parent widget ID
// pl_expandedXML - *out* *charstring* - the expanded XML string
// Return Value:
// Returns the result of validation and process.
// pl_expandedXML - *out* *charstring* - the expanded XML string
// Errors:
// - The XML invalid[<error code>] : {<xml string>}
// - NO root element in the XML : {<xml string>}
// - is_valid_XML: The XML doc cannot be loaded or is not well-formed: {<xml string>}!
// - is_valid_XML: The root element in the xml is '<act root>' instead of 'Widgets'!
// - is_valid_XML: The the schema cannot be loaded or is not well-formed[<schema filename>]!
// - is_valid_XML: The schema patch [<xsd:element name="Widgets" />] invalid!
// - is_valid_XML: Unable to create a parser context for the schema[<schema filename>]!
// - is_valid_XML: The schema itself is not valid[<schema filename>]!
// - is_valid_XML: unable to create a validation context for the schema[<schema filename>]!
// - is_valid_XML: Invalid XML {<xml string>} with schema [<schema filename>] - message: <error_message>!
// - get_data_parameters: unknown attribute [<attribute name>=<attribute value>]!
// - get_data_parameters: invalid call!");
// Detailed Comments:
// Load XML string into rapidXML document. Validate it if
// v_EPTF_UIHandler_WidgetFunctions_XTDP_XSD_filepath XSD path are set.
// Append physical PTRs into entities "orig_node_ptr" Clone the XML document
// than expand all iterator, condition and externalvalue elements using
// f_EPTF_DataSource_getData_nonBlocking external function.
bool expand_XML(const CHARSTRING& pl_xml, const CHARSTRING& pl_parentWidgetID, CHARSTRING& pl_expandedXML)
start_timer(&v_timer_full_start, &v_tv_full);
bool vl_ret = true;
int vl_validity = VALID_XML;
// root and clone root node // [lifetime: temporary]
xml_node<> * vl_root_node = v_doc.first_node();
xml_document<> vl_clone_doc; // Clone document [rapidxml]
xml_node<> * vl_clone_root_node = vl_clone_doc.first_node();
process_data vl_process_data;
vl_process_data.cloneDocPTR = &vl_clone_doc;
vl_process_data.waitforIdx = EPTF__CLL__UIHandler__Definitions::EPTF__UIHandler__Private__CT_component_v__UIHandler__GUIFunctions__nofRunning__processExternalData__handlers.size_of();
EPTF__CLL__UIHandler__Definitions::EPTF__UIHandler__Private__CT_component_v__UIHandler__GUIFunctions__nofRunning__processExternalData__handlers[vl_process_data.waitforIdx] = 0;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML[PRE:init_XML] {v_size_iterator:%d} {v_variableData.size():%d}vl_clone_doc:%ld", (int)v_size_iterator, (int)v_variableData.size(),(unsigned long)vl_process_data.cloneDocPTR);
pl_expandedXML = CHARSTRING("");
// copy because XML parser are modify it
char * vl_cstr_in = (char *)((const char *)pl_xml);
// Search start
while(*vl_cstr_in!='\0' && *vl_cstr_in!='<'){ vl_cstr_in++; };
char * vl_cstr = strdup_internal(vl_cstr_in);
char * vl_parentID = strdup_internal((const char *)pl_parentWidgetID);
bool vl_no_parent = false; // Have parent flag
v_lastXmlStrs_length = strlen(vl_cstr);
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"expand_XML[START:v_xmlStrs] - [%s]: + {%s}",vl_parentID,vl_cstr);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML[START:v_xmlStrs] - (%ld)*[%s]: + {%s}",(unsigned long)&vl_process_data,vl_parentID,vl_cstr);
clear_namespace_elements(vl_cstr); // Clear unhandled namespace elements
// If have parent id
if(*vl_parentID != '\0'){
// and have window in XML
if(strstr(vl_cstr,"<window")) {
// The parent are the main document -> no parent ID
*vl_parentID = '\0';
// If no parent -> Reset and set act_doc
if(*vl_parentID == '\0') {
vl_no_parent = true;
std::string vl_xml_out_doc_as_string_in;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_out_doc_as_string_in), v_playlist_doc);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML[v_playlist_doc:IN]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)vl_xml_out_doc_as_string_in.c_str()));
// If no parent
if(vl_no_parent == true) {
// Parse full document
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Validate the XML
const char * vl_XSD_filepath = (const char *)EPTF__CLL__UIHandler__Definitions::EPTF__UIHandler__Private__CT_component_v__EPTF__UIHandler__WidgetFunctions__XTDP__XSD__filepath;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML[INPUT] (%s} -> {%s}", vl_XSD_filepath, vl_cstr);
// If XSD file path are set
if(vl_XSD_filepath != 0 && *vl_XSD_filepath != '\0'){
vl_validity = is_valid_XML(vl_cstr, vl_XSD_filepath);
if(vl_validity != VALID_XML) {
vl_ret = false;
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: The XML invalid[%d] : {%s}", vl_validity, (const char *)pl_xml);
} else {
// Load XML into rapidxml doc
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML[Load XML into rapidxml doc]");
try {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML[Load XML into rapidxml doc] try(%ld)",(long)v_doc.first_node());
vl_root_node = v_doc.first_node();
} catch (rapidxml::parse_error &e) { // int vl_err
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML[Load XML into rapidxml doc] catch(%s)",e.what());
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: The XML doc cannot be loaded or is not well-formed: {%s}!", e.what());
vl_root_node = NULL;
vl_validity = ERROR_XML_LOAD;
if(vl_root_node == NULL){
vl_ret = false;
if(vl_validity == VALID_XML) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: NO root element in the XML : {%s}", (const char *)pl_xml);
} else {
// Map the nodes
append_node_ptrs(&v_doc, &vl_process_data, vl_root_node);
action_print_node("expand_XML - v_doc {%s}",vl_root_node);
// Clone the document ->
// copy whole tree into second tree, which will contain metaiterators and the children expanded according the values of the iterator
vl_clone_root_node = vl_clone_doc.clone_node(vl_root_node);
vl_clone_root_node = vl_clone_doc.first_node();
// Expand XML elements
expand_XML_elements( vl_clone_root_node , &vl_process_data, 0l);
// Wait for all data processed
// remove debug and ptr attributes
vl_clone_root_node = vl_clone_doc.first_node();
action_print_node("expand_XML - v_playlist_doc.out_process_for_metaiterators{start} {%s}",vl_clone_root_node);
out_process_for_metaiterators(vl_process_data.cloneDocPTR , vl_clone_root_node, (xml_node<>*) 0);
vl_clone_root_node = vl_clone_doc.first_node();
action_print_node("expand_XML - v_playlist_doc.out_process_for_metaiterators{END} {%s}",vl_clone_root_node);
std::string vl_xml_out_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_out_as_string), vl_clone_doc);
pl_expandedXML = CHARSTRING((char *) vl_xml_out_as_string.c_str());
} else {
// Insert XML
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
variable_data vl_var_data_local;
variable_data * vl_var_data_ptr = 0;
variable_data * vl_var_parent_data_ptr = 0;
xml_node<> * vl_orig_node_ptr = 0;
xml_node<> * vl_node_dest = 0; // Destination node
std::map<string, node_parent>::iterator vl_node_map = v_cloneWidgetIDMap.find(vl_parentID);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML - Insert XML - v_cloneWidgetIDMap[FIND:{%s}]", vl_parentID);
print_variableData("expand_XML[Insert XML]");
if(vl_node_map != v_cloneWidgetIDMap.end()) {
node_parent vl_node_parent = vl_node_map->second;
if(init_xml_doc(&vl_clone_doc) == false) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: The Clone XML doc cannot be loaded!");
vl_node_dest = vl_clone_doc.first_node();
vl_orig_node_ptr = vl_node_parent.orig_node_ptr;
// Find node ID
std::map<long, int>::iterator vl_data_map = v_variableDataMap.find(vl_node_parent.node_offset_id);
// iterator item
if(vl_data_map != v_variableDataMap.end() && vl_data_map->second<(int)v_variableData.size()) {
vl_var_data_ptr = &v_variableData[vl_data_map->second];
if(vl_node_parent.parent_offset_node_id != 0) {
vl_data_map = v_variableDataMap.find(vl_node_parent.parent_offset_node_id);
vl_orig_node_ptr = vl_node_parent.orig_node_ptr;
// normal data item -> parent iterator
if(vl_data_map != v_variableDataMap.end() && vl_data_map->second<(int)v_variableData.size()) {
vl_var_parent_data_ptr = &v_variableData[vl_data_map->second];
// Normal item and no parent iterator
if(vl_var_parent_data_ptr == 0 && vl_var_data_ptr == 0) {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML - Normal item and no parent iterator");
vl_orig_node_ptr = vl_node_parent.orig_node_ptr;
vl_var_data_local.node_offset_id = vl_node_parent.node_offset_id; // Node OFFSET ID
vl_var_data_local.orig_node_ptr = 0; // Original Node PTR
vl_var_data_local.orig_node_name = (char *)c_str_empty; // Original Node Name
vl_var_data_local.widget_id = (char *)vl_parentID; // Node Widget ID
vl_var_data_local.local_var_idx = -1; // Local Variable Index
vl_var_data_local.remote_var_name = (char *)c_str_empty; // Remote Variable Name
vl_var_data_local.it_values_list.clear(); // IT Values List
vl_var_data_local.deleted = false;
vl_var_parent_data_ptr = &vl_var_data_local;
action_print_node("expand_XML - vl_node_parent.orig_node_ptr {%s}",vl_orig_node_ptr);
if(vl_var_parent_data_ptr == 0 && vl_var_data_ptr == 0){
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "WARNING: Widget ID not found : {%s}:%ld:%ld!", (const char *)vl_parentID, (long)vl_var_parent_data_ptr, (long)vl_var_data_ptr);
} else {
if(vl_var_data_ptr != 0) {
if(vl_var_parent_data_ptr != 0) {
if(vl_var_parent_data_ptr == 0) {
vl_var_parent_data_ptr = vl_var_data_ptr;
// No error: Insert
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML - parse document{%s}", vl_cstr);
// 1. parse document [rapidxml]
xml_document<> vl_print_doc;
xml_node<> * v_print_root_node = 0;
try {
v_print_root_node = vl_print_doc.first_node();
// new append
if (compare_name(v_print_root_node->name(),measure(v_print_root_node->name()), c_xml_root_name, v_size_root_name)) {
v_print_root_node = v_print_root_node->first_node();
} catch (int vl_err) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: The XML doc cannot be loaded or is not well-formed: {%d}!", vl_err);
v_print_root_node = NULL;
if(v_print_root_node == NULL){
vl_ret = false;
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: NO root element in the XML : {%s}", (const char *)pl_xml);
} else {
vector< xml_node<> * > vl_nodelist;
// 2. If its single node add to base v_doc, if depend from previous iterator into playlist v_playlist_doc
xml_node<>* vl_node_source = 0;
char * vl_orig_node_id = vl_var_parent_data_ptr->widget_id;
if(vl_orig_node_ptr!=0) {
vl_orig_node_id = get_attribute(vl_orig_node_ptr, (char *)c_str_id);
// Base item: Change original items
// ------------------------------------------------------
if(strchr(vl_orig_node_id, '%')==0) {
// remove original data
vl_node_source = vl_orig_node_ptr;
if(vl_node_source == 0){
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: The Orig node PTR not found[base] {%s}!", vl_parentID);
} else {
xml_node<> * vl_parent_node = vl_orig_node_ptr->parent();
xml_node<> * vl_prev_node = 0;
// Copy child nodes and attributes
// 2013.11.07. - new append
vl_parent_node = vl_node_source;
// Just insert into
for (xml_node<> * vl_child = v_print_root_node; vl_child; vl_child = vl_child->next_sibling()){
vl_node_source = v_doc.clone_node(vl_child);
vl_parent_node->insert_node(vl_prev_node, vl_node_source);
// 3. Map the nodes: append_node_ptrs
append_node_ptrs(&v_doc, &vl_process_data, vl_node_source);
