blob: ea91be1b226bdb5527945f429fc322494bbe0fc0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.impl;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.jem.util.RegistryReader;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.ComponentCore;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.UnresolveableURIException;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.ModulecorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.StructureEdit;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualComponent;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualFile;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualFolder;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.internal.emf.resource.FileNameResourceFactoryRegistry;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.internal.emf.resource.ResourceFactoryDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.internal.emf.utilities.DefaultOverridableResourceFactoryRegistry;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.internal.emfworkbench.WorkbenchResourceHelper;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.internal.emfworkbench.edit.EMFWorkbenchEditContextFactory;
* <p>
* The following class is experimental until fully documented.
* </p>
public class WTPResourceFactoryRegistry extends FileNameResourceFactoryRegistry {
public static final WTPResourceFactoryRegistry INSTANCE = new WTPResourceFactoryRegistry();
private final static boolean LOG_WARNINGS = false;
private WTPResourceFactoryRegistry() {
new ResourceFactoryRegistryReader().readRegistry();
public Resource.Factory delegatedGetFactory(URI uri) {
if (WTPResourceFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE == this)
return super.delegatedGetFactory(uri);
return WTPResourceFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE.getFactory(uri);
public Resource.Factory getFactory(URI uri, IContentDescription description) {
IProject componentProject = null;
try {
componentProject = StructureEdit.getContainingProject(uri);
} catch (UnresolveableURIException e) {
// don't do anything
ILock lock = EMFWorkbenchEditContextFactory.getProjectLockObject(componentProject);
if(null != lock){
Resource.Factory resourceFactory = null;
if(uri != null && uri.lastSegment() != null) {
ResourceFactoryDescriptor descriptor = null;
if(null == description){
descriptor = getDescriptor(uri);
} else {
descriptor = getDescriptor(uri, description);
if(descriptor != null) {
resourceFactory = getFactory(descriptor);
if(resourceFactory == null)
resourceFactory = super.getFactory(uri);
return resourceFactory;
} finally{
if(null != lock){
public Resource.Factory getFactory(URI uri) {
return getFactory(uri, (IContentDescription)null);
* Register a file name representing the last segment of a URI with the corresponding
* Resource.Factory.
public synchronized void registerLastFileSegment(String aSimpleFileName, Resource.Factory aFactory) {
/* the third entry in the array is this stack frame, we walk back from there. */
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = (new Exception()).getStackTrace();
if(stackTrace.length > 4) {
StringBuffer warningMessage = new StringBuffer("WTPResourceFactoryRegistry.registerLastFileSegment() was called explicitly from " + stackTrace[3]);
warningMessage.append("\nThis happened around: \n");
for (int i = 4; (i < stackTrace.length) && i < 8; i++) {
warningMessage.append("\tnear ").append(stackTrace[i]).append('\n');
warningMessage.append(".\nClients should use the org.eclipse.wst.common.modulecore.resourceFactories extension point instead.");
ModulecorePlugin.log(IStatus.INFO, 0, warningMessage.toString(), null);
super.registerLastFileSegment(aSimpleFileName, aFactory);
private WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey getKey(ResourceFactoryDescriptor descriptor) {
WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey key = new WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey();
key.shortName = descriptor.getShortSegment();
key.type = descriptor.getContentType();
key.isDefault = descriptor.isDefault();
if(descriptor instanceof ConfigurationResourceFactoryDescriptor){
ConfigurationResourceFactoryDescriptor configurationDescriptor = (ConfigurationResourceFactoryDescriptor)descriptor;
key.factoryClassName = configurationDescriptor.getFactoryClassName();
key.overridesFactoryClassName = configurationDescriptor.getOverridesFactoryClassName();
return key;
* Declares a subclass to create Resource.Factory(ies) from an extension.
