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\title{A CSP Model Spring Dynamic Modules (v0.1)}
\author{Glyn Normington}
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The aim is to model the concurrency features of Spring DM.
% Type checking hacks
%To do:
The events in this model should be just sufficient to model the interaction between bundles and Spring DM.
We recycle bundles to avoid artificial deadlock.
channel~b\_started, b\_stopping: bundle \\
Bundles = \\
\t1 let \\
\t2 Bundle(i) = b\_started.i \then b\_stopping.i \then Bundle(i) \\
\t1 within \\
\t2 \Interleave _{i:bundle} Bundle(i) \\
\section{Service Registry}
channel~sr\_publish, sr\_lookup, sr\_retract: service \\
ServiceRegistration(s) = sr\_publish.s \then PublishedServiceRegistration(s) \\
PublishedServiceRegistration(s) = \\
\t1 sr\_lookup.s \then PublishedServiceRegistration(s) \extchoice
sr\_retract.s \then ServiceRegistration(s) \\
ServiceRegistry = \Interleave _{s : service} ServiceRegistration(s) \\
\section{Application Contexts}
Recycle application contexts to avoid artifical deadlock, but only within a single bundle start/stop cycle.
channel~ac\_start, ac\_stop, ac\_refresh, ac\_close, ac\_fail, ac\_timeout: application\_context \\
StopAppCtx(a) = ac\_stop.a \then AppCtx(a) \\
AppCtx(a) = \\
\t1 let \\
\t2 Normal = ac\_refresh.a \then ServiceLookup(a, service) \\
\t2 Error = ac\_fail.a \then StopAppCtx(a) \\
\t1 within \\
\t2 ac\_start.a \then (Normal \extchoice Error) \\
ServiceLookup(a, \emptyset) = ServicePublish(a, \emptyset, \emptyset) \\
ServiceLookup(a, remaining) = \\
\t1 let \\
\t2 Timeout = ac\_timeout.a \then StopAppCtx(a) \\
\t2 Lookup = (\Intchoice _{s:remaining} sr\_lookup.s \then ServiceLookup(a, remaining \setminus \set{s})) \timeout Timeout \\
\t1 within \\
\t2 ServicePublish(a, remaining \inter get\_services(a), \emptyset) \intchoice Lookup \\
ServicePublish(a, \emptyset, published) = RunningAppCtx(a, published) \\
ServicePublish(a, remaining, published) =\\
\t1 let \\
\t2 PublishMore(s) = ServicePublish(a, remaining \setminus \set{s}, published \union \set{s}) \\
\t2 Publish = \Intchoice _{s:remaining} sr\_publish.s \then PublishMore(s) \\
\t1 within \\
\t2 RunningAppCtx(a, published) \intchoice Publish \\
RunningAppCtx(a, published) = ac\_stop.a \then ac\_close.a \then ServiceTerm(a, published) \\
ServiceTerm(a, \emptyset) = AppCtx(a) \\
ServiceTerm(a, published) = \Extchoice _{s:published} sr\_retract.s \then ServiceTerm(a, published \setminus \set{s}) \\
AppCtxs = \Interleave _{a:application\_context} AppCtx(a) \\
\section{Bundle to application context multiplexing}
Multiplex bundle stopped and starting events to application context start and stop events, respectively.
Multiplex(i) = \\
\t1 let \\
\t2 ac = get\_app\_ctxs(i) \\
\t2 StartAppCtxs(\emptyset) = Multiplex(i) \\
\t2 StartAppCtxs(acs) = \Extchoice _{a:acs} ac\_start.a \then StartAppCtxs(acs \setminus \set{a}) \\
\t2 StopAppCtxs(\emptyset) = Multiplex(i) \\
\t2 StopAppCtxs(acs) = \Extchoice _{a:acs} ac\_stop.a \then StopAppCtxs(acs \setminus \set{a}) \\
\t1 within \\
\t2 b\_started.i \then StartAppCtxs(ac) \extchoice b\_stopping.i \then StopAppCtxs(ac) \\
Multiplexer = \Interleave _{i:bundle} Multiplex(i) \\
A system comprising bundles, multiplexer, application contexts, and the service registry.
MultiplexedBundles = (Bundles \parallel[\set{|b\_started, b\_stopping|}] Multiplexer) \hide \\
\t6 \set{|b\_started, b\_stopping|} \\
EmbeddedAppCtxs = \\
\t1 (AppCtxs \parallel[\set{|sr\_publish, sr\_lookup, sr\_retract|}] ServiceRegistry) \hide \\
\t2 \set{|~sr\_publish, sr\_lookup, sr\_retract~|} \\
System = MultiplexedBundles \parallel[\set{|~ac\_start, ac\_stop~|}] EmbeddedAppCtxs \\