action_print_node("expand_XML - v_doc[vl_node_source] {%s}",vl_node_source);
} else {
// ITS dynamical -> playlist
// Its depend from previous iterator: Insert into playlist document. Under the process when ID are available ->
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Insert into playlist
// check if its in playlist -> than change, or delete
vl_root_node = v_playlist_doc.first_node();
// If no error
if(vl_root_node != 0) {
xml_node<> * vl_node = 0;
// check if exist
std::map<std::string, playlist_data>::iterator vl_playlist_map = v_playlistWidgetIDMap.find(std::string(vl_parentID));
if(vl_playlist_map != v_playlistWidgetIDMap.end()) {
playlist_data vl_playlist = vl_playlist_map->second;
vl_node = vl_playlist.playlist_node_ptr;
// Clone name and value
vl_node->name(c_xml_insert_name, v_size_xml_insert_name);
} else {
// Append the insert node item e
vl_node = v_playlist_doc.allocate_node(node_element, c_xml_insert_name);
char * vl_ptrbuff = v_playlist_doc.allocate_string(vl_parentID);
vl_node->append_attribute(v_playlist_doc.allocate_attribute(c_str_id, vl_ptrbuff));
// playlist widget id map
playlist_data vl_playlist;
vl_playlist.playlist_node_ptr = vl_node;
vl_playlist.idx = v_playlistIdx++;
// If have erease it
std::map<string, playlist_data>::iterator vl_node_check_map = v_playlistWidgetIDMap.find(std::string(vl_parentID));
if(vl_node_check_map != v_playlistWidgetIDMap.end()) {
v_playlistWidgetIDMap.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(vl_parentID), vl_playlist));
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML - v_playlistWidgetIDMap.insert{%s}->%ld", vl_parentID, (long)vl_node);
// Copy child nodes and attributes
vl_node_source = v_playlist_doc.clone_node(v_print_root_node);
// 3. Map the nodes: append_node_ptrs
append_node_ptrs(&v_playlist_doc, &vl_process_data, vl_node_source);
action_print_node("expand_XML - v_playlist_doc[vl_node_source] {%s}",vl_node_source);
// If have more
for (xml_node<> * vl_child = v_print_root_node->next_sibling(); vl_child; vl_child = vl_child->next_sibling()){
vl_node_source = v_playlist_doc.clone_node(vl_child);
// 3. Map the nodes: append_node_ptrs
append_node_ptrs(&v_playlist_doc, &vl_process_data, vl_node_source);
vl_root_node = v_playlist_doc.first_node();
action_print_node("expand_XML - v_playlist_doc.append_node_ptrs {%s}",vl_root_node);
// If no error
if(vl_root_node !=0 ) {
// Like refreshed_XML_forNode
std::ostringstream vl_outxml;
vl_outxml << c_widgets_start;
for (vector<xml_node<> *>::iterator vl_nextnode = vl_nodelist.begin(); vl_nextnode != vl_nodelist.end(); vl_nextnode++) {
action_print_node("expand_XML_INSERT[copy->]{%s}", (xml_node<> * )*vl_nextnode);
// 2013.11.07. - new append
vl_node_source = vl_clone_doc.clone_node((xml_node<> * )*vl_nextnode);
vl_node_dest->insert_node(0, vl_node_source);
vl_clone_root_node = vl_node_source;
// 5. expand XML elements
expand_XML_elements( vl_clone_root_node , &vl_process_data, 0l);
// 6. Wait for all data processed
// 7. remove debug and ptr attributes
out_process_for_metaiterators(vl_process_data.cloneDocPTR, vl_clone_root_node, (xml_node<>*) 0);
std::string vl_xml_out_doc_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_out_doc_as_string), v_doc);
// 8. Print OUTPUT document [rapidxml]
xml_node<> * vl_print_root_node;
vl_print_root_node = vl_print_doc.clone_node(vl_clone_root_node);
std::string vl_xml_proc_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_proc_as_string), vl_print_doc);
vl_outxml << vl_xml_proc_as_string;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML_INSERT[CONCAT][%ld]:{%s}", (long)((xml_node<> * )*vl_nextnode),(char *)((const char *)vl_xml_proc_as_string.c_str()));
} /* EndFor */
vl_outxml << c_widgets_end;
vl_root_node = v_playlist_doc.first_node();
// If loaded PRINT OUT
if(vl_root_node != 0) {
std::string vl_xml_out_playlist_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_out_playlist_as_string), v_playlist_doc);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML_INSERT[PLAYLIST]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)vl_xml_out_playlist_as_string.c_str()));
pl_expandedXML = CHARSTRING((char *) vl_outxml.str().c_str());
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML_INSERT[OUT]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)pl_expandedXML));
} else {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: The Orig node PTR not found[dyn] {%s}!", vl_parentID);
// Save if all processed
if(vl_ret == true) {
v_xmlStrs_length += v_lastXmlStrs_length;
} else {
// cleanup else
// Cleanup [expand_XML]
vl_process_data.checkWidgetIDMapLastRun.clear(); // check widget id map
// For internal maps
for(unsigned int vl_idx=0; vl_idx< vl_process_data.ITValuesMapsVector.size(); vl_idx++){
vl_process_data.ITValuesMapsVector.clear(); // For ITValues Maps
std::string vl_xml_out_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_out_as_string), vl_clone_doc);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML[vl_clone_doc]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)vl_xml_out_as_string.c_str()));
// Full OUT:
std::string vl_xml_doc_out_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_doc_out_as_string), v_doc);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML[v_doc]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)vl_xml_doc_out_as_string.c_str()));
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML[OUT] - (%ld)*{%s}",(unsigned long)&vl_process_data,(char *)((const char *)pl_expandedXML));
stop_timer(&v_timer_full_start, &v_tv_full, &v_time_full_diff_summ);
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"expand_XML[END] - {full=%f} | {process=%f} - [%f] percent",(v_time_full_diff_summ/10000),(v_time_process_diff_summ/10000), (double)(((double)v_time_process_diff_summ*100)/v_time_full_diff_summ));
for(int vl_idx=0;vl_idx<MB_OF_MEASURES;vl_idx++) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"expand_XML[END] - {full=%f} | {process=%f}| {measure=%f}[%d] - [%s]: - measure [%f] percent",(v_time_full_diff_summ/10000),(v_time_process_diff_summ/10000),(v_time_measure_diff_summ[vl_idx]/10000), vl_idx, &v_time_measure_str[vl_idx][0], (double)(((double)v_time_measure_diff_summ[vl_idx]*100)/v_time_full_diff_summ));
// Document [rapidxml]
long vl_doc_len = v_doc.doc_memory_size();
// Clone document [rapidxml]
long vl_clone_doc_len = vl_clone_doc.doc_memory_size();
long vl_playlist_doc_len = v_playlist_doc.doc_memory_size();
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"expand_XML[END:MEMORY] - {v_doc=%ld} + {vl_clone_doc=%ld} + {v_playlist_doc=%ld} = %ld - {v_xmlStrs=%ld}",vl_doc_len,vl_clone_doc_len,vl_playlist_doc_len,(vl_doc_len+vl_clone_doc_len+vl_playlist_doc_len), v_xmlStrs_length);
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"expand_XML[END:GLOBAL] - {v_variableData=%ld | v_variableDataMap=%ld |v_widgetIDMap=%ld |v_cloneWidgetIDMap=%ld |v_playlistWidgetIDMap=%ld}", (long)v_variableData.size(),(long)v_variableDataMap.size(),(long)v_widgetIDMap.size(),(long)v_cloneWidgetIDMap.size(),(long)v_playlistWidgetIDMap.size());
// Function: remove_XML
// Purpose:
// Remove XML elements from active document
// Parameters:
// pl_removeWidgetID - *in* *charstring* - the removed widget ID
// pl_expandedXML - *out* *charstring* - the expanded XML string
// Return Value:
// Returns the result of validation and process.
// pl_expandedXML - *out* *charstring* - the expanded XML string after remove
// Errors:
// Detailed Comments:
// Remove XML elements from active document.
bool remove_XML(const CHARSTRING& pl_removeWidgetID)
bool vl_ret = true;
const char * vl_parentID = (const char *)pl_removeWidgetID;
// root root node // [lifetime: temporary]
xml_node<> * vl_root_node = v_doc.first_node();
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("remove_XML[START]->%s", vl_parentID);
// If no parent -> Reset and set act_doc
if(*vl_parentID != '\0') {
variable_data vl_var_data_local;
variable_data * vl_var_data_ptr = 0;
variable_data * vl_var_parent_data_ptr = 0;
xml_node<> * vl_orig_node_ptr = 0;
std::map<string, node_parent>::iterator vl_node_map = v_cloneWidgetIDMap.find(vl_parentID);
// In the clone map ->
if(vl_node_map != v_cloneWidgetIDMap.end()) {
node_parent vl_node_parent = vl_node_map->second;
//std::map<xml_node<> *, int>::iterator vl_data_map = v_variableDataMap.find(vl_node_parent.node_offset_id);
std::map<long, int>::iterator vl_data_map = v_variableDataMap.find(vl_node_parent.node_offset_id);
// iterator item
if(vl_data_map != v_variableDataMap.end() && vl_data_map->second<(int)v_variableData.size()) {
vl_var_data_ptr = &v_variableData[vl_data_map->second];
if(vl_node_parent.parent_offset_node_id != 0) {
// Find node ID
vl_data_map = v_variableDataMap.find(vl_node_parent.parent_offset_node_id);
vl_orig_node_ptr = vl_node_parent.orig_node_ptr;
// normal data item -> parent iterator
if(vl_data_map != v_variableDataMap.end() && vl_data_map->second<(int)v_variableData.size()) {
vl_var_parent_data_ptr = &v_variableData[vl_data_map->second];
std::map<std::string, xml_node<> *>::iterator vl_widget_map = v_widgetIDMap.find(std::string(vl_parentID));
if(vl_widget_map != v_widgetIDMap.end()) {
xml_node<> * vl_node = vl_widget_map->second;
// If in base document ->
if(vl_node->document() == &v_doc) {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("remove_XML - vl_node->document() == &v_doc(BASE DELETE) - [%s]", vl_parentID);
// Remove childs from widgetIDMap; cloneWidgetIDMap
// OK: remove variable data
// Just remove nothing all
xml_node<> * vl_parent_node = vl_node->parent();
if(vl_parent_node != 0) {
} else {
// Remove childs from playlistWidgetIDMap; cloneWidgetIDMap
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("remove_XML - vl_node->document() != &v_doc(DYNAMIC DELETE) - [%s]", vl_parentID);
// OK: remove variable data
// Insert into playlist
// check if its in playlist -> than change, or insert
vl_root_node = v_playlist_doc.first_node();
// If no error
if(vl_root_node != 0) {
std::map<std::string, playlist_data>::iterator vl_playlist_map = v_playlistWidgetIDMap.find(std::string(vl_parentID));
if(vl_playlist_map != v_playlistWidgetIDMap.end()) {
// Change it
playlist_data vl_playlist = vl_playlist_map->second;
vl_node = vl_playlist.playlist_node_ptr;
// Clone name and value
vl_node->name(c_xml_delete_name, v_size_xml_delete_name);
} else {
// Append the insert node item
xml_node<>* vl_node = v_playlist_doc.allocate_node(node_element, c_xml_delete_name);
char * vl_ptrbuff = v_playlist_doc.allocate_string(vl_parentID);
vl_node->append_attribute(v_playlist_doc.allocate_attribute(c_str_id, vl_ptrbuff));
// playlist widget id map
playlist_data vl_playlist;
vl_playlist.playlist_node_ptr = vl_node;
vl_playlist.idx = v_playlistIdx++;
// If have erease it
std::map<string, playlist_data>::iterator vl_node_check_map = v_playlistWidgetIDMap.find(std::string(vl_parentID));
if(vl_node_check_map != v_playlistWidgetIDMap.end()) {
v_playlistWidgetIDMap.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(vl_parentID), vl_playlist));
vl_root_node = v_playlist_doc.first_node();
} else {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("remove_XML - No playlist.root_node - [%s]", vl_parentID);
