blob: 26a6e2c16a050fce1deaa51f13863e0b9df6aa43 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 École Polytechnique de Montréal
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.virtual.machine.analysis.core.fused.handlers;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.virtual.machine.analysis.core.fused.FusedAttributes;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.virtual.machine.analysis.core.virtual.resources.StateValues;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.ITmfStateSystem;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.ITmfStateSystemBuilder;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.StateValueTypeException;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.statesystem.core.exceptions.TimeRangeException;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.event.ITmfEvent;
* Utility methods to retrieve information from either the events or the state
* system
* @author Cédric Biancheri
public class FusedVMEventHandlerUtils {
private FusedVMEventHandlerUtils() {
private static int getNodeCPUs(ITmfStateSystemBuilder ssb) {
return ssb.getQuarkAbsoluteAndAdd(FusedAttributes.CPUS);
private static int getNodeThreads(ITmfStateSystemBuilder ssb, String machineName) {
return ssb.getQuarkAbsoluteAndAdd(FusedAttributes.THREADS, machineName);
* Get the node Machines
* @param ssb
* the state system
* @return the quark
static int getMachinesNode(ITmfStateSystemBuilder ssb) {
return ssb.getQuarkAbsoluteAndAdd(FusedAttributes.HOSTS);
* Return the cpu quark
* @param cpuNumber
* number of the cpu
* @param ss
* the state system
* @return the quark
static int getCurrentCPUNode(Integer cpuNumber, ITmfStateSystemBuilder ss) {
return ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(getNodeCPUs(ss), cpuNumber.toString());
* Get quark to current thread of a cpu
* @param cpuNumber
* number of the cpu
* @param ss
* the state system
* @return the quark
public static int getCurrentThreadNode(Integer cpuNumber, ITmfStateSystemBuilder ss) {
* Shortcut for the "current thread" attribute node. It requires
* querying the current CPU's current thread.
int quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(getCurrentCPUNode(cpuNumber, ss), FusedAttributes.CURRENT_THREAD);
Object value = ss.queryOngoing(quark);
int thread = (value instanceof Integer) ? (int) value : -1;
quark = ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(getCurrentCPUNode(cpuNumber, ss), FusedAttributes.MACHINE_NAME);
String machineName = (String) ss.queryOngoing(quark);
return ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(getNodeThreads(ss, machineName), buildThreadAttributeName(thread, cpuNumber));
* Build the thread attribute name.
* For all threads except "0" this is the string representation of the
* threadId. For thread "0" which is the idle thread and can be running
* concurrently on multiple CPUs, append "_cpuId".
* @param threadId
* the thread id
* @param cpuId
* the cpu id
* @return the thread attribute name null if the threadId is zero and the
* cpuId is null
public static @Nullable String buildThreadAttributeName(int threadId, @Nullable Integer cpuId) {
if (threadId == 0) {
if (cpuId == null) {
return null;
return FusedAttributes.THREAD_0_PREFIX + String.valueOf(cpuId);
return String.valueOf(threadId);
* Get the IRQs node
* @param cpuNumber
* the cpu core
* @param ss
* the state system
* @return the IRQ node quark
public static int getNodeIRQs(int cpuNumber, ITmfStateSystemBuilder ss) {
return ss.getQuarkAbsoluteAndAdd(FusedAttributes.CPUS, Integer.toString(cpuNumber), FusedAttributes.IRQS);
* Get the timestamp of the event
* @param event
* the event containing the timestamp
* @return the timestamp in long format
public static long getTimestamp(ITmfEvent event) {
return event.getTimestamp().toNanos();
* When we want to set a process back to a "running" state, first check its
* current System_call attribute. If there is a system call active, we put
* the process back in the syscall state. If not, we put it back in user
* mode state.
