blob: 4dce10bfe34fed33982ba2d331143da8fe0954f9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceVisitor;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.FacetedProjectFramework;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.IPerformanceMonitor;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.PerformanceCounters;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ValidationFramework;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.ValidationResult;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.Validator;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.model.GlobalPreferences;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.model.IValidatorVisitor;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.model.ProjectPreferences;
import org.eclipse.wst.validation.internal.plugin.ValidationPlugin;
import org.osgi.service.prefs.BackingStoreException;
* A central place to keep track of all the validators.
* @author karasiuk
public class ValManager implements IValChangedListener, IFacetedProjectListener, IProjectChangeListener {
private static ValManager _me;
* Projects may be allowed to override the global validation settings. If that is the case then those
* project specific settings are saved here. If the key exists, but the value is null, then that
* means that the project has been checked and it does not have any specific settings.
private Map<IProject, ProjectPreferences> _projectPreferences =
Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<IProject, ProjectPreferences>(50));
private GlobalPreferences _globalPreferences;
* This number increases each time any of the validation configurations change. It is used to determine
* if information that we have cached in the ValProperty is stale or not. This starts off at zero, each time
* the workbench is started.
private int _configNumber;
private ValidatorIdManager _idManager = new ValidatorIdManager();
private ValidatorProjectManager _projectManager = new ValidatorProjectManager();
private static final QualifiedName StatusBuild = new QualifiedName(ValidationPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "sb"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final QualifiedName StatusManual = new QualifiedName(ValidationPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "sm"); //$NON-NLS-1$
public static synchronized ValManager getDefault(){
if (_me == null)_me = new ValManager();
return _me;
private ValManager(){
FacetedProjectFramework.addListener(this, IFacetedProjectEvent.Type.PROJECT_MODIFIED);
* This needs to be called if the ValManager is ever deleted.
public void dispose(){
// currently nobody calls this method, because this instance is never removed, but the method is
// here for completeness none the less.
* Answer all the registered validators. If you are planning on making changes to the validators,
* and then saving them in a preference store then you probably want the getValidatorsCopy method.
* Because if you make changes to the original validators, and since we only save differences,
* there won't be any differences.
* @return Answer an empty array if there are no validators.
* @see #getValidatorsCopy()
public Validator[] getValidators(){
return getValidators(null);
* Answer copies of all the registered validators. If you are going to be making changes to the validators
* and then saving them backing into the preference store, then this is the method to use.
* @return Answer an empty array if there are no validators.
public Validator[] getValidatorsCopy(){
Validator[] orig = getValidators();
Validator[] copy = new Validator[orig.length];
for (int i=0; i<orig.length; i++)copy[i] = orig[i].copy();
return copy;
* Answer all the validators that are in effect for the given project.
* <p>
* Individual projects may override the global validation preference settings. If this is allowed and if
* the project has it's own settings, then those validators are returned via this method.
* </p>
* <p>
* The following approach is used. For version 1 validators, the validator is only returned if it
* is defined to operate on this project type. This is the way that the previous version of the framework
* did it. For version 2 validators, they are all returned.
* </p>
* @param project this may be null, in which case the global preferences are returned.
public Validator[] getValidators(IProject project) throws ProjectUnavailableError {
return getValidators(project, true);
* Answer all the validators for the given project.
* <p>
* Individual projects may override the global validation preference
* settings. If the project has it's own settings, then those validators are
* returned via this method.
* </p>
* <p>
* The following approach is used. For version 1 validators, the validator
* is only returned if it is defined to operate on this project type. This
* is the way that the previous version of the framework did it. For version
* 2 validators, they are all returned.
* </p>
* @param project
* this may be null, in which case the global preferences are
* returned.
* @param respectOverrideSettings
* if this is true then the validators that get returned are
* based on the override settings. So for example, if the global
* preferences do not allow project overrides then none of the
* project settings are used. Normal validation would set this to true.
