blob: 2f091dcc1c6f22eac9056d3fb382be01620c9f3c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ProjectScope;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IScopeContext;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.Validator;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.model.FilterGroup;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.model.FilterRule;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.model.ProjectPreferences;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.plugin.ValidationPlugin;
import org.osgi.service.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences;
* A class that knows how to manage the project level persisted validation settings.
* @author karasiuk
public class ValPrefManagerProject {
private IProject _project;
public ValPrefManagerProject(IProject project){
assert project != null;
_project = project;
* Answer whether or not this project has overridden the validation settings.
* @return
public boolean hasProjectSpecificSettings(){
IEclipsePreferences pref = getPreferences();
if (pref == null)return false;
int version = pref.getInt(PrefConstants.frameworkVersion, 0);
if (version == 0)return false;
return true;
* If the project has preferences answer them.
* @return null if the project does not have any specific preferences.
public ProjectPreferences loadProjectPreferences() {
IEclipsePreferences pref = getPreferences();
if (pref == null)return null;
int version = pref.getInt(PrefConstants.frameworkVersion, 0);
if (version == 0)return null;
ProjectPreferences pp = new ProjectPreferences(_project);
pp.setOverride(pref.getBoolean(PrefConstants.override, ProjectPreferences.DefaultOverride));
pp.setSuspend(pref.getBoolean(PrefConstants.suspend, ProjectPreferences.DefaultSuspend));
Validator[] vals = ValManager.getDefault().getValidators(false, _project);
loadPreferences(vals, pref);
return pp;
* Update the validator filters from the preference store.
* @param val
* @return false if there are no preferences, that means that the user has never changed any
* of the default settings. Also answer false if there was some sort of error, which essentially
* means that the preferences aren't valid for whatever reason.
private boolean loadPreferences(Validator[] val, IEclipsePreferences pref) {
try {
if (!pref.nodeExists(PrefConstants.filters))return false;
Preferences filters = pref.node(PrefConstants.filters);
for (Validator v : val){
String id = v.getId();
if (filters.nodeExists(id)){
Preferences vp = filters.node(id);
ValPrefManagerGlobal.loadPreferences(v, vp);
catch (Exception e){
return false;
return true;
private IEclipsePreferences getPreferences() {
IScopeContext projectContext = new ProjectScope(_project);
IEclipsePreferences pref = projectContext.getNode(ValidationPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
return pref;
public void savePreferences(ProjectPreferences projectPreferences, Validator[] validators) {
IEclipsePreferences pref = getPreferences();
pref.putBoolean(PrefConstants.suspend, projectPreferences.getSuspend());
pref.putBoolean(PrefConstants.override, projectPreferences.getOverride());
pref.putInt(PrefConstants.frameworkVersion, ValPrefManagerGlobal.frameworkVersion);
Preferences filters = pref.node(PrefConstants.filters);
try {
filters = pref.node(PrefConstants.filters);
catch (BackingStoreException e){
for (Validator v : validators)savePreference(v, filters);
try {
ProjectConfiguration pc = ConfigurationManager.getManager()
catch (Exception e){
* Answer all the V1 validators that are enabled for build.
* @return
private Set<ValidatorMetaData> getEnabledBuildValidators(Validator[] validators) {
Set<ValidatorMetaData> set = new HashSet<ValidatorMetaData>(50);
for (Validator v : validators){
if (v.isBuildValidation()){
Validator.V1 v1 = v.asV1Validator();
if (v1 != null)set.add(v1.getVmd());
return set;
* Answer all the V1 validators that are enabled for manual validation.
* @return
private Set<ValidatorMetaData> getEnabledManualValidators(Validator[] validators) {
Set<ValidatorMetaData> set = new HashSet<ValidatorMetaData>(50);
for (Validator v : validators){
if (v.isManualValidation()){
Validator.V1 v1 = v.asV1Validator();
if (v1 != null)set.add(v1.getVmd());
return set;
* Save the validator preferences and filters.
* @param validator
* @param prefs up to the filter part of the preference tree
private void savePreference(Validator validator, Preferences prefs) {
if (validator.asV2Validator() == null)return;
Preferences val = prefs.node(validator.getId());
val.putBoolean(, validator.isBuildValidation());
val.putBoolean(PrefConstants.manual, validator.isManualValidation());
val.putInt(PrefConstants.version, validator.getVersion());
if (validator.getDelegatingId() != null)val.put(PrefConstants.delegate, validator.getDelegatingId());
Validator.V2 v2 = validator.asV2Validator();
if (v2 == null)return;
FilterGroup[] groups = v2.getGroups();
Preferences group = val.node(PrefConstants.groups);
for (int i=0; i<groups.length; i++){
Preferences gid= group.node(String.valueOf(i));
gid.put(PrefConstants.type, groups[i].getType());
FilterRule[] rules = groups[i].getRules();
Preferences r = gid.node(PrefConstants.rules);
for (int j=0; j<rules.length; j++){
Preferences rid= r.node(String.valueOf(j));