blob: 90eef0cd930021efa247f89b180c8ab4bc79da2f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 BEA Systems, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Konstantin Komissarchik - initial implementation and ongoing maintenance
* David Schneider, - [142500] WTP properties pages fonts don't follow Eclipse preferences
package org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static;
import static org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.util.GridLayoutUtil.gdfill;
import static org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.util.GridLayoutUtil.gdhalign;
import static org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.util.GridLayoutUtil.gdhfill;
import static org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.util.GridLayoutUtil.gdhhint;
import static org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.util.GridLayoutUtil.gdhspan;
import static org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.util.GridLayoutUtil.gdwhint;
import static;
import static org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.util.SwtUtil.getPreferredWidth;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdapterManager;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.CompositeImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageRegistry;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckStateChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxTreeViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxCellEditor;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ICellModifier;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ICheckStateListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProviderListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITableLabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerSorter;
import org.eclipse.jface.window.ToolTip;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.SashForm;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeColumn;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IActionConfig;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.ICategory;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IConstraint;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IPreset;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IProjectFacet;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IProjectFacetVersion;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.ProjectFacetsManager;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.IFacetedProject.Action;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.runtime.IRuntime;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.IDecorationsProvider;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.IWizardContext;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.AbstractDataModel.IDataModelListener;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.ChangeTargetedRuntimesDataModel.IRuntimeFilter;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.util.BasicToolTip;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.ui.internal.util.HeaderToolTip;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
* @author <a href="">Konstantin Komissarchik</a>
public final class FacetsSelectionPanel
extends Composite
implements ISelectionProvider
private static final String FACET_COLUMN = "facet"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String VERSION_COLUMN = "version"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String WIDTH = "width"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String HEIGHT = "height"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String CW_FACET = "cw.facet"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String CW_VERSION = "cw.version"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String SASH1W1 = "sash.1.weight.1"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String SASH1W2 = "sash.1.weight.2"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String SASH2W1 = "sash.2.weight.1"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String SASH2W2 = "sash.2.weight.2"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String IMG_ERROR = "##error##"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String IMG_WARNING = "##warning##"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String IMG_DOWN_ARROW = "##down-arrow##"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private final IDialogSettings settings;
private final Composite topComposite;
private final SashForm sform1;
private final SashForm sform2;
private final Label presetsLabel;
private final Combo presetsCombo;
private final Button savePresetButton;
private final Button deletePresetButton;
private final CheckboxTreeViewer treeViewer;
private final Tree tree;
private final TreeColumn colFacet;
private final TreeColumn colVersion;
private final Menu popupMenu;
private final MenuItem popupMenuConstraints;
private final ComboBoxCellEditor ceditor;
private final FixedFacetToolTip fixedFacetToolTip;
private final TableViewer problemsView;
private final RuntimesPanel runtimesPanel;
private final Button showHideRuntimesButton;
private final IWizardContext context;
* Contains the <code>TableRowData</code> objects representing all of the
* facets, regardless whether they are displayed or not.
private final List<TableRowData> data;
private final Set<IProjectFacetVersion> base;
private final Set<Action> actions;
private Object oldSelection;
private IStatus problems;
private final List<Listener> listeners;
private final List<ISelectionChangedListener> selectionListeners;
private final ModifyFacetedProjectDataModel model;
* Holds images used throughout the panel.
private final ImageRegistry imageRegistry;
public interface IFilter
boolean check( IProjectFacetVersion fv );
public FacetsSelectionPanel( final Composite parent,
final int style,
final IWizardContext context,
final Set<IProjectFacetVersion> base,
final ModifyFacetedProjectDataModel model )
super( parent, style );
this.context = context; = new ArrayList<TableRowData>();
this.model = model;
this.base = ( base == null ? new HashSet<IProjectFacetVersion>() : base );
this.actions = new HashSet<Action>();
this.oldSelection = null;
this.problems = Status.OK_STATUS;
this.listeners = new ArrayList<Listener>();
this.selectionListeners = new ArrayList<ISelectionChangedListener>();
for( IProjectFacet f : ProjectFacetsManager.getProjectFacets() )
{ new TableRowData( f ) );
catch( CoreException e )
FacetUiPlugin.log( e );
// Initialize the image registry.
this.imageRegistry = new ImageRegistry();
final Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle( FacetUiPlugin.PLUGIN_ID );
URL url = bundle.getEntry( "images/error.gif" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.imageRegistry.put( IMG_ERROR, ImageDescriptor.createFromURL( url ) );
url = bundle.getEntry( "images/warning.gif" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.imageRegistry.put( IMG_WARNING, ImageDescriptor.createFromURL( url ) );
url = bundle.getEntry( "images/down-arrow.gif" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.imageRegistry.put( IMG_DOWN_ARROW, ImageDescriptor.createFromURL( url ) );
// Read the dialog settings.
final IDialogSettings root
= FacetUiPlugin.getInstance().getDialogSettings();
IDialogSettings temp = root.getSection( getClass().getName() );
if( temp == null )
temp = root.addNewSection( getClass().getName() );
if( temp.get( WIDTH ) == null ) temp.put( WIDTH, 600 );
if( temp.get( HEIGHT ) == null ) temp.put( HEIGHT, 300 );
if( temp.get( SASH1W1 ) == null ) temp.put( SASH1W1, 60 );
if( temp.get( SASH1W2 ) == null ) temp.put( SASH1W2, 40 );
if( temp.get( SASH2W1 ) == null ) temp.put( SASH2W1, 70 );
if( temp.get( SASH2W2 ) == null ) temp.put( SASH2W2, 30 );
this.settings = temp;
// Layout the panel.
