blob: 6e98a3d76ff26aa600a0bf1e5fca2b472c2609a9 [file] [log] [blame]
presetsLabel = Configurations:\
customPreset = <custom>
saveButtonLabel = &Save
deleteButtonLabel = &Delete
savePresetDialogTitle = Save Configuration
savePresetDialogMessage = Enter the name for the configuration.
facetColumnLabel = Project Facet
versionColumnLabel = Version
showConstraints = Show Constraints...
showRuntimes = << Show &Runtimes
hideRuntimes = Hide &Runtimes >>
couldNotDeselectFixedFacetMessage = Project facet {0} cannot be deselected. It is critical to the proper function of this project.
facetNotFound = Implementation of project facet {0} could not be found. Functionality will be limited.
facetVersionNotFound = Implementation of version {1} of project facet {0} could not be found. Functionality will be limited.