* The properties page would set this to false.
public synchronized Validator[] getValidators(IProject project, boolean respectOverrideSettings) throws ProjectUnavailableError {
Map<String,Validator> v2Vals = getV2Validators(project);
TreeSet<Validator> sorted = new TreeSet<Validator>();
for (Validator v : v2Vals.values())sorted.add(v);
try {
ValidationConfiguration vc = ConfigurationManager.getManager().getConfiguration(project);
for (ValidatorMetaData vmd : vc.getValidators()){
Validator v = Validator.create(vmd, vc, project);
catch (InvocationTargetException e){
Validator[] vals = new Validator[sorted.size()];
return vals;
* Answer the V2 validators that are in effect for this project. The following approach is used:
* <ol>
* <li>The validators that are defined by the extension point are loaded.</li>
* <li>They are customized by any global preferences.</li>
* <li>If project customizations are allowed, they are customized by the project preferences.
* </ol>
* @param project
* This may be null, in which case only the global preferences are used.
* @return
private Map<String,Validator> getV2Validators(IProject project){
Map<String,Validator> extVals = ExtensionValidators.instance().getMapV2Copy();
try {
List<Validator> vals = ValPrefManagerGlobal.getDefault().getValidators();
for (Validator v : vals)extVals.put(v.getId(), v);
if (!mustUseGlobalValidators(project)){
//TODO should probably cache this vpm
ValPrefManagerProject vpm = new ValPrefManagerProject(project);
vals = vpm.getValidators(extVals);
for (Validator v : vals)extVals.put(v.getId(), v);
catch (BackingStoreException e){
return extVals;
* Answer true if we must use the global settings for this project. If the global preferences do not
* allow overrides, or if this project does not allow overrides then the global preferences must be used.
* @param project project that is being tested. It can be null, in which case the global preferences must be used.
* @return true if the global preferences must be used.
public boolean mustUseGlobalValidators(IProject project){
if (project == null)return true;
if (!getGlobalPreferences().getOverride())return true;
ProjectPreferences pp = getProjectPreferences2(project);
if (pp == null){
ValPrefManagerProject vpm = new ValPrefManagerProject(project);
pp = new ProjectPreferences(project);
return !pp.getOverride();
* Answer the validator with the given id that is in effect for the given project.
* @param id The validator id.
* @param project
* @return null if the validator is not found
public Validator getValidator(String id, IProject project){
Validator[] vals = getValidators(project);
for (Validator v : vals){
if (v.getId().equals(id))return v;
return null;
* @see ValidationFramework#getValidator(String, IProject)
public Validator getValidatorWithId(String id, IProject project){
Validator[] vals = getValidators(project);
for (Validator v : vals){
if (v.getId().equals(id))return v;
return null;
* Answer true if the resource has any enabled validators.
* @param resource a file, folder or project.
* @param isManual if true then the validator must be turned on for manual validation.
* If false then the isManualValidation setting isn't used to filter out validators.
* @param isBuild if true then the validator must be turned on for build based validation.
* If false then the isBuildValidation setting isn't used to filter out validators.
public boolean hasValidators(IResource resource, boolean isManual, boolean isBuild){
if (resource instanceof IProject){
IProject project = (IProject)resource;
return ValManager.getDefault().getValidators(project).length > 0;
else if (resource instanceof IFolder){
IFolder folder = (IFolder)resource;
HasValidatorVisitor v = new HasValidatorVisitor(isManual, isBuild);
return v.hasValidator(folder);
else {
for (Validator val : ValManager.getDefault().getValidators(resource.getProject())){
if (val.shouldValidate(resource, isManual, isBuild))return true;
return false;
* Answer true if the project has disabled all of it's validators, or if project overrides are not
* allowed if global validation has been disabled.
* @param project the project that is being consulted, or null if only the global settings are to be
* checked.
public boolean isDisabled(IProject project){
GlobalPreferences gp = getGlobalPreferences();
if (!gp.getOverride() || project == null)return gp.getDisableAllValidation();
ProjectPreferences pp = getProjectPreferences2(project);
if (pp == null)return gp.getDisableAllValidation();
return pp.getSuspend();
* Answer all the registered validators as they were defined by the extension points. That is
* answer the validators as if the user has never applied any customizations.