private class ConfigurationResourceFactoryDescriptor extends ResourceFactoryDescriptor implements IResourceFactoryExtPtConstants {
private String shortSegment;
private IContentType contentType;
private boolean isDefault = true;
private String factoryClassName = null;
private String overridesFactoryClassName = null;
private final IConfigurationElement element;
public ConfigurationResourceFactoryDescriptor(IConfigurationElement ext) throws CoreException {
element = ext;
public String getOverridesFactoryClassName() {
return overridesFactoryClassName;
public String getFactoryClassName() {
return factoryClassName;
private void init() throws CoreException {
shortSegment = element.getAttribute(ATT_SHORT_SEGMENT);
IConfigurationElement[] bindings = element.getChildren(TAG_CONTENTTYPE);
if (bindings.length > 0) {
String contentTypeId = null;
contentTypeId = bindings[0].getAttribute(ATT_CONTENTTYPEID);
if (contentTypeId != null)
contentType = Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType(contentTypeId);
if ((shortSegment == null || shortSegment.trim().length() == 0)
&& contentType == null) {
throw new CoreException(
"Either the shortSegment attribute or the contentType element of " //$NON-NLS-1$
+ " must be specified in "
+ element.getNamespaceIdentifier()
+ ". The shortSegment attribute is specified with a valid, non-null, " //$NON-NLS-1$
+ "non-empty value, and the contentType element is specified with a " //$NON-NLS-1$
+ "valid, non-null, non-empty contentTypeId." //$NON-NLS-1$
, null));
if ("false".equals(element.getAttribute(ATT_ISDEFAULT)))
isDefault = false;
factoryClassName = element.getAttribute(ATT_CLASS);
overridesFactoryClassName = element.getAttribute(ATT_OVERRIDES_FACTORY);
public boolean isEnabledFor(URI fileURI) {
// Not sure where this is actually used, so not sure what the proper
// implementation should be, so simply checking the short segment for now
if (fileURI != null && fileURI.lastSegment() != null && shortSegment != null) {
return shortSegment.equals(fileURI.lastSegment());
return false;
public Resource.Factory createFactory() {
final Resource.Factory[] factory = new Resource.Factory[1]; ISafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
factory[0] = (Resource.Factory) element.createExecutableExtension(ATT_CLASS);
public void handleException(Throwable exception) {
ModulecorePlugin.log(ModulecorePlugin.createErrorStatus(0, exception.getMessage(), exception));
return factory[0] != null ? factory[0] : DefaultOverridableResourceFactoryRegistry.GLOBAL_FACTORY;
public String getShortSegment() {
return shortSegment;
public IContentType getContentType() {
return contentType;
public boolean isDefault() {
return isDefault;
public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = 0;
if (getContentType() != null) {
hashCode |= getContentType().hashCode();
if (getShortSegment() != null) {
hashCode |= getShortSegment().hashCode();
return hashCode;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (! (o instanceof ResourceFactoryDescriptor)) {
return false;
ResourceFactoryDescriptor rfdo = (ResourceFactoryDescriptor) o;
boolean equals = true;
equals &= (getContentType() == null) ? rfdo.getContentType() == null :
equals &= (getShortSegment() == null) ? rfdo.getShortSegment() == null :
return equals;
private class ResourceFactoryRegistryReader extends RegistryReader implements IResourceFactoryExtPtConstants {
public ResourceFactoryRegistryReader() {
public boolean readElement(final IConfigurationElement element) {
if(element != null && TAG_RESOURCE_FACTORY.equals(element.getName())) {
final boolean[] success = new boolean[] { true }; ISafeRunnable() {
public void run() throws Exception {
addDescriptor(new ConfigurationResourceFactoryDescriptor(element));
public void handleException(Throwable exception) {
ModulecorePlugin.log(ModulecorePlugin.createErrorStatus(0, exception.getMessage(), exception));
success[0] = false;
return success[0];
} else {
return false;
private class WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey {
public String overridesFactoryClassName;
public String factoryClassName;
public String shortName;
public IContentType type;
public boolean isDefault = true;
public WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey() {
* Sort in the following manner:
* First, sort by shortName, if shortName is null, then it comes last
* If shortNames are equal, then sort by isDefault
* If isDefault is also equal, then the one defining a factoryClassName wins
* If both have factoryClassNames, then check to see if one overrides the other via overridesFactoryClassName
* If neither override the other factory class, then sort by factoryClassname
* @param other
* @return
public int compareTo(WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey other){
if(this == other){
return 0;
