blob: 489af3763db7c5f154a9f7f96b50d3adef42ad2d [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- Validation settings for project -->
<context id="jvpp0000">
<description>The project validation page allows you to view or change the validation settings for a project. A validator is a tool that checks that resources conform to a specification, DTD, or some other set of rules.
Each validator can apply to certain types of files, certain project natures, and certain project facets. When a validator applies to a project facet or nature, the workbench uses that validator only on projects that have that facet or nature. Likewise, most validators apply only to certain types of files, so the workbench uses those validators only on those types of files.
Select the <b>Override validation preferences</b> check box if you want to override the default validation preferences set in the workbench Preferences page. If the <b>Override validation preferences</b> check box is not enabled, go to <b>Window</b> &gt; <b>Preferences</b> &gt; <b>Validation</b> and select the <b>Allow projects to override these preference settings</b> check box.
Select the <b>Suspend all validators</b> check box to prevent validation for this project.
In the list of validators, select the check boxes next to each validator you want to use for this project. Each validator has a check box to specify whether it is used on manual validation or on build validation. Choose an alternate implementation for a validator by clicking the button in the <b>Settings</b> column. Not all validators have alternate implementations.
<topic href="../org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.doc.user/topics/tjval.html" label="Validating code in enterprise applications"/>
<topic href="../org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.doc.user/topics/tjvalglobalpref.html" label="Overriding global validation preferences"/>
<topic href="../org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.doc.user/topics/rvalerr.html" label="Common validation errors and solutions"/>