* @return Answer an empty array if there are no validators.
public static Validator[] getDefaultValidators() throws InvocationTargetException {
Map<String,Validator> extVals = ExtensionValidators.instance().getMapV2();
TreeSet<Validator> sorted = new TreeSet<Validator>();
for (Validator v : extVals.values())sorted.add(v);
IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
GlobalConfiguration gc = new GlobalConfiguration(root);
for (ValidatorMetaData vmd : gc.getValidators()){
Validator v = Validator.create(vmd, gc, null);
Validator[] val = new Validator[sorted.size()];
return val;
public static Validator[] getDefaultValidators(IProject project) throws InvocationTargetException {
Map<String,Validator> extVals = ExtensionValidators.instance().getMap(project);
Validator[] val = new Validator[extVals.size()];
return val;
* Answer all the registered validators.
* @param project the project to use for getting the version 1 validator settings. This can
* be null in which case the global preferences are used.
* @return Answer an empty array if there are no validators.
// Validator[] getValidators2(IProject project) throws ProjectUnavailableError {
// // If I use a local variable I don't need to synchronize the method.
// Validator[] validators = _validators;
// if (project == null && validators != null)return validators;
// Validator[] val = loadExtensions(false, project);
// ValPrefManagerGlobal vpm = ValPrefManagerGlobal.getDefault();
// if (!vpm.loadPreferences(val)){
// val = restoreDefaults2(project);
// saveStateTimestamp();
// }
// else {
// if (getGlobalPreferences().getStateTimeStamp() != Platform.getStateStamp())
// val = migrateSettings(val, project);
// }
// TreeSet<Validator> set = new TreeSet<Validator>();
// for (Validator v : val)set.add(v);
// List<Validator> list = new LinkedList<Validator>();
// try {
// ValidationConfiguration vc = ConfigurationManager.getManager().getConfiguration(project);
// for (ValidatorMetaData vmd : vc.getValidators()){
// list.add(Validator.create(vmd, vc, project));
// }
// }
// catch (InvocationTargetException e){
// if (project != null && (!project.exists() || !project.isOpen()))
// throw new ProjectUnavailableError(project);
// ValidationPlugin.getPlugin().handleException(e);
// }
// set.addAll(list);
// val = new Validator[set.size()];
// set.toArray(val);
// if (project == null)_validators = val;
// return val;
// }
* This method needs to be called whenever the validation configuration has changed.
private void configHasChanged(){
* Answer the global validation preferences.
public synchronized GlobalPreferences getGlobalPreferences(){
GlobalPreferences gp = _globalPreferences;
if (gp == null){
ValPrefManagerGlobal vpm = ValPrefManagerGlobal.getDefault();
gp = new GlobalPreferences();
_globalPreferences = gp;
return gp;
public ProjectPreferences getProjectPreferences(IProject project) {
ProjectPreferences pp = getProjectPreferences2(project);
if (pp != null)return pp;
/* hopefully we rarely get this far */
Map<String,Validator> extVals = ExtensionValidators.instance().getMapV2Copy();
try {
List<Validator> vals = ValPrefManagerGlobal.getDefault().getValidators();
for (Validator v : vals)extVals.put(v.getId(), v);
pp = getProjectPreferences(project, extVals);
catch (BackingStoreException e){
return pp;
private ProjectPreferences getProjectPreferences(IProject project, Map<String, Validator> baseValidators)
throws BackingStoreException {
if (_projectPreferences.containsKey(project)){
return _projectPreferences.get(project);
ValPrefManagerProject vpm = new ValPrefManagerProject(project);
ProjectPreferences pp = new ProjectPreferences(project);
vpm.loadProjectPreferences(pp, baseValidators);
_projectPreferences.put(project, pp);
return pp;
* Answer the project specific validation preferences from the cache
* @param project
* @return null if the project is not in the cache.
private ProjectPreferences getProjectPreferences2(IProject project){
if (_projectPreferences.containsKey(project)){
return _projectPreferences.get(project);
return null;
* Restore all the validation defaults, as defined by the individual validators via the
* validation extension point.
