blob: 7dac40c7dba3a08bedf687a0133ca3046055517f [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2016 Ericsson AB
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Michael Josenhans
module IsobusVTMessageTypes {
import from General_Types all
import from IsobusMessageTypes all
type INT1 VTfunction
type record GetMemoryReq
VTfunction vtfunction (194),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
INT3 memoryRequired,
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type enumerated e_GetMemoryResVersionNumber {
compliantWithHannoverAgritechnica_2001_limitedfeatureSet (0),
compliantWithFDISVersionISO11783_6_2002_E_Final_Draft (1),
compliantWithISVersionISO11783_6_2004_E_First_Edition (2),
compliantWithISVersionISO11783_6_2010_E_Second_Edition_version_3 (3),
compliantWithISVersionISO11783_6_2010_E_Second_Edition_version_4 (4),
compliantWithISVersionISO11783_6_2014_E_Third_Edition (5)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type enumerated e_GetMemoryResStatus {
thereCanBeEnoughMemory (0),
thereIsNotEnoughMemoryAvailable (1)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" }
type record GetMemoryRes
VTfunction vtfunction (194),
e_GetMemoryResVersionNumber versionNumber,
e_GetMemoryResStatus status,
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetNumberOfSoftKeysReq
VTfunction vtfunction (192),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetNumberOfSoftKeysRes
VTfunction vtfunction (192),
OCT1 navigationSoftKeys_,
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 x_dots,
OCT1 y_dots,
OCT1 numberOfVirtualSoftKeys_,
OCT1 numberOfPhysicalSoftKeys_
} with { variant "" };
type record GetTextFontDataReq
VTfunction vtfunction (195),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type enumerated e_TextFontDataRes_small_font_sizes {
font_6x8 (0),
font_8x8 (1),
font_8x12 (2),
font_12x16 (4),
font_16x16 (8),
font_16x24 (16),
font_24x32 (32),
font_32x32 (64),
reserved (128)
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" };
type enumerated e_TextFontDataRes_large_font_sizes {
font_32x48 (1),
font_48x64 (2),
font_64x64 (4),
font_64x96 (8),
font_96x128 (16),
font_128x128 (32),
font_128x192 (64),
reserved (128)
with {variant "PADDING(octet)" }
type enumerated e_TextFontDataRes_type_attribute {
normal_text (0),
bold_text (1),
crossed_out_text (2),
underlined_text (4),
italics_text (8),
inverted_text (16),
flash_inverted (32),
flash_background_and_foreground (64),
proportional_font_rendering_ (128)
with {variant "PADDING(octet)"}
type record GetTextFontDataRes
VTfunction vtfunction (195),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
e_TextFontDataRes_small_font_sizes small_font_sizes,
e_TextFontDataRes_large_font_sizes large_font_sizes,
e_TextFontDataRes_type_attribute type_attribute
} with { variant "" };
type record GetHardwareReq
VTfunction vtfunction (199),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type enumerated e_GetHardwareResGraphicType {
monochrome (0),
colors16 (1),
colors256 (2)
with {variant "PADDING(octet)"}
type record e_GetHardwareResHardware {
boolean touchScreenandPointingEvent,
boolean pointingDeviceAndPointingEvent,
boolean multipleFrequencyAudioOutput,
boolean adjustableVolumeAudioOutput,
boolean simultaneousActivationsOfPhysicalSoftKeys,
boolean simultaneousActivationsOfButtons,
boolean dragOperationViaPointingEvent,
boolean intermediateCoordinatesDuringDragOperation
} with { variant "" };
type record GetHardwareRes
VTfunction vtfunction (199),
e_GetHardwareResGraphicType graphicType,
e_GetHardwareResHardware hardware,
INT2 xPixels,
INT2 yPixels
} with { variant "" };
type enumerated e_Codeplane {
codeplane0 (0),
codeplane1 (1),
codeplane2 (2),
codeplane3 (3),
codeplane4 (4),
codeplane5 (5),
codeplane6 (6),
codeplane7 (7),
codeplane8 (8),
codeplane9 (9),
codeplane10 (10),
codeplane11 (11),
codeplane12 (12),
codeplane13 (13),
codeplane14 (14),
codeplane15 (15),
codeplane16 (16)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)"}
type record GetSupportedWidecharsReq
VTfunction vtfunction (193),
e_Codeplane codeplane,
OCT2 firstWideCharInInquiryRange,
OCT2 lastWideCharInInquiryRange,
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record WideCharRange
OCT2 firstWideChar,
OCT2 lastWideChar
} with { variant "" };
type record of WideCharRange WideCharRangeArray
type record GetSupportedWidecharsRes
VTfunction vtfunction (193),