final GridLayout layout = new GridLayout( 1, false );
layout.marginWidth = 0;
layout.marginHeight = 0;
setLayout( layout );
final GridData topgd = gdfill();
topgd.heightHint = this.settings.getInt( HEIGHT );
topgd.widthHint = this.settings.getInt( WIDTH );
this.topComposite = new Composite( this, SWT.NONE );
this.topComposite.setLayout( new GridLayout( 4, false ) );
this.topComposite.setLayoutData( topgd );
new Listener()
public void handleEvent( final Event event )
final Point size
= FacetsSelectionPanel.this.topComposite.getSize();
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.settings.put( WIDTH, size.x );
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.settings.put( HEIGHT, size.y );
this.presetsLabel = new Label( this.topComposite, SWT.NONE );
this.presetsLabel.setText( Resources.presetsLabel );
this.presetsCombo = new Combo( this.topComposite, SWT.READ_ONLY );
this.presetsCombo.setLayoutData( gdhfill() );
syncWithPresetsModel( this.presetsCombo );
this.savePresetButton = new Button( this.topComposite, SWT.PUSH );
this.savePresetButton.setText( Resources.saveButtonLabel );
new SelectionAdapter()
public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e )
this.deletePresetButton = new Button( this.topComposite, SWT.PUSH );
this.deletePresetButton.setText( Resources.deleteButtonLabel );
new SelectionAdapter()
public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e )
final int width
= Math.max( getPreferredWidth( this.savePresetButton ),
getPreferredWidth( this.deletePresetButton ) ) + 15;
this.savePresetButton.setLayoutData( gdwhint( gd(), width ) );
this.deletePresetButton.setLayoutData( gdwhint( gd(), width ) );
this.sform1 = new SashForm( this.topComposite, SWT.HORIZONTAL | SWT.SMOOTH );
this.sform1.setLayoutData( gdhspan( gdfill(), 4 ) );
this.sform2 = new SashForm( this.sform1, SWT.VERTICAL | SWT.SMOOTH );
this.sform2.setLayoutData( gdhspan( gdfill(), 4 ) );
this.treeViewer = new CheckboxTreeViewer( this.sform2, SWT.BORDER );
this.tree = this.treeViewer.getTree();
this.tree.setHeaderVisible( true );
this.ceditor = new ComboBoxCellEditor( this.tree, new String[ 0 ], SWT.READ_ONLY );
this.treeViewer.setColumnProperties( new String[] { FACET_COLUMN, VERSION_COLUMN } );
this.treeViewer.setCellModifier( new CellModifier() );
this.treeViewer.setCellEditors( new CellEditor[] { null, this.ceditor } );
this.treeViewer.setContentProvider( new ContentProvider() );
this.treeViewer.setLabelProvider( new LabelProvider() );
this.treeViewer.setSorter( new Sorter() );
this.colFacet = new TreeColumn( this.tree, SWT.NONE );
this.colFacet.setText( Resources.facetColumnLabel );
this.colFacet.setResizable( true );
if( this.settings.get( CW_FACET ) == null )
this.settings.put( CW_FACET, computeDefaultFacetColumnWidth() );
this.colFacet.setWidth( this.settings.getInt( CW_FACET ) );
new Listener()
public void handleEvent( final Event event )
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.settings.put( CW_FACET, FacetsSelectionPanel.this.colFacet.getWidth() );
this.colVersion = new TreeColumn( this.tree, SWT.NONE );
this.colVersion.setText( Resources.versionColumnLabel );
this.colVersion.setResizable( true );
if( this.settings.get( CW_VERSION ) == null )
this.settings.put( CW_VERSION, computeDefaultVersionColumnWidth() );
this.colVersion.setWidth( this.settings.getInt( CW_VERSION ) );
new Listener()
public void handleEvent( final Event event )
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.settings.put( CW_VERSION, FacetsSelectionPanel.this.colVersion.getWidth() );
this.popupMenu = new Menu( getShell(), SWT.POP_UP );
this.popupMenuConstraints = new MenuItem( this.popupMenu, SWT.PUSH );
this.popupMenuConstraints.setText( Resources.showConstraints );
new SelectionAdapter()
public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e )
new FacetToolTip( this.tree );
new CategoryToolTip( this.tree );
this.fixedFacetToolTip = new FixedFacetToolTip( this.tree );
this.treeViewer.setInput( new Object() );
new ISelectionChangedListener()
public void selectionChanged( final SelectionChangedEvent e )
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.selectionChanged( e );
new ICheckStateListener()
public void checkStateChanged( final CheckStateChangedEvent e )
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.checkStateChanged( e );
new Listener()
public void handleEvent( final Event event )
handleMouseDownEvent( event );
new Listener()
public void handleEvent( final Event event )
handlePaintItemEvent( event );
this.problemsView = new TableViewer( this.sform2, SWT.BORDER );
this.problemsView.setContentProvider( new ProblemsContentProvider() );
this.problemsView.setLabelProvider( new ProblemsLabelProvider() );
this.problemsView.setInput( new Object() );
new Listener()
public void handleEvent( final Event event )
final int[] weights = FacetsSelectionPanel.this.sform2.getWeights();
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.settings.put( SASH2W1, weights[ 0 ] );
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.settings.put( SASH2W2, weights[ 1 ] );
final int[] weights2
= new int[] { this.settings.getInt( SASH2W1 ),
this.settings.getInt( SASH2W2 ) };
this.sform2.setWeights( weights2 );
= new RuntimesPanel( this.sform1, SWT.NONE,
this.model.getTargetedRuntimesDataModel() );
this.runtimesPanel.setLayoutData( gdhhint( gdhfill(), 80 ) );
new IRuntimeFilter()
public boolean check( final IRuntime runtime )
for( IProjectFacetVersion fv : getSelectedProjectFacets() )
if( ! runtime.supports( fv ) )
return false;
return true;
new Listener()
public void handleEvent( final Event event )
final ChangeTargetedRuntimesDataModel rdm
= getDataModel().getTargetedRuntimesDataModel();
new Listener()
public void handleEvent( final Event event )
final int[] weights = FacetsSelectionPanel.this.sform1.getWeights();
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.settings.put( SASH1W1, weights[ 0 ] );
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.settings.put( SASH1W2, weights[ 1 ] );
final int[] weights1
= new int[] { this.settings.getInt( SASH1W1 ),
this.settings.getInt( SASH1W2 ) };
this.sform1.setWeights( weights1 );
this.sform1.setMaximizedControl( this.sform2 );
this.showHideRuntimesButton = new Button( this.topComposite, SWT.PUSH );
this.showHideRuntimesButton.setText( Resources.showRuntimes );
GridData gd = gdhalign( gdhspan( gd(), 4 ), GridData.END );
gd = gdwhint( gd, getPreferredWidth( this.showHideRuntimesButton ) + 15 );
this.showHideRuntimesButton.setLayoutData( gd );
new SelectionAdapter()
public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e )
new DisposeListener()
public void widgetDisposed( final DisposeEvent e )
// Bind to the model.
