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<title>Edit Model Extension</title>
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<H1><CENTER>Edit Model Extension</CENTER></H1>
<h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Identifier: </h6><p></p>
<h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Since: </h6>6.0
<h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Description: </h6>The Edit Model Extension allows third parties to contribute expected resources to Edit Models. The functionGroupID allows users to select which extensions they choose to have enabled.<p>
Edit models provide a framework for managing a set of EMF resources within a unit of work. For example, a workspace operation may affect a change to multiple EMF resources. Edit models provide basic services such as loads, saves (when necessary), and validate edit for the managed resources. Edit models are reference counted, therefore a single instance of an edit model can be shared by more than one operation or editor. By declaring an edit model, a plugin provider enables other components to contribute resources to be managed by that edit model.</p>
<p><h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Configuration Markup:</h6></p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.extension">extension</a> (<a href="#e.editModelExtension">editModelExtension</a>+)&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST extension</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>point&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>id&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>name&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<br><p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.editModelExtension">editModelExtension</a> (<a href="#e.editModelResource">editModelResource</a>+)&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST editModelExtension</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>editModelID&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>id&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
Edit model extensions allow components to contribute known resource URIs to an edit model. Whenever an edit model is loaded, the resources will automatically be loaded and managed by the edit model. Changes to the resources will be tracked and saved during operations or editor saves.</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<li><b>editModelID</b> - The unique id of the edit model being extended.</li>
<li><b>id</b> - The unique identifier for this extension. This will be used to associate it with a function group pattern binding.</li>
<br><p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.extension">extension</a> (<a href="#e.editModel">editModel</a>+)&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST extension</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>point&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>id&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>name&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<br><p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.editModel">editModel</a> (<a href="#e.editModelResource">editModelResource</a>+)&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST editModel</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>editModelID&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>factoryClass&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>loadUnknownResourcesAsReadOnly&nbsp;(true | false) <p class=code id=dtdAttlist>parentModelID&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
The declaration for an edit model to be used in the workspace.</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<li><b>editModelID</b> - A unique identifier for the edit model.</li>
<li><b>factoryClass</b> - An optional factory class that is used for this edit model. The class must implement the interface <code></code>. If none is specified, then a generic <code>EditModel</code> is created.</li>
<li><b>loadUnknownResourcesAsReadOnly</b> - </li>
<li><b>parentModelID</b> - </li>
<br><p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ELEMENT <a name="e.editModelResource">editModelResource</a> EMPTY&gt;</p>
<p class=code id=dtd>&lt;!ATTLIST editModelResource</p>
<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>URI&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>autoload&nbsp;(true | false) "false"&gt;</p>
<p class=ConfigMarkup id=elementDesc>
This is an individual contribution of a resource to the edit model. If more than one instance of the same URI is registered against an edit model id, the resource is still only loaded once.</p>
<ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc>
<li><b>URI</b> - The URI of the resource relative to the root container from which EMF resources are loaded.</li>
<li><b>autoload</b> - Indicator which determines whether this resource should be autoloaded when the edit model is created, or when an IFile corresponding to this resource is added.</li>
<br><h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Examples: </h6><br>
<h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>API Information: </h6>[Enter API information here.]
<h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Supplied Implementation: </h6>[Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]
<p class=note id=copyright>