blob: 89db2f6365448ee99032d6d35b2bdcb84bb13bea [file] [log] [blame]
// //
// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB //
// //
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials //
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 //
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at //
// //
// Module: EPTF_CLL_ExecCtrl_ScenarioDefinitions
// Purpose:
// This module contains type definitions for EPTF_CLL_ExecCtrl implementation.
// Module depends on:
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigDefinitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TemplateDefinitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBaseStats_Definitions>
// Module Parameters:
// Current Owner:
// Jozsef Gyurusi (ethjgi)
// Last Review Date:
// 2009-02-03
// Detailed Comments:
// This module contains type definitions for EPTF_CLL_ExecCtrl implementation.
module EPTF_CLL_ExecCtrl_ScenarioDefinitions {
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_ConfigDefinitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_TemplateDefinitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions all; // EPTF_Var_fcb_CalcFn
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBaseStats_Definitions all; // c_EPTF_LGenBaseStats_nameOfTcNrOfStarts, etc.
// Data Types
// hashmap names
const charstring c_ExecCtrl_tcTypesHashMapName := "ExecCtrl_tcTypesHashMap";
const charstring c_ExecCtrl_scenarioTypesHashMapName := "ExecCtrl_scenarioTypesHashMap";
const charstring c_ExecCtrl_entityGroupsHashMapName := "ExecCtrl_entityGroupsHashMap";
const charstring c_ExecCtrl_scenariosHashMapName := "ExecCtrl_scenariosHashMap";
const charstring c_ExecCtrl_trafficCasesHashMapName := "ExecCtrl_trafficCasesHashMap";
const charstring c_ExecCtrl_lgensHashMapName := "ExecCtrl_lgensHashMap";
// Group: EPTF_ExecCtrl_Declarators
// Purpose:
// Contains items corresponding to declarators
// Elements:
group EPTF_ExecCtrl_Declarators {
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDeclarator
// Purpose:
// Alias to <EPTF_LGenBase_EntityGrpDeclarator>.
// Elements:
// - name - *charstring* - the name of the entity group
// - eType - *charstring* - the type of the entities within the group
// - cCount - *integer* - the amount of entities within the group
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type EPTF_LGenBase_EntityGrpDeclarator EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDeclarator;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // EPTF_LGenBase_EntityGrpDeclarator
// //
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// type record EPTF_LGenBase_EntityGrpDeclarator {
// charstring name,
// charstring eType,
// integer eCount
// }
} //group EPTF_ExecCtrl_Declarators
// Group: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TypeDB
// Purpose:
// Contains items corresponding to the type database of ExecCtrl
group EPTF_ExecCtrl_TypeDB {
// Declarators are converted to these types then distributed to the LGens
// entity type DB - entity type availability and usage stored in LGenInstances
// type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityType EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityTypeList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcTypeList
// Purpose:
// traffic case type DB
// Elements:
// List of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcType>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcType EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcTypeList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioTypeList
// Purpose:
// Scenario type DB
// Elements:
// List of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioType>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioType EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioTypeList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioInstanceTypeList
// Purpose:
// Scenario instance type DB (=new scenario to group module parameter type)
// Elements:
// List of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioInstanceType>
// Detailed Comments:
// Makes <EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_Scenarios2GrpList> obsolete.
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioInstanceType EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioInstanceTypeList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcType
// Purpose:
// Alias of <EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_tcTypeDeclarator2>
// Elements:
// - name - *charstring* - the name of the traffic case type
// - fsmName - *charstring* - FSM table name of the TC
// - entityType - *charstring* - the type of the entity executing the traffic case
// - customEntitySucc - *charstring* - the registered name of
// a user-defined function to evaluate the state of the entity
// at the end of a traffic. If it's empty, the <f_EPTF_LGenBase_successSucNoFail> will be called.