new IDataModelListener()
public void handleEvent()
handleModelChangedEvent( ModifyFacetedProjectDataModel.EVENT_FIXED_FACETS_CHANGED );
new IDataModelListener()
public void handleEvent()
handleModelChangedEvent( ModifyFacetedProjectDataModel.EVENT_SELECTED_PRESET_CHANGED );
syncWithPresetsModel( this.presetsCombo );
new IDataModelListener()
public void handleEvent()
handleModelChangedEvent( ChangeTargetedRuntimesDataModel.EVENT_TARGETED_RUNTIMES_CHANGED );
public ModifyFacetedProjectDataModel getDataModel()
return this.model;
public boolean isSelectionValid()
return ( this.problems.getSeverity() != IStatus.ERROR );
public Set<Action> getActions()
return this.actions;
public Action getAction( final Action.Type type,
final IProjectFacetVersion f )
return getAction( this.actions, type, f );
private static Action getAction( final Set<Action> actions,
final Action.Type type,
final IProjectFacetVersion fv )
for( Action action : actions )
if( action.getType() == type && action.getProjectFacetVersion() == fv )
return action;
return null;
private static Action getAction( final Set<Action> actions,
final Action.Type type,
final IProjectFacet f )
for( Action action : actions )
if( action.getType() == type &&
action.getProjectFacetVersion().getProjectFacet() == f )
return action;
return null;
private Action createAction( final Set<Action> actions,
final Action.Type type,
final IProjectFacetVersion fv )
Action action = getAction( actions, type, fv );
if( action == null )
Object config = null;
if( fv.supports( this.base, type ) )
final IProjectFacet f = fv.getProjectFacet();
action = getAction( actions, type, f );
if( action != null )
final IProjectFacetVersion current
= action.getProjectFacetVersion();
if( fv.supports( this.base, type ) &&
current.supports( this.base, type ) &&
fv.getActionDefinition( this.base, type )
== current.getActionDefinition( this.base, type ) )
config = action.getConfig();
IActionConfig c = null;
if( config instanceof IActionConfig )
c = (IActionConfig) config;
else if( config != null )
final IAdapterManager m
= Platform.getAdapterManager();
final String t
= IActionConfig.class.getName();
c = (IActionConfig) m.loadAdapter( config, t );
if( c != null )
c.setVersion( fv );
if( config == null )
final String pjname = this.context.getProjectName();
config = this.context.getConfig(fv, type, pjname);
catch( CoreException e )
FacetUiPlugin.log( e );
action = new Action( type, fv, config );
return action;
public void setDefaultFacetsForRuntime( final IRuntime runtime )
final Set<IProjectFacetVersion> defaultFacets;
if( runtime != null )
defaultFacets = runtime.getDefaultFacets( this.model.getFixedFacets() );
catch( CoreException e )
FacetUiPlugin.log( e );
defaultFacets = new HashSet<IProjectFacetVersion>();
for( IProjectFacet f : this.model.getFixedFacets() )
defaultFacets.add( f.getDefaultVersion() );
setSelectedProjectFacets( defaultFacets );
this.model.setSelectedPreset( null );
public Set<IProjectFacetVersion> getSelectedProjectFacets()
final Set<IProjectFacetVersion> set = new HashSet<IProjectFacetVersion>();
for( TableRowData trd : )
if( trd.isSelected() )
set.add( trd.getCurrentVersion() );
return set;
public void setSelectedProjectFacets( final Set<IProjectFacetVersion> sel )
final List<TableRowData> toCheck = new ArrayList<TableRowData>();
final List<TableRowData> needsCategoryRefresh = new ArrayList<TableRowData>();
for( IProjectFacetVersion fv : sel )
final IProjectFacet f = fv.getProjectFacet();
final TableRowData trd = findTableRowData( f, true );
if( fv.getPluginId() == null )
trd.addUnknownVersion( fv );
trd.setSelected( true );
trd.setCurrentVersion( fv );
toCheck.add( trd );
needsCategoryRefresh.add( trd );
for( TableRowData trd : )
if( trd.isSelected() && ! sel.contains( trd.getCurrentVersion() ) )
trd.setSelected( false );
needsCategoryRefresh.add( trd );
this.treeViewer.setCheckedElements( toCheck.toArray() );
for( TableRowData trd : needsCategoryRefresh )
refreshCategoryState( trd );
public void setFixedProjectFacets( final Set<IProjectFacet> fixed )
this.model.setFixedFacets( fixed );
* @deprecated
public void selectPreset( final IPreset preset )
this.model.setSelectedPreset( preset.getId() );
public boolean setFocus()
return this.tree.setFocus();
public void addProjectFacetsListener( final Listener listener )
this.listeners.add( listener );
public void removeProjectFacetsListener( final Listener listener )
this.listeners.remove( listener );
private void notifyProjectFacetsListeners()
for( Listener listener : this.listeners )
listener.handleEvent( null );
public void addSelectionChangedListener( final ISelectionChangedListener listener )
this.selectionListeners.add( listener );
public void removeSelectionChangedListener( final ISelectionChangedListener listener )
this.selectionListeners.remove( listener );
public ISelection getSelection()
final IStructuredSelection ss