// public synchronized void restoreDefaults() {
// getGlobalPreferences().resetToDefault();
// _validators = null;
// getValidators(true);
// }
* Run all the validators that are applicable to this resource.
* <p>
* If this is a manual validation both the version 1 and version 2 validators are run. If it
* is a build validation, then only the version 2 validators are run, because the old framework handles
* the running of the old validators.
* </p>
* @param project project that is being validated
* @param resource the resource that is being validated
* @param kind the kind of resource delta. It will be one of the IResourceDelta constants, like
* IResourceDelta.CHANGED for example.
* @param valType The type of validation request.
* @param buildKind the kind of build that triggered this validation. See IncrementalProjectBuilder for values.
* @param operation the operation that this validation is running under
* @param monitor the monitor to use to report progress
public void validate(IProject project, final IResource resource, final int kind, ValType valType,
int buildKind, ValOperation operation, final IProgressMonitor monitor) {
MarkerManager.getDefault().deleteMarkers(resource, operation.getStarted(), IResource.DEPTH_ZERO);
IValidatorVisitor visitor = new IValidatorVisitor(){
public void visit(Validator validator, IProject project, ValType vt,
ValOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
Validator.V1 v1 = validator.asV1Validator();
if (vt == ValType.Build && v1 != null)return;
validate(validator, operation, resource, kind, monitor);
accept(visitor, project, resource, valType, operation, monitor);
* Validate a single resource with a single validator. This will call the validator whether the validator
* is enabled or not.
* <p>
* Callers of this method should ensure that the shouldValidate was tested before making this call.
* @param validator the validator
* @param operation the operation that the validation is running in.
* @param resource the resource to validate
* @param kind the kind of resource change. See IResourceDelta.
* @param monitor
public void validate(Validator validator, ValOperation operation, IResource resource, int kind,
IProgressMonitor monitor){
if (operation.isValidated(validator.getId(), resource))return;
long time = 0;
long cpuTime = -1;
String msg1 = NLS.bind(ValMessages.LogValStart, validator.getName(), resource.getName());
IPerformanceMonitor pm = ValidationFramework.getDefault().getPerformanceMonitor();
if (pm.isCollecting()){
time = System.currentTimeMillis();
cpuTime = Misc.getCPUTime();
ValidationResult vr = validator.validate(resource, kind, operation, monitor);
if (pm.isCollecting()){
if (cpuTime != -1){
cpuTime = Misc.getCPUTime() - cpuTime;
int num = 0;
if (vr != null)num = vr.getNumberOfValidatedResources();
PerformanceCounters pc = new PerformanceCounters(validator.getId(),
validator.getName(), resource.getName(),
num, System.currentTimeMillis()-time, cpuTime);
if (ValidationPlugin.getPlugin().isDebugging() && !pm.isCollecting()){
String msg = time != 0 ?
NLS.bind(ValMessages.LogValEndTime, new Object[]{validator.getName(),
validator.getId(), resource, Misc.getTimeMS(System.currentTimeMillis()-time)}) :
NLS.bind(ValMessages.LogValEnd, validator.getName(), resource);
Tracing.log("ValManager-01: " + msg); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (vr != null){
if (vr.getSuspendValidation() != null)operation.suspendValidation(vr.getSuspendValidation(), validator);
* Accept a visitor for all the validators that are enabled for the given project.
