| # Copyright (c) 2003, 2006 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM - initial API and implementation |
| # |
| # $Id: plugin.properties,v 1.14 2006/03/28 21:16:24 khussey Exp $ |
| |
| |
| # ==================================================================== |
| # Do NOT change the properties between this line and the |
| # "%%% END OF TRANSLATED PROPERTIES %%%" line. |
| # Make a new property name, append to the end of the file and change |
| # the code to use the new property. |
| # ==================================================================== |
| |
| # ============================================================================== |
| # The above properties have been shipped for translation. |
| # ============================================================================== |
| |
| pluginName = UML2 Examples UI |
| providerName = Eclipse.org |
| |
| _UI_editorActions_label = UML2 Examples UI Editor Actions |
| |
| _UI_ElementMenu_label = &Element |
| _UI_PackageMenu_label = P&ackage |
| _UI_ProfileMenu_label = Pr&ofile |
| _UI_StereotypeMenu_label = &Stereotype |
| |
| _UI_ApplyStereotypeAction_label = &Apply Stereotype... |
| _UI_DestroyElementAction_label = &Destroy |
| _UI_UnapplyStereotypeAction_label = &Unapply Stereotype... |
| |
| _UI_ApplyProfileAction_label = &Apply Profile... |
| _UI_ImportPrimitiveTypeAction_label = &Import Primitive Type... |
| _UI_UnapplyProfileAction_label = &Unapply Profile... |
| |
| _UI_CreateExtensionAction_label = &Create Extension... |
| |
| _UI_DefineProfileAction_label = &Define |
| _UI_ReferenceMetaclassAction_label = &Reference Metaclass... |
| |
| _UI_ApplyStereotypeActionCommand_label = Apply Stereotype(s) |
| _UI_DestroyElementActionCommand_label = Destroy Element ''{0}'' |
| _UI_UnapplyStereotypeActionCommand_label = Unapply Stereotype(s) |
| |
| _UI_ApplyProfileActionCommand_label = Apply Profile(s) |
| _UI_ImportPrimitiveTypeActionCommand_label = Import Primitive Type(s) |
| _UI_UnapplyProfileActionCommand_label = Unapply Profile(s) |
| |
| _UI_DefineProfileActionCommand_label = Define Profile ''{0}'' |
| _UI_ReferenceMetaclassActionCommand_label = Reference Metaclass(es) |
| |
| _UI_CreateExtensionActionCommand_label = Create Extension(s) |
| |
| _UI_DiagnosticOK_message = The operation was successful. |
| _UI_DiagnosticProblems_message = Problems were ecountered. |
| |
| _UI_OptionsDialog_message = Please choose options. |
| |
| _UI_MergePackageAction_label = &Merge... |
| _UI_MergePackageActionCommand_label = Merge Package ''{0}'' |
| _UI_MergingPackage_message = Merging package ''{0}''... |
| |
| _UI_ConvertToEcoreAction_label = &Convert to Ecore... |
| _UI_ConvertToEcoreActionCommand_label = Convert Package ''{0}'' to Ecore |
| _UI_ConvertingToEcore_message = Converting package ''{0}'' to Ecore... |
| |
| _UI_ConvertFromEcoreAction_label = &Convert to UML2... |
| _UI_ConvertFromEcoreActionCommand_label = Convert Ecore Package ''{0}'' to UML2 |
| _UI_ConvertingFromEcore_message = Converting Ecore package ''{0}'' to UML2... |
| |
| _UI_ModelMenu_label = &Model |
| _UI_GenerateMenu_label = &Generate |
| |
| _UI_ConvertToMetamodelAction_label = Convert to &Metamodel |
| _UI_ConvertToMetamodelActionCommand_label = Convert Model {0} to a Metamodel |
| _UI_ConvertToModelLibraryAction_label = Convert to Model &Library |
| _UI_ConvertToModelLibraryActionCommand_label = Convert Model {0} to a Model Library |
| |
| _UI_GenerateEcorePrimitiveTypesAction_label = &Ecore Primitive Types |
| _UI_GenerateEcorePrimitiveTypesActionCommand_label = Generate Ecore Primitive Types into Model {0} |
| _UI_GenerateJavaPrimitiveTypesAction_label = &Java Primitive Types |
| _UI_GenerateJavaPrimitiveTypesActionCommand_label = Generate Java Primitive Types into Model {0} |
| _UI_GenerateUML2PrimitiveTypesAction_label = &UML2 Primitive Types |
| _UI_GenerateUML2PrimitiveTypesActionCommand_label = Generate UML2 Primitive Types into Model {0} |
| |
| _UI_ExternalizeLabelsAction_label = &Externalize Labels |
| |
| _UI_ExternalizeKeywordsAction_label = &Externalize Keywords |
| |
| _UI_GenerateBasicStereotypesAction_label = &Basic Stereotypes |
| _UI_GenerateBasicStereotypesActionCommand_label = Generate Basic Stereotypes into Profile {0} |
| _UI_GenerateIntermediateStereotypesAction_label = &Intermediate Stereotypes |
| _UI_GenerateIntermediateStereotypesActionCommand_label = Generate Intermediate Stereotypes into Profile {0} |
| _UI_GenerateCompleteStereotypesAction_label = &Complete Stereotypes |
| _UI_GenerateCompleteStereotypesActionCommand_label = Generate Complete Stereotypes into Profile {0} |
| _UI_GenerateEcoreStereotypesAction_label = &Ecore Stereotypes |
| _UI_GenerateEcoreStereotypesActionCommand_label = Generate Ecore Stereotypes into Profile {0} |