blob: 77e946f1698f626fbc06c883f642323d6c3014f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Andras Szabolcs Nagy, Abel Hegedus, Akos Horvath, Zoltan Ujhelyi and Daniel Varro
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Andras Szabolcs Nagy - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.viatra.dse.examples.bpmn.patterns;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.examples.bpmn.patterns.InstanceOfVariantMatch;
import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.examples.bpmn.patterns.util.InstanceOfVariantQuerySpecification;
import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.examples.simplifiedbpmn.ResourceInstance;
import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.examples.simplifiedbpmn.ResourceTypeVariant;
import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IMatchProcessor;
import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IQuerySpecification;
import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryEngine;
import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.impl.BaseMatcher;
import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.exception.ViatraQueryException;
import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.matchers.tuple.Tuple;
import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.util.ViatraQueryLoggingUtil;
* Generated pattern matcher API of the org.eclipse.viatra.dse.examples.bpmn.patterns.instanceOfVariant pattern,
* providing pattern-specific query methods.
* <p>Use the pattern matcher on a given model via {@link #on(ViatraQueryEngine)},
* e.g. in conjunction with {@link ViatraQueryEngine#on(Notifier)}.
* <p>Matches of the pattern will be represented as {@link InstanceOfVariantMatch}.
* <p>Original source:
* <code><pre>
* pattern instanceOfVariant(RI : ResourceInstance, RTV : ResourceTypeVariant) {
* ResourceInstance.resourceTypeVariant(RI, RTV);
* }
* </pre></code>
* @see InstanceOfVariantMatch
* @see InstanceOfVariantProcessor
* @see InstanceOfVariantQuerySpecification
public class InstanceOfVariantMatcher extends BaseMatcher<InstanceOfVariantMatch> {
* Initializes the pattern matcher within an existing VIATRA Query engine.
* If the pattern matcher is already constructed in the engine, only a light-weight reference is returned.
* The match set will be incrementally refreshed upon updates.
* @param engine the existing VIATRA Query engine in which this matcher will be created.
* @throws ViatraQueryException if an error occurs during pattern matcher creation
public static InstanceOfVariantMatcher on(final ViatraQueryEngine engine) throws ViatraQueryException {
// check if matcher already exists
InstanceOfVariantMatcher matcher = engine.getExistingMatcher(querySpecification());
if (matcher == null) {
matcher = (InstanceOfVariantMatcher)engine.getMatcher(querySpecification());
return matcher;
* Initializes the pattern matcher within an existing VIATRA Query engine.
* If the pattern matcher is already constructed in the engine, only a light-weight reference is returned.
* The match set will be incrementally refreshed upon updates.
* @param engine the existing VIATRA Query engine in which this matcher will be created.
* @throws ViatraQueryException if an error occurs during pattern matcher creation
public static InstanceOfVariantMatcher create() throws ViatraQueryException {
return new InstanceOfVariantMatcher();
private final static int POSITION_RI = 0;
private final static int POSITION_RTV = 1;
private final static Logger LOGGER = ViatraQueryLoggingUtil.getLogger(InstanceOfVariantMatcher.class);
* Initializes the pattern matcher within an existing VIATRA Query engine.
* If the pattern matcher is already constructed in the engine, only a light-weight reference is returned.
* The match set will be incrementally refreshed upon updates.
* @param engine the existing VIATRA Query engine in which this matcher will be created.
* @throws ViatraQueryException if an error occurs during pattern matcher creation
private InstanceOfVariantMatcher() throws ViatraQueryException {
* Returns the set of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
* @param pRI the fixed value of pattern parameter RI, or null if not bound.
* @param pRTV the fixed value of pattern parameter RTV, or null if not bound.
* @return matches represented as a InstanceOfVariantMatch object.
public Collection<InstanceOfVariantMatch> getAllMatches(final ResourceInstance pRI, final ResourceTypeVariant pRTV) {
return rawGetAllMatches(new Object[]{pRI, pRTV});
* Returns an arbitrarily chosen match of the pattern that conforms to the given fixed values of some parameters.
* Neither determinism nor randomness of selection is guaranteed.
* @param pRI the fixed value of pattern parameter RI, or null if not bound.
* @param pRTV the fixed value of pattern parameter RTV, or null if not bound.
* @return a match represented as a InstanceOfVariantMatch object, or null if no match is found.
public InstanceOfVariantMatch getOneArbitraryMatch(final ResourceInstance pRI, final ResourceTypeVariant pRTV) {
return rawGetOneArbitraryMatch(new Object[]{pRI, pRTV});
* Indicates whether the given combination of specified pattern parameters constitute a valid pattern match,
* under any possible substitution of the unspecified parameters (if any).
* @param pRI the fixed value of pattern parameter RI, or null if not bound.
* @param pRTV the fixed value of pattern parameter RTV, or null if not bound.
* @return true if the input is a valid (partial) match of the pattern.
public boolean hasMatch(final ResourceInstance pRI, final ResourceTypeVariant pRTV) {
return rawHasMatch(new Object[]{pRI, pRTV});
* Returns the number of all matches of the pattern that conform to the given fixed values of some parameters.
* @param pRI the fixed value of pattern parameter RI, or null if not bound.
