385317 - Clean up of the Nano repository
diff --git a/build-nano/build.xml b/build-nano/build.xml
index 56dd169..9b35745 100644
--- a/build-nano/build.xml
+++ b/build-nano/build.xml
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
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         <pathelement location="../org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer.hot"/>
         <pathelement location="../org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer"/>
-        <pathelement location="../org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer"/>
         <pathelement location="../org.eclipse.virgo.nano.authentication"/>
         <pathelement location="../org.eclipse.virgo.nano.shutdown"/>
diff --git a/build.versions b/build.versions
index 733d49c..0b9f3d8 100644
--- a/build.versions
+++ b/build.versions
@@ -4,86 +4,18 @@
 # third parties
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/.classpath b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index 23fc534..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
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-			<attribute name="com.springsource.server.ide.jdt.core.test.classpathentry" value="true"/>
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-	<classpathentry kind="var" path="NANO_IVY_CACHE/org.eclipse.virgo.medic/org.eclipse.virgo.medic.core/3.6.0.D-20120917213450/org.eclipse.virgo.medic.core-3.6.0.D-20120917213450.jar"/>
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-	<classpathentry kind="var" path="NANO_IVY_CACHE/org.eclipse.virgo.mirrored/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.manipulator/2.0.0.v20110808-1657/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.manipulator-2.0.0.v20110808-1657.jar"/>
-	<classpathentry kind="var" path="NANO_IVY_CACHE/org.eclipse.virgo.mirrored/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/1.0.300.v20110815-1744/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator-1.0.300.v20110815-1744.jar" sourcepath="/NANO_IVY_CACHE/org.eclipse.osgi/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/1.0.300.v20110815-1744/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator-sources-1.0.300.v20110815-1744.jar"/>
-	<classpathentry kind="var" path="NANO_IVY_CACHE/org.eclipse.virgo.mirrored/org.slf4j.api/1.6.4.v20120130-2120/org.slf4j.api-1.6.4.v20120130-2120.jar" sourcepath="/NANO_IVY_CACHE/org.slf4j/com.springsource.slf4j.api/1.6.1/com.springsource.slf4j.api-sources-1.6.1.jar"/>
-	<classpathentry kind="var" path="NANO_IVY_CACHE/org.eclipse.virgo.util/org.eclipse.virgo.util.osgi.manifest/3.6.0.D-20120917212716/org.eclipse.virgo.util.osgi.manifest-3.6.0.D-20120917212716.jar"/>
-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer"/>
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-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.core"/>
-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer.api"/>
-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="target/classes"/>
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/.project b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 214c6a5..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-	<name>org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer</name>
-	<comment></comment>
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-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>
-			<arguments>
-			</arguments>
-		</buildCommand>
-		<buildCommand>
-			<name>org.eclipse.pde.ds.core.builder</name>
-			<arguments>
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-	<natures>
-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>
-		<nature>org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature</nature>
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diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/build.properties b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/build.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index 10a236a..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/build.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-source.. = src/main/java/,\
-           src/main/resources/,\
-           src/test/java/,\
-           src/test/resources/
-bin.includes = META-INF/,\
-               .
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/build.xml b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 18a064a..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project name="org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer">
-	<property name="findbugs.exclude.file" value="${basedir}/findbugs-exclude.xml"/>
-	<property file="${basedir}/../build.properties"/>
-	<property file="${basedir}/../build.versions"/>
-	<import file="${basedir}/../virgo-build/standard/default.xml"/>
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/findbugs-exclude.xml b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/findbugs-exclude.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 98983db..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/findbugs-exclude.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-     <!-- Exclusions -->
-     <Match>
-        <Class name="org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer.api.core.module.StandardModule"/>
-        <Method name="unwrapNull"/>
-     </Match>	
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/ivy.xml b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/ivy.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 86521a5..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/ivy.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
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-	<info organisation="${project.organisation}" module="${ant.project.name}"/>
-	<configurations>
-		<include file="${virgo.build.dir}/common/default-ivy-configurations.xml"/>
-	</configurations>
-	<publications>
-		<artifact name="${ant.project.name}"/>
-		<artifact name="${ant.project.name}-sources" type="src" ext="jar"/>
-	</publications>
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-		<dependency org="org.eclipse.virgo.mirrored" name="org.eclipse.osgi" rev="${org.eclipse.osgi}" conf="compile->runtime"/>
-		<dependency org="org.eclipse.virgo.nano" name="org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer.api" rev="latest.integration" conf="compile->runtime"/>
-		<dependency org="org.eclipse.virgo.nano" name="org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer" rev="latest.integration" conf="compile->runtime"/>
-		<dependency org="org.eclipse.virgo.util" name="org.eclipse.virgo.util.io" rev="${org.eclipse.virgo.util}" conf="compile->runtime"/>
-		<dependency org="org.eclipse.virgo.util" name="org.eclipse.virgo.util.osgi.manifest" rev="${org.eclipse.virgo.util}" conf="compile->runtime"/>
