blob: 197587f04a79c5d9ecb420ee47f6de44aa260fff [file] [log] [blame]
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>WTP Downloads</title>
//ini_set("display_errors", "true");
//error_reporting (E_ALL);
$debugScript = false;
$debugFunctions = false;
// TODO: improve so this hard coding isn't required.
// This depends on the declare script changing webtools/committers to webtools/downloads
// And, the logic is such that if it is not mirrored, this URI is not used at all, just
// a relative reference only
$keytestMirrorString=$eclipseMirrorScript . "$eclipseWTPMirrorPrefix/wtp-sdk-$";
if (isMirrored($keytestMirrorString) ) {
if ($debugScript) {
echo "inferred platform: " . getPlatform();
// our summary results handling requires php 5 (for simple xml file loading)
// so, if not php 5, just don't display any summary results
// This was found to be required, since some mirror our whole site (e.g. IBM)
// and not all mirrors use PHP 5
if (phpversion() >= 5) {
// expecting grandTotalErrors and grandTotalTests
$filename = "unitTestsSummary.xml";
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$prefix = "unitTests_";
$unitTestsSummary = simplexml_load_file($filename);
foreach ($unitTestsSummary->summaryItem as $summaryItem) {
$name = $summaryItem->name;
$value = $summaryItem->value;
$code= "\$" . $prefix . $name . " = " . $value . ";";
//echo "<br />code: " . $code;
$filename = "compilelogsSummary.xml";
$prefix = "code_";
$compileSummary = simplexml_load_file($filename);
foreach ($compileSummary->summaryItem as $summaryItem) {
$name = $summaryItem->name;
$value = $summaryItem->value;
$code= "\$" . $prefix . $name . " = " . $value . ";";
//echo "<br />code: " . $code;
$filename = "testcompilelogsSummary.xml";
$prefix = "test_";
$compileSummary = simplexml_load_file($filename);
foreach ($compileSummary->summaryItem as $summaryItem) {
$name = $summaryItem->name;
$value = $summaryItem->value;
$code= "\$" . $prefix . $name . " = " . $value . ";";
//echo "<br />code: " . $code;
// tiny banner to remind when looking at "local" machine results
$serverName = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
if (!stristr($serverName, "") && !stristr($serverName,"")) {
echo '<center>
Reminder: this is <font color="#FF0000">' .
$serverName .
See also
<a href="" target="_top">the live public Eclipse site</a>.
<hr />
<td ALIGN=left><font face="'Bitstream Vera',Helvetica,Arial" size="+2"><b><?php echo "$type";?>
Build: <?php echo "$build";?></b></font></td>
<td><font size="-1"><?php echo "$builddate";?></font></td>
<p>The Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project provides tools for Web
Development, and is a platform for adopters making add-on tools for
Web Development.</p>
<!-- *********** Required Prerequisites ************** -->
<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 width="100%">
<td align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#0080C0"><font
face="'Bitstream Vera',Helvetica,Arial" color="#FFFFFF">Required
Prerequisites and Handy Extras</font></td>
<p>These are the prerequisites to install and run the Web Tools
Platform. Also listed are some frequently needed links for
committer-required packages when creating new developmnet
environmnets, or targets to run against.</p>
<p>Note that WTP requires Java 5 or higher (and, for some things,
actually requires a JDK rather than only a JRE) even though many other
<a href="">Eclipse Projects</a> can
run with <a href="">other
JRE levels</a>.</p>
<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 width="90%" align="center">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10%"></td>
<td width="55%">Eclipse Platform (Platform, JDT)</td>
//customize page depending on user's browser/platform, if we can detect it
$usersPlatform = getPlatform();
// assume windows by default, since likely most frequent, even for cases where
// platform is "unknown". I've noticed Opera reports 'unknown' :(
if (strcmp($usersPlatform,"linux")== 0) {
} else if (strcmp($usersPlatform,"mac") == 0) {
<td align="right" width="35%"><?php
echo getPrereqReferenceOrName($eclipseMirrorScript, $eclipseMirrorPrefixuri, $eclipseURL, $recommendedFile);
echo " or <a href=\"" . $eclipseBuildURL . "\">appropriate platform</a>";
echo " or <a href=\"" . $eclipseBuildHome . "\">equivalent</a></td>";
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10%"></td>
<td>Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF, XSD InfoSet, SDO)</td>
<td align="right"><?php
echo getPrereqReferenceOrName($eclipseMirrorScript, $emfMirrorPrefixuri, $emfURL, $emfFile);
echo " or <a href=\"" . $emfBuildHome . "\">equivalent</a></td>";
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10%"></td>
<td>Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)</td>
<td align="right"><?php
echo getPrereqReferenceOrName($eclipseMirrorScript, $gefMirrorPrefixuri, $gefURL, $gefFile);
echo " or <a href=\"" . $gefBuildHome . "\">equivalent</a></td>";
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10%"></td>
<td>Eclipse Test Framework (required only for Automated JUnit tests)</td>
<td align="right"><?php
echo getPrereqReferenceOrName($eclipseMirrorScript, $eclipseMirrorPrefixuri, $testURL, $testFile);