= (IStructuredSelection) this.treeViewer.getSelection();
Object sel = ss.getFirstElement();
if( sel instanceof TableRowData )
sel = ( (TableRowData) sel ).getProjectFacet();
if( sel == null )
return new StructuredSelection( new Object[ 0 ] );
return new StructuredSelection( sel );
public void setSelection( final ISelection selection )
final IStructuredSelection ss = (IStructuredSelection) selection;
final Object sel = ss.getFirstElement();
final ISelection ts;
if( sel == null )
ts = new StructuredSelection( new Object[ 0 ] );
if( sel instanceof IProjectFacet )
final TableRowData trd
= findTableRowData( (IProjectFacet) sel );
ts = new StructuredSelection( trd );
ts = selection;
this.treeViewer.setSelection( ts );
public void notifySelectionChangedListeners()
final SelectionChangedEvent event = new SelectionChangedEvent( this, getSelection() );
for( ISelectionChangedListener listener : this.selectionListeners )
listener.selectionChanged( event );
private ImageRegistry getImageRegistry()
return this.imageRegistry;
private void selectionChanged( final SelectionChangedEvent event )
final Object selection
= ( (IStructuredSelection) event.getSelection() ).getFirstElement();
if( selection != this.oldSelection )
this.oldSelection = selection;
private void checkStateChanged( final CheckStateChangedEvent event )
final Object el = event.getElement();
final boolean checked = event.getChecked();
if( el instanceof TableRowData )
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) el;
if( trd.isFixed() )
if( ! checked )
this.treeViewer.setChecked( el, true );
final String msg
= NLS.bind( Resources.couldNotDeselectFixedFacetMessage,
trd.getProjectFacet().getLabel() );
this.fixedFacetToolTip.setMessage( msg );
final Point cursorLocation = getDisplay().getCursorLocation(); this.tree.toControl( cursorLocation ) );
trd.setSelected( checked );
refreshCategoryState( trd );
final ContentProvider cp
= (ContentProvider) this.treeViewer.getContentProvider();
final Object[] children = cp.getChildren( el );
int selected = 0;
for( Object child : children )
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) child;
if( ! trd.isFixed() )
trd.setSelected( checked );
this.treeViewer.setChecked( trd, checked );
if( trd.isSelected() )
if( selected == 0 || selected == children.length )
this.treeViewer.setGrayed( el, false );
this.treeViewer.setGrayChecked( el, true );
this.model.setSelectedPreset( null );
private void updateValidationDisplay()
final Set<IProjectFacetVersion> sel = getSelectedProjectFacets();
final Set<Action> old = new HashSet<Action>( this.actions );
// What has been removed?
for( IProjectFacetVersion fv : this.base )
if( ! sel.contains( fv ) )
this.actions.add( createAction( old, Action.Type.UNINSTALL, fv ) );
// What has been added?
for( IProjectFacetVersion fv : sel )
if( ! this.base.contains( fv ) )
this.actions.add( createAction( old, Action.Type.INSTALL, fv ) );
// Coalesce uninstall/install pairs into version change actions, if
// possible.
final Set<Action> toadd = new HashSet<Action>();
final Set<Action> toremove = new HashSet<Action>();
for( Action action1 : this.actions )
for( Action action2 : this.actions )
if( action1.getType() == Action.Type.UNINSTALL &&
action2.getType() == Action.Type.INSTALL )
final IProjectFacetVersion f1 = action1.getProjectFacetVersion();
final IProjectFacetVersion f2 = action2.getProjectFacetVersion();
if( f1.getProjectFacet() == f2.getProjectFacet() )
toremove.add( action1 );
toremove.add( action2 );
toadd.add( createAction( old, Action.Type.VERSION_CHANGE, f2 ) );
this.actions.removeAll( toremove );
this.actions.addAll( toadd );
this.problems = calculateProblems();
if( this.problems.isOK() )
if( this.sform2.getMaximizedControl() == null )
this.sform2.setMaximizedControl( this.tree );
if( this.sform2.getMaximizedControl() != null )
this.sform2.setMaximizedControl( null );
private IStatus calculateProblems()
IStatus st = ProjectFacetsManager.check( this.base, this.actions );
for( IProjectFacetVersion fv : this.base )
final IProjectFacet f = fv.getProjectFacet();
String msg = null;
if( f.getPluginId() == null )
msg = NLS.bind( Resources.facetNotFound, f.getId() );
else if( fv.getPluginId() == null )
msg = NLS.bind( Resources.facetVersionNotFound, f.getId(),
fv.getVersionString() );
if( msg != null )
final IStatus sub
= new Status( IStatus.WARNING, FacetUiPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0,
msg, null );
final IStatus[] existing = st.getChildren();
final IStatus[] modified = new IStatus[ existing.length + 1 ];
System.arraycopy( existing, 0, modified, 0, existing.length );
modified[ existing.length ] = sub;
st = new MultiStatus( FacetUiPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, modified,
"", null ); //$NON-NLS-1$
return st;
private void refresh()
// Somehow the checked state of nested items gets lost when a refresh
// is performed, so we have to do this workaround.