if(shortName == null && other.shortName == null){
return 0;
} else if(shortName == null){
return 1;
} else if(other.shortName == null){
return -1;
int shortNameCompare = this.shortName.compareTo(other.shortName);
if(shortNameCompare != 0){
return shortNameCompare;
} else {
if(this.isDefault != other.isDefault){
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
if(this.factoryClassName == null && other.factoryClassName == null){
return 0;
} else if(other.factoryClassName == null){
return -1;
} else if (this.factoryClassName == null){
return 1;
} else if(other.factoryClassName.equals(this.overridesFactoryClassName)){
return -1;
} else if(this.factoryClassName.equals(other.overridesFactoryClassName)){
return 1;
} else {
return this.factoryClassName.compareTo(other.factoryClassName);
protected void addDescriptor(ResourceFactoryDescriptor descriptor) {
getDescriptors().put(getKey(descriptor), descriptor);
private WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey [] sortedDescriptors = null;
private WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey [] getSortedDescriptorKeys() {
if(sortedDescriptors == null || sortedDescriptors.length != getDescriptors().size()){
Set keys = getDescriptors().keySet();
WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey [] array = new WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey [keys.size()];
int count = 0;
for (Iterator iterator = keys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();count++) {
WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey key = (WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey);
array[count] = key;
Arrays.sort(array, new Comparator<WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey>() {
public int compare(WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey key1,
WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey key2) {
return key1.compareTo(key2);
sortedDescriptors = array;
return sortedDescriptors;
protected synchronized ResourceFactoryDescriptor getDescriptor(URI uri, IContentDescription description) {
WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey [] keys = getSortedDescriptorKeys();
ResourceFactoryDescriptor defaultDescriptor = null;
// first check content type
if (description != null) {
for (WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey key : keys) {
ResourceFactoryDescriptor descriptor = (ResourceFactoryDescriptor) getDescriptors().get(key);
if ((key.type != null) && (description.getContentType().equals(key.type))) {
if ((defaultDescriptor == null) || (key.isDefault)) {
defaultDescriptor = descriptor;
// then check short name, overriding default if necessary
for (WTPResourceFactoryRegistryKey key : keys) {
ResourceFactoryDescriptor descriptor = (ResourceFactoryDescriptor) getDescriptors().get(key);
if ((key.shortName != null) && (uri.lastSegment().equals(key.shortName))) {
if ((defaultDescriptor == null)
|| ((description == null) && (key.isDefault))) {
defaultDescriptor = descriptor;
return defaultDescriptor;
private URI newPlatformURI(URI aNewURI, IProject project) {
if (project == null)
return ModuleURIUtil.trimToDeployPathSegment(aNewURI);
try {
IVirtualComponent component = ComponentCore.createComponent(project);
URI deployPathSegment = ModuleURIUtil.trimToDeployPathSegment(aNewURI);
//IVirtualFile newFile = component.getFile(new Path(deployPathSegment.path()));
IVirtualFolder rootFolder = component.getRootFolder();
IVirtualFile newFile = rootFolder.getFile(new Path(deployPathSegment.path()));
return URI.createPlatformResourceURI(newFile.getWorkspaceRelativePath().toString());
} catch(Exception e) {
return null;
private IContentDescription getDescriptionFromURI(URI uri) {
String contentTypeIdentifier = ModuleURIUtil.getContentTypeName(uri);
if (contentTypeIdentifier != null)
return Platform.getContentTypeManager().getContentType(contentTypeIdentifier).getDefaultDescription();
return null;
protected synchronized ResourceFactoryDescriptor getDescriptor(URI uri) {
IFile file = WorkbenchResourceHelper.getPlatformFile(uri);
IContentDescription description = null;
if (file != null && file.exists()) {
try {
description = file.getContentDescription();
} catch (CoreException e) {
if (description == null) {//Check for optional embedded uri segment, then normalize
description = getDescriptionFromURI(uri);
try {
if (description != null) {
IProject componentProject = null;
try {
componentProject = StructureEdit.getContainingProject(uri);
} catch (UnresolveableURIException e) {
uri = PlatformURLModuleConnection.resolve(uri);
uri = newPlatformURI(uri,componentProject);
} catch (IOException e) {
ResourceFactoryDescriptor defaultDesc = getDescriptor(uri, description);
// Ok no content type match - go to super
if (defaultDesc != null){
return defaultDesc;
return super.getDescriptor(uri);