} else {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("remove_XML - NOT IN v_widgetIDMap - [%s]:%d", vl_parentID, (int)v_widgetIDMap.size());
std::map<string, node_parent>::iterator vl_node_map = v_cloneWidgetIDMap.find(vl_parentID);
if(vl_node_map != v_cloneWidgetIDMap.end()) {
node_parent vl_node_parent = vl_node_map->second;
xml_node<> * vl_node = 0; //vl_node_dest;
// Remove childs from playlistWidgetIDMap; cloneWidgetIDMap
// OK: remove variable data
// Insert into playlist
// check if its in playlist -> than change, or insert
vl_root_node = v_playlist_doc.first_node();
// If no error
if(vl_root_node != 0) {
std::map<std::string, playlist_data>::iterator vl_playlist_map = v_playlistWidgetIDMap.find(std::string(vl_parentID));
if(vl_playlist_map != v_playlistWidgetIDMap.end()) {
// Change it
playlist_data vl_playlist = vl_playlist_map->second;
vl_node = vl_playlist.playlist_node_ptr;
// Clone name and value
vl_node->name(c_xml_delete_name, v_size_xml_delete_name);
} else {
// Append the insert node item
xml_node<>* vl_node = v_playlist_doc.allocate_node(node_element, c_xml_delete_name);
char * vl_ptrbuff = v_playlist_doc.allocate_string(vl_parentID);
vl_node->append_attribute(v_playlist_doc.allocate_attribute(c_str_id, vl_ptrbuff));
// playlist widget id map
playlist_data vl_playlist;
vl_playlist.playlist_node_ptr = vl_node;
vl_playlist.idx = v_playlistIdx++;
std::map<string, playlist_data>::iterator vl_node_check_map = v_playlistWidgetIDMap.find(std::string(vl_parentID));
if(vl_node_check_map != v_playlistWidgetIDMap.end()) {
v_playlistWidgetIDMap.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(vl_parentID), vl_playlist));
vl_root_node = v_playlist_doc.first_node();
} else {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("remove_XML - No playlist.root_node - [%s]", vl_parentID);
} else {
// Not in clone widget ID map
vl_ret = false;
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: Widget ID not found : {%s}!", (const char *)vl_parentID);
} else {
// Empty ID
vl_ret = false;
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: Empty Widget ID {%s}!", vl_parentID);
std::string vl_xml_out_doc_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_out_doc_as_string), v_playlist_doc);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("remove_XML[v_playlist_doc]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)vl_xml_out_doc_as_string.c_str()));
// Document [rapidxml]
long vl_doc_len = v_doc.doc_memory_size();
// Playlist document [rapidxml]
long vl_playlist_doc_len = v_playlist_doc.doc_memory_size();
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"remove_XML[END:MEMORY] - {v_doc=%ld} + {v_playlist_doc=%ld} = %ld - {v_xmlStrs=%ld}",vl_doc_len,vl_playlist_doc_len,(vl_doc_len+vl_playlist_doc_len), v_xmlStrs_length);
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"remove_XML[END:GLOBAL] - {v_variableData=%ld | v_variableDataMap=%ld |v_widgetIDMap=%ld |v_cloneWidgetIDMap=%ld |v_playlistWidgetIDMap=%ld}", (long)v_variableData.size(),(long)v_variableDataMap.size(),(long)v_widgetIDMap.size(),(long)v_cloneWidgetIDMap.size(),(long)v_playlistWidgetIDMap.size());
// Function: f_EPTF_UIHandler_refreshedXMLforNode
// Purpose:
// Expand XML for the given node
// Parameters:
// pl_node_id - *in* <long> - actual node identifier
// pl_xulExpanded - *out* *charstring* - the expanded XML string
// Return Value:
// Returns the result of the process.
// pl_xulExpanded - *out* *charstring* - the expanded XML string
// Errors:
// Detailed Comments:
// Expand XML for the given node.
bool refreshed_XML_forNode(long pl_node_id, CHARSTRING& pl_xulExpanded) {
bool vl_ret = true;
pl_xulExpanded = CHARSTRING("");
// root and clone root node // [lifetime: temporary]
xml_node<> * vl_root_node = v_doc.first_node();
xml_document<> vl_clone_doc; // Clone document [rapidxml]
xml_node<> * vl_clone_root_node = vl_clone_doc.first_node();
process_data vl_process_data;
vl_process_data.cloneDocPTR = &vl_clone_doc;
vl_process_data.waitforIdx = EPTF__CLL__UIHandler__Definitions::EPTF__UIHandler__Private__CT_component_v__UIHandler__GUIFunctions__nofRunning__processExternalData__handlers.size_of();
EPTF__CLL__UIHandler__Definitions::EPTF__UIHandler__Private__CT_component_v__UIHandler__GUIFunctions__nofRunning__processExternalData__handlers[vl_process_data.waitforIdx] = 0;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("refreshed_XML_forNode[START:NODE]->%ld", pl_node_id);
// Find node ID
std::map<long, int>::iterator vl_data_map = v_variableDataMap.find(pl_node_id);
// Get the full document refresh
if(pl_node_id == 0) {
vl_root_node = v_doc.first_node();
if(vl_root_node == NULL) {
vl_ret = false;
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: NO root element in the BASE XML!");
} else {
// Reset clone XML data
// copy whole tree into second tree, which will contain metaiterators and the children expanded according the values of the iterator
vl_clone_root_node = vl_clone_doc.clone_node(vl_root_node);
vl_clone_root_node = vl_clone_doc.first_node();
// Expand XML elements
expand_XML_elements( vl_clone_root_node, &vl_process_data, 0l);
// Wait for all data processed
// remove debug and ptr attributes
vl_clone_root_node = vl_clone_doc.first_node();
out_process_for_metaiterators(vl_process_data.cloneDocPTR, vl_clone_root_node, (xml_node<>*) 0);
std::string vl_xml_out_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_out_as_string), vl_clone_doc);
pl_xulExpanded = CHARSTRING((char *) vl_xml_out_as_string.c_str());
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("refreshed_XML_forNode[OUT]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)pl_xulExpanded));
} else if(vl_data_map != v_variableDataMap.end() && vl_data_map->second<(int)v_variableData.size()) {
// Sub tree refresh
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("refreshed_XML_forNode[vl_data_map->second]->%ld / %ld", (long)vl_data_map->second, (long)v_variableData.size());
variable_data vl_data = v_variableData[vl_data_map->second];
/* v_variableData
* ---------------------------------------
xml_node<> * orig_node_ptr;
char * orig_node_name;
long local_var_idx;
char * remote_var_name;
std::vector<std::pair<string, string> > it_values_list;
// clear v_variableDataMap and v_variableData child values
// Delete child nodes variable data and map
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("refreshed_XML_forNode_1 - vl_data (%s)[%s -> %ld] {%ld : %s}: %d",vl_data.widget_id, vl_data.orig_node_name,(long)(vl_data.orig_node_ptr), vl_data.local_var_idx, vl_data.remote_var_name, (int)vl_data.deleted);
xml_node<> * vl_node_ptr = vl_data.orig_node_ptr;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("refreshed_XML_forNode_2[vl_node_ptr]->%ld:%ld",(long)vl_node_ptr, (long)vl_data.it_values_list.size());
action_print_node("refreshed_XML_forNode_2 - vl_data.orig_node_ptr {%s}",vl_data.orig_node_ptr);
// Set IT Values
if(init_xml_doc(&vl_clone_doc) == false) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: The Clone XML doc cannot be loaded!");
if(0<vl_data.it_values_list.size()) {
// Print document [rapidxml]
xml_document<> vl_print_doc;
xml_node<> * vl_print_root_node;
vl_print_root_node = vl_print_doc.clone_node(vl_node_ptr);
std::string vl_xml_proc_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_proc_as_string), vl_print_doc);
int vl_itvalues_map_idx = vl_process_data.ITValuesMapsVector.size();
vl_node_ptr = process_iterator_node(vl_process_data.cloneDocPTR, vl_node_ptr, &(vl_data.it_values_list) , vl_itvalues_map_idx, vl_xml_proc_as_string);
xml_node<> * v_clone_node = vl_clone_doc.first_node();
// clone from original
copy_node(&vl_clone_doc,vl_node_ptr, v_clone_node, true);
// Expand XML elements
expand_XML_elements( v_clone_node, &vl_process_data, 0l);
// Wait for all data processed
// remove debug and ptr attributes
out_process_for_metaiterators(vl_process_data.cloneDocPTR, v_clone_node, v_clone_node);
// Print OUTPUT document [rapidxml]
xml_document<> vl_print_doc;
xml_node<> * vl_print_root_node;
vl_print_root_node = vl_print_doc.clone_node(v_clone_node);
std::string vl_xml_proc_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_proc_as_string), vl_print_doc);
pl_xulExpanded = CHARSTRING((char *) vl_xml_proc_as_string.c_str());
} else {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: refreshed_XML_forNode: No original node PTR found [%ld]!", pl_node_id);
std::string vl_xml_out_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_out_as_string), vl_clone_doc);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("refreshed_XML_forNode[vl_clone_doc]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)vl_xml_out_as_string.c_str()));
// Cleanup [refreshed_XML_forNode]
vl_process_data.checkWidgetIDMapLastRun.clear(); // check widget id map
// For internal maps
for(unsigned int vl_idx=0; vl_idx< vl_process_data.ITValuesMapsVector.size(); vl_idx++){
vl_process_data.ITValuesMapsVector.clear(); // For ITValues Maps
// Document [rapidxml]
long vl_doc_len = v_doc.doc_memory_size();
// Clone document [rapidxml]
long vl_clone_doc_len = vl_clone_doc.doc_memory_size();
// Playlist document [rapidxml]
long vl_playlist_doc_len = v_playlist_doc.doc_memory_size();
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"refreshed_XML_forNode[END:MEMORY] - {v_doc=%ld} + {vl_clone_doc=%ld} + {v_playlist_doc=%ld} = %ld - {v_xmlStrs=%ld}",vl_doc_len,vl_clone_doc_len,vl_playlist_doc_len,(vl_doc_len+vl_clone_doc_len+vl_playlist_doc_len), v_xmlStrs_length);
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"refreshed_XML_forNode[END:GLOBAL] - {v_variableData=%ld | v_variableDataMap=%ld |v_widgetIDMap=%ld |v_cloneWidgetIDMap=%ld |v_playlistWidgetIDMap=%ld}", (long)v_variableData.size(),(long)v_variableDataMap.size(),(long)v_widgetIDMap.size(),(long)v_cloneWidgetIDMap.size(),(long)v_playlistWidgetIDMap.size());
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("refreshed_XML_forNode[OUT]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)pl_xulExpanded));
// Function: print_all_XML
// Purpose:
// print all XML
// Parameters:
// -
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// Detailed Comments:
// print all XML.
void print_all_XML(void) {
std::string vl_xml_out_as_string;
std::string vl_xml_doc_out_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_doc_out_as_string), v_doc);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("refreshed_XML_forNode[v_doc]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)vl_xml_doc_out_as_string.c_str()));
std::string vl_xml_playlist_doc_as_string;
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_playlist_doc_as_string), v_playlist_doc);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("refreshed_XML_forNode[v_playlist_doc]{%s}",(char *)((const char *)vl_xml_playlist_doc_as_string.c_str()));
// Function: append_node_ptrs
// Purpose:
// Append physical PTRs into entities
// Parameters:
// pl_doc - *in* <xml_document<> * > - XML document pointer
// pl_data - *in* < process_data *> - process data structure index
// pl_node - *in | out* <xml_node<> * > - actual node pointer
// Return Value:
// pl_node - *out* <xml_node<> * > - actual node pointer with physical PTR
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Append physical PTRs into entities "orig_node_ptr" before clone the XML document.
