Add install to Sonar step of the sonar jenkins file

After switching to tycho 2.7.3 the analysis of Java files was not
invoked anymore. This patch fixes this.

Change-Id: I55a41f1134217efd3f963171e17f10a1b30d718e
Signed-off-by: Bernd Hufmann <>
1 file changed
tree: 457c13628a28097e2e373fda9d31035c810fcdfe
  1. docker/
  2. jenkins/
  3. scripts/
  4. .project

Trace Compass Infrastructure

This repository contains all the infrastructure code needed to build Trace Compass and Trace Compass Incubator, e.g. Jenkinsfiles, Dockerfiles etc.

How to build the docker image (tag 16.04)

docker build --no-cache --build-arg version=16.04 --build-arg strip=true  -t eclipse/tracecompass-build-env:16.04 .

How to push the docker image to dockerHub under the eclipse organisation

docker push eclipse/tracecompass-build-env:16.04