-		<dependency org="org.eclipse.gemini" name="org.eclipse.gemini.web.core" rev="${org.eclipse.gemini.web}" conf="compile->runtime"/>
-		<dependency org="org.eclipse.virgo.medic" name="org.eclipse.virgo.medic" rev="${org.eclipse.virgo.medic}" conf="compile->runtime"/>
-		<override org="org.eclipse.virgo.util" rev="${org.eclipse.virgo.util}"/>
-		<!-- Allow Equinox to be upgraded point-wise before rippling -->
-		<override org="org.eclipse.virgo.mirrored" module="org.eclipse.osgi" rev="${org.eclipse.osgi}"/>	
-	</dependencies>
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/virgo/nano/war/deployer/NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.java b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/virgo/nano/war/deployer/NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5913e26..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/virgo/nano/war/deployer/NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.nano.serviceability.LogEventDelegate;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.Level;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.LogEvent;
-public enum NanoWARDeployerLogEvents implements LogEvent {
-    NANO_INSTALLING(1, Level.INFO), //
-    NANO_INSTALLED(2, Level.INFO), //
-    NANO_STOPPING(5, Level.INFO), //
-    NANO_STOPPED(6, Level.INFO), //
-    NANO_UNINSTALLED(8, Level.INFO), //
-    NANO_WEB_STARTING(9, Level.INFO), //
-    NANO_WEB_STARTED(10, Level.INFO), //
-    NANO_UPDATING(15, Level.INFO), //
-    NANO_UPDATED(16, Level.INFO), //
-    NANO_UPDATE_ERROR(17, Level.ERROR), //
-    private static final String PREFIX = "DE";
-    private final LogEventDelegate delegate;
-    private NanoWARDeployerLogEvents(int code, Level level) {
-        this.delegate = new LogEventDelegate(PREFIX, code, level);
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@inheritDoc}
-     */
-    @Override
-    public String getEventCode() {
-        return this.delegate.getEventCode();
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@inheritDoc}
-     */
-    @Override
-    public Level getLevel() {
-        return this.delegate.getLevel();
-    }
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/virgo/nano/war/deployer/WARDeployer.java b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/virgo/nano/war/deployer/WARDeployer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ffe817..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/virgo/nano/war/deployer/WARDeployer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.FileWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.InputStreamReader;
-import java.net.URI;
-import java.net.URISyntaxException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Dictionary;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.jar.Attributes;
-import java.util.jar.JarFile;
-import java.util.jar.Manifest;
-import org.eclipse.gemini.web.core.InstallationOptions;
-import org.eclipse.gemini.web.core.WebBundleManifestTransformer;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.EventLogger;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.nano.core.KernelConfig;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer.SimpleDeployer;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer.StandardDeploymentIdentity;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer.api.core.DeploymentIdentity;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer.util.BundleInfosUpdater;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.util.io.FileSystemUtils;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.util.io.IOUtils;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.util.io.JarUtils;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.util.io.PathReference;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.util.osgi.manifest.BundleManifest;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.util.osgi.manifest.BundleManifestFactory;
-import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
-import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
-import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
-import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;
-import org.osgi.service.packageadmin.PackageAdmin;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-public class WARDeployer implements SimpleDeployer {
-    private static final String WAR = "war";
-    private static final boolean STATUS_OK = true;
-    private static final boolean STATUS_ERROR = false;
-    private static final String PICKUP_DIR = "pickup";
-    private static final String INSTALL_BY_REFERENCE_PREFIX = "reference:file:";
-    private static final char SLASH = '/';
-    private static final char BACKSLASH = '\\';
-    private static final char DOT = '.';
-    private static final char NEW_LINE = '\n';
-    private static final String SUCCESS_MARK = "ok";
-    private static final String ERROR_MARK = "error";
-    private static final String OP_DEPLOY = "deploy";
-    private static final String OP_UNDEPLOY = "undeploy";
-    private static final String FEEDBACK_FILE_NAME = ".state";
-    private static final String BUNDLE_ID_RECORD = "bundle-id";
-    static final String LAST_MODIFIED = "last-modified";
-    private static final String DELIMITER = "=";
-    static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
-    private static final String WEBAPPS_DIR = "webapps";
-    private static final String WEBBUNDLE_PROTOCOL = "webbundle";
-    private static final String FILE_PROTOCOL = "file";
-    private static final String UNKNOWN = "unknown";
-    private static final String HEADER_WEB_CONTEXT_PATH = "Web-ContextPath";
-    // private static final String HEADER_BUNDLE_SYMBOLIC_NAME = "Bundle-SymbolicName";
-    private static final String DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PATH = "/";
-    private static final String ROOT_WAR_NAME = "ROOT";
-    private static final String PROPERTY_WAB_HEADERS = "WABHeaders";
-    private static final String PROPERTY_VALUE_WAB_HEADERS_STRICT = "strict";
-    private static final String PROPERTY_VALUE_WAB_HEADERS_DEFAULTED = "defaulted";
-    private static final String HEADER_DEFAULT_WAB_HEADERS = "org-eclipse-gemini-web-DefaultWABHeaders";
-    private static final String WEB_BUNDLE_MODULE_TYPE = "web-bundle";
-    private EventLogger eventLogger;
-    private BundleInfosUpdater bundleInfosUpdaterUtil;
-    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
-    private BundleContext bundleContext;
-    private PackageAdmin packageAdmin;
-    private WebBundleManifestTransformer webBundleManifestTransformer;
-    private long largeFileCopyTimeout = 4000;
-    private File pickupDir;
-    private File webAppsDir;
-    private KernelConfig kernelConfig;
-    public WARDeployer() {
