blob: 889e09742015b435c546dcaf61541090b9f4d46b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 École Polytechnique de Montréal
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Mohamad Gebai - Initial API and implementation
* Geneviève Bastien - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.virtual.machine.analysis.core.model.qemukvm;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.kernel.KernelAnalysisModule;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.kernel.KernelThreadInformationProvider;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.model.HostThread;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.analysis.os.linux.core.trace.IKernelAnalysisEventLayout;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.common.core.NonNullUtils;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.analysis.core.model.IHostModel;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.analysis.core.model.ModelManager;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.virtual.machine.analysis.core.model.IVirtualMachineModel;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.virtual.machine.analysis.core.model.VirtualCPU;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.incubator.internal.virtual.machine.analysis.core.model.VirtualMachine;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.event.ITmfEvent;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.event.ITmfEventField;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.event.TmfEventField;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.event.aspect.TmfCpuAspect;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace.ITmfTrace;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace.TmfTraceUtils;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace.experiment.TmfExperiment;
import org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace.experiment.TmfExperimentUtils;
* The virtual machine model corresponding to the Qemu/KVM hypervisor. It uses
* the kvm_exit/kvm_entry events to identify entry to and exit from the
* hypervisor. It also requires vmsync_* events from both guests and hosts to
* identify which thread from a host belongs to which machine.
* FIXME: Remove this class entirely once the fused analysis does not require it
* Part of it is in the model, part in each analysis
* @author Mohamad Gebai
public class QemuKvmVmModel implements IVirtualMachineModel {
private static final String KVM = "kvm_"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final Map<TmfExperiment, QemuKvmVmModel> MODELS = new HashMap<>();
/* Associate a host's thread to a virtual CPU */
private final Map<HostThread, VirtualCPU> fTidToVcpu = new HashMap<>();
/* Associate a host's thread to a virtual machine */
private final Map<HostThread, VirtualMachine> fTidToVm = new HashMap<>();
/* Maps a virtual machine name to a virtual machine */
private final Map<String, VirtualMachine> fKnownMachines = new HashMap<>();
/* Associate a VM and a VCPU to a PCPU */
private final Table<VirtualMachine, VirtualCPU, Long> fVirtualToPhysicalCpu = NonNullUtils.checkNotNull(HashBasedTable.<VirtualMachine, VirtualCPU, Long> create());
private final TmfExperiment fExperiment;
private Map<IKernelAnalysisEventLayout, Set<String>> fRequiredEvents = new HashMap<>();
private static final ImmutableSet<String> VMSYNC_EVENTS = ImmutableSet.of(
* Get the VM model for this experiment
* @param exp
* The experiment
* @return The Qemu Kvm model
public static synchronized QemuKvmVmModel get(TmfExperiment exp) {
QemuKvmVmModel model = MODELS.get(exp);
if (model == null) {
model = new QemuKvmVmModel(exp);
MODELS.put(exp, model);
return model;
* Constructor
* @param exp
* The experiment this model applies to
private QemuKvmVmModel(TmfExperiment exp) {
fExperiment = exp;
/* If there is only one trace we consider it as a host */
if (exp.getTraces().size() == 1) {
ITmfTrace trace = exp.getTraces().get(0);
addKnownMachine(VirtualMachine.newHostMachine(trace.getHostId(), String.valueOf(trace.getName())));
public @Nullable VirtualMachine getCurrentMachine(ITmfEvent event) {
final String hostId = event.getTrace().getHostId();
VirtualMachine machine = fKnownMachines.get(hostId);
* Even if the machine is known we need to continue because it might not