echo " or <a href=\"" . $eclipseBuildHome . "\">equivalent</a></td>";
<tr valign="top">
<td width="10%"></td>
<td>Eclipse releng tool (required only for committers to more easily "release" code to a build)</td>
<td align="right"><?php
echo getPrereqReferenceOrName($eclipseMirrorScript, $eclipseMirrorPrefixuri, $eclipserelengURL, $eclipserelengFile);
echo " or <a href=\"" . $eclipseBuildHome . "\">equivalent</a></td>";
<!-- *********** WTP ************** -->
<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 width="100%">
<td align=left valign=top colspan="5" bgcolor="#0080C0"><font
face="'Bitstream Vera',Helvetica,Arial" color="#FFFFFF"> Web Tools
Platform Patches for WTP 1.5.5</font></td>
<td align="left" valign="top" colspan="5">
<p>The Zip files contain patches</p>
<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 width="90%" align="center">
<td align="left" valign="top" width="10%"><b>Patch</b></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">
<p>Remember, care is needed in using patches from this page. These
patches are specific to particular use-cases or adopters and not
well tested for general cases.</p>
displayFileLine($downloadprefix, $filename, $zipfilesize, $fileShortDescription);
<!-- *********** Build Status ************** -->
<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 width="100%">
<td align=left valign=top bgcolor="#0080C0"><font
face="'Bitstream Vera',Helvetica,Arial" color="#FFFFFF">Status, tests
and other interesting details</font></td>
<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 width="90%" align="center">
<td><a href="buildNotes.php">Build notes</a> <br />
<a href="directory.txt">map files</a> <br />
if ($displayTestSummary) {
if (isset($unitTests_grandTotalErrors)) {
if ($unitTests_grandTotalErrors > 0) {
echo "<a href=\"testResults.php\">Unit test results</a>&nbsp;";
echo "<img src=\"junit_err.gif\"/><font color=\"" . $errorColor . "\">" . $unitTests_grandTotalErrors . "</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Total: " . $unitTests_grandTotalTests;
else {
echo "<br /><font color=\"orange\">Unit tests are pending</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=\"pending.gif\"/>";
echo "<br />";
echo "<a href=\"compileResults.php\">Compile logs: Code Bundles</a>";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;($code_totalBundles)&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "<img src=\"compile_err.gif\"/><font color=red>$code_totalErrors</font>&nbsp;";
echo "<img src=\"compile_warn.gif\"/><font color=orange>$code_totalWarnings</font>&nbsp;";
echo "<img src=\"access_err.gif\"/><font color=red>$code_totalforbiddenAccessWarningCount</font>&nbsp;";
echo "<img src=\"access_warn.gif\"/><font color=orange>$code_totaldiscouragedAccessWarningCount</font>&nbsp;";
echo "<br />";
echo "<a href=\"testCompileResults.php\">Compile logs: Test Bundles</a>";
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;($test_totalBundles)&nbsp;&nbsp;";
echo "<img src=\"compile_err.gif\"/><font color=red>$test_totalErrors</font>&nbsp;";
echo "<img src=\"compile_warn.gif\"/><font color=orange>$test_totalWarnings</font>&nbsp;";
echo "<img src=\"access_err.gif\"/><font color=red>$test_totalforbiddenAccessWarningCount</font>&nbsp;";
echo "<img src=\"access_warn.gif\"/><font color=orange>$test_totaldiscouragedAccessWarningCount</font>&nbsp;";
?> <br />
if (file_exists("versioningReportName.php")) {
include "versioningReportName.php";
if (file_exists($fname)) {
echo "<br /> <a href='$fname'>Versioning Information</a>";
?> <?php
echo "<br />";
if (file_exists("./apiresults/api-progress.html"))
echo "<br /> <a href=\"apiresults/api-progress.html\">API Progress Report</a>";
if (file_exists("./apiresults/api-info-summary.html"))
echo "<br /> <a href=\"apiresults/api-info-summary.html\">APIs Defined by Each Component</a>";
if (file_exists("./apiresults/api-ref-compatibility.html"))
echo "<br /> <a href=\"apiresults/api-ref-compatibility.html\">Adopter Breakage Report</a>";
if (file_exists("./apiresults/api-violation-summary.html"))
echo "<br /> <a href=\"apiresults/api-violation-summary.html\">API Violations</a>";
if (file_exists("./apiresults/component-api-violation-all.html"))
echo "<br /> <a href=\"apiresults/component-api-violation-all.html\">Non-API dependencies</a>";
if (file_exists("./apiresults/api-tc-summary.html"))
echo "<br /> <a href=\"apiresults/api-tc-summary.html\">API Test Coverage</a>";
if (file_exists("./apiresults/api-javadoc-summary.html"))
echo "<br /> <a href=\"apiresults/api-javadoc-summary.html\">API Javadoc Coverage</a>";
if (file_exists("./apiresults/api-tc-summary.html"))
echo "<br /><br /> <a href=\"apiresults/full_test_coverage/api-tc-summary.html\">Test Coverage for All Classes and Methods</a>";
?> <?php
if (file_exists("./perfresults/graph/performance.php"))
echo "<br />";
echo "<br /> <a href=\"perfresults/graph/performance.php\">Performance Results</a>";
echo "<br />";
<!-- footer -->
<p>All downloads are provided under the terms and conditions of the <a
href=""> Software
User Agreement</a> unless otherwise specified.</p>
<p>If you have problems downloading the drops, contact the <font
face="'Bitstream Vera',Helvetica,Arial" size="-1"><a
<!-- end footer -->