blob: b17e34cca576160d220480cf2a61b12663511062 [file] [log] [blame]
% >>> zed-cm.sty <<<
% (c) Jim Davies, February 1997
% You may copy and distribute this file freely. Any queries and
% complaints can be forwarded to However,
% the author accepts no liability for the accuracy of these macros, or
% their fitness for any purpose. If you make any changes to this
% file, please do not distribute the results under the name `zed-cm.sty'.
% >>> information <<<
% This is a LaTeX2e package for typesetting Z notation using the
% standard Computer Modern family. It extends the standard (Mike
% Spivey) set of macros and uses the AMS symbol fonts. I'd be
% happy to hear of any compatibility problems, and even happier
% to hear of elegant solutions at the same time.
% >>> date and version <<<
\def\fileversion{1} \def\filedate{97/02/18} \def\docdate{97/02/18}
\filedate\space\fileversion\space zed-cm package}]
% >>> handle fuzz compatibility <<<
% Some people may wish to retain the standard \[ and \] commands; the
% option `nofuzz' allows them to do this.
\newif\if@fuzz@ \@fuzz@true
\ExecuteOptions{fuzz} \ProcessOptions
% >>> fonts and symbols <<<
% We declare a new math version. For convenience, I have chosen the
% same name as that used in oz.sty. The following code is based upon
% the work of Paul King, Sebastian Rahtz, and Mike Spivey. Alan
% Jeffrey's influence is everywhere.
\xdef\yen {\noexpand\mathhexbox\hexnumber@\symAMSa 55 }
\xdef\checkmark{\noexpand\mathhexbox\hexnumber@\symAMSa 58 }
\xdef\circledR {\noexpand\mathhexbox\hexnumber@\symAMSa 72 }
\xdef\maltese {\noexpand\mathhexbox\hexnumber@\symAMSa 7A }
% A macro name has been chosen for each of the symbols in the AMS
% fonts. There is no need to load any other AMS package in order to
% access these symbols.
% >>> fuzz <<<
% This is the standard fuzz setup, apart from the oz style change to
% the setmcodes macro.
\def\@setmcodes#1#2#3{{\count0=#1 \count1=#3
\loop \global\mathcode\count0=\count1 \ifnum \count0<#2
\advance\count0 by1 \advance\count1 by1 \repeat}}
\def~{\ifmmode\,\else\penalty\@M\ \fi}
\let\@mc=\mathchardef \mathcode`\;="8000 {\catcode`\;=\active
\gdef;{\semicolon\;}} \@mc\semicolon="603B
\def\_{\leavevmode \ifmmode\else\kern0.06em\fi \vbox{\hrule
\mathcode`\"="8000 \def\@kwote#1"{\hbox{\it #1}} {\catcode`\"=\active
\def\bsup#1 \esup{^{#1}}
\newdimen\zedindent \zedindent=\leftmargini%
\newdimen\zedleftsep \zedleftsep=1em%
\newdimen\zedtab \zedtab=2em%
\newdimen\zedbar \zedbar=6em%
\newskip\zedskip \zedskip=0.5\baselineskip plus0.333333\baselineskip%
\newcount\interzedlinepenalty \interzedlinepenalty=10000%
\newcount\preboxpenalty \preboxpenalty=0%
\newif\ifzt@p \zt@pfalse%
\def\@narrow{\advance\linewidth by-\zedindent}
\def\@zrulefill{\leaders\hrule height\arrayrulewidth\hfill}
\def\@topline#1{\hbox to\linewidth{%
\vrule height\arrayrulewidth width\arrayrulewidth
\vrule height0pt depth\@jot width0pt
\hbox to\zedleftsep{\@zrulefill\thinspace}%
\def\@zedline{\omit \vrule height\arrayrulewidth width\linewidth \cr}
\omit \vrule height\arrayrulewidth width\zedbar \cr
\def\also{\crcr \noalign{\penalty\interdisplaylinepenalty
\def\@zskip#1{\crcr \omit \vrule height#1 width\arrayrulewidth \cr}
\zedsize \let\@nomath=\next
\advance\linewidth by-\zedindent
\advance\displayindent by\zedindent
\def\\{\crcr}% Must have \def and not \let for nested alignments.
\everycr={\noalign{\ifzt@p \global\zt@pfalse
\ifdim\prevdepth>-1000pt \skip0=\normalbaselineskip
\advance\skip0by-\prevdepth \advance\skip0by-\ht\strutbox
\ifdim\skip0<\normallineskiplimit \vskip\normallineskip
\else \vskip\skip0 \fi\fi
\else \penalty\interzedlinepenalty \fi}}}
\def\zed{\@zed\@znoskip\halign to\linewidth\bgroup
\strut$\@zlign##$\hfil \tabskip=0pt plus1fil\cr}
\@zed\@znoskip \halign to\linewidth\bgroup
\strut \vrule width\arrayrulewidth \hskip\zedleftsep
$\@zlign##$\hfil \tabskip=0pt plus1fil\cr}
\def\@nschema#1{\@narrow\axdef \omit\@topline{$\strut#1$}\cr}
\def\endschema{\@zskip\@jot \@zedline \endzed}
\@namedef{schema*}{\@narrow\axdef \@zedline \@zskip\@jot}
\expandafter\let\csname endschema*\endcsname=\endschema
\def\@gendef[#1]{\@narrow\axdef \omit \setbox0=\hbox{$\strut[#1]$}%
\def\@ngendef{\@narrow\axdef \@zedline \omit \hbox to\linewidth{\vrule
height\doublerulesep width\arrayrulewidth \@zrulefill}\cr
\def\argue{\@zed \interzedlinepenalty=\interdisplaylinepenalty
\openup\@jot \halign to\linewidth\bgroup
\strut$\@zlign##$\hfil \tabskip=0pt plus1fil
&\hbox to0pt{\hss[\@zlign##\unskip]}\tabskip=0pt\cr
\def\syntax{\@zed\@znoskip \halign\bgroup
\strut$\@zlign##$\hfil &\hfil$\@zlign{}##{}$\hfil
\def\infrule{\@zed\@znoskip \halign\bgroup
\def\derive{\crcr \noalign{\vskip\@jot} \omit\@zrulefill
\def\@xderive[#1]{&$\smash{\lower 0.5ex\hbox{$[\;#1\;]$}}$\cr
\def\@yderive{\cr \noalign{\vskip\@jot}}
\def\@zleavevmode{\if@inlabel \indent
\else\if@noskipsec \indent
\else\if@nobreak \global\@nobreakfalse
% From now on, we must depart from the text of fuzz, as we do not have
% the ox symbol font at our disposal. We must choose symbols from
% the AMS fonts to compensate for our loss.