-        warDeployerInternalInit(null);
-    }
-    public WARDeployer(BundleContext bundleContext, PackageAdmin packageAdmin, WebBundleManifestTransformer webBundleManifestTransformer,
-        EventLogger eventLogger, KernelConfig kernelConfig) {
-        warDeployerInternalInit(bundleContext);
-        this.packageAdmin = packageAdmin;
-        this.webBundleManifestTransformer = webBundleManifestTransformer;
-        this.eventLogger = eventLogger;
-        this.kernelConfig = kernelConfig;
-    }
-    public void activate(ComponentContext context) {
-        warDeployerInternalInit(context.getBundleContext());
-    }
-    @Override
-    public final boolean deploy(URI path) {
-        this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_INSTALLING, new File(path).toString());
-        final String warName = extractWarNameFromString(path.toString());
-        final File deployedFile = new File(path);
-        final File warDir = new File(this.webAppsDir, warName);
-        deleteStatusFile(warName, this.pickupDir);
-        long bundleId = -1L;
-        final long lastModified = deployedFile.lastModified();
-        if (!canWrite(path)) {
-            this.logger.error("Cannot open the file " + path + " for writing. The configured timeout is " + this.largeFileCopyTimeout + ".");
-            createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_ERROR, bundleId, lastModified);
-            this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_INSTALLING_ERROR, path);
-            return STATUS_ERROR;
-        }
-        final Bundle installed;
-        try {
-            // extract the war file to the webapps directory
-            JarUtils.unpackTo(new PathReference(deployedFile), new PathReference(warDir));
-            // make the manifest transformation in the unpacked location
-            transformUnpackedManifest(warDir, warName);
-            // install the bundle
-            installed = this.bundleContext.installBundle(createInstallLocation(warDir));
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_INSTALLING_ERROR, e, path);
-            createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_ERROR, bundleId, lastModified);
-            return STATUS_ERROR;
-        }
-        this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_INSTALLED, installed.getSymbolicName(), installed.getVersion());
-        this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_WEB_STARTING, installed.getSymbolicName(), installed.getVersion());
-        try {
-            installed.start();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_STARTING_ERROR, e, installed.getSymbolicName(), installed.getVersion());
-            createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_ERROR, bundleId, lastModified);
-            return STATUS_ERROR;
-        }
-        this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_WEB_STARTED, installed.getSymbolicName(), installed.getVersion());
-        bundleId = installed.getBundleId();
-        // now update bundle's info
-        if (this.logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
-            this.logger.info("Bundles info will be updated for war with path '" + path + "'.");
-        }
-        try {
-            if (this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil != null && this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil.isAvailable()) {
-                registerToBundlesInfo(installed);
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_PERSIST_ERROR, e, installed.getSymbolicName(), installed.getVersion());
-            createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_ERROR, bundleId, lastModified);
-            return STATUS_ERROR;
-        }
-        createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_OK, bundleId, lastModified);
-        return STATUS_OK;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isDeployFileValid(File file) {
-        JarFile jarFile = null;
-        try {
-            jarFile = new JarFile(file);
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            this.logger.error("The deployed file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' is an invalid zip file.");
-            return false;
-        } finally {
-            try {
-                if (jarFile != null) {
-                    jarFile.close();
-                }
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                // do nothing
-            }
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    private String createInstallLocation(final File warDir) {
-        return INSTALL_BY_REFERENCE_PREFIX + warDir.getAbsolutePath();
-    }
-    private String extractWarNameFromString(String path) {
-        final String warName = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(SLASH) + 1, path.length() - 4);
-        return warName;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public final boolean undeploy(Bundle bundle) {
-        String bundleLocation = removeTrailingFileSeparator(bundle.getLocation());
-        String warPath = extractWarPath(bundleLocation);
-        final File warDir = new File(warPath);
-        String warName = extractWarName(warPath);
-        deleteStatusFile(warName, this.pickupDir);
-        if (bundle != null) {
-            try {
-                if (this.logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
-                    this.logger.info("Removing bundle '" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + "' version '" + bundle.getVersion() + "' from bundles.info.");
-                }
-                if (this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil != null && this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil.isAvailable()) {
-                    unregisterToBundlesInfo(bundle);
-                    this.logger.info("Successfully removed bundle '" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + "' version '" + bundle.getVersion()
-                        + "' from bundles.info.");
-                } else {
-                    this.logger.error("BundleInfosUpdater not available. Failed to remove bundle '" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + "' version '"
-                        + bundle.getVersion() + "' from bundles.info.");
-                }
-                this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_STOPPING, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-                bundle.stop();
-                this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_STOPPED, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-                this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_UNINSTALLING, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-                bundle.uninstall();
