blob: 3ec153b0130a5781d31374fcab5a60a8bd0ca2d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Created on Nov 24, 2004
* TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
package org.eclipse.wst.common.tests;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestFailure;
import junit.framework.TestResult;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
public class BaseTestCase extends TestCase {
private static boolean fFailOnLoggedStatus = true;
public BaseTestCase() {
* @param name
public BaseTestCase(String name) {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
public void setUpTest() throws Exception {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown()
public final void tearDownTest() throws Exception {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#runBare()
public final void runCoreTest() throws Throwable {
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
//TODO register any plugins with the JUnitLogListener here that you want to fail on when their log is written too
//EX: CommonTestsPlugin.instance.getLog().addLogListener(JUnitLogListener.INSTANCE);
//list of plugins whos logs if written to will cause JUnits to fail
// ArrayList<String> pluginIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
//TODO uncomment these to make tests start failing on logged errors
// pluginIDs.add(JEMUtilPlugin.ID);
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jst.common.annotations.controller");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jst.common.annotations.core");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jst.common.annotations.ui");
// pluginIDs.add(CommonFrameworksPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(EJBUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(J2EEPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(J2EECorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(EjbPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(ModelPlugin.PLUGINID);
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.annotations.emitter");
// pluginIDs.add(XDocletAnnotationPlugin.PLUGINID);
// pluginIDs.add(JcaPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(JCAUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(J2EENavigatorPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(J2EEUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(WebPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(WebServicePlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(WebServiceUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(JEEPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(Activator.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(J2EEUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(org.eclipse.jst.jee.web.Activator.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(ServletUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(PropertiesValidatorPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(BVTValidationPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(EcoreUtilitiesPlugin.ID);
// pluginIDs.add(EMFWorkbenchEditPlugin.ID);
// pluginIDs.add(WTPCommonPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(WTPUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(ModulecorePlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(ValidationPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(ValidationUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(WSTWebPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add(WSTWebUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.wst.xml.core");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jem");
// pluginIDs.add(BeaninfoPlugin.PI_BEANINFO_PLUGINID);
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jem.proxy");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jem.ui");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jem.workbench");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jem.tests");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jst.standard.schemas");
// pluginIDs.add(CommonTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.wst.common.tests.collector");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.wst.common.tests.ui");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core.tests");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.core.tests.performance");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests.performance");
// pluginIDs.add("org.eclipse.jst.servlet.tests");
// for(String pluginID : pluginIDs) {
// InternalPlatform.getDefault().getLog(InternalPlatform.getDefault().getBundle(pluginID)).addLogListener(JUnitLogListener.INSTANCE);
// }
* Set weather to fail junit tests on status logged to plugins registered with the <code>JUnitLogListener</code>
* Default value is set to true.
* @param failOnLoggedStatus
* if <code>true</code> then fail tests when statuses logged to plugins registered with <code>JUnitLogListener</code>,
* if <code>false</code> then dont fail on logged statuses.
protected static void failOnLoggedStatus(boolean failOnLoggedStatus) {
fFailOnLoggedStatus = failOnLoggedStatus;
public void run(TestResult result) {
} finally {
List <StackTraceElement> stackTrace = new ArrayList<StackTraceElement>();
//check to see if this test already failed with an error
//if so add error to stack trace
Enumeration errorsEnum = result.errors();
TestFailure errorOrFailure = null;
boolean hadError = false;
for(int i = 0; errorsEnum.hasMoreElements() && !hadError; i++) {
Object o = errorsEnum.nextElement();
errorOrFailure = (TestFailure)o;
if(errorOrFailure.failedTest() == this) {
hadError = true;
Throwable thrown = errorOrFailure.thrownException();
List<StackTraceElement> errorTrace = Arrays.asList(thrown.getStackTrace());
//check to see if this test already failed with a failure if it didn't
// fail with an error. if so add failure to stack trace
boolean hadFailure = false;
if(!hadError) {
Enumeration failuresEnum = result.failures();
for(int i = 0; failuresEnum.hasMoreElements() && !hadFailure; i++) {
Object o = failuresEnum.nextElement();
errorOrFailure = (TestFailure)o;
if(errorOrFailure.failedTest() == this) {
hadFailure = true;
Throwable thrown = errorOrFailure.thrownException();
List<StackTraceElement> failureTrace = Arrays.asList(thrown.getStackTrace());
//add any warnings to the stack trace and deal with if this test already failed
List <AssertionFailedError> warnings = AssertWarn.getWarnings();
boolean hadWarnings = warnings.size() != 0;
if(hadWarnings) {
int warningNum = 1;
List<StackTraceElement> warningTrace = null;
for(AssertionFailedError e : warnings){
stackTrace.add(new StackTraceElement("---------->","", "WARNING MESSAGE: " + e.getMessage() + ") (WARNING NUMBER", warningNum++));
warningTrace = Arrays.asList(e.getStackTrace());
//add any logged statuses to the stack trace, as long as fFailOnLoggedStatus == true
HashMap<IStatus,String> loggedStatuses = JUnitLogListener.INSTANCE.getLoggedStatuses();
boolean hadLoggedStatuses = loggedStatuses.size() != 0;
if(hadLoggedStatuses && fFailOnLoggedStatus) {
int loggedMessageNum = 1;
List<StackTraceElement> loggedMessageTrace = null;
Set<IStatus> loggedStatusesKeys = loggedStatuses.keySet();
String statusType;
for(IStatus status : loggedStatusesKeys) {
stackTrace.add(new StackTraceElement("---------->","", "LOGGED " + statusTypeToString(status.getSeverity()) + " STATUS: " + loggedStatuses.get(status) + ": " + status.getMessage() + ") (LOGGED STATUS NUMBER", loggedMessageNum++));
if(status.getException() != null) {
loggedMessageTrace = Arrays.asList(status.getException().getStackTrace());
//deal with making a new formated failure and added it to the result
String message = "";
String warningsMessage = "Test had " + warnings.size() + " warnings occur";
String loggedStatusesMessage = "Test logged " + loggedStatuses.size() + " statuses";
if(hadError || hadFailure) {
message = errorOrFailure.exceptionMessage();
if(hadWarnings) {
message += " (" + warningsMessage + ")";
if(hadLoggedStatuses && fFailOnLoggedStatus) {
message += " (" + loggedStatusesMessage + ")";
} else if(hadWarnings) {
message = warningsMessage;
if(hadLoggedStatuses && fFailOnLoggedStatus) {
message += " (" + loggedStatusesMessage + ")";
} else if(hadLoggedStatuses && fFailOnLoggedStatus) {
message = loggedStatusesMessage;
if(hadError || hadFailure || hadWarnings || (hadLoggedStatuses && fFailOnLoggedStatus)) {
AssertionFailedError error = new AssertionFailedError(message);
StackTraceElement[] stackTraceArray = stackTrace.toArray(new StackTraceElement[stackTrace.size()]);
if(hadError) {
result.addError(this, error);
} else {
result.addFailure(this, error);
private String statusTypeToString(int statusType) {
String sStatusType = "";
switch (statusType) {
case IStatus.ERROR :
sStatusType = "ERROR";
case IStatus.CANCEL :
sStatusType = "CANCEL";
case IStatus.WARNING :
sStatusType = "WARNING";
return sStatusType;