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// Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Ericsson Telecom AB
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
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// File: TLS_Types.ttcn
// Description: TLS Types
// Rev: R2B
// Prodnr: CNL 113 806
// Updated: 2014-06-13
// Contact:
// Reference:
module TLS_Types {
external function enc_TLS_TLSPlaintexts(in TLSPlaintexts pl_texts) return octetstring;
external function dec_TLS_TLSPlaintexts(in octetstring pl_stream, out TLSPlaintexts pl_texts, in KeyExchangeAlgorithm pl_kea:=null_) return integer;
external function enc_TLS_TLSCompressed( in TLSCompressed pl_cmpd) return octetstring;
external function dec_TLS_TLSCompressed( in octetstring pl_stream, out TLSCompressed pl_decoded, in KeyExchangeAlgorithm pl_kea:=null_) return integer;
external function enc_TLS_SecurityParameters( in SecurityParameters pl_sp) return octetstring;
external function dec_TLS_SecurityParameters( in octetstring pl_stream, out SecurityParameters pl_decoded) return integer;
external function enc_TLS_TLSCiphertext( in TLSCiphertext pl_text, in TLSCompressed pl_cmpd, in SecurityParameters pl_sp) return octetstring;
external function dec_TLS_TLSCiphertext( in octetstring pl_stream, in TLSCompressed pl_cmpd, in SecurityParameters pl_sp, in KeyExchangeAlgorithm pl_kea, out TLSCiphertext pl_decoded) return integer;
import from General_Types all;
type octetstring OCT1_16 length(1..16);
type octetstring OCT23 length(23);
type octetstring OCT24 length(24);
type octetstring OCT28 length(28);
type octetstring OCT0_32 length(0..32);
type octetstring OCT48 length(48);
type integer LIN3 (0..16777216);
type integer LIN4 (0..4294967295);
/**********Begining of the type definitions of Record Layer************/
type record ProtocolVersion {
LIN1 major_,
LIN1 minor_
type enumerated ContentType{
change_cipher_spec (20),
alert (21),
handshake (22),
application_data (23)
type record of Handshake MultipleHandshake;
type union Content {
ChangeCipherSpec change_cipher_spec,
Alert alert,
MultipleHandshake multiple_handshake,
octetstring application_data
type record TLSPlaintext {
ContentType type_,
ProtocolVersion version,
LIN2 length_,
Content fragment
type record of TLSPlaintext TLSPlaintexts;
type record TLSCompressed {
ContentType type_,
ProtocolVersion version,
LIN2 length_,
Content fragment
type record TLSCiphertext {
ContentType type_,
ProtocolVersion version,
LIN2 length_,
CipherSpecType fragment
type record GenericStreamCipher {
Content content,
octetstring mac
type record GenericBlockCipher {
octetstring iv,
Content content,
octetstring mac,
LIN1 padding,
LIN1 padding_length
type union CipherSpecType {
GenericStreamCipher stream,
GenericBlockCipher block
/************End of the type definitions of Record Layer***************/
/****Begining of the type definitions of Change Cipher Specs Message****/
type record ChangeCipherSpec {
ChangeCipherSpecEnum type_
type enumerated ChangeCipherSpecEnum {
change_cipher_spec (1)
/******End of the Change Cipher Specs Message's type definitions********/
/**********Begining of the type definitions of Alert Messages***********/
type enumerated AlertLevel {
warning (1),
fatal (2)
type enumerated AlertDescription {
close_notify (0),
unexpected_message (10),
bad_record_mac (20),
decryption_failed (21),
record_overflow (22),
decompression_failure (30),
handshake_failure (40),
no_certificate_RESERVED (41),
bad_certificate (42),
unsupported_certificate (43),
certificate_revoked (44),
certificate_expired (45),
certificate_unknown (46),
illegar_parameter (47),
unknown_ca (48),
access_denied (49),
decode_error (50),
decrypt_error (51),
export_restriction_RESERVED (60),
protocol_version (70),
insufficient_security (71),
internal_error (80),
user_canceled (90),
no_renegotiation (100)
type record Alert{
AlertLevel level,
AlertDescription description
/*************End of the type definitions of Alert Messages*************/
/********Begining of the type definitions of Handshake Protocol*********/
type enumerated HandshakeType {
hello_request (0),
client_hello (1),
server_hello (2),
certificate (11),
server_key_exchange (12),
certificate_request (13),
server_hello_done (14),
certificate_verify (15),
client_key_exchange (16),
finished (20)
type union HandshakeBody {
HelloRequest hello_request,
ClientHello client_hello,