-                FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively(warDir);
-                this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_UNINSTALLED, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-            } catch (BundleException e) {
-                this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_UNDEPLOY_ERROR, e, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-                return STATUS_ERROR;
-            }
-        }
-        createStatusFile(warName, OP_UNDEPLOY, STATUS_OK, bundle.getBundleId(), bundle.getLastModified());
-        return STATUS_OK;
-    }
-    private String extractWarName(String warPath) {
-        return warPath.substring(warPath.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1, warPath.length());
-    }
-    private String extractWarPath(String bundleLocation) {
-        String warPath;
-        if (bundleLocation.startsWith(INSTALL_BY_REFERENCE_PREFIX)) {
-            warPath = bundleLocation.substring(INSTALL_BY_REFERENCE_PREFIX.length());
-        } else {
-            warPath = bundleLocation;
-        }
-        return warPath;
-    }
-    private String removeTrailingFileSeparator(String bundleLocation) {
-        if (bundleLocation.endsWith(File.separator)) {
-            bundleLocation = bundleLocation.substring(0, bundleLocation.length() - 1);
-        }
-        return bundleLocation;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public final boolean update(URI path) {
-        final String warName = extractWarNameFromString(path.toString());
-        final File updatedFile = new File(path);
-        final File warDir = new File(this.webAppsDir, warName);
-        if (!warDir.exists()) {
-            this.logger.info("Can't update artifact for path '" + path + "'. It is not deployed.");
-        }
-        deleteStatusFile(warName, this.pickupDir);
-        final long bundleId = -1L;
-        final long lastModified = updatedFile.lastModified();
-        if (!canWrite(path)) {
-            this.logger.error("Cannot open the file [" + path + "] for writing. Timeout is [" + this.largeFileCopyTimeout + "].");
-            createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_ERROR, bundleId, lastModified);
-            this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_UPDATING_ERROR, path);
-            return STATUS_ERROR;
-        }
-        final Bundle bundle = this.bundleContext.getBundle(createInstallLocation(warDir));
-        if (bundle != null) {
-            try {
-                // extract the war file to the webapps directory
-                JarUtils.unpackToDestructive(new PathReference(updatedFile), new PathReference(warDir));
-                // make the manifest transformation in the unpacked location
-                transformUnpackedManifest(warDir, warName);
-                this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_UPDATING, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-                bundle.update();
-                if (this.packageAdmin != null) {
-                    this.packageAdmin.refreshPackages(new Bundle[] { bundle });
-                    this.logger.info("Update of file with path [" + path + "] is successful.");
-                }
-                this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_UPDATED, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-            } catch (Exception e) {
-                this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_UPDATE_ERROR, e, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-                createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_ERROR, bundleId, lastModified);
-                return STATUS_ERROR;
-            }
-            createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_OK, bundleId, lastModified);
-        } else {
-            deploy(path);
-        }
-        return STATUS_OK;
-    }
-    public void setLargeFileCopyTimeout(long timeout) {
-        if (this.logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
-            this.logger.info("setLargeFileCopyTimeout(" + timeout + ")");
-        }
-        this.largeFileCopyTimeout = timeout;
-    }
-    private void createStatusFile(String warName, String operation, boolean status, long bundleId, long lastModified) {
-        final File stateDir = new File(this.pickupDir, FEEDBACK_FILE_NAME);
-        if (!stateDir.exists() && !stateDir.mkdirs()) {
-            this.logger.error("Cannot create directory [" + stateDir.getAbsolutePath() + "]. Status file for the operation cannot be created.");
-            return;
-        }
-        final File statusFile = new File(stateDir, warName + DOT + operation + DOT + (status ? SUCCESS_MARK : ERROR_MARK));
-        FileWriter fw = null;
-        try {
-            fw = new FileWriter(statusFile, true);
-            fw.write(BUNDLE_ID_RECORD + DELIMITER + bundleId);
-            fw.write(NEW_LINE);
-            fw.write(LAST_MODIFIED + DELIMITER + lastModified);
-            fw.write(NEW_LINE);
-            fw.flush();
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            this.logger.error("Cannot update the status of operation.", e);
-        } finally {
-            IOUtils.closeQuietly(fw);
-        }
-    }
-    private void deleteStatusFile(String warName, File pickupDir) {
-        final File stateDir = new File(pickupDir, FEEDBACK_FILE_NAME);
-        if (stateDir.exists()) {
-            File statusFile = new File(stateDir, warName + DOT + OP_DEPLOY + DOT + SUCCESS_MARK);
-            if (statusFile.exists() && !statusFile.delete()) {
-                this.logger.error("Cannot delete file [" + statusFile.getAbsolutePath() + "].");
-            }
-            statusFile = new File(stateDir, warName + DOT + OP_DEPLOY + DOT + ERROR_MARK);
-            if (statusFile.exists() && !statusFile.delete()) {
-                this.logger.error("Cannot delete file [" + statusFile.getAbsolutePath() + "].");
-            }
-            statusFile = new File(stateDir, warName + DOT + OP_UNDEPLOY + DOT + SUCCESS_MARK);
-            if (statusFile.exists() && !statusFile.delete()) {
-                this.logger.error("Cannot delete file [" + statusFile.getAbsolutePath() + "].");
-            }
-            statusFile = new File(stateDir, warName + DOT + OP_UNDEPLOY + DOT + ERROR_MARK);
-            if (statusFile.exists() && !statusFile.delete()) {
-                this.logger.error("Cannot delete file [" + statusFile.getAbsolutePath() + "].");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    private boolean canWrite(URI path) {
-        int tries = -1;
-        boolean isWritable = false;
-        // Some big files are copied very slowly, but the event is received
-        // immediately.