final Object[] checked = this.treeViewer.getCheckedElements();
this.treeViewer.setCheckedElements( checked );
public void setCategoryExpandedState( final ICategory category,
final boolean expanded )
this.treeViewer.setExpandedState( category, expanded );
public void syncWithPresetsModel( final Combo combo )
final List<IPreset> sortedPresets = new ArrayList<IPreset>();
// Contents : model -> view
final IDataModelListener modelToViewContentsListener = new IDataModelListener()
public void handleEvent()
synchronized( sortedPresets )
sortedPresets.addAll( FacetsSelectionPanel.this.model.getAvailablePresets() );
new Comparator<IPreset>()
public int compare( final IPreset p1,
final IPreset p2 )
if( p1 == p2 )
return 0;
return p1.getLabel().compareTo( p2.getLabel() );
final IPreset selectedPreset
= FacetsSelectionPanel.this.model.getSelectedPreset();
combo.add( Resources.customPreset );
if( selectedPreset == null )
{ 0 );
for( IPreset preset : sortedPresets )
combo.add( preset.getLabel() );
if( preset == selectedPreset )
{ combo.getItemCount() - 1 );
this.model.addListener( ModifyFacetedProjectDataModel.EVENT_AVAILABLE_PRESETS_CHANGED,
modelToViewContentsListener );
// Selection : model -> view
new IDataModelListener()
public void handleEvent()
synchronized( sortedPresets )
final IPreset preset
= FacetsSelectionPanel.this.model.getSelectedPreset();
final int index;
if( preset == null )
index = -1;
index = sortedPresets.indexOf( preset );
} index + 1 );
// Selection : view -> model
new SelectionAdapter()
public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent e )
synchronized( sortedPresets )
final int selection = combo.getSelectionIndex();
final String presetId;
if( selection == 0 )
presetId = null;
presetId = sortedPresets.get( selection - 1 ).getId();
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.model.setSelectedPreset( presetId );
// Trigger initial UI population.
private void refreshCategoryState( final TableRowData trd )
final ICategory category = trd.getProjectFacet().getCategory();
if( category != null )
int selected = 0;
for( IProjectFacet f : category.getProjectFacets() )
final TableRowData ctrd = findTableRowData( f );
if( ctrd.isSelected() )
if( selected == 0 )
this.treeViewer.setChecked( category, false );
this.treeViewer.setGrayed( category, false );
else if( selected == category.getProjectFacets().size() )
this.treeViewer.setChecked( category, true );
this.treeViewer.setGrayed( category, false );
this.treeViewer.setGrayChecked( category, true );
private void refreshVersionsDropDown()
final TableRowData trd = getSelectedTableRowData();
if( trd == null )
final List<IProjectFacetVersion> versions = trd.getVersions();
final String[] verstrs = new String[ versions.size() ];
for( int i = 0, n = versions.size(); i < n; i++ )
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = versions.get( i );
verstrs[ i ] = fv.getVersionString();
this.ceditor.setItems( verstrs );
for( int i = 0, n = versions.size(); i < n; i++ )
if( versions.get( i ) == trd.getCurrentVersion() )
this.ceditor.setValue( new Integer( i ) );
private TableRowData getSelectedTableRowData()
final IStructuredSelection ssel
= (IStructuredSelection) this.treeViewer.getSelection();
if( ssel != null && ! ssel.isEmpty() )
final Object obj = ssel.getFirstElement();
if( obj instanceof TableRowData )
return (TableRowData) obj;
return null;
private TableRowData findTableRowData( final IProjectFacet f )
return findTableRowData( f, false );
private TableRowData findTableRowData( final IProjectFacet f,
final boolean createIfNecessary )
for( TableRowData trd : )
if( trd.getProjectFacet() == f )
return trd;
if( createIfNecessary )
final TableRowData trd = new TableRowData( f ); trd );
return trd;
catch( CoreException e )
FacetUiPlugin.log( e );
throw new IllegalStateException();
private void handleMouseDownEvent( final Event event )
final List<TreeItem> items = getAllTreeItems();
TreeItem onItem = null;
for( TreeItem item : items )
if( item.getBounds( 0 ).contains( event.x, event.y ) )
onItem = item;
if( item.getBounds( 1 ).contains( event.x, event.y ) )
this.tree.setSelection( new TreeItem[] { item } );
this.treeViewer.editElement( item.getData(), 1 );
if( onItem != null && onItem.getData() instanceof TableRowData )
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) onItem.getData();
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = trd.getCurrentVersion();
final IConstraint c = fv.getConstraint();
if( c.getType() == IConstraint.Type.AND &&
c.getOperands().size() == 0 )
this.popupMenuConstraints.setEnabled( false );
this.popupMenuConstraints.setEnabled( true );
this.tree.setMenu( this.popupMenu );
this.tree.setMenu( null );
private void handlePaintItemEvent( final Event event )
final TreeItem item = (TreeItem) event.item;
final Object itemData = item.getData();
if( itemData instanceof TableRowData && event.index == 1 )
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) itemData;
if( trd.getVersions().size() > 1 )
final Image arrowImage = getImageRegistry().get( IMG_DOWN_ARROW );
final Rectangle arrowImageBounds = arrowImage.getBounds();
final int columnWidth = this.colVersion.getWidth();
final int itemHeight = this.tree.getItemHeight();
int x, y;
x = event.x + columnWidth - arrowImageBounds.width - 10;
y = event.y;
