blob: 9fdf199c912189efbaa80df7824f5a9fc7ca6633 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Ericsson, École Polytechnique de Montréal
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.ros.core.trace.layout;
import static org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.NonNullUtils.checkNotNull;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;
* This interface represents the events layout as defined in the tracetools ROS
* package for tracing.
* <p>
* This could eventually support different versions of tracetools in case they
* have different event definitions.
* @author Christophe Bedard
public interface IRosEventLayout {
public static String PROVIDER_NAME = "roscpp:"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* The default layout
* @return the default layout
public static IRosEventLayout getDefault() {
return Ros021EventLayout.getInstance();
* Get all event names defined here
* @return the event names
public default Collection<String> getEventNames() {
Collection<String> eventNames = Lists.newArrayList();
method -> method.getName().startsWith("event")) //$NON-NLS-1$
.forEach(eventMethod -> {
try {
eventNames.add(checkNotNull((String) eventMethod.invoke(this)));
} catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(checkNotNull(eventNames));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Events
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* <code>init_node</code>,
* when a node is initialized
String eventInitNode();
* <code>shutdown_node</code>,
* when a node is shut down
String eventShutdownNode();
* <code>new_connection</code>,
* when a "unique" connection between publisher/subscriber or service
* client/server has been created (one for each end of the connection)
String eventNewConnection();
* <code>subscriber_callback_added</code>,
* when a subscriber callback is added
String eventSubCallbackAdded();
* <code>publisher_message_queued</code>,
* when a message is queued on the publisher's side, before transmission
String eventPubMsgQueued();
* <code>subscriber_link_message_write</code>,
* when a publisher sends a message via a subscriber link
String eventSubLinkMsgWrite();
* <code>subscriber_link_message_dropped</code>,
* when a message (oldest one) in the publisher's queue is dropped
String eventSubLinkMsgDropped();
* <code>publisher_link_handle_message</code>,
* when the subscriber's publisher link receives a message, before queuing
* in a subscription queue
String eventPubLinkHandleMsg();
* <code>subscription_message_queued</code>,
* when a message is queued on the subscriber's side, after reception
String eventSubMsgQueued();
* <code>subscription_message_dropped</code>,
* when a message is dropped on the subscriber's side, usually right after a
* queued message makes the queue go over its allowed size
String eventSubMsgDropped();
* <code>callback_start</code>,
* before the subscriber's callback is called
String eventCallbackStart();
* <code>subscriber_callback_start</code>,
* when the subscriber's callback is called
String eventSubCallbackStart();
* <code>subscriber_callback_end</code>,
* when the subscriber's callback has finished
String eventSubCallbackEnd();
* <code>callback_end</code>,
* after the subscriber's callback has finished
String eventCallbackEnd();
* <code>task_start</code>,
* when a one-time task or setup has started
String eventTaskStart();
* <code>timer_added</code>,
* when a timer is created and added in a node
String eventTimerAdded();
* <code>timer_scheduled</code>,
* when a timer is scheduled to
String eventTimerScheduled();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fields
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
String fieldNodeName();
String fieldRosCppVersion();
String fieldQueueRef();
String fieldCallbackRef();
String fieldTypeInfo();
String fieldDataType();
String fieldSourceName();
String fieldQueueSize();
String fieldTopic();
String fieldBufferRef();
String fieldDataRef();
String fieldTracingId();
String fieldMsgRef();
String fieldReceiptTimeSec();
String fieldReceiptTimeNsec();
String fieldIsLatchedMsg();
String fieldTaskName();
String fieldFunctionName();
String fieldPeriodSec();
String fieldPeriodNsec();
String fieldCallbackQueueCbRef();
String fieldLocalHostport();
String fieldRemoteHostport();
String fieldChannelRef();
String fieldChannelType();
String fieldName();
// Context fields
String contextVpid();
String contextVtid();
String contextProcname();