blob: 88a4aa69ed3e80ca6bcbc557d04328425dd381f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 WSO2 Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* WSO2 Inc. - initial API and implementation
* yyyymmdd bug Email and other contact information
* -------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------
* 20070130 168762 - Lahiru Sandakith, Initial code to introduse the Axis2
* runtime to the framework for 168762
public class PluginLocationFinderUtil {
// /**
// *
// * @return returns a Vector containing PluginData objects.
// * Each PluginData object represents a Plugin found under any of the following
// * plugin directories
// * a. the targetPlatformLocation\eclipse\plugins directory,
// * b. other plugin directories as specified by *.link files under
// * targetPlatform\eclipse\links directory
// **/
// public static Vector getPluginsInTargetPlatform(){
// /**
// //step1: Get path of target platform.
// //step2: Prepare path of links folder.
// //step3: Get list of files in links folder.
// //step4: Parse each link file and get the path of linked Eclipse folder.
// //step5: Prepare a list of all plugin root folders
// // (Eclipse plugins and linked Eclipse plugins).
// //step6: 6a. For each plugin root folder,
// // 6b. go to each plugin directory and get path of plugin.xml.
// //step7: Parse the plugin.xml file to get plugin id, plugin version,
// // and store in vectors, lists, etc.
// //step8: Go back to step 6 to continue with next plugin directory.
// **/
// //step1: Get path of target platform.
// //Fall back to Eclipse install location if targetplatform in not set.
// URL platFormURL = Platform.getInstallLocation().getURL();
// Location location = Platform.getInstallLocation();
// IPath eclipsePath = null ;
// //Get path of target platform against which the users of this tool
// //will compile their code.
//// IPath targetPlatFormLocation = new Path(getTargetPlatformPath(true));
//// IPath targetPlatFormLocation = new Path(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
//// if(_useTargetPlatform == false)
// eclipsePath = new Path(platFormURL.getPath());
//// else
//// eclipsePath = targetPlatFormLocation;
//// showMessage("Considering target platform to be: " +
//// eclipsePath.toString());
// //step2: Prepare path of links folder.
// //step3: Get list of files in links folder.
// //step4: Parse each link file and get the path of linked Eclipse folder.
// IPath linksPath = new Path( eclipsePath.toString() ).append("/links");
// String linkedPaths[] = getLinkedPaths(linksPath.toString());
// int linkedPathLength = 0;
// if(null != linkedPaths){
// linkedPathLength = linkedPaths.length;
// }
// //step5: Prepare a list of all plugin root folders
// // (Eclipse plugins and linked Eclipse plugins).
// IPath eclipsePluginRootFolders[] = new IPath[linkedPathLength + 1];
// eclipsePluginRootFolders[0] =
// new Path( eclipsePath.toString() ).append("/plugins");
// if(null != linkedPaths){
// for(int i=0; i<linkedPaths.length; i++){
// eclipsePluginRootFolders[i+1] =
// new Path(linkedPaths[i]).append("/eclipse/plugins");
// }
// }
// //step6: 6a. For each plugin root folder,
// // 6b. go to each plugin directory and get path of plugin.xml.
// //step7: Parse the plugin.xml file to get plugin id, plugin version,
// // and store in vectors, lists, etc.
// Vector vectorsInThisVector = new Vector();
// for(int i=0; i<eclipsePluginRootFolders.length; i++){
// System.out.println("\n========plugin IDs and Versions in " +
// eclipsePluginRootFolders[i] + "========");
// Vector pluginDataObjs =
// getPluginDataForAllPlugins(
// eclipsePluginRootFolders[i].toString());
// vectorsInThisVector.add(pluginDataObjs);
// System.out.println(pluginDataObjs);
// System.out.println("\n===========|||=== end ===|||===========");
// }
// Vector pluginData = new Vector();
// Iterator outerIterator = vectorsInThisVector.iterator();
// while(outerIterator.hasNext()){
// Vector pluginDataObjs = (Vector);
// Iterator innerIterator = pluginDataObjs.iterator();
// while(innerIterator.hasNext()){
// PluginData pd = (PluginData);
// String pluginIdKey = pd.getPluginID();
// String versionValue = pd.getPluginVersion();
// String pluginPath = pd.getPluginLocation();
// pluginData.add(pd);
// }
// }
// int breakpoint=0;
// return pluginData;
// }