How to build Virgo locally

Getting the Code

The Virgo source code is managed with Git and hosted at the Eclipse Foundation. All Virgo related repositories are listed here.

$ git clone git:// virgo
$ cd virgo
$ git submodule update --init

For the impatient

Since 3.7.0.M02 Virgo is built with Gradle.

Running the default tasks with ./gradlew will

  • compile the Virgo sources
  • create a temporary p2 repository
  • and package the Virgo deliverables.

Build the Virgo deliverables

To build distributable zipped files run:

$ ./gradlew clean jar build distZip fullDistZip rapDistZip

There is an additional task to install the zips, too. This comes quite handy to quickly check the distributables:

$ ./gradlew installDist installFullDist installRapDist

To speed up local builds you can skip some time-consuming processes like follows:

  • -Dskip.normalize.bundles=true
  • -Dskip.local.signing=true
  • -Dskip.compress.bundles=true

If you are only interested in the distribution(s) you might additionally want to skip some Gradle tasks, too: -x test -x findBugsMain -x findBugsTest.

A simple local build can be done using the following command:

$ ./gradlew -Dskip.normalize.bundles=true -Dskip.local.signing=true -Dskip.compress.bundles=true clean jar build distZip fullDistZip -x test

Run the basic smoke tests


Upload a p2 update site

You can upload the create p2 update site with ./gradlew uploadUpdateSite. This will

  • normalize, compress and sign
  • then upload the bundles into a composite repository at

Please review the configuration located in org.eclipse.virgo.updatesite/ You can test your setup with ./gradlew testEclipseConnection:

$ ./gradlew testEclipseConnection
eclipseDotOrg|Linux build 3.0.101-0.47.52-default #1 SMP Thu Mar 26 10:55:49 UTC 2015 (0e3c7c8) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Linux build 3.0.101-0.47.52-default #1 SMP Thu Mar 26 10:55:49 UTC 2015 (0e3c7c8) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


Total time: 12.935 secs

Once the configuration is successfully tested you can do the actual upload of a snapshot site with ./gradlew uploadUpdateSite.

$ ./gradlew clean uploadUpdateSite
Generating metadata for ..
Generation completed with success [3 seconds].
Generating metadata for ..
Generation completed with success [0 seconds].
> Building 99% >