-        // So we will wait 0.5 x 240 i.e. 2 minutes
-        final long timeout = this.largeFileCopyTimeout / 500;
-        while (tries < timeout) {
-            FileInputStream fis = null;
-            try {
-                fis = new FileInputStream(new File(path));
-                isWritable = true;
-                break;
-            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-                if (this.logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
-                    this.logger.info("File is still locked.", e);
-                }
-            } finally {
-                IOUtils.closeQuietly(fis);
-            }
-            try {
-                Thread.sleep(500);
-            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                this.logger.error("InterruptedException occurred.", e);
-            }
-            tries++;
-        }
-        return isWritable;
-    }
-    private final void transformUnpackedManifest(File srcFile, String warName) throws IOException {
-        if (srcFile == null) {
-            throw new NullPointerException("Source file is null.");
-        }
-        if (!srcFile.isDirectory() || !srcFile.canRead()) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source file must be a readable directory [" + srcFile + "].");
-        }
-        File destFile = new File(srcFile, JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
-        if (!destFile.exists()) {
-            destFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
-            destFile.createNewFile();
-        }
-        if (!destFile.isFile() || !destFile.canRead()) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destination file must be a readable file [" + destFile + "].");
-        }
-        FileOutputStream fos = null;
-        InputStream mfIS = null;
-        try {
-            mfIS = new FileInputStream(srcFile + File.separator + JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
-            BundleManifest manifest = BundleManifestFactory.createBundleManifest(new InputStreamReader(mfIS));
-            if (manifest.getModuleType() == null || "web".equalsIgnoreCase(manifest.getModuleType())) {
-                boolean strictWABHeaders = getStrictWABHeadersValue();
-                if (!strictWABHeaders) {
-                    manifest.setHeader(HEADER_DEFAULT_WAB_HEADERS, "true");
-                }
-                manifest.setModuleType(WEB_BUNDLE_MODULE_TYPE);
-                InstallationOptions installationOptions = prepareInstallationOptions(strictWABHeaders, warName, manifest);
-                boolean isWebBundle = WebBundleUtils.isWebApplicationBundle(manifest);
-                this.webBundleManifestTransformer.transform(manifest, srcFile.toURI().toURL(), installationOptions, isWebBundle);
-            } else {
-                this.logger.info("Skipping transformation of application '" + warName + "' because it is already a web bundle.");
-                return;
-            }
-            fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
-            toManifest(manifest.toDictionary()).write(fos);
-        } finally {
-            IOUtils.closeQuietly(fos);
-            IOUtils.closeQuietly(mfIS);
-        }
-    }
-    private InstallationOptions prepareInstallationOptions(boolean strictWABHeaders, String warName, BundleManifest manifest) {
-        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
-        String webContextPathHeader = manifest.getHeader(HEADER_WEB_CONTEXT_PATH);
-        if (webContextPathHeader == null || webContextPathHeader.trim().length() == 0) {
-            if (warName.equals(ROOT_WAR_NAME)) {
-            } else {
-                map.put(HEADER_WEB_CONTEXT_PATH, warName);
-            }
-        }
-        InstallationOptions installationOptions = new InstallationOptions(map);
-        installationOptions.setDefaultWABHeaders(!strictWABHeaders);
-        return installationOptions;
-    }
-    private final Manifest toManifest(Dictionary<String, String> headers) {
-        Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
-        Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
-        Enumeration<String> names = headers.keys();
-        while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
-            String name = names.nextElement();
-            String value = headers.get(name);
-            attributes.putValue(name, value);
-        }
-        return manifest;
-    }
-    private final void registerToBundlesInfo(Bundle bundle) throws URISyntaxException, IOException, BundleException {
-        String location = bundle.getLocation().replace(BACKSLASH, SLASH);
-        if (!location.contains(WEBBUNDLE_PROTOCOL)) {
-            location = location.replaceAll(" ", "%20");
-            String scheme = new URI(location).getScheme();
-            if (scheme != null && !scheme.equals(FILE_PROTOCOL)) {
-                location = new URI(location).getRawSchemeSpecificPart();
-            }
-            String symbolicName = bundle.getSymbolicName();
-            this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil.addBundleToBundlesInfo(symbolicName == null ? UNKNOWN : symbolicName, new URI(location),
-                bundle.getVersion().toString(), SimpleDeployer.HOT_DEPLOYED_ARTIFACTS_START_LEVEL, true);
-            this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil.updateBundleInfosRepository();
-        }
-    }
-    private final void unregisterToBundlesInfo(Bundle bundle) {
-        try {
-            String location = bundle.getLocation().replace(BACKSLASH, SLASH);
-            if (!location.contains(WEBBUNDLE_PROTOCOL)) {
-                location = location.replaceAll(" ", "%20");
-                String scheme = new URI(location).getScheme();