void append_node_ptrs(xml_document<> * pl_doc, process_data * pl_data, xml_node<> * pl_node){
bool vl_clearLastrun = false;
char v_tmpvalPTR[SIZE_OF_PTR+1] = ""; // cache
// Set PTR buffer
long vl_ptrlong = (long)pl_node;
char * vl_ptrbuff = pl_doc->allocate_string(v_tmpvalPTR);
// allocate & add attribute
xml_attribute<> * vl_attr = pl_doc->allocate_attribute(c_str_orig_node_ptr, vl_ptrbuff);
// insert to widget id cache ->
char * vl_widgetID = get_attribute(pl_node, (char *)c_str_id);
if(*vl_widgetID != '\0') {
// iterator?
if(is_expandable(pl_node->name(), pl_node->name_size()) == true){
// Check the nested existence of iterator id
std::map<string, int>::iterator vl_node_map = pl_data->checkWidgetIDMapLastRun.find(vl_widgetID);
if(vl_node_map != pl_data->checkWidgetIDMapLastRun.end()) {
std::ostringstream vl_error;
vl_error << "EPTF_CLL_UIHandler_GUIFunctions[append_node_ptrs]: Configuration error - an iterator with name " << vl_widgetID <<" already exists in the resolving scope!";
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, vl_error.str().c_str());
f__EPTF__UIHandler__error( CHARSTRING(vl_error.str().c_str()));
} else {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("append_node_ptrs - checkWidgetIDMapLastRun.insert[%s->%ld]",vl_widgetID,(long)pl_node);
pl_data->checkWidgetIDMapLastRun.insert(std::make_pair(vl_widgetID,(long) pl_node)); // check widget id map last run
vl_clearLastrun = true;
// If have erease it
std::map<string, xml_node<> *>::iterator vl_node_check_map = v_widgetIDMap.find(std::string(vl_widgetID));
if(vl_node_check_map != v_widgetIDMap.end()) {
v_widgetIDMap.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(vl_widgetID), pl_node));
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("append_node_ptrs v_widgetIDMap.insert(%s, %ld)", vl_widgetID, (long)pl_node);
// go through the two tree
for( xml_node<> * vl_actode = pl_node->first_node(); vl_actode; vl_actode = vl_actode->next_sibling()){
append_node_ptrs(pl_doc, pl_data, vl_actode);
if(vl_clearLastrun == true){
// Check remove nested Iterator ID -> vl_attrid from check widget id map
// Function: expand_XML_elements
// Purpose:
// Expand expandable XML elements
// Parameters:
// pl_node - *in | out* <xml_node<> * > - actual node pointer
// pl_data - *in* < process_data *> - process data structure index
// pl_idx - *in* < unsigned long> - expanded index
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Expand expandable XML elements. Get expandables list, get data sources and
// expand it.
void expand_XML_elements( xml_node<> * pl_node, process_data * pl_data, unsigned long pl_idx) {
vector< xml_node<> * > vl_nodelist;
process_data * vl_process_data_ptr = pl_data;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML_elements - (%ld)*[%s:%ld:%ld]->%ld",(unsigned long)pl_data, pl_node->name(),(unsigned long) pl_node, (unsigned long)pl_data, (unsigned long)vl_nodelist.size());
// Get first level expandable list
get_nodes_to_expand(pl_node, &vl_nodelist);
action_print_node("expand_XML_elements - get_nodes_to_expand {%s}",pl_node);
// Thru the expandables
for (vector<xml_node<> *>::iterator vl_expandable = vl_nodelist.begin(); vl_expandable != vl_nodelist.end(); vl_expandable++){
// Get data source parameters
char * vl_element;
char * vl_id;
char * vl_ptcname;
char * vl_source;
EPTF__CLL__DataSource__Definitions::EPTF__DataSource__Params vl_params;
std::ostringstream vl_parameters;
if(get_data_source( ((xml_node<> * )*vl_expandable), &vl_element, &vl_id, &vl_ptcname, &vl_source)==true){
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("get_data_source->{element=%s; id=%s; ptcname=%s; source=%s}", vl_element, vl_id, vl_ptcname, vl_source);
vl_parameters << vl_element << ":" << vl_ptcname << ":" << vl_source << "[";
vl_params = get_data_source_parameters( ((xml_node<> * )*vl_expandable));
INTEGER vl_dataParamsSize(vl_params.size_of());
for(int vl_idx=0; vl_idx<vl_dataParamsSize;vl_idx++){
vl_parameters << (char *)((const char *)vl_params[vl_idx].paramName()) << "=" << (char *)((const char *)vl_params[vl_idx].paramValue());
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("DATAPARAM->{[%d]: %s = %s}", vl_idx, (char *)((const char *)vl_params[vl_idx].paramName()), (char *)((const char *)vl_params[vl_idx].paramValue()));
vl_parameters << "]";
// switch(((xml_node<> * )*vl_expandable)->name())
char * vl_exp_name = ((xml_node<> * )*vl_expandable)->name();
size_t vl_exp_name_size = measure(vl_exp_name);
// case (iterator) OR case (externalvalue)
// ----------------------------------------
if(is_iterator_like(vl_exp_name, vl_exp_name_size) == true){
if(vl_process_data_ptr != 0) {
// Call non blocking Get data
vl_process_data_ptr->parameters_String = vl_parameters.str();
EPTF__CLL__DataSource__Definitions::EPTF__DataSource__GetDataHandler vl_dataHandler;
vl_dataHandler.getDataHandler() = &f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator;
// put the pointer for the node into the userdata section, will be used in the datahandler function.
EPTF__CLL__Common__Definitions::EPTF__IntegerList& vl_expandable_ptr = vl_dataHandler.userData();
vl_expandable_ptr[0].set_long_long_val( (unsigned long long) pl_data);
vl_expandable_ptr[1].set_long_long_val( (unsigned long long) ((xml_node<> * )*vl_expandable));
vl_expandable_ptr[2].set_long_long_val( (unsigned long long) pl_idx);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator-> - (%ld)*[%ld:%ld]", (unsigned long)pl_data,(unsigned long)vl_expandable_ptr[0].get_long_long_val(),(unsigned long)vl_expandable_ptr[1].get_long_long_val());
// Increase the process counter
// TODO: Józsi szerint ez a növelés + a csökkentés nem kell, mert otomata számlálja
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML_elements[f__EPTF__DataSource__getData__nonBlocking:iterator:%ld:%ld:%ld]->(%s;%s;%s)->{%s}", (long)pl_data, (long)((xml_node<> * )*vl_expandable),pl_idx, vl_source, vl_ptcname, vl_element, vl_process_data_ptr->parameters_String.c_str());
f__EPTF__DataSource__getData__nonBlocking( vl_source, vl_ptcname, vl_element, vl_params, vl_dataHandler );
// case (condition)
// -----------------
else if( compare_name(vl_exp_name, vl_exp_name_size, c_str_condition, v_size_condition)){
if(vl_process_data_ptr != 0){
char * vl_stridsaved = strdup_internal(vl_id);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML_elements: vl_stridsaved[%s]", vl_stridsaved);
// Call non blocking Get condition
EPTF__CLL__DataSource__Definitions::EPTF__DataSource__GetDataHandler vl_dataHandler;
vl_dataHandler.getDataHandler() = &f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__condition;
// put the pointer for the node into the userdata section, will be used in the datahandler function.
EPTF__CLL__Common__Definitions::EPTF__IntegerList& vl_expandable_ptr = vl_dataHandler.userData();
vl_expandable_ptr[0].set_long_long_val( (unsigned long long) pl_data );
vl_expandable_ptr[1].set_long_long_val( (unsigned long long) ((xml_node<> * )*vl_expandable));
vl_expandable_ptr[2].set_long_long_val( (unsigned long long) vl_stridsaved);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("vl_expandable_ptr[getCondition]->[%ld:%ld:%ld]", (unsigned long)vl_expandable_ptr[0].get_long_long_val(),(unsigned long)vl_expandable_ptr[1].get_long_long_val(), (unsigned long)vl_expandable_ptr[2].get_long_long_val());
// Increase the process counter
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML_elements[f__EPTF__DataSource__getData__nonBlocking:condition]->(%s;%s;%s)", vl_source, vl_ptcname, vl_element);
// Call f_EPTF_DataSource_getCondition_nonBlocking
f__EPTF__DataSource__getCondition__nonBlocking( vl_source, vl_ptcname, vl_element, vl_params, vl_dataHandler );
} else {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, "expand_XML_elements: Unknown expandable [%s]!", vl_exp_name);
}/* EndFor */
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("expand_XML_elements - (%ld)*[OUT]->%d", (unsigned long)pl_node, (int)(EPTF__CLL__UIHandler__Definitions::EPTF__UIHandler__Private__CT_component_v__UIHandler__GUIFunctions__nofRunning__processExternalData__handlers[pl_data->waitforIdx]==0));
// Function: get_nodes_to_expand
// Purpose:
// Get expandable list vector
// Parameters:
// pl_node - *in* <xml_node<> * > - actual node pointer
// pl_nodeList - *out* <vector< xml_node<>* > * > - expandable node list vector
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Get expandable list vector.
void get_nodes_to_expand( xml_node<>* pl_node, vector< xml_node<>* > * pl_nodeList)
if(is_expandable(pl_node->name(), pl_node->name_size()) == true)
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("get_nodes_to_expand -> PUSH[ROOT]: %s",pl_node->name() );
} else {
// Thru the node list
for (xml_node<> * vl_act_node = pl_node->first_node(); vl_act_node; vl_act_node = vl_act_node->next_sibling()){
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("get_nodes_to_expand-> Node: %s",vl_act_node->name() );
// if expandable save it
if(is_expandable(vl_act_node->name(), vl_act_node->name_size()) == true)
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("get_nodes_to_expand-> PUSH[child]: %s",vl_act_node->name() );
} else {
get_nodes_to_expand(vl_act_node, pl_nodeList);
// Function: f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator
// Purpose:
// Nonblocking Data Handler: Expand the current node iterator, condition and externalvalue.
// Parameters:
// pl_source *in* *charstring * - the name of the dataSource 'feature'
// pl_source *in* *charstring* - the name of the PTC
// (dataSource+ptcName should be a unigue id of the data). Default: "" (i.e. PTC name is ignored)
// pl_element *in* *charstring* - the type of data
// pl_params *in* <EPTF_DataSource_Params> - additional parameters (default: {})
// pl_errorCode - *in* *INTEGER&* - error code in the response
// pl_remoteDataVarName - *in* *charstring* - var name on the remote component.
// In case errorCode!=0: it contains the error message
// pl_ownerCompRef - *in* *COMPONENT&* - reference to the remote component
// pl_localDataVarId - *in* *INTEGER&* - var id on the local component
// (contains the current value, not subscribed to remote!)