event.gc.setBackground( item.getDisplay().getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_WHITE ) );
event.gc.fillRectangle( x, y, arrowImageBounds.width + 10, itemHeight );
y = event.y + ( itemHeight - arrowImageBounds.height ) / 2;
event.gc.drawImage( arrowImage, x, y );
private void handleDisposeEvent()
private void handleShowConstraints()
final TreeItem[] items = this.tree.getSelection();
if( items.length != 1 ) throw new IllegalStateException();
final TreeItem item = items[ 0 ];
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) item.getData();
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = trd.getCurrentVersion();
final Rectangle bounds = item.getBounds();
Point location = new Point( bounds.x, bounds.y + bounds.height );
location = this.tree.toDisplay( location );
final ConstraintDisplayDialog dialog
= new ConstraintDisplayDialog( getShell(), location,
fv.getConstraint() );;
private void handlePresetSelected()
final IPreset preset = this.model.getSelectedPreset();
if( preset != null )
final Set<TableRowData> selected = new HashSet<TableRowData>();
for( IProjectFacetVersion fv : preset.getProjectFacets() )
final TableRowData trd = findTableRowData( fv.getProjectFacet() );
if( ! trd.isSelected() )
this.treeViewer.setChecked( trd, true );
trd.setSelected( true );
refreshCategoryState( trd );
if( trd.getCurrentVersion() != fv )
trd.setCurrentVersion( fv );
this.treeViewer.update( trd, null );
selected.add( trd );
for( TableRowData trd : )
if( ! selected.contains( trd ) )
this.treeViewer.setChecked( trd, false );
trd.setSelected( false );
refreshCategoryState( trd );
private void handleSavePreset()
final Set<IProjectFacetVersion> facets = getSelectedProjectFacets();
final IPreset preset = SavePresetDialog.showDialog( getShell(), facets );
if( preset != null )
this.model.setSelectedPreset( preset.getId() );
private void handleDeletePreset()
final IPreset preset = this.model.getSelectedPreset();
this.model.setSelectedPreset( null );
ProjectFacetsManager.deletePreset( preset );
private void handleShowHideRuntimes()
if( this.sform1.getMaximizedControl() == null )
this.sform1.setMaximizedControl( this.sform2 );
this.showHideRuntimesButton.setText( Resources.showRuntimes );
this.sform1.setMaximizedControl( null );
this.showHideRuntimesButton.setText( Resources.hideRuntimes );
private void handleModelChangedEvent( final String event )
if( event.equals( ModifyFacetedProjectDataModel.EVENT_FIXED_FACETS_CHANGED ) )
for( TableRowData trd : )
trd.setFixed( false );
for( IProjectFacet f : this.model.getFixedFacets() )
final TableRowData trd = findTableRowData( f, true );
trd.setFixed( true );
trd.setSelected( true );
this.treeViewer.setChecked( trd, true );
else if( event.equals( ModifyFacetedProjectDataModel.EVENT_SELECTED_PRESET_CHANGED ) )
final IPreset preset = this.model.getSelectedPreset();
if( preset == null )
this.savePresetButton.setEnabled( true );
this.deletePresetButton.setEnabled( false );
this.savePresetButton.setEnabled( false );
this.deletePresetButton.setEnabled( preset.getType() == IPreset.Type.USER_DEFINED );
else if( event.equals( ChangeTargetedRuntimesDataModel.EVENT_TARGETED_RUNTIMES_CHANGED ) )
private List<TreeItem> getAllTreeItems()
final List<TreeItem> result = new ArrayList<TreeItem>();
getAllTreeItems( this.tree.getItems(), result );
return result;
private static void getAllTreeItems( final TreeItem[] items,
final List<TreeItem> result )
for( TreeItem item : items )
result.add( item );
getAllTreeItems( item.getItems(), result );
private TreeItem getTreeItem( final int x,
final int y )
return getTreeItemHelper( x, y, this.tree.getItems() );
private static TreeItem getTreeItemHelper( final int x,
final int y,
final TreeItem[] items )
for( TreeItem item : items )
if( item.getBounds().contains( x, y ) )
return item;
final TreeItem res = getTreeItemHelper( x, y, item.getItems() );
if( res != null )
return res;
return null;
/*private TreeItem getTreeItem( final Object modelObject )
for( TreeItem item : getAllTreeItems() )
if( item.getData().equals( modelObject ) )
return item;
return null;
private int computeDefaultFacetColumnWidth()
final GC gc = new GC( this.getDisplay() );
int maxFacetLabelWidth = 0;
gc.setFont( this.tree.getFont() );
for( IProjectFacet f : ProjectFacetsManager.getProjectFacets() )
maxFacetLabelWidth = max( maxFacetLabelWidth, gc.textExtent( f.getLabel() ).x );
return max( maxFacetLabelWidth + 100, 200 );
private int computeDefaultVersionColumnWidth()
final GC gc = new GC( this.getDisplay() );
int maxVersionStringWidth = 0;
final int columnLabelWidth;
gc.setFont( this.tree.getFont() );
for( IProjectFacet f : ProjectFacetsManager.getProjectFacets() )
for( IProjectFacetVersion fv : f.getVersions() )
final int textExtent = gc.textExtent( fv.getVersionString() ).x;
maxVersionStringWidth = max( maxVersionStringWidth, textExtent + 30 );
columnLabelWidth = gc.textExtent( Resources.versionColumnLabel ).x + 30;
return max( maxVersionStringWidth, columnLabelWidth );
private final class TableRowData
private IProjectFacet f;
private List<IProjectFacetVersion> allVersionsSorted;
private IProjectFacetVersion current;
private boolean isSelected;
private boolean isFixed;
public TableRowData( final IProjectFacet f )
throws CoreException
this.f = f;
// TODO: Remove this unnecessary copy.