* @param visitor
* @param project
* @param valType the type of validation
* @param operation
* @param monitor
public void accept(IValidatorVisitor visitor, IProject project, ValType valType,
ValOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor){
if (isDisabled(project))return;
for (Validator val : getValidators(project)){
if (monitor.isCanceled())return;
if (!_projectManager.shouldValidate(val, project, valType))continue;
if (operation.isSuspended(val, project))continue;
try {
visitor.visit(val, project, valType, operation, monitor);
catch (Exception e){
* Accept a visitor for all the validators that are enabled for the given project, resource, and validation mode.
* @param valType the type of validation request
public void accept(IValidatorVisitor visitor, IProject project, IResource resource, ValType valType,
ValOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor){
if (isDisabled(project))return;
ValProperty vp = getValProperty(resource, valType, _configNumber);
if (vp != null){
BitSet bs = vp.getConfigSet();
for (Validator val : getValidators(project)){
if (monitor.isCanceled())return;
if (!bs.get(_idManager.getIndex(val.getId())))continue;
try {
visitor.visit(val, project, valType, operation, monitor);
catch (Exception e){
vp = new ValProperty();
for (Validator val : getValidators(project)){
if (monitor.isCanceled())return;
if (!_projectManager.shouldValidate(val, project, valType))continue;
if (operation.isSuspended(val, project))continue;
if (val.shouldValidate(resource, valType)){
try {
visitor.visit(val, project, valType, operation, monitor);
catch (Exception e){
putValProperty(vp, resource, valType);
private ValProperty getValProperty(IResource resource, ValType valType, int configNumber) {
ValProperty vp = null;
try {
if (valType == ValType.Build)vp = (ValProperty)resource.getSessionProperty(StatusBuild);
else if (valType == ValType.Manual)vp = (ValProperty)resource.getSessionProperty(StatusManual);
catch (CoreException e){
// don't care about this one
if (vp == null)return null;
if (vp.getConfigNumber() != _configNumber)return null;
return vp;
* Let the validation manager know that a project has been changed.
* @param project The project that has been opened, created, or had it's description change.
public void projectChanged(IProject project){
* Let the validation manager know that a project has been removed.
* @param project The project that has been closed or deleted.
public void projectRemoved(IProject project){
private void putValProperty(ValProperty vp, IResource resource, ValType valType) {
try {
if (valType == ValType.Build)resource.setSessionProperty(StatusBuild, vp);
else if (valType == ValType.Manual)resource.setSessionProperty(StatusManual, vp);
catch (CoreException e){
* Let each of the enabled validators know that a clean has been requested.
* @param project the project that is being cleaned, or null if the entire workspace is being cleaned.
* @param monitor
void clean(final IProject project, final ValOperation operation, final IProgressMonitor monitor) {
IValidatorVisitor visitor = new IValidatorVisitor(){
public void visit(Validator validator, IProject project, ValType valType,
ValOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
validator.clean(project, monitor);
accept(visitor, project, ValType.Build, operation, monitor);
* Let each of the enabled validators know that a clean has been requested.
* @param project the project that is being cleaned, or null if the entire workspace is being cleaned.
* @param monitor
public void clean(IProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor){
IValidatorVisitor visitor = new IValidatorVisitor(){
public void visit(Validator validator, IProject project, ValType valType,
ValOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
validator.clean(project, monitor);
ValOperation operation = new ValOperation();
accept(visitor, project, ValType.Build, operation, monitor);
public void validatorsForProjectChanged(IProject project, boolean validationSettingChanged) {
if (validationSettingChanged){
if (project != null)_projectPreferences.remove(project);
private class HasValidatorVisitor implements IResourceVisitor {
private boolean _hasValidator;
private boolean _isManual;
private boolean _isBuild;
public HasValidatorVisitor(boolean isManual, boolean isBuild){
_isManual = isManual;
_isBuild = isBuild;
public boolean hasValidator(IFolder folder){
try {
catch (CoreException e){
return _hasValidator;
public boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException {
if (resource instanceof IFolder)return true;
if (hasValidators(resource, _isManual, _isBuild)){
_hasValidator = true;
return false;
return true;
* Map validator id's to an index number on a bit set, so that we can quickly determine if a
* particular validator needs to validate a particular resource.