-                if (scheme != null && !scheme.equals(FILE_PROTOCOL)) {
-                    location = new URI(location).getRawSchemeSpecificPart();
-                }
-                String symbolicName = bundle.getSymbolicName();
-                this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil.removeBundleFromBundlesInfo(symbolicName == null ? UNKNOWN : symbolicName, new URI(location),
-                    bundle.getVersion().toString(), SimpleDeployer.HOT_DEPLOYED_ARTIFACTS_START_LEVEL, true);
-                this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil.updateBundleInfosRepository();
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            this.logger.error("Cannot update bundles info while unregistering [" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + "].", e);
-        }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean canServeFileType(String fileType) {
-        return fileType.toLowerCase().equals(WAR);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isDeployed(URI path) {
-        final String warName = extractWarNameFromString(path.toString());
-        final File warDir = new File(this.webAppsDir, warName);
-        if (!warDir.exists()) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        if (this.bundleContext.getBundle(createInstallLocation(warDir)) == null) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public DeploymentIdentity getDeploymentIdentity(URI path) {
-        final String warName = extractWarNameFromString(path.toString());
-        final File warDir = new File(this.webAppsDir, warName);
-        if (!warDir.exists()) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        Bundle bundle = this.bundleContext.getBundle(createInstallLocation(warDir));
-        if (bundle == null) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        return new StandardDeploymentIdentity(WAR, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion().toString());
-    }
-    @Override
-    public List<String> getAcceptedFileTypes() {
-        List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>();
-        types.add(WAR);
-        return types;
-    }
-    private void warDeployerInternalInit(BundleContext bundleContext) {
-        String kernelHome = System.getProperty("org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.home");
-        File kernelHomeFile = new File(kernelHome);
-        File bundlesInfoFile = new File(kernelHomeFile, "configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/bundles.info");
-        this.pickupDir = new File(kernelHomeFile, PICKUP_DIR);
-        this.webAppsDir = new File(kernelHomeFile, WEBAPPS_DIR);
-        this.bundleContext = bundleContext;
-        this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil = new BundleInfosUpdater(bundlesInfoFile, kernelHomeFile);
-    }
-    private boolean getStrictWABHeadersValue() {
-        boolean strictWABHeaders = true;
-        String wabHeadersPropertyValue = null;
-        if (this.kernelConfig.getProperty(PROPERTY_WAB_HEADERS) != null) {
-            wabHeadersPropertyValue = this.kernelConfig.getProperty(PROPERTY_WAB_HEADERS).toString();
-        }
-        if (wabHeadersPropertyValue != null) {
-            if (PROPERTY_VALUE_WAB_HEADERS_DEFAULTED.equals(wabHeadersPropertyValue)) {
-                strictWABHeaders = false;
-                this.logger.info("Property '%s' has value [defaulted]", new String[] { PROPERTY_WAB_HEADERS });
-            } else if (!PROPERTY_VALUE_WAB_HEADERS_STRICT.equals(wabHeadersPropertyValue)) {
-                this.logger.error("Property '%s' has invalid value '%s'", new String[] { PROPERTY_WAB_HEADERS, wabHeadersPropertyValue });
-            }
-        }
-        return strictWABHeaders;
-    }
-    public void bindWebBundleManifestTransformer(WebBundleManifestTransformer transformer) {
-        this.webBundleManifestTransformer = transformer;
-    }
-    public void unbindWebBundleManifestTransformer(WebBundleManifestTransformer transformer) {
-        this.webBundleManifestTransformer = null;
-    }
-    public void bindEventLogger(EventLogger logger) {
-        this.eventLogger = logger;
-    }
-    public void unbindEventLogger(EventLogger logger) {
-        this.eventLogger = null;
-    }
-    public void bindPackageAdmin(PackageAdmin packageAdmin) {
-        this.packageAdmin = packageAdmin;
-    }
-    public void unbindPackageAdmin(PackageAdmin packageAdmin) {
-        this.packageAdmin = null;
-    }
-    public void bindKernelConfig(KernelConfig kernelConfig) {
-        this.kernelConfig = kernelConfig;
-    }
-    public void unbindKernelConfig(KernelConfig kernelConfig) {
-        this.kernelConfig = null;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean install(URI uri) {
-        this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_INSTALLING, new File(uri).toString());
-        final String warName = extractWarNameFromString(uri.toString());
-        final File deployedFile = new File(uri);
-        final File warDir = new File(this.webAppsDir, warName);
-        deleteStatusFile(warName, this.pickupDir);
-        final long lastModified = deployedFile.lastModified();
-        if (!canWrite(uri)) {
-            this.logger.error("Cannot open the file " + uri + " for writing. The configured timeout is " + this.largeFileCopyTimeout + ".");
-            createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_ERROR, -1L, lastModified);
-            this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_INSTALLING_ERROR, uri);
-            return false;
-        }
-        final Bundle installed;
-        try {
-            // extract the war file to the webapps directory
-            JarUtils.unpackTo(new PathReference(deployedFile), new PathReference(warDir));
