| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| SearchLabelProvider_exact_singular={0} (1 match) |
| SearchLabelProvider_exact_noCount={0} |
| SearchLabelProvider_exact_and_potential_plural={0} ({1} matches: {2} exact, {3} potential) |
| SearchLabelProvider_potential_singular={0} (potential match) |
| SearchLabelProvider_potential_noCount={0} (potential match) |
| SearchLabelProvider_potential_plural={0} ({1} potential matches) |
| SearchLabelProvider_exact_plural={0} ({1} matches) |
| |
| group_search=S&earch |
| group_declarations= Dec&larations |
| group_references= Re&ferences |
| group_readReferences= &Read Access |
| group_writeReferences= &Write Access |
| group_implementors= &Implementors |
| group_occurrences= Occurre&nces in File |
| group_occurrences_quickMenu_noEntriesAvailable= <no entries available> |
| |
| Search_Error_search_title=Search Error |
| Search_Error_search_message=The search operation has reported problems |
| Search_Error_search_notsuccessful_message=The search operation has reported problems |
| Search_Error_javaElementAccess_title=Search Error |
| Search_Error_javaElementAccess_message=An error occurred while accessing a Java element |
| |
| Search_Error_search_notsuccessful_title=Search |
| |
| Search_Error_openEditor_title=Search Error |
| Search_Error_openEditor_message=Could not open the editor |
| |
| Search_Error_codeResolve= Code resolve error |
| |
| SearchElementSelectionDialog_title=Search |
| SearchElementSelectionDialog_message=Select the element to search for. |
| |
| SearchPage_searchFor_label= Search For |
| SearchPage_searchFor_type= &Type |
| SearchPage_searchFor_method= &Method |
| SearchPage_searchFor_field= &Field |
| SearchPage_searchFor_package= &Package |
| SearchPage_searchFor_constructor= Co&nstructor |
| |
| SearchPage_limitTo_label= Limit To |
| SearchPage_limitTo_declarations= Dec&larations |
| SearchPage_limitTo_implementors= &Implementors |
| SearchPage_limitTo_references= &References |
| SearchPage_limitTo_allOccurrences= All &Occurrences |
| SearchPage_limitTo_readReferences= Read A&ccess |
| SearchPage_limitTo_writeReferences= Writ&e Access |
| |
| SearchPage_expression_label= Se&arch string (* = any string, ? = any character): |
| SearchPage_expression_caseSensitive= Case sens&itive |
| |
| SearchPage_searchJRE_label=Search the JRE s&ystem libraries |
| |
| # Concatenate two working set names e.g. "Source, Lib" |
| SearchUtil_workingSetConcatenation= {0}, {1} |
| |
| Search_FindDeclarationAction_label= &Workspace |
| Search_FindDeclarationAction_tooltip= Search for Declarations of the Selected Element in the Workspace |
| |
| Search_FindDeclarationsInProjectAction_label= &Project |
| Search_FindDeclarationsInProjectAction_tooltip= Search for Declarations of the Selected Element in Resources in the Enclosing Project of the Selected Element |
| |
| Search_FindDeclarationsInWorkingSetAction_label= Working &Set... |
| Search_FindDeclarationsInWorkingSetAction_tooltip= Search for Declarations of the Selected Element in a Working Set |
| |
| Search_FindHierarchyDeclarationsAction_label= &Hierarchy |
| Search_FindHierarchyDeclarationsAction_tooltip= Search for Declarations of the Selected Element in its Hierarchy |
| |
| Search_FindImplementorsAction_label= &Workspace |
| Search_FindImplementorsAction_tooltip= Search for Implementors of the Selected Interface |
| |
| Search_FindImplementorsInProjectAction_label= &Project |
| Search_FindImplementorsInProjectAction_tooltip= Search for Implementors of the Selected Interface in Resources in the Enclosing Project of the Selected Element |
| |
| Search_FindImplementorsInWorkingSetAction_label= Working &Set... |
| Search_FindImplementorsInWorkingSetAction_tooltip= Search for Implementors of the Selected Interface in a Working Set |
| |
| Search_FindReferencesAction_label= &Workspace |
| Search_FindReferencesAction_tooltip= Search for References to the Selected Element in the Workspace |
| |
| Search_FindReferencesAction_BinPrimConstWarnDialog_title= Search for References to a Binary Constant |
| Search_FindReferencesAction_BinPrimConstWarnDialog_message= Matches to this constant will only be discovered in source files and binary files where the constant value is not inlined. |
| |
| Search_FindReferencesInProjectAction_label= &Project |
| Search_FindReferencesInProjectAction_tooltip= Search for References to the Selected Element in Resources in the Enclosing Project of the Selected Element |
| |
| Search_FindReferencesInWorkingSetAction_label= Working &Set... |
| Search_FindReferencesInWorkingSetAction_tooltip= Search for References to the Selected Element in a Working Set |
| |
| Search_FindHierarchyReferencesAction_label= &Hierarchy |
| Search_FindHierarchyReferencesAction_tooltip= Search for References of the Selected Element in its Hierarchy |