* @param timestamp
* the time in the state system of the change
* @param currentThreadNode
* The current thread node
* @param ssb
* the state system
* @throws TimeRangeException
* the time is out of range
* @throws StateValueTypeException
* the attribute was not set with int values
public static void setProcessToRunning(long timestamp, int currentThreadNode, ITmfStateSystemBuilder ssb)
throws TimeRangeException, StateValueTypeException {
int quark;
Object value;
quark = ssb.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(currentThreadNode, FusedAttributes.SYSTEM_CALL);
if (ssb.queryOngoingState(quark).isNull()) {
/* We were in user mode before the interruption */
} else {
/* We were previously in kernel mode */
quark = ssb.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(currentThreadNode, FusedAttributes.STATUS);
ssb.modifyAttribute(timestamp, value, quark);
* Reset the CPU's status when it's coming out of an interruption.
* @param timestamp
* the time when the status of the cpu is "leaving irq"
* @param cpuNumber
* the cpu returning to its previous state
* @param ssb
* State system
* @throws StateValueTypeException
* the attribute is not set as an int
* @throws TimeRangeException
* the time is out of range
public static void cpuExitInterrupt(long timestamp, Integer cpuNumber, ITmfStateSystemBuilder ssb)
throws StateValueTypeException, TimeRangeException {
int quark;
int currentCPUNode = getCurrentCPUNode(cpuNumber, ssb);
quark = ssb.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(currentCPUNode, FusedAttributes.STATUS);
Object value = getCpuStatus(ssb, currentCPUNode);
ssb.modifyAttribute(timestamp, value, quark);
* Get the ongoing Status state of a CPU.
* This will look through the states of the
* <ul>
* <li>IRQ</li>
* <li>Soft IRQ</li>
* <li>Process</li>
* </ul>
* under the CPU, giving priority to states higher in the list. If the state
* is a null value, we continue looking down the list.
* @param ssb
* The state system
* @param cpuQuark
* The *quark* of the CPU we are looking for. Careful, this is
* NOT the CPU number (or attribute name)!
* @return The state value that represents the status of the given CPU
private static @Nullable Integer getCpuStatus(ITmfStateSystemBuilder ssb, int cpuQuark) {
/* Check if there is a IRQ running */
int irqQuarks = ssb.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(cpuQuark, FusedAttributes.IRQS);
List<Integer> irqs = ssb.getSubAttributes(irqQuarks, false);
for (Integer quark : irqs) {
final Object irqState = ssb.queryOngoing(quark.intValue());
if (irqState instanceof Integer) {
return (Integer) irqState;
/* Check if there is a soft IRQ running */
int softIrqQuarks = ssb.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(cpuQuark, FusedAttributes.SOFT_IRQS);
List<Integer> softIrqs = ssb.getSubAttributes(softIrqQuarks, false);
for (Integer quark : softIrqs) {
final Object softIrqState = ssb.queryOngoing(quark.intValue());
if (softIrqState instanceof Integer) {
return (Integer) softIrqState;
* Check if there is a thread running. If not, report IDLE. If there is,
* report the running state of the thread (usermode or system call).
int currentThreadQuark = ssb.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(cpuQuark, FusedAttributes.CURRENT_THREAD);
Object currentThreadState = ssb.queryOngoing(currentThreadQuark);
if (!(currentThreadState instanceof Integer)) {
return null;
int tid = (Integer) currentThreadState;
if (tid == 0) {
return StateValues.CPU_STATUS_IDLE;
int currentMachineQuark = ssb.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(cpuQuark, FusedAttributes.MACHINE_NAME);
String machineName = (String) ssb.queryOngoing(currentMachineQuark);
int threadSystemCallQuark = ssb.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(getNodeThreads(ssb, machineName), Integer.toString(tid), FusedAttributes.SYSTEM_CALL);
return (ssb.queryOngoingState(threadSystemCallQuark).isNull() ? StateValues.CPU_STATUS_RUN_USERMODE : StateValues.CPU_STATUS_RUN_SYSCALL);
* Get a machine CPUs node. This node corresponds to the CPUs available to
* the machine, ie in the case of a virtual machine, the virtual CPUs.