// pl_dataValue - *in* <EPTF_Var_DirectContent> - the value of the data
// pl_userData - *in* <EPTF__IntegerList&> -user specific data given at the request
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Nonblocking Data Handler: Expand the current node iterator, condition and externalvalue..
void f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator( const CHARSTRING& pl_source,
const CHARSTRING& pl_ptcName,
const CHARSTRING& pl_element,
const EPTF__CLL__DataSource__Definitions::EPTF__DataSource__Params& pl_params,
const INTEGER& pl_errorCode,
const CHARSTRING& pl_remoteDataVarName,
const COMPONENT& pl_ownerCompRef,
const INTEGER& pl_localDataVarId,
const EPTF__CLL__Variable__Definitions::EPTF__Var__DirectContent& pl_dataValue,
const EPTF__CLL__Common__Definitions::EPTF__IntegerList& pl_userData)
//pl_dataValue is a CharstringList with the values of the iterator
// START[0]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
START_MEASURE(0, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: start");
EPTF__CLL__Common__Definitions::EPTF__CharstringList vl_values;
long unsigned int vl_values_size;
const char * * vl_str_values = NULL;
char vl_tmp_data_bfr[SIZE_OF_MAXDATA];
unsigned long long vl_wrk_long_ptr = (unsigned long)pl_userData[0].get_long_long_val();
unsigned long long vl_wrk_long_long = (unsigned long long)pl_userData[1].get_long_long_val();
long vl_idx = (long)((unsigned long long)pl_userData[2].get_long_long_val());
process_data * vl_process_data_ptr = (process_data *)vl_wrk_long_ptr;
xml_node<>* vl_copyNode = (xml_node<>*)vl_wrk_long_long;
v_variableDataMapOffsetID++; // variable data map OFFSET ID
xml_node<>* vl_IteratorNode = 0;
long vl_variableDataMapOffsetIDAct = v_variableDataMapOffsetID;
CHARSTRING vl_tmp_ptr;
bool vl_pendingError = false; // Have any error?
char * vl_origPtr = 0;
char * vl_node_name = (char *)&c_str_empty[0];
vl_origPtr = get_attribute(vl_copyNode, (char *) c_str_orig_node_ptr);
vl_node_name = vl_copyNode->name();
char * vl_attrid = get_attribute(vl_copyNode,(char *)c_str_id);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("->f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - (%ld)*[%ld:%ld:%ld]{%s}->{%s}",(unsigned long)vl_process_data_ptr,(unsigned long)pl_userData[0].get_long_long_val(),(unsigned long)pl_userData[1].get_long_long_val(),vl_idx, vl_attrid, vl_process_data_ptr->parameters_String.c_str());
action_print_node("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - vl_copyNode {%s}",vl_copyNode);
std::size_t vl_node_name_size = measure(vl_node_name);
bool vl_is_externalvalue = compare_name(vl_node_name, vl_node_name_size, c_str_externalvalue, v_size_externalvalue);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - vl_copyNode[%ld]->name(){%s-pl_errorCode:%ld}-vl_is_externalvalue:%d -> %s",(unsigned long)vl_copyNode,vl_node_name, (long)pl_errorCode,(int)vl_is_externalvalue, (char *)((const char *) pl_remoteDataVarName));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STOP[0]:
// START[1]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
START_MEASURE(1, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: get iterator");
// change iterator | external value to metaiterator in the copy node.
vl_IteratorNode = (xml_node<>*) (long *) atol(vl_origPtr);
if(vl_IteratorNode) {
set_node_temp_attributes(vl_process_data_ptr->cloneDocPTR, vl_copyNode, vl_variableDataMapOffsetIDAct, (char *)((const char *)pl_remoteDataVarName),(long)pl_localDataVarId);
if(pl_errorCode != 0 && vl_pendingError == false) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, "f_EPTF_DataSource_getData_nonBlocking: Error[%ld] -> {%s}!", (long)pl_errorCode, (char *)((const char *) pl_remoteDataVarName) );
vl_pendingError = true;
} else if(*vl_origPtr== '\0'){
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: No original node PTR found [%ld]!", (unsigned long) vl_wrk_long_long);
vl_pendingError = true;
} else if(is_iterator_like(vl_node_name, vl_node_name_size) == false) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: the node not (iterator | externalvalue) instead of: [%s]!", vl_node_name);
vl_pendingError = true;
} else {
// Data type?
if (pl_dataValue.get_selection() == EPTF__Var__DirectContent::ALT_charstringlistVal) {
vl_values = pl_dataValue.charstringlistVal();
vl_values_size = vl_values.size_of();
// externalvalue ...
if(vl_is_externalvalue == true) {
// bugfix_artf361869_empty_iterator: no process on empty iterator in externalvalue
vl_values_size = vl_values.size_of();
vl_values_size = 1;
// vl__dataVarName = (TTCN_Logger::begin_event_log2str(),vl_values.log(),TTCN_Logger::end_event_log2str());
vl_str_values = new const char *[vl_values_size];
vl_tmp_ptr = (TTCN_Logger::begin_event_log2str(),vl_values.log(),TTCN_Logger::end_event_log2str());
*(vl_str_values)= (const char *)vl_tmp_ptr;
} else {
vl_str_values = new const char *[vl_values_size];
for (long unsigned int i = 0; i < vl_values_size; i++){
*(vl_str_values+i) = (const char *)vl_values[i];
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: %ld->%ld",(long) vl_copyNode, vl_values_size );
} else {
// externalvalue ...
if(vl_is_externalvalue == true) {
// ALT_charstringlistVal - BASE
// ALT_intVal
vl_values_size = 1;
vl_str_values = new const char *[vl_values_size];
*(vl_str_values) = NULL;
if (pl_dataValue.get_selection() == EPTF__Var__DirectContent::ALT_intVal) {
*(vl_str_values) = (const char *)vl_tmp_data_bfr;
// ALT_floatVal
else if (pl_dataValue.get_selection() == EPTF__Var__DirectContent::ALT_floatVal) {
*(vl_str_values) = (const char *)vl_tmp_data_bfr;
// ALT_boolVal,
else if (pl_dataValue.get_selection() == EPTF__Var__DirectContent::ALT_boolVal) {
*(vl_str_values) = (const char *)vl_tmp_data_bfr;
// ALT_charstringVal
else if (pl_dataValue.get_selection() == EPTF__Var__DirectContent::ALT_charstringVal) {
*(vl_str_values) = (const char *)(pl_dataValue.charstringVal());
// ----------------------------------
// ALT_octetstringVal
// ALT_hexstringVal
// ALT_bitstringVal
// ALT_integerlistVal
// ALT_floatlistVal
// ALT_statusLEDVal
// ALT_unknownVal
else {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: function handles only intVal|floatVal|boolVal|charstringVal directContent for now!!");
vl_pendingError = true;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator[externalvalue]: {%ld}->%s",vl_values_size, *(vl_str_values));
} else {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: function handles only CharstringList directContent for now!!");
vl_pendingError = true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STOP[1]:
// If NO Error
if(vl_pendingError == false) {
char vl_value_idx [SIZE_OF_LONG];
char vl_value_count [SIZE_OF_LONG];
// START[2]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
START_MEASURE(2, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: resubscribe+");
//KI char * vl_attrid = get_attribute(vl_copyNode,(char *)c_str_id);
// Put postproc to variable: f_EPTF_UIHandler_updateIterator_PostProc(in integer pl_idx, in EPTF_IntegerList pl_argList)
//-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if( *((const char *)pl_remoteDataVarName) != '\0' ) {
EPTF__CLL__Variable__Definitions::EPTF__Var__GenericFn vl_funcref;
vl_funcref.funcRef() = &f__EPTF__UIHandler__updateIterator__PostProc;
EPTF__CLL__Common__Definitions::EPTF__IntegerList& vl_idxlist = vl_funcref.argList();
vl_idxlist[0].set_long_long_val( (unsigned long) vl_copyNode);
// now we are subscribing for every variable. Need to figure out an algorithm to optimalize this.
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__Var__resubscribeRemote(%s)",(const char* )pl_remoteDataVarName);
EPTF__CLL__Variable__Functions::f__EPTF__Var__resubscribeRemote(pl_ownerCompRef, pl_remoteDataVarName, EPTF__CLL__DataSource__Definitions::tsp__EPTF__DataSource__subscriptionMode, pl_localDataVarId, "", -1, cg__EPTF__Var__resubscribeRemoteResp__handler__null);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("pl_remoteDataVarName{%s}->[%ld]",(const char* )pl_remoteDataVarName,(long)pl_localDataVarId);
vector< xml_node<> * > vl_NodesToConnect;
int vl_itvalues_map_idx = -1;
std::ostringstream vl_sstream;
// Check if first node are param list
xml_node<> * vl_first_node = vl_copyNode->first_node();
bool vl_firstIsParam = false;
bool vl_firstNodeProcessed = false;
if(vl_first_node!=NULL && compare_name(vl_first_node->name(), vl_first_node->name_size(), c_str_params, v_size_params)) {
vl_firstIsParam = true;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("pl_dataValue{%s}->[%ld]-firstparam(%d)",(const char* )pl_remoteDataVarName, vl_values_size, vl_firstIsParam);
// node xml string data map
map<xml_node<> *, std::string> vl_nodeXMLStrDataMap;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STOP[2]:
// Check nested Iterator ID -> vl_attrid in check widget id map
std::string vl_widgetID = std::string(vl_attrid);
std::ostringstream vl_widgetIDLastRunStream;
vl_widgetIDLastRunStream << vl_widgetID << "_" << vl_idx;
std::string vl_widgetIDLastRun = vl_widgetIDLastRunStream.str();
std::ostringstream vl_widgetIDStrStream;
vl_widgetIDStrStream << "id=\""<< vl_widgetID << "\"";
std::string vl_widgetIDStr = vl_widgetIDStrStream.str();
for (long unsigned int i = 0; i < vl_values_size; i++) {
START_MEASURE(3, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: new_itvalues");
// START[3]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("1 - pl_dataValue[%s->%ld]: %s",vl_attrid,i,(const char *)*(vl_str_values+i));
// base;
string vl_tobereplace_base_str = escape_double_quotes(vl_attrid);
char * vl_value_base = (char *)(*(vl_str_values+i));
std::ostringstream vl_tobereplace_base;
vl_tobereplace_base << c_str_replace_sign << vl_tobereplace_base_str << c_str_replace_sign;
// ::idx
std::ostringstream vl_tobereplace_idx;
vl_tobereplace_idx << c_str_replace_sign << vl_tobereplace_base_str << c_str_replace_idx << c_str_replace_sign;
// ::count
std::ostringstream vl_tobereplace_count;
vl_tobereplace_count << c_str_replace_sign << vl_tobereplace_base_str << c_str_replace_count << c_str_replace_sign;
// ::ref are the variable name but the LOCAL not the remote :)
// char * vl_value_ref = (char *)((const char *)pl_remoteDataVarName);
string vl_value_ref_str = escape_double_quotes(((const char *)EPTF__CLL__Variable__Functions::f__EPTF__Var__getName(pl_localDataVarId)));
std::ostringstream vl_tobereplace_ref;
vl_tobereplace_ref << c_str_replace_sign << vl_tobereplace_base_str << c_str_replace_ref << c_str_replace_sign;
map<string, string> vl_it_values; // itvalues map
vl_it_values.insert(std::make_pair(vl_tobereplace_base.str(), escape_double_quotes(vl_value_base)));
vl_it_values.insert(std::make_pair(vl_tobereplace_idx.str(), std::string(vl_value_idx)));
vl_it_values.insert(std::make_pair(vl_tobereplace_count.str(), std::string(vl_value_count)));
vl_it_values.insert(std::make_pair(vl_tobereplace_ref.str(), vl_value_ref_str));
// Save IT Values Map
vl_itvalues_map_idx = vl_process_data_ptr->ITValuesMapsVector.size();
for(std::map<std::string , std::string>::iterator vl_it_map = vl_it_values.begin(); vl_it_map != vl_it_values.end(); vl_it_map++) {
vl_sstream << vl_it_map->first << "->" << vl_it_map->second << " | ";
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("process_iterator_node - vl_process_data_ptr->ITValuesMapsVector[%d] {%s}",vl_itvalues_map_idx, vl_sstream.str().c_str());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STOP[3]:
//create "(number of pl_dataValue) * (original number of children under parentNode)" children under vl_copyNode with rapidxml
vl_first_node = vl_copyNode->first_node();
for( xml_node<> * vl_pNode = vl_copyNode->first_node(); vl_pNode; vl_pNode=vl_pNode->next_sibling()) {
START_MEASURE(4, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: xml -> string");
// START[4]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string vl_xml_proc_as_string;
std::map<xml_node<> *, std::string>::iterator vl_data_map = vl_nodeXMLStrDataMap.find(vl_pNode);
if(vl_data_map != vl_nodeXMLStrDataMap.end() && 0<vl_data_map->second.length()) {
vl_xml_proc_as_string = vl_data_map->second;
} else {
// Print document [rapidxml]