\let\xlambda=\lambda \let\xmu=\mu
\let\xforall=\forall \let\xexists=\exists
\def \bind {\mathrel{\leadsto}}
\def \bindsto {\mathrel{\leadsto}}
\def \lblot {{\langle}\mkern -3.5mu{|}}
\def \rblot {{|}\mkern -3.5mu{\rangle}}
\def \defs {\mathrel{\widehat=}}
\def \power {\strut@op{\bbold P}}
\let \cross \times
\def \lambda {\strut@op{\xlambda}}
\def \mu {\strut@op{\xmu}}
\def \ldbrack{{[}\mkern-2mu{[}}
\def \rdbrack{{]}\mkern-2mu{]}}
\let \lbag \ldbrack
\let \rbag \rdbrack
\def \lnot {\neg\;}
\def \land {\mathrel{\wedge}}
\def \lor {\mathrel{\vee}}
\let \implies \Rightarrow
\let \iff \Leftrightarrow
\def \forall {\strut@op{\xforall}}
\def \exists {\strut@op{\xexists}}
\def \hide {\mathrel{\backslash}}
\def \pre {{\mathrm{pre}}\;}
\def \semi {\mathrel{\comp}}
\def \ldata {\langle\!\langle}
\def \rdata {\rangle\!\rangle}
\let \shows \vdash
\def \pipe {\mathord>\!\!\mathord>}
\def \LET {{\mathbf{let}}\;}
\def \IF {{\mathbf{if}}\;}
\def \IN {{\mathbf{in}}\;}
\def \THEN {\mathrel{\mathbf{then}}}
\def \ELSE {\mathrel{\mathbf{else}}}
\let \rel \leftrightarrow
\def \dom {\mathop{\mathrm{dom}}}
\def \ran {\mathop{\mathrm{ran}}}
\def \id {\mathop{\mathrm{id}}}
\def\comp{\mathbin{\raise 0.6ex\hbox{\small\oalign{\hfil%
\def \ndres {\mathbin{\rlap{\raise.05ex\hbox{$-$}}{\dres}}}
\def \nrres {\mathbin{\rlap{\raise.05ex\hbox{$-$}}{\rres}}}
\def \inv {^\sim}
\def \limg {(\mskip-4.5mu|}
\def \rimg {|\mskip-4.5mu)}
\def \pfun {\@p\fun}
\let \fun \rightarrow
\let \inj \rightarrowtail
\def \pinj {\@p\inj}
\def \surj {\mathrel{\ooalign{$\fun$\hfil\cr$\mkern4mu\fun$}}}
\def \bij {\mathrel{\ooalign{$\inj$\hfil\cr$\mkern5mu\fun$}}}
\def \psurj {\@p\surj}
\def \nat {{\bbold N}}
\def \num {{\bbold Z}}
\def \div {\mathbin{\mathsf{div}}}
\def \mod {\mathbin{\mathsf{mod}}}
\def \upto {\mathbin{\ldotp\ldotp}}
\def \plus {^+}
\def \star {^*}
\def \finset {\strut@op{{\bbold F}}}
\def\@f#1{\mathrel{\ooalign{\hfil$\mapstochar\mkern 3mu
\mapstochar\mkern 5mu$\hfil\cr$#1$}}}
\def \ffun {\@f\fun}
\def \finj {\@f\inj}
\def \seq {\mathop{\mathrm{seq}}}
\def \iseq {\mathop{\mathrm{iseq}}}
\def \cat {\mathbin{\raise 0.8ex\hbox{$\smallfrown$}}}
\def \filter {\mathbin{\project}}
\def \dcat {\mathop{\cat/}}
\def \bag {\mathop{\mathrm{bag}}}
\def \bcount {\mathbin{\sharp}}
\def \inbag {\mathrel{\rlap{\hbox{$-$}}{\sqsubset}}}
\let \subbageq \sqsubseteq
\def \disjoint {{\mathsf{disjoint}}\;}
\def \partition {\mathrel{\mathsf{partition}}}
\def \prefix {\mathrel{\mathsf{prefix}}}
\def \suffix {\mathrel{\mathsf{suffix}}}
\def \inseq {\mathrel{\mathsf{in}}}
\def \extract {\mathrel{\upharpoonleft}}
\def \uminus@sym{\setbox0=\hbox{$\cup$}\rlap{\hbox
\def \uminus {\mathrel{\uminus@sym}}
%% nice macro names
\def \union {\cup}
\def \inter {\cap}
\def \Union {\bigcup}
\def \Inter {\bigcap}
\def \nil {\langle\rangle}
\def \drop {\array[t]{@{}l@{}}}
\def \enddrop {\endarray}