blob: 052837a01583f2269798248297058b25d77e6d2c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.internal.common.emf.resource;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
* CacheEventNodes (CENOs) store information collected from SAX Events. This information can then be
* used once all necessary SAX Events have been generated to create and/or set values on EMF model
* objects.
* CacheEventNodes (CENOs) have a simple lifecycle: initialize, collect data, commit, discard. When
* initialized, CENOs will attempt to find the appropriate translator for a given XML element name,
* and also create/set any necessary EMF model values. Data is collected as SAX character() events
* are generated. On the SAX endElement event, the CENO is committed(), which is where it will
* complete its processing to create EMF model features. In those cases where it cannot complete its
* processing, it will defer its processing to the updateEMF() method of its parent. Defered
* processing is necessary to handle EMF features that require read ahead cues from the XML. CENOs
* will add themselves to their parents as children in a tree data structure. When an CENO
* determines it is the golden piece of information required to instantiate its parent feature, it
* will trigger its parent CENO to process the rest of the cached CENO tree. As mentioned, the
* building of a CENO tree will only occur for nodes with read ahead cues.
* discard() is invoked by init() to ensure that no junk state is left from a previous use of the
* CENO. commit() will call discard as needed. Because of the use of discard, CENOs can be pooled
* and reused. If a CENO determines that it is contained in a pool, it will manage its own release
* from that pool. Self- management is necessary because of the way in which CENOs might cache
* certain children while waiting to create the parent EMF feature.
* @author mdelder
public class CacheEventNode {
public static final String ROOT_NODE = "EMF_ROOT_NODE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private String nodeName = null;
private Translator translator = null;
private Notifier emfOwner = null;
private StringBuffer buffer = null;
private List children = null;
private int versionID;
* The internal data structure used to store the attributes is a String[]. The choice was made
* to use an array to avoid the creation of another object (probably a Hashtable) and to exploit
* array-access times to get the name and value of the attributes (opposed to full fledged
* method invocations).
private String[] attributes = null;
private CacheEventNode parent = null;
private CacheEventPool containingPool = null;
private Boolean ignorable = null;
public CacheEventNode(CacheEventPool containingPool) {
this.containingPool = containingPool;
* Lifecycle method. init(TranslatorResource) will configure this Adapter as a ROOT node.
* This method will invoke discard() before completing its tasks.
public void init(TranslatorResource resource) {
this.nodeName = CacheEventNode.ROOT_NODE;
* Lifecycle method. init(CacheEventNode, String, Attributes) will configure this Adapter to be
* a non-ROOT node of the Adapter data structure
* This method will invoke discard() before completing its tasks.
public void init(CacheEventNode parentArg, String nodeNameArg, Attributes attributesArg) {
this.nodeName = nodeNameArg;
init(parentArg, attributesArg);
private void init(CacheEventNode parentRecord, Attributes attributesArg) {
if (parent != null) {
/* I am not the root */
* If the parent is part of the DOM Path, then we ignore it and interact with the grand
* parent
if (parent.translator != null && parent.isInDOMPath()) {
if (parent.getEmfOwner() != null && parent.getTranslator() != null) {
/* My parent had enough information to create themself */
if (parent.getParent() != null) {
setTranslator(parent.getTranslator().findChild(nodeName, parent.getEmfOwner(), getVersionID()));
} else {
if (this.translator == null) {
/* Our translator is null! Ahh! Run! */
throw new IllegalStateException("Parent Translator (" + parent.getTranslator() + //$NON-NLS-1$
") did not find a Child Translator for \"" + //$NON-NLS-1$
nodeName + "\"."); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.translator.getReadAheadHelper(nodeName) == null && !this.translator.isManagedByParent()) {
* I do not require a read ahead cue, and I am not managed by my parent so I can
* create an instance of my EMF object
Notifier myEmfOwner = this.translator.createEMFObject(getNodeName(), null);
this.translator.setMOFValue(parent.getEmfOwner(), myEmfOwner);
* Else I require a read ahead value or I am being managed by my parent, so I have
* no need to create an EMF object
* Else I am not mapped to the EMF stack (XML Elements found in the DOMPath are ignored)
/* processAttributes is guarded and will not execute unless ready */
* commit() is invoked only if the CacheEventNode (CENO) has all the information they need and
* should be able to determine what to do to the EMF feature.