// Detailed Comments:
// Common TrafficCase type in ExecCtrl.
type EPTF_LGenBase_TrafficCaseTypeInternalDeclarator EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcType;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_tcTypeDeclarator2
// //
// // Used to declare a traffic case type in TITAN config file and in
// // <f_EPTF_LGenBase_declareTcType2> function.
// //
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// type record EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_tcTypeDeclarator2 {
// charstring name,
// charstring fsmName,
// charstring entityType,
// charstring customEntitySucc //if EMPTY then default
// }
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioInstanceType
// Purpose:
// Type to of a Scenario instance.
// Elements:
// - scenarioName - *charstring* - name of the scenario type
// - eGrpName - *charstring* - name of the Entity Group this scenario is added to
// - name - *charstring* *optional* - name of this scenario instance (if omit it is set to: eGrpName + "." + scenarioTypeName)
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioInstanceType {
charstring scenarioName, // name of the scenario type
charstring eGrpName, // name of the Entity Group this scenario is added to
charstring name optional // name of this scenario instance (if omit it is set to: eGrpName + "." + scenarioTypeName)
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenWeightType
// Purpose:
// Type to of a lgen with a weight.
// Elements:
// - lgenName - *charstring* - name of the LGen
// - weight - *float* - weight of the LGen
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenWeightType {
charstring lgenName,
float weight
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenWeightTypeList
// Purpose:
// List of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenWeightType>-s.
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenWeightType EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenWeightTypeList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionType
// Purpose:
// Type to of an entity group distribution item.
// Elements:
// - eGrpName - *charstring* - name of the entity group
// - lgenWeights - <EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenWeightTypeList> - weight of the LGens
// the entity group is distributed on
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionType {
charstring eGrpName,
EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenWeightTypeList lgenWeights
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionTypeList
// Purpose:
// List of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionType>-s.
// Detailed Comments:
// This is the type of the modulepar
// If this parameter is given for an entity group,
// the entity group will be distributed on the specified
// LGens (if possible) according to the weights given.
// (The weight factors will be normalized to 1.0)
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionType EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionTypeList;
} // group EPTF_ExecCtrl_TypeDB
// Group: EPTF_ExecCtrl_InstanceDB
// Purpose:
// Contains items corresponding to the instance database of ExecCtrl
group EPTF_ExecCtrl_InstanceDB {
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupList
// Purpose:
// Defines the type of the entity group instance DB
// Elements:
// List of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroup>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroup EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseList
// Purpose:
// Defines the type of the traffic case instance DB
// Elements:
// List of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioList
// Purpose:
// Defines the type of the scenario instance DB
// Elements:
// List of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_Scenario>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_Scenario EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenList
// Purpose:
// Defines the type of the LGen instance DB
// Elements:
// List of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenData>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenData EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroup
// Purpose:
// Defines the type of one element of the EntityGroup instance DB
// Elements:
// - name - *charstring* - name of the group
// - eType - *charstring* - name of the entity type of the group members
// - eOffset - *integer* - entity index of first member of the group
// - eCount - *integer* - number of entities in group
// - lgenList - <EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionList> - list of LGens this group is distributed on
// - scenarios - <EPTF_IntegerList> - reference to scenario instances running on this group (index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioList)
// - lgenPoolIdx - *integer* - reference to the LGenPool this entity group is assigned (-1: no LGenPool)
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroup {
charstring name, //name of the group
charstring eType, //name of the entity type of the group members
integer eOffset, //entity index of first member of the group
integer eCount, //number of entities in group
EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionList lgenList, // list of LGens this group is distributed on