xml_document<> vl_print_doc;
xml_node<> * vl_print_root_node;
vl_print_root_node = vl_print_doc.clone_node(vl_pNode);
rapidxml::print(std::back_inserter(vl_xml_proc_as_string), vl_print_doc);
vl_nodeXMLStrDataMap.insert(std::make_pair(vl_pNode, vl_xml_proc_as_string));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STOP[4]:
START_MEASURE(5, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: process_iterator_node");
// START[5]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If not first node or its not param list or its not processed once
if(vl_pNode != vl_first_node || vl_firstIsParam == false || vl_firstNodeProcessed == false){
// process base ::idx | ::count | ::ref on iterator | externalvalue
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - process_iterator_node[XML:PROCESS:START]: %ld:[%s] {%s}",(long)vl_pNode, vl_sstream.str().c_str(), vl_xml_proc_as_string.c_str());
xml_node<> * vl_pNewNode = process_iterator_node(vl_process_data_ptr->cloneDocPTR, vl_pNode, &vl_it_values, vl_itvalues_map_idx, vl_xml_proc_as_string);
vl_firstNodeProcessed = true; // First node processed
} else {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - process_iterator_node[XML:ELSE]: {%s}", vl_xml_proc_as_string.c_str());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STOP[5]:
vl_it_values.clear(); // itvalues map
START_MEASURE(6, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: clear");
// START[6]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//connect nodes to the copy node, but remove all children first
//remove all children
unsigned long vl_idx = 0l;
for (vector<xml_node<> *>::iterator vl_expanded = vl_NodesToConnect.begin(); vl_expanded != vl_NodesToConnect.end(); vl_expanded++){
vl_copyNode->append_node((xml_node<> * )*vl_expanded);
/* call expand_XMLElements() for every children Node */
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - expand_XML_elements: (%ld)*{%ld}->%ld", (unsigned long)vl_process_data_ptr, (unsigned long)*vl_expanded, vl_idx);
action_print_node("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - expand_XML_elements - vl_copyNode {%s}",(xml_node<> * )*vl_expanded);
expand_XML_elements( (xml_node<> * )*vl_expanded, vl_process_data_ptr , vl_idx);
START_MEASURE(6, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: clear");
// Free data
if(vl_str_values != NULL) {
delete [] vl_str_values;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STOP[6]:
START_MEASURE(7, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: vl_str_itvalues");
// START[7]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// save and update variable data
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
char vl_szTemp[2048]="<NULL>";
xml_attribute<> * vl_attr = vl_copyNode->first_attribute((char *)c_str_orig_itvalues);
// action_print_node("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator[vl_copyNode:{%s}", vl_copyNode);
std::map<std::string, std::string> vl_full_it_values; // itvalues map
if(vl_attr != NULL) {
strcpy(vl_szTemp, vl_attr->value());
std::istringstream vl_itvalue_idxs_stream(vl_attr->value());
std::string vl_next_string;
while (std::getline(vl_itvalue_idxs_stream, vl_next_string, ';')) {
// std::cout << vl_next_string << std::endl;
int vl_next_idx_value = atoi(vl_next_string.c_str());
map< string, string > vl_it_values = vl_process_data_ptr->;
// For vl_it_values
for(std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator vl_itvalue_item = vl_it_values.begin(); vl_itvalue_item != vl_it_values.end(); vl_itvalue_item++) {
std::string vl_first = vl_itvalue_item->first;
std::string vl_second = vl_itvalue_item->second;
vl_full_it_values.insert(std::make_pair(vl_first, vl_second));
std::ostringstream vl_sstream_debug;
for(std::map<std::string , std::string>::iterator vl_it_map = vl_full_it_values.begin(); vl_it_map != vl_full_it_values.end(); vl_it_map++) {
vl_sstream_debug << vl_it_map->first << "->" << vl_it_map->second << " | ";
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - ITVALUES: [%ld:%ld](%s)->{%s} => [%d] {%s}", (long)vl_copyNode, (long)pl_localDataVarId, vl_szTemp, vl_sstream_debug.str().c_str(),vl_itvalues_map_idx, vl_sstream.str().c_str());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STOP[7]:
START_MEASURE(8, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator: vl_var_data_ptr");
// START[8]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If its valid
//std::map<xml_node<> *, int>::iterator vl_data_map = v_variableDataMap.find(vl_copyNode);
char * vl_node_offset_id_str = get_attribute(vl_copyNode, (char *)c_str_offset_id);
std::map<long, int>::iterator vl_data_map = v_variableDataMap.end();
if(vl_node_offset_id_str!=0 && *vl_node_offset_id_str!='\0') {
long vl_node_offset_id = atol(vl_node_offset_id_str);
if(0l<vl_node_offset_id) {
std::map<long, int>::iterator vl_data_map = v_variableDataMap.find(vl_node_offset_id);
if(vl_data_map != v_variableDataMap.end() && vl_data_map->second<(int)v_variableData.size()) {
// Existing item
variable_data * vl_var_data_ptr = &v_variableData[vl_data_map->second];
// Free buffers first
if(vl_var_data_ptr->orig_node_name) {
vl_var_data_ptr->orig_node_name = 0;
if(vl_var_data_ptr->remote_var_name) {
vl_var_data_ptr->remote_var_name = 0;
vl_var_data_ptr->orig_node_name = 0;
vl_var_data_ptr->remote_var_name = 0;
vl_var_data_ptr->orig_node_ptr = vl_IteratorNode;
vl_var_data_ptr->widget_id = vl_attrid;
vl_var_data_ptr->local_var_idx = (long)pl_localDataVarId;
vl_var_data_ptr->orig_node_name = strdup_internal(vl_node_name);
vl_var_data_ptr->remote_var_name = strdup_internal((char *)((const char *)pl_remoteDataVarName));
vl_var_data_ptr->orig_node_name = (char *)c_str_empty;
vl_var_data_ptr->remote_var_name = (char *)c_str_empty; // Remote Variable Name
vl_var_data_ptr->deleted = false;
vl_var_data_ptr->it_values_list = vl_full_it_values;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - UPDATE - v_variableData(%s)[%s : %ld]{%ld : %s}: %d",vl_var_data_ptr->widget_id,vl_var_data_ptr->orig_node_name,(long)( vl_var_data_ptr->orig_node_ptr),vl_var_data_ptr->local_var_idx, vl_var_data_ptr->remote_var_name, (int)vl_var_data_ptr->deleted);
} else {
// New item ->
variable_data vl_var_data;
vl_var_data.node_offset_id = vl_variableDataMapOffsetIDAct;
vl_var_data.orig_node_ptr = vl_IteratorNode;
vl_var_data.orig_node_name = strdup_internal(vl_node_name);
vl_var_data.remote_var_name = strdup_internal((char *)((const char *)pl_remoteDataVarName));
vl_var_data.orig_node_name = (char *)c_str_empty;
vl_var_data.remote_var_name = (char *)c_str_empty; // Remote Variable Name
vl_var_data.widget_id = vl_attrid;
vl_var_data.local_var_idx = (long)pl_localDataVarId;
vl_var_data.deleted = false;
vl_var_data.it_values_list = vl_full_it_values;
// Set offset ID
set_node_offset_id(vl_process_data_ptr->cloneDocPTR, vl_copyNode, vl_variableDataMapOffsetIDAct);
// Insert variable data map
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - INSERT - v_variableData(%s)[%s : ID=%ld]{%ld : %s}: %d",vl_var_data.widget_id,vl_var_data.orig_node_name, vl_var_data.node_offset_id, vl_var_data.local_var_idx, vl_var_data.remote_var_name, (int)vl_var_data.deleted);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// STOP[8]:
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - END - (%ld)*[%ld:%ld]", (unsigned long)vl_process_data_ptr,(unsigned long)pl_userData[0].get_long_long_val(),(unsigned long)pl_userData[1].get_long_long_val());
action_print_node("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__iterator - vl_copyNode - END {%s}",vl_copyNode);
// Function: set_itvalue_idx
// Purpose:
// Set ITValues idx into orig_itvalues attribute
// Parameters:
// pl_clone_doc_ptr - *in* <xml_document<> * > - document pointer
// pl_node - *in* <xml_node<> * > - node pointer
// pl_value_idx - *in* <char *> the saved IT value index in string
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Save ITValues idx into orig_itvalues attribute.
void set_itvalue_idx(xml_document<> * pl_clone_doc_ptr, xml_node<> * pl_node, char * pl_value_idx) {
// update itvalues idx in attribute
xml_attribute<> * vl_attrorig = pl_node->first_attribute((char *)c_str_orig_itvalues);
char * vl_orig_itvalues = (char *)c_str_empty;
if(vl_attrorig != NULL){
vl_orig_itvalues = vl_attrorig->value();
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("set_itvalue_idx[%ld]iterator:orig:{%s}:[%s]", (unsigned long) pl_node, vl_orig_itvalues, pl_value_idx);
// If not contain -
std::string vl_str_act_itvalues(vl_orig_itvalues);
if(vl_str_act_itvalues.length()==0 || vl_str_act_itvalues.find(pl_value_idx) == std::string::npos){
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("set_itvalue_idx-pl_clone_doc_ptr[%ld]iterator:orig:{%s}:vl_str_act_itvalues[%s]", (unsigned long) pl_clone_doc_ptr, vl_orig_itvalues, vl_str_act_itvalues.c_str());
char * vl_attrValuePtr = pl_clone_doc_ptr->allocate_string(vl_str_act_itvalues.c_str());
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("set_itvalue_idx[%ld]iterator:orig:{%s}:vl_attrValuePtr[%s]", (unsigned long) pl_node, vl_orig_itvalues, vl_attrValuePtr);
// If have orig
if(vl_attrorig != NULL){
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("set_itvalue_idx[%ld]iterator:orig:{%s}:vl_attrValuePtr[%s]-1", (unsigned long) pl_node, vl_orig_itvalues, vl_attrValuePtr);
xml_attribute<> * vl_attrnext = pl_clone_doc_ptr->allocate_attribute(c_str_orig_itvalues, vl_attrValuePtr);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("set_itvalue_idx[%ld]iterator:orig:{%s}:vl_attrValuePtr[%s]-2", (unsigned long) pl_node, vl_orig_itvalues, vl_attrValuePtr);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("set_itvalue_idx[insert]{%s in %s}", pl_value_idx, vl_attrValuePtr);
} else {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("set_itvalue_idx[DUPLICATE]{%s in %s}", pl_value_idx, pl_node->name());
// Function: get_node_iterators_and_playlist
// Purpose:
// Request node iterators an playlist elements
// Parameters:
// pl_node - *in* <xml_node<> * > - node pointer
// pl_iteratorList - *out* vector< xml_node<>* > * - vector PTR for iterator nodes
// pl_playList - *out* vector< playListItem > * - vector for playlist elements
// Return Value:
// Returns the PTRs of itarators an playlist elements.
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Request node iterators an playlist elements.
void get_node_iterators_and_playlist( xml_node<>* pl_node, vector< xml_node<>* > * pl_iteratorList, vector< playListItem > * pl_playList)
if(is_iterator_like(pl_node->name(), pl_node->name_size()) == true)
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("get_node_iterators_and_playlist -> PUSH[iterator]: %s",pl_node->name());
// check ID and if its in playlist play it ADD / REMOVE
char * vl_widgetID = get_attribute(pl_node, (char *)c_str_id);
if(*vl_widgetID != '\0') {
// check if exist
std::map<std::string, playlist_data>::iterator vl_playlist_map = v_playlistWidgetIDMap.find(std::string(vl_widgetID));
if(vl_playlist_map != v_playlistWidgetIDMap.end()){
playlist_data vl_playlist = vl_playlist_map->second;
playListItem vl_playlist_out;
vl_playlist_out.widget_id = vl_widgetID; // widget ID
vl_playlist_out.node_ptr = pl_node; // Node PTR
vl_playlist_out.playlist_node_ptr = vl_playlist.playlist_node_ptr; // Playlist Node PTR
vl_playlist_out.idx = vl_playlist.idx; // The sorting idx
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("get_node_iterators_and_playlist -> PUSH[playlist]: %s",pl_node->name());
// Thru the node list
for (xml_node<> * vl_act_node = pl_node->first_node(); vl_act_node; vl_act_node = vl_act_node->next_sibling()){
get_node_iterators_and_playlist(vl_act_node, pl_iteratorList, pl_playList);
// Function: process_iterator_node
// Purpose:
// Process iterator node
// Parameters:
// pl_clone_doc_ptr - *in* <xml_document<> * > - document pointer
// pl_source - *in* <xml_node<> * > - node pointer
// pl_it_values - *in* vector<std::pair<string, string> > * - vector PTR change from | to values
// pl_it_idx - *in* <int> the saved IT value index in v_ITValues buffer
// pl_xml_as_string *in* <string> processed xml string
// Return Value:
// Returns the PTR of the result node.