* The commit() method will invoke discard() when it has completed its tasks, if needed. Thus,
* after invoking this method, the CENO may have no meaningful state. If discard() is invoked,
* all previously held reference will be released in order to be made eligible for Garbage
* Collection.
public void commit() {
if (parent == null || this.isIgnorable()) {
ReadAheadHelper helper = null;
Translator activeTranslator = getTranslator();
Translator parentTranslator = getParent().getTranslator();
if (parent != null && parent.getEmfOwner() == null) {
* Not enough information yet, add the CacheEventNode to the DOM Cache tree
if ((helper = getParent().getReadAheadHelper()) != null) {
* If the parentRecord's emfOwner is null, then it must not be initialized therefore
* it or one of its ancestors must require read ahead clues
* The following if statement checks if the parent is the node waiting for a
* readAhead cue
EObject parentOwner = null;
if (helper.nodeValueIsReadAheadName(getNodeName())) {
/* The readAheadName is the value of the qName child node */
/* We have enough information to create the EmfOwner in the parent! */
parentOwner = parentTranslator.createEMFObject(getParent().getNodeName(), getBuffer());
* Now we need to parse the cached DOM tree and update the emfOwner of the
* parent
} else if (helper.nodeNameIsReadAheadName(getNodeName())) {
/* The readAheadName is the actual name of the child node (qName) */
/* We have enough information to create the EmfOwner in the parent! */
parentOwner = parentTranslator.createEMFObject(getParent().getNodeName(), getNodeName());
* Now we need to parse the cached DOM tree and update the emfOwner of the
* parent
} /* Else an ancestor of the parent is waiting */
} else {
if (activeTranslator != null) {
if (activeTranslator.isManagedByParent()) {
Object value = activeTranslator.convertStringToValue(getNodeName(), null, getBuffer(), getParent().getEmfOwner());
activeTranslator.setMOFValue(getParent().getEmfOwner(), value);
} else {
activeTranslator.setTextValueIfNecessary(getBuffer(), getEmfOwner(), getVersionID());
* Instruct the CacheEventNode to discard all references to make everything eligible for garbage
* collection. This should ONLY be called after commit has succeeded. In the case of EMF
* features that require a readAheadName, process not be completed in commit(), but rather will
* be defered to the updateEMF() method. This method was made private specifically because it
* could erase all information contained in the CacheEventNode before it has been processed.
private void discard() {
translator = null;
emfOwner = null;
buffer = null;
if (children != null)
children = null;
attributes = null;
parent = null;
private void releaseFromContainingPool() {
if (containingPool != null)
public boolean isIgnorable() {
if (ignorable == null) {
boolean result = false;
if (this.translator != null) {
if (this.translator.isEmptyContentSignificant()) {
result = false;
} else {
String domPath = this.translator.getDOMPath();
result = (domPath != null) ? domPath.indexOf(this.nodeName) >= 0 : false;
ignorable = result ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
return ignorable.booleanValue();
* Determines if a given child has a translator.
* @param childNodeName
* the name of the current XML child node
* @return true only if the childNodeName can be ignored (e.g. it is part of the DOM Path)
public boolean isChildIgnorable(String childNodeName) {
boolean result = false;
Translator childTranslator = null;
if (this.getTranslator() != null) {
childTranslator = this.getTranslator().findChild(childNodeName, this.getEmfOwner(), this.getVersionID());
if (childTranslator != null) {
if (childTranslator.isEmptyContentSignificant()) {
result = false;
} else {
String temp = null;
result = ((temp = childTranslator.getDOMPath()) != null) ? temp.indexOf(childNodeName) >= 0 : false;
return result;
public boolean isInDOMPath() {
boolean result = false;
if (this.getTranslator() != null) {
result = this.getNodeName().equals(this.getTranslator().getDOMPath());
return result;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer("CacheEventNode[");//$NON-NLS-1$
output.append("; translator=");//$NON-NLS-1$
output.append("; emfOwner=");//$NON-NLS-1$
try {
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
output.append("Could not render as string!");//$NON-NLS-1$
output.append("; buffer=");//$NON-NLS-1$
output.append("; hasChildren=");//$NON-NLS-1$
output.append((children != null && children.size() > 0));
if (children != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.children.size(); i++) {
output.append("): ");//$NON-NLS-1$
return output.toString();
* Updates the EMF model by creating EMF Features as necessary from the DOM Tree Cache
* @param owner
public void updateEMF(EObject owner) {
if (this.parent != null) {
this.translator.setMOFValue((EObject) this.parent.getEmfOwner(), owner);