this.allVersionsSorted = new ArrayList<IProjectFacetVersion>( f.getSortedVersions( false ) );
this.current = f.getDefaultVersion();
this.isSelected = false;
this.isFixed = false;
public IProjectFacet getProjectFacet()
return this.f;
public List<IProjectFacetVersion> getVersions()
final Set<IProjectFacetVersion> versions
= FacetsSelectionPanel.this.model.getAvailableFacets().get( this.f );
if( versions == null )
return Collections.emptyList();
final List<IProjectFacetVersion> sortedVersions
= new ArrayList<IProjectFacetVersion>( this.allVersionsSorted );
sortedVersions.retainAll( versions );
return sortedVersions;
public void addUnknownVersion( final IProjectFacetVersion fv )
final Comparator<String> c = this.f.getVersionComparator();
boolean added = false;
for( int i = 0, n = this.allVersionsSorted.size(); i < n; i++ )
final IProjectFacetVersion x = this.allVersionsSorted.get( i );
if( x.getVersionString(), fv.getVersionString() ) < 0 )
this.allVersionsSorted.add( i, fv );
added = true;
if( ! added )
this.allVersionsSorted.add( fv );
catch( CoreException e )
FacetUiPlugin.log( e );
public IProjectFacetVersion getCurrentVersion()
final Set<IProjectFacetVersion> versions
= FacetsSelectionPanel.this.model.getAvailableFacets().get( this.f );
if( versions == null )
if( this.current != null )
this.current = null;
if( ! versions.contains( this.current ) )
this.current = getVersions().get( 0 );
return this.current;
public void setCurrentVersion( final IProjectFacetVersion fv )
this.current = fv;
public boolean isSelected()
if( getVersions().isEmpty() )
this.isSelected = false;
return this.isSelected;
public void setSelected( final boolean isSelected )
this.isSelected = isSelected;
public boolean isFixed()
return this.isFixed;
public void setFixed( final boolean isFixed )
this.isFixed = isFixed;
public boolean isVisible()
return ! getVersions().isEmpty();
public String toString()
return this.current.toString();
private final class ContentProvider
implements ITreeContentProvider
public Object[] getElements( final Object element )
final List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
final Set<ICategory> categories = ProjectFacetsManager.getCategories();
for( ICategory cat : categories )
boolean visible = false;
for( IProjectFacet f : cat.getProjectFacets() )
if( findTableRowData( f ).isVisible() )
visible = true;
if( visible )
list.add( cat );
for( TableRowData trd : )
if( trd.getProjectFacet().getCategory() == null && trd.isVisible() )
list.add( trd );
return list.toArray();
public Object[] getChildren( final Object parent )
if( parent instanceof ICategory )
final ICategory category = (ICategory) parent;
final List<TableRowData> trds = new ArrayList<TableRowData>();
for( IProjectFacet f : category.getProjectFacets() )
final TableRowData trd = findTableRowData( f );
if( trd.isVisible() )
trds.add( trd );
return trds.toArray();
return new Object[ 0 ];
public Object getParent( final Object element )
if( element instanceof TableRowData )
final IProjectFacet f
= ( (TableRowData) element ).getProjectFacet();
return f.getCategory();
return null;
public boolean hasChildren( final Object element )
return ( element instanceof ICategory ) &&
! ( (ICategory) element ).getProjectFacets().isEmpty();
public void dispose() { }
public void inputChanged( final Viewer viewer,
final Object oldObject,
final Object newObject ) {}
private final class LabelProvider
implements ITableLabelProvider
public String getColumnText( final Object element,
final int column )
if( element instanceof ICategory )
if( column == 0 )
return ( (ICategory) element ).getLabel();
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) element;
switch( column )
case 0:
return trd.getProjectFacet().getLabel();
case 1:
return trd.getCurrentVersion().getVersionString();
throw new IllegalStateException();
public Image getColumnImage( final Object element,
final int column )
if( column != 0 )
return null;
String id;
IAdaptable obj;
boolean isFixed = false;
if( element instanceof TableRowData )
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) element;
final IProjectFacet f = trd.getProjectFacet();
isFixed = trd.isFixed;
id = ( isFixed ? "F:" : "f:" ) + f.getId(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
obj = f;
id = "c:" + ( (ICategory) element ).getId(); //$NON-NLS-1$
obj = (IAdaptable) element;
Image image = getImageRegistry().get( id );
if( image == null )
final IDecorationsProvider decprov
= (IDecorationsProvider) obj.getAdapter( IDecorationsProvider.class );
ImageDescriptor imgdesc = decprov.getIcon();
if( isFixed )
imgdesc = new FixedFacetImageDescriptor( imgdesc );
getImageRegistry().put( id, imgdesc );
image = getImageRegistry().get( id );
return image;
public boolean isLabelProperty( final Object obj,
final String s )
return false;
public void dispose() {}
public void addListener( final ILabelProviderListener listener ) {}
public void removeListener( ILabelProviderListener listener ) {}
private static final class FixedFacetImageDescriptor
extends CompositeImageDescriptor
private static final String OVERLAY_IMG_LOCATION
= "images/lock.gif"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final ImageData OVERLAY
= FacetUiPlugin.getImageDescriptor( OVERLAY_IMG_LOCATION ).getImageData();
private final ImageData base;
private final Point size;
public FixedFacetImageDescriptor( final ImageDescriptor base )
this.base = base.getImageData();
this.size = new Point( this.base.width, this.base.height );
protected void drawCompositeImage( final int width,
final int height )
drawImage( this.base, 0, 0 );
drawImage( OVERLAY, 0, height - OVERLAY.height );
protected Point getSize()
return this.size;
private final class CellModifier
implements ICellModifier
public Object getValue( final Object element,
final String property )
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) element;
if( property.equals( VERSION_COLUMN ) )
final List<IProjectFacetVersion> versions = trd.getVersions();
for( int i = 0, n = versions.size(); i < n; i++ )
if( versions.get( i ) == trd.getCurrentVersion() )
return new Integer( i );
return new IllegalStateException();
throw new IllegalStateException();
public boolean canModify( final Object element,
final String property )
return property.equals( VERSION_COLUMN ) &&
element instanceof TableRowData &&
( (TableRowData) element ).getVersions().size() > 1;
public void modify( final Object element,
final String property,
final Object value )
final TreeItem item = (TreeItem) element;