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Process iterator node.
xml_node<>* process_iterator_node(xml_document<> * pl_clone_doc_ptr, xml_node<> * pl_source,map<string, string> * pl_it_values, int pl_it_idx, string pl_xml_as_string)
xml_node<> * vl_result = NULL;
start_timer(&v_timer_process_start, &v_tv_process);
// Replace Iterator values
// ==================================================================================
START_MEASURE(9, "process_iterator_node: replace_all[map]");
// START[9]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Process XML
// find all %<iteratorvalue>% and replece it from pl_it_values map
std::ostringstream vl_sstream;
char * vl_start = (char *) pl_xml_as_string.c_str(); // start ptr
char * vl_next = strchr(vl_start,'%'); // next item begin ptr
char * vl_nextend = 0; // next item end ptr
char vl_savedch = '\0'; // saved character
while(vl_next!=0) {
vl_nextend = strchr(vl_next+1,'%');
if(vl_nextend!=0) { // If have next item
vl_savedch = *(vl_nextend+1);
*(vl_nextend+1) = '\0'; // close end
// search in pl_it_values map
std::map<std::string , std::string>::iterator vl_it_map = pl_it_values->find(vl_next);
if(vl_it_map != pl_it_values->end()) { // If there is replace value
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("process_iterator_node change: %s -> %s",vl_next,vl_it_map->second.c_str());
*vl_next = '\0'; // close begin
vl_sstream << vl_start<<vl_it_map->second; // copy previous string + replaced string
*vl_next = '%'; // restore begin
*(vl_nextend+1) = vl_savedch; // restore end
vl_start = vl_nextend+1; // next start ptr
vl_next = strchr(vl_start,'%'); // search next begin
} else {
*(vl_nextend+1) = vl_savedch; // restore end
vl_next = vl_nextend; // next start ptr
} else {
vl_next = 0;
vl_sstream << vl_start;
pl_xml_as_string = vl_sstream.str();
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("process_iterator_node -> [pl_xml_as_string]: %s",pl_xml_as_string.c_str());
START_MEASURE(11, "process_iterator_node: parse");
// START[11]:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse the procesed XML string
// ==================================================================================
char * vl_cstr = strdup_internal((const char *)pl_xml_as_string.c_str());
// Load check, because if its invalid the rapidxml crash
xml_document<> vl_print_doc;
xml_node<> * vl_print_root_node;
try {
vl_print_root_node = vl_print_doc.first_node();
} catch (int vl_err) {
vl_print_root_node = NULL;
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: The XML doc cannot be loaded or is not well-formed: {%d}!", vl_err);
if(vl_print_root_node != NULL) {
// Finally clone it
vl_result = pl_clone_doc_ptr->clone_node(vl_print_root_node);
v_xmlStrs_length += strlen(vl_cstr);
action_print_node("process_iterator_node - vl_result {%s}",vl_result);
START_MEASURE(10, "process_iterator_node: itvalues[NOT_USE_ITVALUES_STRING]");
// set IT values index
// ==================================================================================
char vl_value_idx [SIZE_OF_LONG + 10];
sprintf(vl_value_idx," %d;", pl_it_idx);
// Set IT Values current node
vector< xml_node<> * > vl_iteratorlist;
vector< playListItem > vl_playlist;
// Get iterator and playlist list
if(v_playlistWidgetIDMap.empty()==true) {
get_node_iterators_and_playlist(vl_result, &vl_iteratorlist, 0);
} else {
get_node_iterators_and_playlist(vl_result, &vl_iteratorlist, &vl_playlist);
// Do iterator list
if(vl_iteratorlist.empty()!=true) {
for (vector<xml_node<> *>::iterator vl_nextnode = vl_iteratorlist.begin(); vl_nextnode != vl_iteratorlist.end(); vl_nextnode++){
set_itvalue_idx(pl_clone_doc_ptr, (xml_node<> *)*vl_nextnode, vl_value_idx);
action_print_node("process_iterator_node - vl_result_1 {%s}",vl_result);
// Do playlist
if(vl_playlist.empty()!=true) {
// sort
std::sort(vl_playlist.begin(), vl_playlist.end(), playlist_order());
for (vector<playListItem>::iterator vl_playListItem = vl_playlist.begin(); vl_playListItem != vl_playlist.end(); vl_playListItem++){
// check ID and if its in playlist play it ADD / REMOVE
playListItem vl_playListItemAct = (playListItem)*vl_playListItem;
xml_node<> * vl_nextnode = vl_playListItemAct.node_ptr;
xml_node<> * vl_play_node = vl_playListItemAct.playlist_node_ptr;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("Do playlist[vl_play_node->name()]{%s}->%s",vl_playListItemAct.widget_id, vl_play_node->name());
// Delete child nodes variable data
delete_node_variabledata( vl_playListItemAct.widget_id);
// If delete
if(compare_name( vl_play_node->name(),vl_play_node->name_size(), c_xml_delete_name, v_size_xml_delete_name) == true) {
// Just remove nothing all
xml_node<> * vl_parent_node = (vl_nextnode)->parent();
if(vl_parent_node != 0) {
} else {
// Insert item ->
// -------------------------------------------
// clone from original
xml_node<> * vl_parent_node = vl_nextnode;
// action_print_node("insert_itvalue_idx[PARENT:{%s}", vl_parent_node);
for (xml_node<> *vl_nextnode_int = vl_play_node->first_node(); vl_nextnode_int; vl_nextnode_int = vl_nextnode_int->next_sibling()) {
//action_print_node("insert_itvalue_idx[copy->]{%s}", vl_nextnode_int);
// 2013.11.07. - new append
xml_node<> * vl_node_source = pl_clone_doc_ptr->clone_node(vl_nextnode_int);
vl_parent_node->insert_node(0, vl_node_source);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("insert_itvalue_idx[copy_X]{%ld | %ld | %ld}",(long)vl_parent_node, (long)0, (long)vl_node_source);
stop_timer(&v_timer_process_start, &v_tv_process, &v_time_process_diff_summ);
action_print_node("process_iterator_node - vl_result_2 {%s}",vl_result);
// Function: f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__condition
// Purpose:
// Nonblocking Data Handler: Expand the current node condition.
// Parameters:
// pl_source *in* *charstring * - the name of the dataSource 'feature'
// pl_source *in* *charstring* - the name of the PTC
// (dataSource+ptcName should be a unigue id of the data). Default: "" (i.e. PTC name is ignored)
// pl_element *in* *charstring* - the type of data
// pl_params *in* <EPTF_DataSource_Params> - additional parameters (default: {})
// pl_errorCode - *in* *INTEGER&* - error code in the response
// pl_remoteDataVarName - *in* *charstring* - var name on the remote component.
// In case errorCode!=0: it contains the error message
// pl_ownerCompRef - *in* *COMPONENT&* - reference to the remote component
// pl_localDataVarId - *in* *INTEGER&* - var id on the local component
// (contains the current value, not subscribed to remote!)
// pl_dataValue - *in* <EPTF_Var_DirectContent> - the value of the data
// pl_userData - *in* <EPTF__IntegerList&> -user specific data given at the request
// Return Value:
// -
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Nonblocking Data Handler: Expand the current node condition.
void f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__condition ( const CHARSTRING& pl_source,
const CHARSTRING& pl_ptcName,
const CHARSTRING& pl_element,
const EPTF__CLL__DataSource__Definitions::EPTF__DataSource__Params& pl_params,
const INTEGER& pl_errorCode,
const CHARSTRING& pl_remoteDataVarName,
const COMPONENT& pl_ownerCompRef,
const INTEGER& pl_localDataVarId,
const EPTF__CLL__Variable__Definitions::EPTF__Var__DirectContent& pl_dataValue,
const EPTF__CLL__Common__Definitions::EPTF__IntegerList& pl_userData)
bool vl_conditionresult = false;
unsigned long long vl_wrk_long_ptr = (unsigned long)pl_userData[0].get_long_long_val();
unsigned long long vl_wrk_long_long = (unsigned long long)pl_userData[1].get_long_long_val();
process_data * vl_process_data_ptr = (process_data *)vl_wrk_long_ptr;
xml_node<>* vl_copyNode = (xml_node<>*)vl_wrk_long_long;
bool vl_pendingError = false; // Have any error?
char * vl_origPtr = 0;
vl_wrk_long_long = (unsigned long long)pl_userData[2].get_long_long_val();
char * vl_condition_id_saved = (char *)vl_wrk_long_long;
vl_origPtr = get_attribute(vl_copyNode, (char *) c_str_orig_node_ptr);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__condition: [%ld:{%s}]->%d",(unsigned long) vl_copyNode, vl_condition_id_saved, vl_conditionresult );
if(pl_errorCode != 0 && vl_pendingError == false) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, "f_EPTF_DataSource_getCondition_nonBlocking: Error[%ld] -> {%s}!", (long)pl_errorCode, (char *)((const char *) pl_remoteDataVarName) );
vl_pendingError = true;
} else if(*vl_origPtr == '\0'){
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, "ERROR: f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__condition: No original node PTR found [%ld]!", (unsigned long) vl_wrk_long_long);
vl_pendingError = true;
} else {
xml_node<>* vl_IteratorNode = (xml_node<>*) (long *) atol(vl_origPtr);
if(vl_IteratorNode) {
//change condition to metaiterator in the copy node.
set_node_temp_attributes(vl_process_data_ptr->cloneDocPTR, vl_copyNode, (long)vl_copyNode, (char *)((const char *)pl_remoteDataVarName),(long)pl_localDataVarId);
// pl_dataValue is a boolean with the values of the condition
// Data type
if (pl_dataValue.get_selection() == EPTF__Var__DirectContent::ALT_boolVal) {
vl_conditionresult = pl_dataValue.boolVal();
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__condition: [%ld]->%d",(unsigned long) vl_copyNode, vl_conditionresult );
} else {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::ERROR_UNQUALIFIED, "f__EPTF__UIHandler__expand__current__condition: function handles only bool directContent for now!!");
vl_pendingError = true;
// If NO Error
if(vl_pendingError == false && vl_condition_id_saved != 0) {
xml_node<> * vl_pNewNode = process_condition_node(vl_process_data_ptr->cloneDocPTR, vl_copyNode, vl_conditionresult, vl_condition_id_saved);
free(vl_condition_id_saved); // Free saved
// No any additional wrk needed
if(vl_pNewNode != NULL) {
// Expand inside
expand_XML_elements( vl_copyNode, vl_process_data_ptr, 0l);
// ===================================================================================================================
// Function: process_condition_node
// Purpose:
// Process condition node
// Parameters:
// pl_clone_doc_ptr - *in* <xml_document<> * > - document pointer
// pl_source - *in* <xml_node<> * > - node pointer
// pl_condition - *in* <bool > - condition value
// vl_conditionid - *in* <const char * > - condition ID
// Return Value:
// Returns the PTR of the result node.
