| org.eclipse.perfmsr.core code can be found in the perfmsr.jar loaded as binary in this |
| project. Since this is optional, we needed to be able to compile without the true |
| plugin being available. So we created the stub jar containing just what we needed. |
| |
| If there is a need to change anything in the stub jar, you will need to checkout |
| the folder org.eclipse.jem.util/org.eclipse.perfmsr.core.stub. This will then |
| be a separate project. You can then make the changes there, and then following the |
| README in that project to create and commit the changes. |
| |
| The jar is in this project's classpath, but it is not exported and is not in |
| the plugin.xml or build.properties. This means it will be available for compilation |
| but it won't show up in the runtime workbench. |
| |
| 05/13/2009 See bug 274534 "Can we remove org.eclipse.perfmsr.core" |
| Note: the optional prereq, |
| org.eclipse.perfmsr.core;bundle-version="1.0.0";resolution:=optional, |
| was removed since it was confusing to build or releng teams, who want to make |
| sure they _could_ get all the bundles, optional or not, if they wanted to. |
| Whereas this jar is more for diagnosing or checking performance issues ... nothing |
| that is done any longer on this code. The code itself hasn't been changed, so should be |
| easy to resurect if ever required in the future. If this code is ever changed drastically, |
| such as refactored, I'm not sure the old performance measurement code needs to be carried |
| forward, as I think there are newer methods of doing similar things, that wouldn't require |
| a "development time only" bundle as an optional pre-req. |