* currently have all its roles
/* Try to get the virtual machine from the event */
String eventName = event.getName();
if (eventName.startsWith(KVM)) {
/* Only the host machine has kvm_* events, so this is a host */
if (machine != null) {
return machine;
machine = VirtualMachine.newHostMachine(hostId, String.valueOf(event.getTrace().getName()));
} else if (eventName.equals(QemuKvmStrings.VMSYNC_GH_GUEST) || eventName.equals(QemuKvmStrings.VMSYNC_HG_GUEST)) {
/* Those events are only present in the guests */
TmfEventField field = (TmfEventField) event.getContent();
ITmfEventField data = field.getField(QemuKvmStrings.VM_UID_PAYLOAD);
if (data != null) {
Long uid = (Long) data.getValue();
if (machine != null) {
return machine;
machine = VirtualMachine.newGuestMachine(uid, hostId, String.valueOf(event.getTrace().getName()));
if (machine != null) {
* Associate the machine to the hostID here, for cached access later
fKnownMachines.put(hostId, machine);
return machine;
public Set<String> getRequiredEvents(IKernelAnalysisEventLayout layout) {
Set<String> events = fRequiredEvents.get(layout);
if (events == null) {
events = new HashSet<>();
fRequiredEvents.put(layout, events);
return events;
private @Nullable VirtualMachine findVmFromParent(ITmfEvent event, HostThread ht) {
* Maybe the parent of the current thread has a VM associated, see if we
* can infer the VM for this thread
KernelAnalysisModule module = getLttngKernelModuleFor(ht.getHost());
if (module == null) {
return null;
Integer ppid = KernelThreadInformationProvider.getParentPid(module, ht.getTid(), event.getTimestamp().getValue());
if (ppid == null) {
return null;
HostThread parentHt = new HostThread(ht.getHost(), ppid);
VirtualMachine vm = fTidToVm.get(parentHt);
if (vm == null) {
return null;
fTidToVm.put(ht, vm);
return vm;
public @Nullable VirtualCPU getVCpuExitingHypervisorMode(ITmfEvent event, HostThread ht, IKernelAnalysisEventLayout layout) {
final String eventName = event.getName();
* The KVM_ENTRY event means we are entering a virtual CPU, so exiting
* hypervisor mode
if (!layout.eventsKVMEntry().contains(eventName)) {
return null;
VirtualCPU vcpu = fTidToVcpu.get(ht);
if (vcpu != null) {
return vcpu;
* Are we entering the hypervisor and if so, which virtual CPU is
* concerned?
VirtualMachine vm = fTidToVm.get(ht);
if (vm == null) {
vm = findVmFromParent(event, ht);
if (vm == null) {
return null;
/* Associate this thread with the virtual CPU that is going to be run */
final ITmfEventField content = event.getContent();
long vcpu_id = (Long) content.getField(QemuKvmStrings.VCPU_ID).getValue();
VirtualCPU virtualCPU = VirtualCPU.getVirtualCPU(vm, vcpu_id);
fTidToVcpu.put(ht, virtualCPU);
return virtualCPU;
public @Nullable VirtualCPU getVCpuEnteringHypervisorMode(ITmfEvent event, HostThread ht, IKernelAnalysisEventLayout layout) {
final String eventName = event.getName();
* The KVM_EXIT event means we are exiting a virtual CPU, so entering
* hypervisor mode
if (!layout.eventsKVMExit().contains(eventName)) {
return null;
return getVirtualCpu(ht);
public @Nullable VirtualCPU getVirtualCpu(HostThread ht) {
return fTidToVcpu.get(ht);
public @Nullable HostThread getVirtualCpuTid(VirtualCPU vcpu) {
for (Entry<HostThread, VirtualCPU> entry : fTidToVcpu.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(vcpu)) {
return entry.getKey();
return null;
public void handleEvent(ITmfEvent event, IKernelAnalysisEventLayout layout) {
/* Is the event handled by this model */
final String eventName = event.getName();
VirtualMachine host = fKnownMachines.get(event.getTrace().getHostId());
switch (eventName) {
case QemuKvmStrings.VMSYNC_GH_HOST: {
final ITmfEventField content = event.getContent();
final long ts = event.getTimestamp().toNanos();
final String hostId = event.getTrace().getHostId();
Integer cpu = TmfTraceUtils.resolveIntEventAspectOfClassForEvent(event.getTrace(), TmfCpuAspect.class, event);
if (cpu == null) {
/* We couldn't find any CPU information, ignore this event */
IHostModel model = ModelManager.getModelFor(hostId);
int tid = model.getThreadOnCpu(cpu, ts, true);
if (tid == IHostModel.UNKNOWN_TID) {
* We do not know which process is running at this
* point. It may happen at the beginning of the trace.