EPTF_IntegerList scenarios, // reference to scenario instances running on this group (index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioList)
integer lgenPoolIdx // reference to the LGenPool this entity group is assigned (-1: no LGenPool)
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistribution
// Purpose:
// Element of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionList>
// Elements:
// - lgenIdx - *integer* - the LGen this distribution corresponds (index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenList)
// - eOffset - *integer* - index of the first entity on this LGen relative to the group offset
// - eCount - *integer* - number of entities on this LGen
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistribution {
integer lgenIdx, // the LGen this distribution corresponds (index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenList)
integer eOffset, // index of the first entity on this LGen relative to the group offset
integer eCount, // number of entities on this LGen
integer eCountActive // number of active entities on this LGen
// integer grpIdxInLGen // the index of eGrp data in EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenData[lgenIdx].eGroups
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionList
// Purpose:
// Defines the entity group distribution on LGens in an <EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroup>
// Elements:
// list of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistribution>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistribution EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupDistributionList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT
// Purpose:
// Defines the function type of traffic case CPS changed callback
// Parameters:
// pl_cps - *in float* - the new CPS value
// pl_tcIdx - *in integer* - the traffic case instance idx
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT(in float pl_cps, in integer pl_tcIdx) runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT_List
// Purpose:
// Defines the CPS changed callback function list for a traffic case
// Elements:
// list of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT_List;
// {Delta statistics}:
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDeltaStatDescriptor
// Purpose:
// Defines the function type of traffic case CPS changed callback
// Elements:
// - statisticsId - *integer* - statistics Id
// - variableId - *integer* - varible id for delta statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDeltaStatDescriptor {
integer statisticsId,
integer variableId
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDeltaStatDescriptorList
// Purpose:
// Defines Data descriptor list for delta statistics
// Elements:
// list of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDeltaStatDescriptorList>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDeltaStatDescriptor EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDeltaStatDescriptorList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase
// Purpose:
// Defines the traffic case instance type
// Elements:
// - name - *charstring* - name of the traffic case instance (by default auto generated to ScenarioInstanceName+"."+tcTypeName)
// - scenarioIdx - *integer* - index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioList
// - tcOfScenarioIdx - *integer* - index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioList[scenarioIdx].scData.tcList
// - groupFinishData - <EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_GroupFinishData> - traffic case distribution data on the LGens this traffic case is distributed on
// - cpsChangedCallbackList - <EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT_List> - list of callback functions called when the target CPS changes
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase {
charstring name, // name of the traffic case instance (by default auto generated to ScenarioInstanceName+"."+tcTypeName)
integer scenarioIdx, // index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioList
integer tcOfScenarioIdx, // index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioList[scenarioIdx].scData.tcList
EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_GroupFinishData groupFinishData, // group finish data for the lgens
// EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDistributionList lgenList // traffic case distribution data on the LGens this traffic case is distributed on
EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT_List cpsChangedCallbackList, // list of callback functions called when the target CPS changes,
EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDeltaStatDescriptorList deltaStatList // Testcase data descriptor for delta statistics
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_GroupFinishData
// Purpose:
// Defines auxiliary data to evaluate group finish conditions
// Elements:
// - onGroupFinishCounter - *integer* - counter for onGroupFinish (starts from 0. if reaches the number of lgens => the onGroupFinish condition is true)
// - onLaunchFinishCounter - *integer* - (starts from 0. if reaches the number of lgens => the onLaunchFinish condition is true)
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_GroupFinishData {
EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinishData onGroupFinish, // group finish data for onGroupFinish
integer onLaunchFinishCounter // group finish data for onLaunchFinish: (starts from 0. if reaches the number of lgens => the onLaunchFinish condition is true)
// locally evaluted conditions : nofRangeLoop, execTime, entitiesFinished, custom, allDone (nofGrpLoop)
// globally evaluted conditions: nofExecStart, nofSuccess, nofFail, nofTimeout, nofError
// they all index into <EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinishData>.groupFinished:
// unknown:
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinishConditionUnknown := -1;
// globally evaluated:
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinishNofExecStartIdx := 0;
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinishNofSuccessIdx := 1;
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinishNofFailIdx := 2;
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinishNofTimeoutIdx := 3;
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinishNofErrorIdx := 4;
// locally evaluated (cannot be used for indexing):
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinish_ExecTime := 5;
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinish_RangeLoops := 6;
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinish_EntitiesFinished := 7;
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinish_AvailableEntitiesFinished := 8;
const integer c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinish_Custom := 9;
type integer EPTF_ExecCtrl_GrpFinishConditionType (
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_GrpFinishConditionType EPTF_ExecCtrl_GrpFinishConditionTypes;
// full name of var on LGenBase is:
// var charstring vl_varNameBase := f_EPTF_LGenBaseStats_getNamePrefix(pl_eGrpName,pl_scName,;
// vl_varNameBase&c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_nameOfVarsInLGen[i]
const EPTF_CharstringList c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_nameOfVarsInLGen := {
// c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_nameOfVarsInLGen[c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinishNofExecStartIdx]: name of the EPTF_Var in LGenBase that is used to calculate the condition for NofExecStart
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinish_LGenStatus {
integer lgenIdx, // index of the LGen in v_ExecCtrl_lgens
integer currentCounter // value of the group finish counter on the LGen (when TC is paused)
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinish_LGenStatus EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinish_LGenStatusList; // indexed by the same LGen index that is used for the related entity groups v_EPTF_ExecCtrl_entityGroups[egrpIdx].lgenList
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinish_LGenStatusList EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinish_LGenStatusList_ConditionStatus; // indexed by the condition type <EPTF_ExecCtrl_GrpFinishConditionType>
type record of EPTF_IntegerList EPTF_IntegerListList;// indexed by [condition type][LGenIdx] (same as in conditionStatus)
type record of EPTF_LGenBase_ConditionTrue EPTF_LGenBase_ConditionTruePerLGen; // indexed by LGenIdx (index of v_EPTF_ExecCtrl_entityGroups[egrpIdx].lgenList)
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinishData {
float tcStartTime, // time when the traffic case was started
EPTF_BooleanList groupFinished, // true if groupFinishCondition has fired
EPTF_LGenBase_ConditionTruePerLGen groupFinishedPerLGen, // condition statuses on the LGens
integer execTimeStatId, // the id of the chrono statistics that measures the execTime of the traffic case
EPTF_IntegerList groupFinishedGuardTimerId, // event ID of the group finish guard timer
EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinish_LGenStatusList_ConditionStatus conditionStatus, // indexed by condition type
EPTF_IntegerListList conditionStatusPrev // indexed by [condition type][LGenIdx] (same as in conditionStatus)
// List of calcFns for calculating global groupFinishCondition flag for locally evaluated group finish conditions
type record of EPTF_Var_fcb_CalcFn EPTF_ExecCtrl_groupFinishCalcFns;
// type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDistribution {
// }
// type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDistribution EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseDistributionList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcOfScenario
// Purpose:
// Alias to <EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_TcOfScenario3>
// Elements:
// Detailed Comments:
// Type of scenario specific data of a traffic case instance
// Stores the traffic case data in the latest declarator format
type EPTF_LGenBase_TcOfScenarioInternalDeclarator EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcOfScenario;
// previous definition of EPTF_LGenBase_TcOfScenarioInternal:
// type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcOfScenario{
// integer tcTypeIdx,
// float startDelay optional, //not needed for weighted
// EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_TcProperty2Reach target,
// EPTF_LGenBase_burstFuncName scheduler optional, // this differs only from EPTF_LGenBase_TcOfScenarioInternal !