-            // make the manifest transformation in the unpacked location
-            transformUnpackedManifest(warDir, warName);
-            // install the bundle
-            installed = this.bundleContext.installBundle(createInstallLocation(warDir));
-            this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_INSTALLED, installed.getSymbolicName(), installed.getVersion());
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_INSTALLING_ERROR, e, uri);
-            createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_ERROR, -1L, lastModified);
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean start(URI uri) {
-        Bundle bundle = getInstalledBundle(uri);
-        final String warName = extractWarNameFromString(uri.toString());
-        deleteStatusFile(warName, this.pickupDir);
-        final long lastModified = new File(uri).lastModified();
-        this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_WEB_STARTING, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-        try {
-            bundle.start();
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_STARTING_ERROR, e, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-            createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_ERROR, bundle.getBundleId(), lastModified);
-            return STATUS_ERROR;
-        }
-        this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_WEB_STARTED, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-        // now update bundle's info
-        if (!updateBundlesInfo(bundle)) {
-            createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_ERROR, bundle.getBundleId(), lastModified);
-            return STATUS_ERROR;
-        }
-        createStatusFile(warName, OP_DEPLOY, STATUS_OK, bundle.getBundleId(), lastModified);
-        return STATUS_OK;
-    }
-    private boolean updateBundlesInfo(Bundle bundle) {
-        if (this.logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
-            this.logger.info("Bundles info will be updated for web app bundle with simbolic name '" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + "' .");
-        }
-        try {
-            if (this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil != null && this.bundleInfosUpdaterUtil.isAvailable()) {
-                registerToBundlesInfo(bundle);
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            this.eventLogger.log(NanoWARDeployerLogEvents.NANO_PERSIST_ERROR, e, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getVersion());
-            return STATUS_ERROR;
-        }
-        return STATUS_OK;
-    }
-    private Bundle getInstalledBundle(URI path) {
-        final String warName = extractWarNameFromString(path.toString());
-        final File warDir = new File(this.webAppsDir, warName);
-        if (!warDir.exists()) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        return this.bundleContext.getBundle(createInstallLocation(warDir));
-    }
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/virgo/nano/war/deployer/WebBundleUtils.java b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/virgo/nano/war/deployer/WebBundleUtils.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ce7a45..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/java/org/eclipse/virgo/nano/war/deployer/WebBundleUtils.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer;
-import org.eclipse.gemini.web.internal.WebContainerUtils;
-import org.eclipse.virgo.util.osgi.manifest.BundleManifest;
-import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
-public class WebBundleUtils {
-    /**
-     * Determines whether the given manifest represents a web application bundle. According to the R4.2 Enterprise
-     * Specification, this is true if and only if the manifest contains any of the headers in Table 128.3:
-     * Bundle-SymbolicName, Bundle-Version, Bundle-ManifestVersion, Import-Package, Web-ContextPath. Note: there is no
-     * need to validate the manifest as if it is invalid it will cause an error later.
-     * 
-     * @param manifest the bundle manifest
-     * @return <code>true</code> if and only if the given manifest represents a web application bundle
-     */
-    public static boolean isWebApplicationBundle(BundleManifest manifest) {
-        return specifiesBundleSymbolicName(manifest) || specifiesBundleVersion(manifest) || specifiesBundleManifestVersion(manifest)
-            || specifiesImportPackage(manifest) || specifiesWebContextPath(manifest);
-    }
-    private static boolean specifiesBundleSymbolicName(BundleManifest manifest) {
-        return manifest.getBundleSymbolicName().getSymbolicName() != null;
-    }
-    private static boolean specifiesBundleVersion(BundleManifest manifest) {
-        return manifest.getHeader(Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION) != null;
-    }
-    private static boolean specifiesBundleManifestVersion(BundleManifest manifest) {
-        return manifest.getBundleManifestVersion() != 1;
-    }
-    private static boolean specifiesImportPackage(BundleManifest manifest) {
-        return !manifest.getImportPackage().getImportedPackages().isEmpty();
-    }
-    private static boolean specifiesWebContextPath(BundleManifest manifest) {
-        return manifest.getHeader(WebContainerUtils.HEADER_WEB_CONTEXT_PATH) != null;
-    }
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/resources/EventLogMessages.properties b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/resources/EventLogMessages.properties
deleted file mode 100644
index c7f4f47..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/resources/EventLogMessages.properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#Nano war deployer
-DE0001I = Installing from '{}'.