ServerHello server_hello,
Certificate certificate,
ServerKeyExchange server_key_exchange,
CertificateRequest certificate_request,
ServerHelloDone server_hello_done,
CertificateVerify certificate_verify,
ClientKeyExchange client_key_exchange,
Finished finished,
octetstring encrypted
type record Handshake {
HandshakeType msg_type optional,
LIN3 length_ optional,
HandshakeBody body
/*---------Begining of the type definitions of Hello messages----------*/
type record HelloRequest {}
type record Random {
LIN4 gmt_unix_time,
OCT28 random_bytes
type OCT0_32 SessionID;
type record CipherSuite {
OCT1 field1,
OCT1 field2
type enumerated CompressionMethod {
null_ (0)
type set length (1..32768) of CipherSuite CipherSuiteList;
type set length (1..255) of CompressionMethod CompressionMethodList;
type record ClientHello {
ProtocolVersion client_version,
Random random,
SessionID session_id optional,
CipherSuiteList cipher_suites,
CompressionMethodList compression_methods,
octetstring extension_ optional
type record ServerHello {
ProtocolVersion server_version,
Random random,
SessionID session_id optional,
CipherSuite cipher_suite,
CompressionMethod compression_method
/*-----------End of the type definitions of Hello messages-------------*/
/*-------Begining of the type definitions of SA and Key Exchange-------*/
type octetstring ASN_1Cert length (1..16777215);
type set length (1..16777215) of ASN_1Cert CertificateList;
type record Certificate {
CertificateList certificate_list optional
type enumerated KeyExchangeAlgorithm {
null_ (255)
type record ServerRSAParams {
OCT1_16 rsa_modulus,
OCT1_16 rsa_exponent
type record ServerDHParams {
OCT1_16 dh_p,
OCT1_16 dh_g,
OCT1_16 dh_Ys
type record ServerKeyExchange {
ServerParams params,
Signature signed_params
type enumerated SignatureAlgorithm {
type union ServerParams {
ServerDHParams dh_params,
ServerRSAParams rsa_params
type record AnonymSignature {
type record RSASignature {
OCT16 md5_hash,
OCT20 sha_hash
type record DSASignature {
OCT20 sha_hash
type union Signature {
AnonymSignature anonym,
RSASignature rsa,
DSASignature dsa
type enumerated ClientCertificateType{
rsa_sign (1),
dss_sign (2),
rsa_fixed_dh (3),
dss_fixed_dh (4),
rsa_ephemeral_dh_RESERVED (5),
dss_ephemeral_dh_RESERVED (6),
fortezza_dms_RESERVED (20),
ecdsa_sign (64)
type OCT1_16 DistinguishedName;
type set length (1..255) of ClientCertificateType ClientCertificateTypeList;
type record CertificateRequest {
ClientCertificateTypeList certificate_types,
DistinguishedName certificate_authorities optional
type record ServerHelloDone {}
/*---------End of the type definitions of SA and Key Exchange----------*/
/*-------Begining of the type definitions of CA and Key Exchange-------*/
type union ClientKeyExchangeKeys {
EncryptedPreMasterSecret rsa,
ClientDiffieHellmanPublic diffie_hellman
type record ClientKeyExchange {
octetstring exchange_keys
type enumerated PublicValueEncoding {
type record ClientDiffieHellmanPublicImplicit {}
type record ClientDiffieHellmanPublicExplicit {
OCT1_16 DH_Yc
type union ClientDiffieHellmanPublicValues {
ClientDiffieHellmanPublicImplicit implicit,
ClientDiffieHellmanPublicExplicit explicit_
type record ClientDiffieHellmanPublic {
ClientDiffieHellmanPublicValues dh_public
type record PreMasterSecret {
ProtocolVersion client_version,
OCT46 random
type record EncryptedPreMasterSecret {
PreMasterSecret pre_master_secret
type record CertificateVerify {
octetstring signature_
/*---------End of the type definitions of CA and Key Exchange----------*/
/*--Begining of the type definitions of Handshake Finalization Message-*/
type record Finished {
OCT12 verify_data
/*----End of the type definitions of Handshake Finalization Message----*/
/**********End of the type definitions of Handshake Protocol************/
/*******Begining of the type definitions of The Security Parameters*****/
type enumerated ConnectionEnd {
type enumerated BulkCipherAlgorithm {
type enumerated CipherType {
type enumerated MACAlgorithm {
type record SecurityParameters {
ConnectionEnd entity,
BulkCipherAlgorithm bulk_cipher_algorithm,
CipherType cipher_type,
LIN1 key_size,
LIN1 key_material_length,
MACAlgorithm mac_algorithm,
LIN1 hash_size,
CompressionMethod compression_algorithm,
OCT48 master_secret,
OCT32 client_random,
OCT32 server_random
/********End of the type definitions of The Security Parameters*********/
} //end of module