* @param ssq
* the state system
* @param hostId
* the host ID of the machine
* @return the quark
public static int getMachineCPUsNode(ITmfStateSystemBuilder ssq, String hostId) {
return ssq.getQuarkAbsoluteAndAdd(FusedAttributes.HOSTS, hostId, FusedAttributes.CPUS);
* Get a machine pCPUs node. This node corresponds to the physical CPUs used
* by the machine, ie, in the case of a virtual machine, the CPUs on the
* host machine.
* @param ssq
* the state system
* @param hostId
* the host ID of the machine
* @return the quark
public static int getMachinepCPUsNode(ITmfStateSystemBuilder ssq, String hostId) {
return ssq.getQuarkAbsoluteAndAdd(FusedAttributes.HOSTS, hostId, FusedAttributes.PCPUS);
* Get the threads node
* @param ss
* the state system
* @return the threads quark
public static int getNodeThreads(ITmfStateSystemBuilder ss) {
return ss.getQuarkAbsoluteAndAdd(FusedAttributes.THREADS);
* Save container thread ID by adding it
* @param ss
* the state system
* @param quark
* the quark
* @param tid
* the tid
* @return the matching quark
public static int saveContainerThreadID(ITmfStateSystemBuilder ss, int quark, int tid) {
return ss.getQuarkRelativeAndAdd(quark, FusedAttributes.THREADS, Integer.toString(tid));
* Get the Soft IRQs node
* @param cpuNumber
* the cpu core
* @param ss
* the state system
* @return the Soft IRQ node quark
public static int getNodeSoftIRQs(int cpuNumber, ITmfStateSystemBuilder ss) {
return ss.getQuarkAbsoluteAndAdd(FusedAttributes.CPUS, Integer.toString(cpuNumber), FusedAttributes.SOFT_IRQS);
* Get the namespaces for a thread
* @param ss
* The state system
* @param threadQuark
* The quark of the thread
* @return The list of namespaces the thread is part of
public static List<Long> getProcessNSIDs(ITmfStateSystemBuilder ss, int threadQuark) {
List<Long> namespaces = new ArrayList<>();
int maxLvQuark = ss.optQuarkRelative(threadQuark, FusedAttributes.NS_MAX_LEVEL);
if (maxLvQuark == ITmfStateSystem.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE) {
return namespaces;
Object value = ss.queryOngoing(maxLvQuark);
if (value == null) {
return namespaces;
int nsMaxLevel = (int) value;
if (nsMaxLevel > 1) {
int currentLevel = 1;
int vtidQuark = threadQuark;
while (currentLevel < nsMaxLevel) {
vtidQuark = ss.optQuarkRelative(vtidQuark, FusedAttributes.VTID);
if (vtidQuark == ITmfStateSystem.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE) {
return namespaces;
int namespaceIDQuark = ss.optQuarkRelative(vtidQuark, FusedAttributes.NS_INUM);
if (namespaceIDQuark == ITmfStateSystem.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE) {
return namespaces;
long namespaceID = ss.queryOngoingState(namespaceIDQuark).unboxLong();
return namespaces;
* Method for debug purpose. Transform timestamp to something readable:
* hh:mm:ss
* @param time
* the time
* @return a readable formatted string
public static String formatTime(long time) {
return formatTimeAbs(time);
private static String formatNs(long srcTime) {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
long ns = Math.abs(srcTime % 1000000000);
String nanos = Long.toString(ns);
str.append("000000000".substring(nanos.length())); //$NON-NLS-1$
return str.substring(0, 9);
private static String formatTimeAbs(long time) {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
// format time from nanoseconds to calendar time HH:MM:SS
SimpleDateFormat timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String stime = timeFormat.format(new Date(time / 1000000));
// append the Milliseconds, MicroSeconds and NanoSeconds as specified in
// the Resolution
return str.toString();