HostThread ht = new HostThread(hostId, tid);
VirtualMachine vm = fTidToVm.get(ht);
if (vm != null) {
// Machine is already known, exit
/* Find a virtual machine with the vm uid payload value */
ITmfEventField data = content.getField(QemuKvmStrings.VM_UID_PAYLOAD);
if (data == null) {
long vmUid = (Long) data.getValue();
for (VirtualMachine machine : fKnownMachines.values()) {
if (machine.getVmUid() == vmUid) {
* We found the VM being run, let's associate it with the
* thread ID
/* But before lets add the vm to its host */
if (host != null) {
fTidToVm.put(ht, machine);
// FIXME: Use the model instead of the analysis directly
KernelAnalysisModule module = getLttngKernelModuleFor(hostId);
if (module == null) {
* To make sure siblings are also associated with this VM,
* also add an entry for the parent TID
Integer ppid = KernelThreadInformationProvider.getParentPid(module, tid, ts);
if (ppid != null) {
HostThread parentHt = new HostThread(hostId, ppid);
fTidToVm.put(parentHt, machine);
case QemuKvmStrings.KVM_ENTRY:
case QemuKvmStrings.KVM_X86_ENTRY: {
String hostId = event.getTrace().getHostId();
long ts = event.getTimestamp().getValue();
Integer cpu = TmfTraceUtils.resolveIntEventAspectOfClassForEvent(event.getTrace(), TmfCpuAspect.class, event);
if (cpu == null) {
/* We couldn't find any CPU information, ignore this event */
KernelAnalysisModule module = getLttngKernelModuleFor(hostId);
if (module == null) {
Integer tid = KernelThreadInformationProvider.getThreadOnCpu(module, cpu, ts);
if (tid == null) {
* We do not know which process is running at this point. It may
* happen at the beginning of the trace.
HostThread ht = new HostThread(hostId, tid);
VirtualCPU vcpu = getVCpuExitingHypervisorMode(event, ht, layout);
VirtualMachine virtualMachine = fTidToVm.get(ht);
if (virtualMachine == null || vcpu == null) {
fVirtualToPhysicalCpu.put(virtualMachine, vcpu, cpu.longValue());
private @Nullable KernelAnalysisModule getLttngKernelModuleFor(String hostId) {
return TmfExperimentUtils.getAnalysisModuleOfClassForHost(fExperiment, hostId, KernelAnalysisModule.class);
* Return one of the host threads running a virtual machine.
* @param virtualMachine
* The virtual machine.
* @return One of the host threads.
public @Nullable HostThread getHostThreadFromVm(VirtualMachine virtualMachine) {
for (Entry<HostThread, VirtualMachine> entry : fTidToVm.entrySet()) {
if (virtualMachine.getVmUid() == Objects.requireNonNull(entry.getValue()).getVmUid()) {
return entry.getKey();
return null;
* Return the host thread running a specific virtual cpu or null if it
* doesn't exist.
* @param virtualCPU
* The virtual cpu
* @return the host thread
public @Nullable HostThread getHostThreadFromVCpu(VirtualCPU virtualCPU) {
for (Entry<HostThread, VirtualCPU> entry : fTidToVcpu.entrySet()) {
VirtualCPU vcpu = Objects.requireNonNull(entry.getValue());
if (vcpu.getVm().getHostId().equals(virtualCPU.getVm().getHostId()) && vcpu.getCpuId() == virtualCPU.getCpuId()) {
return entry.getKey();
return null;
* Return the physical cpu where a vcpu is currently running.
* @param virtualMachine
* The virtual machine that possesses the vcpu.
* @param vcpu
* The vcpu.
* @return The physical cpu.
public @Nullable Long getPhysicalCpuFromVcpu(VirtualMachine virtualMachine, VirtualCPU vcpu) {
Long pcpu = fVirtualToPhysicalCpu.get(virtualMachine, vcpu);
if (pcpu == null) {
return null;
VirtualMachine parent = virtualMachine.getParent();
if (parent != null && parent.isGuest()) {
pcpu = fVirtualToPhysicalCpu.get(parent, VirtualCPU.getVirtualCPU(parent, pcpu));
return pcpu;
* Get the vm that a host thread is running.
* @param ht
* The host thread.
* @return The virtual machine.
public @Nullable VirtualMachine getVmFromHostThread(HostThread ht) {
return fTidToVm.get(ht);
* @param v The virtual machine to add
public void addKnownMachine(VirtualMachine v) {
fKnownMachines.put(v.getHostId(), v);
* Return the number of known machines
* @return The number of known machines
public int numberOfKnownMachines() {
return fKnownMachines.size();
* Return the known machines
* @return The known machines
public Map<String, VirtualMachine> getKnownMachines() {
return fKnownMachines;