blob: 405039e6d3ca7a18392d37353f99701714345321 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
breakpoint_condition=Breakpoint Condition
breakpoint_properties=Breakpoint &Properties
breakpoint_settings=Breakpoint Settings
disable_breakpoint=Disable B&reakpoint
enable_breakpoint=Enable B&reakpoint
enter_condition=Enter a condition
failed_function_bp_no_element=Failed to create Javascript function breakpoint - the JavaScript element could not be computed
failed_function_bp_no_resource=Failed to create Javascript function breakpoint - the resource could no be computed for {0}
failed_line_bp_no_element=Failed to create Javascript line breakpoint - the JavaScript element could not be computed
failed_line_bp_no_resource=Failed to create Javascript line breakpoint - the resource could no be computed for {0}
failed_to_create_function_bp=Failed to create Javascript function breakpoint
failed_to_create_line_bp=Failed to create Javascript line breakpoint
function_breakpoint=Function Breakpoint
function_breakpoint_settings=Function Breakpoint Settings
hit_count=&Hit Count:
hit_count_must_be_positive=Hit count must be a positive integer
line_breakpoint=Line Breakpoint
line_breakpoint_settings=Line Breakpoint Settings
line_number=&Line Number:
no_editor_could_be_found=No editor could be found for the associated part
no_valid_location=A valid location could not be found for the breakpoint
script_load_bp=Script Load Breakpoint
script_load_breakpoint=Script Load Breakpoint
script_path=&Script Path:
suspend_thread=Suspend &Thread
suspend_target=Suspend Ta&rget
suspend_when_changed=Suspend &when value changes
suspend_when_true=Suspend when 'tr&ue'
type_name=&Type Name:
type_root_could_not_be_computed=The type root could not be computed for the editor