| |
| Search_FindReadReferencesAction_label= &Workspace |
| Search_FindReadReferencesAction_tooltip= Search for Read References to the Selected Element in the Workspace |
| |
| Search_FindReadReferencesInProjectAction_label= &Project |
| Search_FindReadReferencesInProjectAction_tooltip= Search for Read References to the Selected Element in Resources in the Enclosing Project of the Selected Element |
| |
| Search_FindReadReferencesInWorkingSetAction_label= Working &Set... |
| Search_FindReadReferencesInWorkingSetAction_tooltip= Search for Read References to the Selected Element in a Working Set |
| |
| Search_FindReadReferencesInHierarchyAction_label= &Hierarchy |
| Search_FindReadReferencesInHierarchyAction_tooltip= Search for Read References of the Selected Element in its Hierarchy |
| |
| Search_FindWriteReferencesAction_label= &Workspace |
| Search_FindWriteReferencesAction_tooltip= Search for Write References to the Selected Element in the Workspace |
| |
| Search_FindWriteReferencesInProjectAction_label= &Project |
| Search_FindWriteReferencesInProjectAction_tooltip= Search for Write References to the Selected Element in Resources in the Enclosing Project of the Selected Element |
| |
| Search_FindWriteReferencesInWorkingSetAction_label= Working &Set... |
| Search_FindWriteReferencesInWorkingSetAction_tooltip= Search for Write References to the Selected Element in a Working Set |
| |
| Search_FindWriteReferencesInHierarchyAction_label= &Hierarchy |
| Search_FindWriteReferencesInHierarchyAction_tooltip= Search for Write References of the Selected Element in its Hierarchy |
| |
| Search_FindOccurrencesInFile_shortLabel= &Identifier |
| Search_FindOccurrencesInFile_label= I&dentifiers in File |
| Search_FindOccurrencesInFile_tooltip= Find Occurrences of the Selected Element in the Editor |
| |
| FindOccurrencesEngine_noSource_text= No source available. To perform this operation you need to attach source. |
| FindOccurrencesEngine_cannotParse_text= Cannot analyze the compilation unit or class file. |
| |
| OccurrencesFinder_no_element= Cannot search for the current selection. Please select a valid Java element name. |
| OccurrencesFinder_no_binding= Selected Java element is unknown. |
| OccurrencesFinder_searchfor=Search for Occurrences in File |
| # The first argument will be replaced by the element name and the second one by the file name |
| OccurrencesFinder_label_singular=''{0}'' - 1 occurrence in ''{1}'' |
| # The first argument will be replaced by the element name, the second by the count and the last by the file name |
| OccurrencesFinder_label_plural=''{0}'' - {1} occurrences in ''{2}'' |
| |
| ExceptionOccurrencesFinder_no_exception= Cannot search for current selection. Please select an exception. |
| ExceptionOccurrencesFinder_searchfor= Search for Exception Occurrences |
| |
| # The first argument will be replaced by the element name and the second one by the file name |
| ExceptionOccurrencesFinder_label_singular=''{0}'' - 1 exception occurrence in ''{1}'' |
| # The first argument will be replaced by the element name, the second by the count and the last by the file name |
| ExceptionOccurrencesFinder_label_plural=''{0}'' - {1} exception occurrences in ''{2}'' |
| |
| ImplementOccurrencesFinder_invalidTarget= Cannot search for current selection. Please select a type behind 'implements' or 'extends'. |
| ImplementOccurrencesFinder_searchfor= Search for Implement Occurrences |
| |
| # The first argument will be replaced by the element name and the second one by the file name |
| ImplementOccurrencesFinder_label_singular=''{0}'' - 1 implement occurrence in ''{1}'' |
| # The first argument will be replaced by the element name, the second by the count and the last by the file name |
| ImplementOccurrencesFinder_label_plural=''{0}'' - {1} implement occurrences in ''{2}'' |
| |
| |
| # The first argument will be replaced by the pattern and the second by the scope |
| JavaSearchOperation_singularDeclarationsPostfix=''{0}'' - 1 declaration in {1} |
| JavaSearchOperation_singularReferencesPostfix=''{0}'' - 1 reference in {1} |
| JavaSearchOperation_singularReadReferencesPostfix=''{0}'' - 1 read reference in {1} |
| JavaSearchOperation_singularWriteReferencesPostfix=''{0}'' - 1 write reference in {1} |
| JavaSearchOperation_singularImplementorsPostfix=''{0}'' - 1 implementor in {1} |
| JavaSearchOperation_singularOccurrencesPostfix=''{0}'' - 1 occurrence in {1} |
| |
| JavaSearchOperation_pluralDeclarationsPostfix=''{0}'' - {1} declarations in {2} |
| JavaSearchOperation_pluralReferencesPostfix=''{0}'' - {1} references in {2} |
| JavaSearchOperation_pluralReadReferencesPostfix=''{0}'' - {1} read references in {2} |