// boolean enableEntities,
// boolean enable,
// EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_ParamRangeDeclaratorList ranges optional,
// EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_tcCustomParamDeclaratorList params optional,
// //finishConditions
// EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_GroupFinishConditions2 groupFinishConditions optional,
// EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_EntityFinishConditions entityFinishConditions optional,
// //actionLists
// EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_GroupActions2List tcFinishActions optional,
// EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_EntityActionsList entityFinishActions optional,
// integer templateSetIdx // -1 if doesn't exist
// }
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcOfScenario EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcOfScenarioList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_WeightedScData
// Purpose:
// Alias to <EPTF_LGenBase_WeightedScData>
// Elements:
// Detailed Comments:
// Type of weighted scenario instance specific data
type EPTF_LGenBase_WeightedScData EPTF_ExecCtrl_WeightedScData;
// type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_WeightedScData {
// float cpsToReach,
// boolean lockCPS, - not used
// boolean deterministicMix
// }
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioType
// Purpose:
// Alias to <EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_ScenarioDeclarator3>
// Elements:
// Detailed Comments:
// Type of scenario data in scenario instance <EPTF_ExecCtrl_Scenario>
// Stores the scenario data in the latest scenario declarator format
type EPTF_LGenBase_ScenarioTypeInternalDeclarator EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioType; // same as EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_ScenarioDeclarator3
// type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioType {
// charstring name,
// boolean enabled,
// charstring phaseList optional, // name of the supported phase list
// EPTF_ExecCtrl_WeightedScData weightedScData optional, // omit -> normal scenario
// EPTF_ExecCtrl_TcOfScenarioList tcList,
// EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_PhaseFinishConditionList phaseFinishConditions optional,
// EPTF_LGenBase_TcMgmt_PhaseActionList phaseActions optional
// }
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT
// Purpose:
// Defines the function type of scenario CPS changed callback
// Parameters:
// pl_cps - *in float* - the new CPS value
// pl_scIdx - *in integer* - the scenario instance idx
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT(in float pl_cps, in integer pl_scIdx) runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT_List
// Purpose:
// Defines the CPS changed callback function list for a scenario
// Elements:
// list of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT_List;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_Scenario
// Purpose:
// Define the Scenario instance type
// Elements:
// - name - *charstring* - name of the scenario instance (by default auto generated to EGrpName+"."+ScenarioTypeName)
// - eGroupIdx - *integer* - index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupList
// - tcIdxList - <EPTF_IntegerList> - parallel database with scData.tcList, each element points into EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseList
// - scData - <EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioType> - the scenario instance data from the scenario type
// - scGrpIdx - *integer* - index into the scenarioGroup instance DB ( to the scenario group to which this scenario instance added
// - cpsChangedCallbackList - <EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT_List> - list of callback functions called when the target CPS changes
// Detailed Comments:
// Type of scenario instance
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_Scenario {
charstring name, // name of the scenario instance (by default auto generated to EGrpName+"."+ScenarioTypeName)
integer eGroupIdx, // index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupList
EPTF_IntegerList tcIdxList, // parallel database with scData.tcList, each element points into EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCaseList
EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioType scData, // the scenario instance data from the scenario type
integer scGrpIdx, // index into the scenarioGroup instance DB ( to the scenario group to which this scenario instance added
// TODO (e.g state)
EPTF_ExecCtrl_ScenarioCPSChangedCallbackFn_FT_List cpsChangedCallbackList // list of callback functions called when the target CPS changes
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenInEGroupRef
// Purpose:
// Define the type of a reference to the LGen specific data in an Entity Group
// Elements:
// - eGrpIdx - *integer* - index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupList
// - lgenIdxInEGrp - *integer* - index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupList[eGrpIdx].lgenList
// Detailed Comments:
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenInEGroupRef {
integer eGrpIdx, // index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupList
integer lgenIdxInEGrp // index into EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroupList[eGrpIdx].lgenList
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenInEGroupRefList
// Purpose:
// Define the list of LGen references in an Entity Group
// Elements:
// list of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenInEGroupRef>
// Detailed Comments:
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenInEGroupRef EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenInEGroupRefList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenData
// Purpose:
// Define the type of LGen data in <EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenList>
// Elements:
// - name - *charstring* - name of the LGen
// - lgenCompRef - *integer* - it is an EPTF_ExecCtrlClient_CT converted to integer by f_EPTF_Base_downcast
// - hostName - *charstring* - hostname where the LGen is running ("" if unknown)
// - resourceList - <EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenResourceInfoList> - info about available/total entity numbers per eType on this LGen
// - eGroups - <EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenInEGroupRefList> - list of Entity Groups this LGen supports (references to the LGenList in the EntityGroup)
// Detailed Comments:
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenData {
charstring name, // name of the LGen
integer lgenCompRef, // it is an EPTF_ExecCtrlClient_CT converted to integer by f_EPTF_Base_downcast
charstring hostName, // hostname where the LGen is running ("" if unknown)
EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenResourceInfoList resourceList, // info about available/total entity numbers per eType on this LGen
EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenInEGroupRefList eGroups // list of Entity Groups this LGen supports (references to the LGenList in the EntityGroup)
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenResourceInfo
// Purpose:
// Type for storing an LGen resource entry.
// Elements:
// - eType - *charstring* - the name of the entity type
// - eAvail - *integer* - the currently available number of entities (-1 means infty)
// - eMaxCount - *integer* - the maximum amount of entities
// that can be created by the Application library (-1 means infty)
// The number of entities already allocated is approx: eMaxCount - eAvail
type record EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenResourceInfo
charstring eType, // the name of the entity type
integer eAvail, // the currently available number of entities (-1 means infty)
integer eMaxCount// the maximum amount of entities
// that can be created by the Application library (-1 means infty)
// The number of entities already allocated is approx: eMaxCount - eAvail
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenResourceInfoList
// Purpose:
// Type for storing list of references to LGen resource entries
// Elements:
// <EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenResourceInfo>
type record of EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenResourceInfo EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenResourceInfoList;
// Type: EPTF_ExecCtrl_TemplateLists
// Purpose:
// Type of the templateSet instance DB
// Elements:
// <EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateList>
type record of EPTF_LGenBase_TemplateList EPTF_ExecCtrl_TemplateLists;
// Constant: c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroup_initialValue
// Purpose: An initializer structure of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroup>
const EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroup c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_EntityGroup_initialValue := {
name := "",
eType := "",
eOffset := 0,
eCount := 0,
lgenList := {},
scenarios := {},
lgenPoolIdx := -1
// Constant: c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_initialValue
// Purpose: An initializer structure of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase>
const EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_initialValue := {
name := "",
scenarioIdx := -1,
tcOfScenarioIdx := -1,
groupFinishData := c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_GroupFinishData_initialValue,
// lgenList := {}
cpsChangedCallbackList := {},
deltaStatList := {}
// Constant: c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_Scenario_initialValue
// Purpose: An initializer structure of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_Scenario>
const EPTF_ExecCtrl_Scenario c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_Scenario_initialValue := {
name := "",
eGroupIdx := -1,
tcIdxList := {},
scData := c_EPTF_LGenBase_emptyScenarioTypeInternalDeclarator,
scGrpIdx := -1,
cpsChangedCallbackList := {}
// Constant: c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_GroupFinishData_initialValue
// Purpose: An initializer structure of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_GroupFinishData>
const EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_GroupFinishData c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_TrafficCase_GroupFinishData_initialValue := {
onGroupFinish := c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinishData_initialValue,
onLaunchFinishCounter := 0
const EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinishData c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_OnGroupFinishData_initialValue := {
tcStartTime := 0.0,
groupFinished := {false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false},
groupFinishedPerLGen := {},
execTimeStatId := -1,
groupFinishedGuardTimerId := {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1},
conditionStatus := {{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}},
conditionStatusPrev := {{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}}
// Constant: c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenData_initialValue
// Purpose: An initializer structure of <EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenData>
const EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenData c_EPTF_ExecCtrl_LGenData_initialValue := {
name := "",
lgenCompRef := -1,
resourceList := {},
eGroups := {}
} // group EPTF_ExecCtrl_InstanceDB
} // module