* @author karasiuk
private static class ValidatorIdManager {
* Map validator id's to Integers. The integers correspond to bits in the ValProperty instances.
private HashMap<String, Integer> _map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(100);
private HashMap<Integer, String> _reverseMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(100);
/** Next available bit. */
private int _next;
* Answer the index number for this validator. If we haven't seen it yet allocate a new index number.
* @param id validator id.
* @return index into the validator bit mask.
public int getIndex(String id){
Integer i = _map.get(id);
if (i != null)return i;
i = _next++;
_map.put(id, i);
_reverseMap.put(i, id);
return i;
* Answer the validator id for the index.
* @param index
* @return null if the index number has not been set.
public String getId(Integer index){
return _reverseMap.get(index);
public void reset(){
_next = 0;
* Answer the ids for the bit in the bitset. This is used for debugging.
* @param bs
public String[] getIds(BitSet bs){
List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>();
for(int i=bs.nextSetBit(0); i>=0; i=bs.nextSetBit(i+1)) {
String id = getId(i);
if (id != null)list.add(id);
String[] s = new String[list.size()];
return list.toArray(s);
* This is used to keep track of which validators are enabled with which projects. We want to ensure
* that we don't activate a validator (and it's plug-in) if it has nothing to validate in the workspace.
* @author karasiuk
private static class ValidatorProjectManager {
private Map<String, Set<IProject>> _manual = new HashMap<String, Set<IProject>>(50);
private Map<String, Set<IProject>> _build = new HashMap<String, Set<IProject>>(50);
* Should this validator attempt to validate any resources in this
* project?
* @param validator
* The validator that is being tested.
* @param project
* The project that is being tested. This can be null, which
* means that all projects will be tested.
* @param type
* The type of validation operation.
* @return true if the validator should attempt to validate.
public synchronized boolean shouldValidate(Validator validator, IProject project, ValType type){
if (type == ValType.Build)return shouldValidate(validator, project, type, _build);
if (type == ValType.Manual)return shouldValidate(validator, project, type, _manual);
return false;
* A project has been created, opened, or had it's description changed.
* @param project
public synchronized void change(IProject project) {
change(project, _build, ValType.Build);
change(project, _manual, ValType.Manual);
private void change(IProject project, Map<String, Set<IProject>> map, ValType type){
for (Validator validator : ValManager.getDefault().getValidators(project)){
boolean newSetting = validator.shouldValidateProject(project, type);
boolean oldSetting = shouldValidate(validator, project, type, map);
if (newSetting != oldSetting){
if (newSetting)map.get(validator.getId()).add(project);
else map.get(validator.getId()).remove(project);
public synchronized void remove(IProject project) {
remove(project, _build);
remove(project, _manual);
private void remove(IProject project, Map<String, Set<IProject>> map){
for (Set<IProject> projects : map.values())projects.remove(project);
private boolean shouldValidate(Validator validator, IProject project, ValType type,
Map<String, Set<IProject>> map){
String id = validator.getId();
if (!map.containsKey(id))loadMap(validator, type, map);
Set<IProject> projects = map.get(id);
if (project == null)return projects.size() > 0;
return projects.contains(project);
* Load the map with all the projects in the workspace, that this validator is prepared to validate.
* @param validator
* @param type
* @param map
private void loadMap(Validator validator, ValType type, Map<String, Set<IProject>> map) {
Set<IProject> set = new HashSet<IProject>(40);
map.put(validator.getId(), set);
IProject[] projects = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects();
for (IProject p : projects){
if (validator.shouldValidateProject(p, type)){
public synchronized void reset(){
public void handleEvent(IFacetedProjectEvent event) {
public void projectChanged(IProject project, int type) {
switch (type){
case IProjectChangeListener.ProjectClosed:
case IProjectChangeListener.ProjectDeleted:
case IProjectChangeListener.ProjectOpened:
case IProjectChangeListener.ProjectChanged: