blob: 595f82d26eeeda6bbeec34b9f78f00ec310bf2a5 [file] [log] [blame]
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title="Generate a JAX-WS SEI and a skeleton implementation bean from a WSDL document using Apache CXF">
This cheat sheet will demonstrate how to use the Web Services wizard to generate a JAX-WS Service Endpoint Interface and a skeleton implementation bean from a WSDL document using the Apache CXF runtime.
If you need help at any step, click the help button in the top right corner (?).
title="Create or import a WSDL document">
Create or import a WSDL file into the Web Content folder of the Web project. The WSDL document must have a valid service element.
title="Generate a JAX-WS SEI and a skeleton implementation bean from the WSDL document">
To generate a JAX-WS SEI and a skeleton implementation bean from a WSDL document perform the following steps:
label="Select &quot;File -&gt; New -&gt; Other...&quot; from the main menu, expand the &quot;Web Services&quot; category and select &quot;Web Service&quot;. Click &quot;OK&quot; to launch the Web Services wizard or select the &quot;Click to perform&quot; button to do this automatically.">
label="Select &quot;Top down Java bean Web Service&quot; as the &quot;Web service type&quot;.">
label="Browse to select the Service definition.">
label="Verify that &quot;Apache CXF 2.x&quot; is selected as the Web service runtime.">
label="Move the service slider to the &quot;Develop service&quot; stage.">
label="Accept all other default values on this page and click &quot;Next &gt;&quot;.">
label="On the Apache CXF WSDL to Java page accept the defaults and click &quot;Next &gt;&quot;.">
label="Select &quot;Generate Implementation&quot; on the WSDL to Java preference override page and click &quot;Finish&quot;.">