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) item.getData();
if( property.equals( VERSION_COLUMN ) )
final int index = ( (Integer) value ).intValue();
if( index != -1 )
final IProjectFacetVersion fv = trd.getVersions().get( index );
if( trd.getCurrentVersion() != fv )
trd.setCurrentVersion( fv );
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.treeViewer.update( trd, null );
if( trd.isSelected() )
FacetsSelectionPanel.this.model.setSelectedPreset( null );
throw new IllegalStateException();
private static final class Sorter
extends ViewerSorter
public int compare( final Viewer viewer,
final Object a,
final Object b )
return getLabel( a ).compareToIgnoreCase( getLabel( b ) );
private static String getLabel( final Object obj )
if( obj instanceof TableRowData )
return ( (TableRowData) obj ).getProjectFacet().getLabel();
return ( (ICategory) obj ).getLabel();
private final class FacetToolTip
extends HeaderToolTip
public FacetToolTip( final Control control )
super( control );
protected final boolean shouldCreateToolTip( final Event event )
final TreeItem treeItem = getTreeItem( event.x, event.y );
String description = null;
if( treeItem != null && treeItem.getBounds( 0 ).contains( event.x, event.y ) )
final Object treeItemData = treeItem.getData();
if( treeItemData instanceof TableRowData )
final IProjectFacetVersion fv
= ( (TableRowData) treeItemData ).getCurrentVersion();
description = fv.getProjectFacet().getDescription();
return ( description != null && description.trim().length() > 0 );
protected String getToolTipTitle( final Event event )
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) getTreeItem( event.x, event.y ).getData();
return trd.getCurrentVersion().toString();
protected Composite createContentArea( final Event event,
final Composite parent )
final Display display = parent.getDisplay();
final Composite composite = new Composite( parent, SWT.NONE );
composite.setLayout( gl( 1 ) );
composite.setBackground( display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_INFO_BACKGROUND ) );
final Label label = new Label( composite, SWT.WRAP );
label.setLayoutData( gdfill() );
label.setBackground( display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_INFO_BACKGROUND ) );
final TableRowData trd = (TableRowData) getTreeItem( event.x, event.y ).getData();
label.setText( trd.getCurrentVersion().getProjectFacet().getDescription() );
return composite;
private final class CategoryToolTip
extends HeaderToolTip
public CategoryToolTip( final Control control )
super( control );
protected final boolean shouldCreateToolTip( final Event event )
final TreeItem treeItem = getTreeItem( event.x, event.y );
String description = null;
if( treeItem != null && treeItem.getBounds( 0 ).contains( event.x, event.y ) )
final Object treeItemData = treeItem.getData();
if( treeItemData instanceof ICategory )
description = ( (ICategory) treeItemData ).getDescription();
return ( description != null && description.trim().length() > 0 );
protected String getToolTipTitle( final Event event )
return ( (ICategory) getTreeItem( event.x, event.y ).getData() ).getLabel();
protected Composite createContentArea( final Event event,
final Composite parent )
final Display display = parent.getDisplay();
final Composite composite = new Composite( parent, SWT.NONE );
composite.setLayout( gl( 1 ) );
composite.setBackground( display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_INFO_BACKGROUND ) );
final Label label = new Label( composite, SWT.WRAP );
label.setLayoutData( gdfill() );
label.setBackground( display.getSystemColor( SWT.COLOR_INFO_BACKGROUND ) );
final ICategory category = (ICategory) getTreeItem( event.x, event.y ).getData();
label.setText( category.getDescription() );
return composite;
private final class FixedFacetToolTip
extends BasicToolTip
private static final int FAKE_EVENT_TYPE = -9999;
public FixedFacetToolTip( final Control control )
super( control );
setPopupDelay( 0 );
public void show( final Point location )
// The JFace ToolTip class does not support alternative methods of tool tip activation.
// An enhancement request tracks
// this issue. When that enhancement request has been resolved, this hacky
// implementation should be replaced with something more sensible.
final Event fakeEvent = new Event();
fakeEvent.type = FAKE_EVENT_TYPE;
fakeEvent.x = location.x;
fakeEvent.y = location.y;
final Method method
= ToolTip.class.getDeclaredMethod( "toolTipCreate", Event.class ); //$NON-NLS-1$
method.setAccessible( true );
method.invoke( this, fakeEvent );
catch( Exception e )
FacetUiPlugin.log( e );
protected final boolean shouldCreateToolTip( final Event event )
return ( event.type == FAKE_EVENT_TYPE );
private final class ProblemsContentProvider
implements IStructuredContentProvider
public Object[] getElements( final Object element )
return FacetsSelectionPanel.this.problems.getChildren();
public void dispose() { }
public void inputChanged( final Viewer viewer,
final Object oldObject,
final Object newObject ) {}
private final class ProblemsLabelProvider
implements ITableLabelProvider
public String getColumnText( final Object element,
final int column )
return ( (IStatus) element ).getMessage();
public Image getColumnImage( final Object element,
final int column )
final IStatus st = (IStatus) element;
if( st.getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR )
return getImageRegistry().get( IMG_ERROR );
return getImageRegistry().get( IMG_WARNING );
public boolean isLabelProperty( final Object obj,
final String s )
return false;
public void dispose() {}
public void addListener( final ILabelProviderListener listener ) {}
public void removeListener( ILabelProviderListener listener ) {}
private static final class Resources
extends NLS
public static String presetsLabel;
public static String customPreset;
public static String saveButtonLabel;
public static String deleteButtonLabel;
public static String savePresetDialogTitle;
public static String savePresetDialogMessage;
public static String facetColumnLabel;
public static String versionColumnLabel;
public static String showConstraints;
public static String showRuntimes;
public static String hideRuntimes;
public static String couldNotDeselectFixedFacetMessage;
public static String facetNotFound;
public static String facetVersionNotFound;
initializeMessages( FacetsSelectionPanel.class.getName(),
Resources.class );
public static String bind( final String msg,
final Object arg1,
final Object arg2,
final Object arg3 )
return NLS.bind( msg, new Object[] { arg1, arg2, arg3 } );