* @param pRTV the fixed value of pattern parameter RTV, or null if not bound.
* @return the number of pattern matches found.
public int countMatches(final ResourceInstance pRI, final ResourceTypeVariant pRTV) {
return rawCountMatches(new Object[]{pRI, pRTV});
* Executes the given processor on each match of the pattern that conforms to the given fixed values of some parameters.
* @param pRI the fixed value of pattern parameter RI, or null if not bound.
* @param pRTV the fixed value of pattern parameter RTV, or null if not bound.
* @param processor the action that will process each pattern match.
public void forEachMatch(final ResourceInstance pRI, final ResourceTypeVariant pRTV, final IMatchProcessor<? super InstanceOfVariantMatch> processor) {
rawForEachMatch(new Object[]{pRI, pRTV}, processor);
* Executes the given processor on an arbitrarily chosen match of the pattern that conforms to the given fixed values of some parameters.
* Neither determinism nor randomness of selection is guaranteed.
* @param pRI the fixed value of pattern parameter RI, or null if not bound.
* @param pRTV the fixed value of pattern parameter RTV, or null if not bound.
* @param processor the action that will process the selected match.
* @return true if the pattern has at least one match with the given parameter values, false if the processor was not invoked
public boolean forOneArbitraryMatch(final ResourceInstance pRI, final ResourceTypeVariant pRTV, final IMatchProcessor<? super InstanceOfVariantMatch> processor) {
return rawForOneArbitraryMatch(new Object[]{pRI, pRTV}, processor);
* Returns a new (partial) match.
* This can be used e.g. to call the matcher with a partial match.
* <p>The returned match will be immutable. Use {@link #newEmptyMatch()} to obtain a mutable match object.
* @param pRI the fixed value of pattern parameter RI, or null if not bound.
* @param pRTV the fixed value of pattern parameter RTV, or null if not bound.
* @return the (partial) match object.
public InstanceOfVariantMatch newMatch(final ResourceInstance pRI, final ResourceTypeVariant pRTV) {
return InstanceOfVariantMatch.newMatch(pRI, pRTV);
* Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for RI.
* @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches
protected Set<ResourceInstance> rawAccumulateAllValuesOfRI(final Object[] parameters) {
Set<ResourceInstance> results = new HashSet<ResourceInstance>();
rawAccumulateAllValues(POSITION_RI, parameters, results);
return results;
* Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for RI.
* @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches
public Set<ResourceInstance> getAllValuesOfRI() {
return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfRI(emptyArray());
* Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for RI.
* @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches
public Set<ResourceInstance> getAllValuesOfRI(final InstanceOfVariantMatch partialMatch) {
return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfRI(partialMatch.toArray());
* Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for RI.
* @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches
public Set<ResourceInstance> getAllValuesOfRI(final ResourceTypeVariant pRTV) {
return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfRI(new Object[]{
* Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for RTV.
* @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches
protected Set<ResourceTypeVariant> rawAccumulateAllValuesOfRTV(final Object[] parameters) {
Set<ResourceTypeVariant> results = new HashSet<ResourceTypeVariant>();
rawAccumulateAllValues(POSITION_RTV, parameters, results);
return results;
* Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for RTV.
* @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches
public Set<ResourceTypeVariant> getAllValuesOfRTV() {
return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfRTV(emptyArray());
* Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for RTV.
* @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches
public Set<ResourceTypeVariant> getAllValuesOfRTV(final InstanceOfVariantMatch partialMatch) {
return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfRTV(partialMatch.toArray());
* Retrieve the set of values that occur in matches for RTV.
* @return the Set of all values, null if no parameter with the given name exists, empty set if there are no matches
public Set<ResourceTypeVariant> getAllValuesOfRTV(final ResourceInstance pRI) {
return rawAccumulateAllValuesOfRTV(new Object[]{
protected InstanceOfVariantMatch tupleToMatch(final Tuple t) {
try {
return InstanceOfVariantMatch.newMatch((ResourceInstance) t.get(POSITION_RI), (ResourceTypeVariant) t.get(POSITION_RTV));
} catch(ClassCastException e) {
LOGGER.error("Element(s) in tuple not properly typed!",e);
return null;
protected InstanceOfVariantMatch arrayToMatch(final Object[] match) {
try {
return InstanceOfVariantMatch.newMatch((ResourceInstance) match[POSITION_RI], (ResourceTypeVariant) match[POSITION_RTV]);
} catch(ClassCastException e) {
LOGGER.error("Element(s) in array not properly typed!",e);
return null;
protected InstanceOfVariantMatch arrayToMatchMutable(final Object[] match) {
try {
return InstanceOfVariantMatch.newMutableMatch((ResourceInstance) match[POSITION_RI], (ResourceTypeVariant) match[POSITION_RTV]);
} catch(ClassCastException e) {
LOGGER.error("Element(s) in array not properly typed!",e);
return null;
* @return the singleton instance of the query specification of this pattern
* @throws ViatraQueryException if the pattern definition could not be loaded
public static IQuerySpecification<InstanceOfVariantMatcher> querySpecification() throws ViatraQueryException {
return InstanceOfVariantQuerySpecification.instance();