| JavaSearchOperation_pluralWriteReferencesPostfix=''{0}'' - {1} write references in {2} |
| JavaSearchOperation_pluralImplementorsPostfix=''{0}'' - {1} implementors in {2} |
| JavaSearchOperation_pluralOccurrencesPostfix=''{0}'' - {1} occurrences in {2} |
| JavaElementAction_typeSelectionDialog_title=Search |
| JavaElementAction_typeSelectionDialog_message=&Select the type to search: |
| JavaElementAction_error_open_message=An exception occurred while opening the type. |
| |
| JavaElementAction_operationUnavailable_title= Operation Unavailable |
| JavaElementAction_operationUnavailable_generic= The operation is unavailable on the current selection. Please select a valid Java element name. |
| JavaElementAction_operationUnavailable_field= The operation is unavailable on the current selection. Please select the name of a field or local variable. |
| JavaElementAction_operationUnavailable_interface= The operation is unavailable on the current selection. Please select the name of an interface. |
| |
| WorkspaceScope= workspace |
| WorkingSetScope= working set ''{0}'' |
| SelectionScope= selection |
| EnclosingProjectsScope= projects {0}, ... |
| EnclosingProjectScope= project {0} |
| ProjectScope= project {0} |
| HierarchyScope= hierarchy of ''{0}'' |
| |
| JavaSearchResultPage_sortByName=Name |
| JavaSearchResultPage_sortByPath=Path |
| JavaSearchResultPage_open_editor_error_title=Open Element |
| JavaSearchResultPage_open_editor_error_message=Opening element failed. |
| JavaSearchResultPage_sortByParentName=Parent Name |
| JavaSearchResultPage_filtered_message={0} (Filtered) |
| JavaSearchResultPage_sortBylabel=Sort By |
| JavaSearchResultPage_error_marker=Could not create marker |
| |
| JavaSearchResultPage_groupby_project=Project |
| JavaSearchResultPage_groupby_project_tooltip=Group by Project |
| JavaSearchResultPage_groupby_package=Package |
| JavaSearchResultPage_groupby_package_tooltip=Group by Package |
| JavaSearchResultPage_filteredWithCount_message={0} ({1} matches filtered from view) |
| JavaSearchResultPage_groupby_file=File |
| JavaSearchResultPage_groupby_file_tooltip=Group by File |
| JavaSearchResultPage_groupby_type=Type |
| JavaSearchResultPage_groupby_type_tooltip=Group by Type |
| |
| JavaSearchQuery_task_label=Searching |
| JavaSearchQuery_label=Java Search |
| JavaSearchQuery_error_unsupported_pattern=Unsupported search pattern: "{0}" |
| JavaSearchQuery_status_ok_message=Found {0} matches. |
| |
| JavaSearchQuery_error_participant_estimate=An error occurred while estimating progress data |
| JavaSearchQuery_error_participant_search=An error occurred during participant search |
| |
| SearchParticipant_error_noID=Missing id attribute on search participant extension {0} |
| SearchParticipant_error_noNature=Missing nature attribute on search participant {0} |
| SearchParticipant_error_noClass=Missing class attribute on search participant {0} |
| SearchParticipant_error_classCast=Search participant doesn't implement IQueryParticipant |
| |
| |
| MatchFilter_ImportFilter_name=Imports |
| MatchFilter_ImportFilter_actionLabel=Filter &Imports |
| MatchFilter_ImportFilter_description=Filters matches that are in import statements |
| |
| |
| MatchFilter_WriteFilter_name=Writes |
| MatchFilter_WriteFilter_actionLabel=Filter &Writes |
| MatchFilter_WriteFilter_description=Filters matches that are write accesses |
| |
| MatchFilter_ReadFilter_name=Reads |
| MatchFilter_ReadFilter_actionLabel=Filter &Reads |
| MatchFilter_ReadFilter_description=Filters matches that are not write accesses |
| |
| MatchFilter_JavadocFilter_name=Javadoc |
| MatchFilter_JavadocFilter_actionLabel=Filter &Javadoc |
| MatchFilter_JavadocFilter_description=Filters matches that are inside Javadoc comments |
| |
| MatchFilter_ErasureFilter_name=Incompatible type arguments |
| MatchFilter_ErasureFilter_actionLabel=Filter In&compatible |
| MatchFilter_ErasureFilter_description=Filters parameterized type matches that are not assignment compatible with the search pattern |
| |
| MatchFilter_InexactFilter_name=Inexact type arguments |
| MatchFilter_InexactFilter_actionLabel=Filter Ine&xact |
| MatchFilter_InexactFilter_description=Filters parameterized type matches where the type arguments don't exactly match the search pattern's type arguments |
| |
| MethodExitsFinder_no_return_type_selected=No return type selected |
| |
| TextSearchLabelProvider_matchCountFormat={0} ({1} matches) |
| |
| FiltersDialog_title=Java Search Filters |
| FiltersDialog_filters_label=Select the &matches to exclude from the search results: |
| FiltersDialog_description_label=Filter Description: |
| FiltersDialog_limit_label=&Limit top level elements in Java search view to: |
| FiltersDialog_limit_error=Element limit must be a positive number |
| FiltersDialogAction_label=Fi<ers... |