* The translator and the owner of the parent CENO passed to this method should be nonnull
public void updateEMF() {
if (this.children == null)
CacheEventNode child = null;
Translator childTranslator = null;
Object value = null;
if (this.getEmfOwner() != null) {
Notifier parentOwner = this.getEmfOwner();
Translator parentTranslator = this.getTranslator();
for (int i = 0; i < this.children.size(); i++) {
child = (CacheEventNode) this.children.get(i); /* Create the EMF feature */
if (this.isChildIgnorable(child.getNodeName())) {
} else {
childTranslator = parentTranslator.findChild(child.getNodeName(), parentOwner, child.getVersionID());
value = childTranslator.convertStringToValue(child.getNodeName(), null, child.getBuffer(), parentOwner);
childTranslator.setMOFValue(parentOwner, value);
if (childTranslator.isObjectMap()) {
child.setEmfOwner((Notifier) value);
childTranslator.setTextValueIfNecessary(child.getBuffer(), child.getEmfOwner(), getVersionID());
child.updateEMF(); /* update the EMF of the child */
this.children = null;
public void addChild(CacheEventNode child) {
if (this.children == null) {
this.children = new ArrayList();
if (parent != null && this.isIgnorable()) {
} else {
protected void addChildren(List childrenArg) {
if (this.children == null) {
this.children = new ArrayList();
public boolean removeChild(CacheEventNode child) {
if (this.children == null) {
return false;
return this.children.remove(child);
public List getChildren() {
return this.children;
public ReadAheadHelper getReadAheadHelper() {
if (this.translator != null && this.translator.hasReadAheadNames()) {
return translator.getReadAheadHelper(nodeName);
return null;
/* See the documentation for the attributes field for info on how it is structured */
public void setAttributes(Attributes attr) {
* The attributes returned from the parser may be stored by reference, so we must copy them
* over to a local data store
if (attr != null && attr.getLength() > 0) {
if (this.attributes == null) {
this.attributes = new String[attr.getLength() * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < attr.getLength(); i++) {
this.attributes[i] = attr.getQName(i);
this.attributes[i + attr.getLength()] = attr.getValue(i);
* processAttributes may be invoked multiple times. It is configured to only carry out the
* processing one time. After it successfully completes the construction of Translators and
* values it will discard the value of the attributes field by setting it to null.
public void processAttributes() {
/* See the documentation for the attributes field for info on how it is structured */
if (this.attributes != null && this.attributes.length > 0) {
if (this.emfOwner != null && this.translator != null) {
Translator attrTranslator = null;
final int limit = this.attributes.length / 2;
Object value = null;
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
/* Find the attribute translator by using the attribute name (attributes[i]) */
attrTranslator = this.translator.findChild(this.attributes[i], this.emfOwner, this.versionID);
if (attrTranslator != null) {
* Convert the value of corresponding attribute value (attributes[i+limit])
* to a meaningful value
value = attrTranslator.convertStringToValue(this.attributes[i + limit], (EObject) this.emfOwner);
attrTranslator.setMOFValue((EObject) this.emfOwner, value);
/* Forget the attributes so we do not process them again */
this.attributes = null;
* Appends data to the buffer stored by this CENO. Text will be extracted from the data array
* begining at positiong <i>start </i> and ending at position <i>start+length </i>.
* @param data
* @param start
* @param length
public void appendToBuffer(char[] data, int start, int length) {
if (parent != null && this.isIgnorable()) {
parent.appendToBuffer(data, start, length);
if (buffer == null) {
this.buffer = new StringBuffer();
* acts as a more efficient form of "append". Using this method avoids the need to copy the
* data into its own data structure (e.g. String) before being added to the buffer
this.buffer.insert(buffer.length(), data, start, length);
* Add the given CENO as a child of this CENO.
* @param record
public void appendToBuffer(CacheEventNode record) {
public String getBuffer() {
if (this.buffer == null) {
return null;
return this.buffer.toString();
public Notifier getEmfOwner() {
return emfOwner;
public CacheEventNode getParent() {
return parent;
private void setParent(CacheEventNode record) {
this.parent = record;
public Translator getTranslator() {
return this.translator;
public void setEmfOwner(Notifier notifier) {
this.emfOwner = notifier;
public void setTranslator(Translator translator) {
this.translator = translator;
public String getNodeName() {
return nodeName;
public int getVersionID() {
if (this.parent == null) {
try {
return ((TranslatorResource) this.getEmfOwner()).getVersionID();
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
return this.versionID;
public void setVersionID(int i) {
versionID = i;