blob: e63f975874aec496ff8847ef37f1a25f14df9f1b [file] [log] [blame]
\markboth{Draft}{Version 0.1}
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\title{Testing Optional matters}
\author{Steve Powell}
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% confidential without a page number. Page numbering is started at the
% table of contents.
We test the optional generic type (analogous to say, $\seq$) defined in \texttt{Optional.tex}.
% Type checking hacks
\newcommand{\defaultsTo}{\mathbin{\sf defaultsTo}}
We use $Opt$, $Nil$ and $Just$ to check that it type-checks with $f$UZZ.
Here is a given set:
and here is a state schema that uses it:
bsn : Opt ~ BundleSymbolicName
(Nil \neq bsn) \implies (Take ~ bsn \in BundleSymbolicName)
The constraint merely states the minimum that can be true about the optional value. Since it type-checks with $f$UZZ then we can assume we have got the definitions approximately right.