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Process condition node.
xml_node<>* process_condition_node(xml_document<> * pl_clone_doc_ptr, xml_node<> * pl_source, bool pl_condition, char * vl_conditionid )
xml_node<> * vl_result = NULL;
vector< xml_node<> * > vl_NodesToRemove;
// Process child nodes and attributes
for (xml_node<> *vl_child = pl_source->first_node(); vl_child; vl_child = vl_child->next_sibling()){
bool vl_processed = false;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("process_condition_node-> next]: [%s]", vl_child->name());
// If 'insertif' process it
if(compare_name( vl_child->name(),vl_child->name_size(), c_str_insertif, v_size_insertif) == true){
char * vl_id = get_attribute( vl_child, (char *)c_str_id);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("process_condition_node-> ID]: [%s]", vl_id );
if(compare(vl_conditionid, measure(vl_conditionid),vl_id,measure(vl_id))) {
char * vl_negatePtr = get_attribute(vl_child, (char *) c_str_negate);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("process_condition_node-> set_node_temp_attributes->]: [%s]", vl_id );
set_node_temp_attributes(pl_clone_doc_ptr, vl_child, (long)vl_child, (char *)c_str_TODO, 0l);
bool vl_negate = compare(vl_negatePtr,measure(vl_negatePtr),c_str_true, v_size_true);
// If true than nothing
if((pl_condition == true) ^ (vl_negate == true)){
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("process_condition_node-> PROCESS]: [%s]-> %d", vl_id, (int) pl_condition );
} else {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("process_condition_node-> ELSE]: [%s]-> %d", vl_id, (int) pl_condition );
vl_processed = true;
// If not processed call for children
if(vl_processed == false) {
// If not insertif ->
process_condition_node(pl_clone_doc_ptr, vl_child, pl_condition, vl_conditionid);
for (vector<xml_node<> *>::iterator vl_remove = vl_NodesToRemove.begin(); vl_remove != vl_NodesToRemove.end(); vl_remove++){
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("process_condition_node-> REMOVE]: [%s]", ((xml_node<> * )*vl_remove)->name());
((xml_node<> * )*vl_remove)->remove_all_nodes();
// Function: is_valid_XML
// Purpose:
// Validate the XML with the given XSD
// Parameters:
// pl_xml_str - *in* <char * > - input XML string
// pl_schema_filename - *in* <char * > - input schema file name
// Return Value:
// Returns the result of validation.
// - VALID_XML : XML valid
// - ERROR_INVALID_XML : XML invalid with XSD parser
// - ERROR_XML_LOAD : the doc cannot be loaded or is not well-formed
// - ERROR_XML_ROOT_ERROR : the root element are not 'Widgets'
// - ERROR_XSD_LOAD : the schema cannot be loaded or is not well-formed
// - ERROR_XSD_CREATE_PARSER_CTX : unable to create a parser context for the schema
// - ERROR_XSD_SCHEMA : the schema itself is not valid
// - ERROR_XSD_CREATE_VALIDATION_CTX : unable to create a validation context for the schema
// Errors:
// - is_valid_XML: The XML doc cannot be loaded or is not well-formed: {<xml string>}!
// - is_valid_XML: The root element in the xml is '<act root>' instead of 'Widgets'!
// - is_valid_XML: The the schema cannot be loaded or is not well-formed[<schema filename>]!
// - is_valid_XML: The schema patch [<xsd:element name="Widgets" />] invalid!
// - is_valid_XML: Unable to create a parser context for the schema[<schema filename>]!
// - is_valid_XML: The schema itself is not valid[<schema filename>]!
// - is_valid_XML: unable to create a validation context for the schema[<schema filename>]!
// - is_valid_XML: Invalid XML {<xml string>} with schema [<schema filename>] - message: <error_message>!
// Detailed Comments:
// Validate the XML with the given XSD.
int is_valid_XML(char * pl_xml_str, const char * pl_schema_filename)
int vl_ret = VALID_XML;
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("is_valid_XML[pl_xml_str]->%s", pl_xml_str);
xmlDocPtr vl_doc = xmlParseMemory(pl_xml_str, measure(pl_xml_str));
xmlDocPtr vl_schema_doc = NULL;
xmlSchemaPtr vl_schema = NULL;
xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr vl_valid_ctxt = NULL;
xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr vl_parser_ctxt = NULL;
if(vl_doc == NULL) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"ERROR: is_valid_XML: The XML doc cannot be loaded or is not well-formed: {%s}!", pl_xml_str);
/* the doc cannot be loaded or is not well-formed */
vl_ret = ERROR_XML_LOAD;
} else {
xmlNode * vl_root_element = NULL;
/*Get the root element node */
vl_root_element = xmlDocGetRootElement(vl_doc);
if (xmlStrcmp(vl_root_element->name, (const xmlChar *) c_xml_root_name)) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"ERROR: is_valid_XML: The root element in the xml is '%s' instead of '%s'!", (const char *)vl_root_element->name, c_xml_root_name);
/* the root element are not 'Widgets' */
} else {
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("is_valid_XML[pl_schema_filename]->%s", pl_schema_filename);
vl_schema_doc = xmlReadFile(pl_schema_filename, NULL, XML_PARSE_NONET);
if (vl_schema_doc == NULL) {
/* the schema cannot be loaded or is not well-formed */
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"ERROR: is_valid_XML: The the schema cannot be loaded or is not well-formed[%s]!", pl_schema_filename);
vl_ret = ERROR_XSD_LOAD;
} else {
vl_root_element = xmlDocGetRootElement(vl_schema_doc);
// Patch into -> <xsd:element name="Widgets" />
xmlNodePtr vl_newnode = xmlNewTextChild (vl_root_element, (xmlNs *)NULL, (xmlChar *)c_xml_element, NULL);
xmlAttrPtr vl_newattr = NULL;
if(vl_newnode) {
vl_newattr = xmlNewProp (vl_newnode, (const xmlChar *)c_str_name, (const xmlChar *)c_xml_root_name);
if(vl_newnode == NULL || vl_newattr == NULL) {
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"ERROR: is_valid_XML: The schema patch [<xsd:%s %s=\"%s\" />] invalid!", c_xml_element, c_str_name, c_xml_root_name);
vl_parser_ctxt = xmlSchemaNewDocParserCtxt(vl_schema_doc);
if (vl_parser_ctxt == NULL) {
/* unable to create a parser context for the schema */
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"ERROR: is_valid_XML: Unable to create a parser context for the schema[%s]!", pl_schema_filename);
} else {
vl_schema = xmlSchemaParse(vl_parser_ctxt);
if (vl_schema == NULL) {
/* the schema itself is not valid */
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"ERROR: is_valid_XML: The schema itself is not valid[%s]!", pl_schema_filename);
} else {
vl_valid_ctxt = xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt(vl_schema);
if (vl_valid_ctxt == NULL) {
/* unable to create a validation context for the schema */
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"ERROR: is_valid_XML: unable to create a validation context for the schema[%s]!", pl_schema_filename);
} else {
int vl_is_valid = (xmlSchemaValidateDoc(vl_valid_ctxt, vl_doc) == 0);
/* force the return value to be non-negative on success */
vl_ret = vl_is_valid ? VALID_XML : ERROR_INVALID_XML;
if(vl_ret == ERROR_INVALID_XML){
char * vl_errorstr = (char *)&c_str_empty[0];
xmlErrorPtr vl_error = xmlGetLastError();
if(vl_error != NULL && vl_error->message != NULL) {
vl_errorstr = vl_error->message;
TTCN_Logger::log(TTCN_Logger::USER_UNQUALIFIED,"ERROR: is_valid_XML: Invalid XML {%s} with schema [%s] - message: %s!", pl_xml_str, pl_schema_filename, vl_errorstr);
if(vl_valid_ctxt != NULL) {xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt(vl_valid_ctxt);};
if(vl_schema != NULL) {xmlSchemaFree(vl_schema);};
if(vl_parser_ctxt != NULL) {xmlSchemaFreeParserCtxt(vl_parser_ctxt);};
if(vl_schema_doc != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(vl_schema_doc);};
if(vl_doc != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(vl_doc);};
return (vl_ret);
// Function: measure
// Purpose:
// Measure string length
// Parameters:
// pl_ptr - *in* <const char * > - input string
// Return Value:
// Returns the string length.
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Measure string length.
std::size_t measure(const char * pl_ptr)
// Function: compare
// Purpose:
// Compare strings
// Parameters:
// pl_p1 - *in* <const char * > - input string 1
// pl_size1 - *in* <size_t> - input string 1 length
// pl_p2 - *in* <const char * > - input string 2
// pl_size2 - *in* <size_t> - input string 2 length
// Return Value:
// Returns the result of compare ==true if equal.
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Compare two string.
bool compare(const char * pl_p1, std::size_t pl_size1, const char * pl_p2, std::size_t pl_size2)
return(internal::compare(pl_p1, pl_size1, pl_p2, pl_size2, v_case_sensitive));
// Function: compare name
// Purpose:
// Compare strings
// Parameters:
// pl_p1 - *in* <const char * > - input string 1 with namespace
// pl_size1 - *in* <size_t> - input string 1 length
// pl_p2 - *in* <const char * > - input string 2
// pl_size2 - *in* <size_t> - input string 2 length
// Return Value:
// Returns the result of compare_name ==true if equal.
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// Compare two string without namespace <xxx:yyy /> tag.
bool compare_name(const char * pl_p1, std::size_t pl_size1, const char * pl_p2, std::size_t pl_size2)
bool vl_ret = false;
vl_ret = internal::compare(pl_p1, pl_size1, pl_p2, pl_size2, v_case_sensitive);
int vl_idxFrom = pl_size1-pl_size2;
vl_ret = internal::compare((pl_p1+vl_idxFrom), pl_size2, pl_p2, pl_size2, v_case_sensitive);
ACTION_GUIFUNCTIONS("compare_name(%s->%s):%d",(pl_p1+vl_idxFrom), pl_p2, vl_ret );
// Function: is_expandable
// Purpose:
// The current node expandable?
// Parameters:
// pl_name - *in* <const char * > - input entity name
// pl_name_size - *in* <size_t> - input name string length
// Return Value:
// Returns ==true if the node name expandable.
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// The current node expandable?
bool is_expandable(const char * pl_name, std::size_t pl_name_size)
bool vl_bret = false;
if (pl_name){
if (pl_name_size == 0) {
pl_name_size = measure(pl_name);
if(compare_name(pl_name, pl_name_size, c_str_iterator, v_size_iterator) ||
compare_name(pl_name, pl_name_size, c_str_externalvalue, v_size_externalvalue) ||
compare_name(pl_name, pl_name_size, c_str_condition, v_size_condition)){
vl_bret = true;
// Function: is_iterator_like
// Purpose:
// The current node iterator OR externalvalue?
// Parameters:
// pl_name - *in* <const char * > - input entity name
// pl_name_size - *in* <size_t> - input name string length
// Return Value:
// Returns ==true if the node name expandable.
// Errors:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// The current node iterator OR externalvalue?
bool is_iterator_like(const char * pl_name, std::size_t pl_name_size)
bool vl_bret = false;
if (pl_name){
if (pl_name_size == 0) {
pl_name_size = measure(pl_name);
if(compare_name(pl_name, pl_name_size, c_str_iterator, v_size_iterator) ||
compare_name(pl_name, pl_name_size, c_str_externalvalue, v_size_externalvalue)){
vl_bret = true;
// Function: get_data_source
// Purpose:
// Get the data source
// Parameters:
// pl_expandable - *in* <xml_node<> * > - node pointer
// pl_element_out - *out* <char ** > - element pointer out
// pl_id_out - *out* <char ** > - id pointer out
// pl_ptcname_out - *out* <char ** > - ptc pointer out
// pl_source_out - *out* <char ** > - source pointer out
// Return Value:
// Returns ==true if no any error.
// Errors:
// - get_data_parameters: unknown attribute [<attribute name>=<attribute value>]!
// - get_data_parameters: invalid call!");
// Detailed Comments:
// Get the data source.
bool get_data_source( xml_node