e_Codeplane codeplane,
OCT2 firstWideCharInInquiryRange,
OCT2 lastWideCharInInquiryRange,
INT1 numberOfRanges,
WideCharRangeArray wideCharRangeArray
} with {
variant (numberOfRanges) "LENGTHTO(wideCharRangeArray)";
variant (numberOfRanges) "UNIT(elements)"}
type record GetWindowMaskDataReq
VTfunction vtfunction (196),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetWindowMaskDataRes
VTfunction vtfunction (196),
OCT1 BackgroundColourVTUserLayoutDataMasks,
OCT1 BackgroundColourVTKeyCells,
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetSupportedObjectsReq
VTfunction vtfunction (197),
OCT1 reserved2 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved3 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record GetSupportedObjectsRes
VTfunction vtfunction (197),
INT2 numberOfBytesToFollow,
OCT1 supportedObjectTypes
} with {
variant (numberOfBytesToFollow) "LENGTHTO(supportedObjectTypes)";
variant (numberOfBytesToFollow) "UNIT(elements)"}
type enumerated e_BusyCodes {
vtIsBusyUpdatingVisibleMask (0),
vtIsBusySavingDataToNonVolatileMemory (1),
vtIsBusyExecutingACommand (2),
vtIsBusyExecutingAMacro (3),
vtIsBusyParsingAnObjectPool (4),
reserved (5),
auxiliaryControlsLearnModeActive (6),
vtIsOutOfMemory (7)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)"}
type record VTStatusReq
VTfunction vtfunction (254),
OCT1 sourceAddressOfActiveWorkingSetMaster,
OCT2 objectIDOfTheVisibleDataAlarmMaskOfTheActiveWorkingSet,
OCT2 objectIDOfTheVisibleSoftKeyMaskOfTheActiveWorkingSet,
e_BusyCodes vtBusyCodes,
OCT1 vtFunctionCode
} with { variant "" };
type record WorkingSetMaintenanceBitMask {
boolean InitiatingWorkingSetMaintenance,
boolean reserved2 (false),
boolean reserved3 (false),
boolean reserved4 (false),
boolean reserved5 (false),
boolean reserved6 (false),
boolean reserved7 (false)
} with { variant "" };
type enumerated e_WorkingSetMaintenanceVersionNumber {
reserved0 (0),
reserved1 (1),
reserved2 (2),
compliantWithVTVersion3 (3),
compliantWithVTVersion4 (4),
compliantWithVTVersion5 (5),
compliantWithVTVersion2 (255)}
with {variant "PADDING(octet)"}
type record WorkingSetMaintenanceReq
VTfunction vtfunction (255),
WorkingSetMaintenanceBitMask bitMask,
e_WorkingSetMaintenanceVersionNumber versionNumber,
OCT1 reserved4 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved5 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved6 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved7 ('FF'O),
OCT1 reserved8 ('FF'O)
} with { variant "" };
type record DummyVTStatusRes
VTfunction vtfunction (254)
} with { variant "" };
type union TopLevelMessage_VT2ECU_PDU
// put all VT2ECU request messages here
VTStatusReq vtStatusReq,
// put all VT2ECU response messages here
GetMemoryRes getMemoryRes,
GetNumberOfSoftKeysRes getNumberOfSoftKeysRes,
GetTextFontDataRes getTextFontDataRes,
GetHardwareRes getHardwareRes,
GetSupportedWidecharsRes getSupportedWidecharsRes,
GetWindowMaskDataRes getWindowMaskDataRes,
GetSupportedObjectsRes getSupportedObjectsRes
with {variant "TAG (
// put all VT2ECU request messages here
vtStatusReq, vtfunction = 254;
// put all VT2ECU response messages here
getMemoryRes, vtfunction = 194;
getNumberOfSoftKeysRes, vtfunction = 192;
getTextFontDataRes, vtfunction = 195;
getHardwareRes, vtfunction = 199;
getSupportedWidecharsRes, vtfunction = 193;
getWindowMaskDataRes, vtfunction = 196;
getSupportedObjectsRes, vtfunction = 197;)"
type union TopLevelMessage_ECU2VT_PDU
// put all ECU2VT request messages here
GetMemoryReq getMemoryReq,
GetNumberOfSoftKeysReq getNumberOfSoftKeysReq,
GetTextFontDataReq getTextFontDataReq,
GetHardwareReq getHardwareReq,
GetSupportedWidecharsReq getSupportedWidecharsReq,
GetWindowMaskDataReq getWindowMaskDataReq,
GetSupportedObjectsReq getSupportedObjectsReq,
WorkingSetMaintenanceReq workingSetMaintenanceReq
// put all ECU2VT response messages here
//Dummy_ECU2VT_Res dummy_ECU2VT_Res
with {variant "TAG (
// put all ECU2VT request messages here
getMemoryReq, vtfunction = 194;
getNumberOfSoftKeysReq, vtfunction = 192;
getTextFontDataReq, vtfunction = 195;
getHardwareReq, vtfunction = 199;
getSupportedWidecharsReq, vtfunction = 193;
getWindowMaskDataReq, vtfunction = 196;
getSupportedObjectsReq, vtfunction = 197;
workingSetMaintenanceReq, vtfunction = 255;
// put all ECU2VT response messages here
//dummy_ECU2VT_Res, vtfunction = '00000000'B;
) "
} with { encode "RAW" }