-DE0002I = Installed web bundle '{}' version '{}'.
-DE0005I = Stopping web bundle '{}' version '{}'.
-DE0006I = Stopped web bundle '{}' version '{}'.
-DE0007I = Uninstalling web bundle '{}' version '{}'.
-DE0008I = Uninstalled web bundle '{}' version '{}'.
-DE0009I = Starting web bundle '{}' version '{}'.
-DE0010I = Started web bundle '{}' version '{}'.
-DE0011E = Failed to install file with path '{}'. See the logs for more information.
-DE0012E = Failed to start web bundle '{}' version '{}'. See the logs for more information.
-DE0013E = Failed to update file with path '{}'. See the logs for more information.
-DE0014W = Failed to persist web bundle '{}' version '{}' in bundles.info. The bundle is available but will be removed after the next restart. Check the logs for more information.
-DE0015I = Updating web bundle '{}' version '{}'.
-DE0016I = Updated web bundle '{}' version '{}'.
-DE0017E = Failed to update web bundle '{}' version '{}'. See the logs for more information.
-DE0018E = Failed to undeploy web bundle '{}' version '{}'. See the logs for more information.
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/virgo.nano.war.deployer.component.xml b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/virgo.nano.war.deployer.component.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f76f9b..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/resources/OSGI-INF/virgo.nano.war.deployer.component.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<component name="virgo.nano.war.deployer.component" immediate="true" xmlns:src="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/src/v1.1.0">
-	<implementation class="org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer.WARDeployer"/>
-	<reference name="EventLogger"
-		interface="org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.EventLogger"
-		policy="static" 
-		cardinality="1..1" 
-		bind="bindEventLogger" 
-		unbind="unbindEventLogger"/>
-	<reference name="PackageAdmin"
-		interface="org.osgi.service.packageadmin.PackageAdmin"
-		policy="static" 
-		cardinality="1..1" 
-		bind="bindPackageAdmin" 
-		unbind="unbindPackageAdmin"/>
-	<reference name="WBMT"
-		interface="org.eclipse.gemini.web.core.WebBundleManifestTransformer"  
-		policy="static" 
-		cardinality="1..1" 
-		bind="bindWebBundleManifestTransformer" 
-		unbind="unbindWebBundleManifestTransformer"/>
-	<reference name="KernelConfig"
-		interface="org.eclipse.virgo.nano.core.KernelConfig"  
-		policy="static" 
-		cardinality="1..1" 
-		bind="bindKernelConfig" 
-		unbind="unbindKernelConfig"/>
- <service>
-    <provide interface="org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer.SimpleDeployer"/>
- </service>
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/resources/about.html b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/resources/about.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c258ef5..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/main/resources/about.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
-    "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
-<body lang="EN-US">
-<h2>About This Content</h2>
-<p>June 5, 2006</p>	
-<p>The Eclipse Foundation makes available all content in this plug-in (&quot;Content&quot;).  Unless otherwise 
-indicated below, the Content is provided to you under the terms and conditions of the
-Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 (&quot;EPL&quot;).  A copy of the EPL is available 
-at <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html">http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html</a>.
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/test/java/.gitignore b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/test/java/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/test/java/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/test/resources/test/dummy.txt b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/test/resources/test/dummy.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f26b63..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/src/test/resources/test/dummy.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/template.mf b/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/template.mf
deleted file mode 100644
index a134b7d..0000000
--- a/org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer/template.mf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Manifest-Version: 1.0
-Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
-Bundle-Name: Virgo Nano WAR Deployer
-Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.virgo.nano.war.deployer
-Bundle-Version: ${version}
-Service-Component: OSGI-INF/virgo.nano.war.deployer.component.xml
- org.eclipse.virgo.nano.*;version="${version:[=.=.=, =.+1)}",
- org.eclipse.virgo.util.*;version="${org.eclipse.virgo.util:[=.=.=, =.+1)}",
- org.eclipse.virgo.medic.*;version="${org.eclipse.virgo.medic:[=.=.=, =.+1)}",
- org.eclipse.gemini.web.core;version="0",
- org.osgi.framework.*;version="0",
- org.osgi.service.component;version="0",
- org.osgi.service.packageadmin;version="0",
- org.slf4j;version="0"
- *