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<title>Introduction to SWT Graphics</title>
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<div align="right"><font size="-2">Copyright &copy; 2003 International Business Machines
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 width="100%">
<td align=LEFT valign=TOP colspan="2" bgcolor="#0080C0"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;Eclipse
Corner Article</font></b></td>
<h1> <img src="images/Idea.jpg" height=86 width=120 align=CENTER></h1>
<h1> Graphics Context - Quick on the draw</h1>
<blockquote><b>Summary</b> <br>
The package <code></code> contains classes that allows
management of graphics resources. Graphics can be drawn on anything that implements
<code>, </code>which includes <code>org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control</code>
and <code></code>. The class <code>
</code>encapsulates all of the drawing API, including how to draw lines and
shapes, draw text and images and fill shapes. This article shows how to
use a GC to draw onto an Image, or onto a control through its paintEvent callback.
The Canvas control, specifically designed for drawing operations, has a number
of constructor style bits that allow you to determine when and how painting
occurs, and the article shows how to use these.
<p><b>By Joe Winchester, IBM</b> <br>
July 3, 2003</blockquote>
<hr width="100%">
Table of contents:
<li> <a href=" Context">Graphics
<li> <a href=" Context">Drawing
on an Image</a></li>
<li> <a href=" Context">Drawing
on a Control</a></li>
<li> <a href="">Clipping</a></li>
<li> <a href="">Canvas</a></li>
<li> <a href=" lines and">Drawing
lines and shapes</a></li>
<li> <a href=" Text">Drawing
<li> <a href=" shapes">Filling
<li> <a href="">XOR</a></li>
<li> <a href=" Images">Drawing
The SWT graphics system uses the same coordinate convention used for controls,
where the origin is at 0,0 is the top left corner, and the x axis increases to
the right while the y axis increases downwards.&nbsp; The Point class is used
to represent both a location (a position in the coordinate system) and also an
offset (there is no Dimension class in SWT - the size of a rectangle is represented
by a Point capturing the x and y offset from its origin).
<h1> <a NAME="Graphics Context"></a>Graphics Context</h1>
Graphics can be drawn on anything that implements <code></code>.&nbsp;
This includes a Control, an Image, a Display device or a Printer device.&nbsp;
The class <code></code> is a graphics context that encapsulates
the drawing operations that can be performed.&nbsp; There are two common ways
to use a GC; either by creating one using the Drawable instance as a constructor
argument, or else using a GC that's given to you as part of a paintEvent callback.
<h2> Drawing on an Image</h2>
The code below creates a GC with an image as its argument and draws two lines
on it,&nbsp;<img src="images/tag_1.gif" height=13 width=24> one from the top left (0,0)
to the bottom right, and&nbsp;<img src="images/tag_2.gif" height=13 width=24> one from
the top right to the bottom left.
<p><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Image image = new Image(display,"C:/devEclipse_02/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_2.0.2/eclipse_lg.gif");</code>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; GC gc = new GC(image);</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Rectangle bounds = image.getBounds();</code> <br>
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" height=13 width=24><code> gc.drawLine(0,0,bounds.width,bounds.height);</code>
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" height=13 width=24><code> gc.drawLine(0,bounds.height,bounds.width,0);</code>
<img src="images/tag_3.gif" height=13 width=24><code> gc.dispose();</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; image.dispose();</code> <br>
<table BORDER >
<td>&nbsp;<i>Original image&nbsp;</i></td>
<td><i>Image after the GC draws across it</i></td>
<td><img src="images/image_lg_orig.gif" height=164 width=115></td>
<td><img src="images/image_lg_lines.gif" height=164 width=115></td>
<p>When creating a GC you must be responsible for disposing it&nbsp;<img src="images/tag_3.gif" height=13 width=24>
by calling its dispose() method. For more information on how to manage SWT resources
see <a href="">SWT:
The Standard Widget Toolkit.</a>&nbsp; A GC that's instantiated by the program
should be drawn upon and then disposed as soon as possible.&nbsp; This is because
each GC requires an underlying platform resource, and on some operating systems
these may be scarce, such as Windows 98 that only allows 5 GC objects to be
created before it runs out resources.
<h2> Drawing on a Control</h2>
The class <code>org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control</code> is a Drawable, so you could
draw onto a Control the same way you draw onto an Image (passing the Control as
the argument of GC to draw onto it), however unlike drawing on an image (that
permanently changes the data making up the graphic), if you use a GC to draw onto
a control you must be aware that when the operating system itself draws the control
it will overwrite your changes.&nbsp; The correct way to draw onto a control is
by adding a listener to its paint event.&nbsp; The listener class is <code></code>,
and the callback method argument is an instance of <code></code>.&nbsp;
The PaintEvent includes a GC that you can send message to, that is already prepared
to draw onto the control and includes the damaged area.
<p>The following code&nbsp;<img src="images/tag_1.gif" height=13 width=24> adds a paint
listener to a Shell, and in the paintControl callback method&nbsp;<img src="images/tag_2.gif" height=13 width=24>
draws a line from the origin to bottom right corner.
<p><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Shell shell = new Shell(display);</code> <br>
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" height=13 width=24><code> shell.addPaintListener(new PaintListener(){</code>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; public void paintControl(PaintEvent
e){</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Rectangle
clientArea = shell.getClientArea();</code> <br>
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" height=13 width=24><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
e.gc.drawLine(0,0,clientArea.width,clientArea.height);</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; });</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; shell.setSize(150,150)</code>
<p><img src="images/ShellDrawnLine.gif" height=215 width=267>
<p>Although the size of the Shell is set to (150,150), the area that can be drawn
onto is smaller.&nbsp; This is known as the client area, and takes into account
any trim or borders; for a Shell this includes its edges, titlebar and menubar.&nbsp;
To determine the clientArea of any Composite use the method <code>getClientArea().</code>
<p>The application always get a paint event after the underlying OS has drawn
the control, so any drawing done to the paint event's GC will be shown on top
of the control.&nbsp; There are some exceptions to this, such as for a ToolBar
where on certain platforms the items are heavyweight controls that can't be
drawn on top of, however this is not considered normal behavior.&nbsp; For general-purpose
drawing the control <code><a href="">org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas</a></code>
can be used that is optimized for graphics operations.
<h1> <a NAME="Clipping"></a>Clipping</h1>
The clipping area of a GC is the portion onto which visible drawing occurs. By
default a GC is clipped to the bounds of the drawable that it was constructed
with. Altering the clipping area of a GC allows you to create graphic effects.&nbsp;
An example of this is if you wanted to fill a triangle shape that had a portion
of its edges missing.&nbsp; One way to do this would be to draw multiple polygons
rectangles making up the shape, another way however is to fill the shape, but
to clip the GC so that the edges are outside the clipping area.
<p><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; shell.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; public void paintControl(PaintEvent
e) {</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Rectangle
clientArea = shell.getClientArea();</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int width
= clientArea.width;</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int height
= clientArea.height;</code> <br>
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" height=13 width=24><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
e.gc.setClipping(20,20,width - 40, height - 40);</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; e.gc.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_CYAN));</code>
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" height=13 width=24><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
e.gc.fillPolygon(new int[] {0,0,width,0,width/2,height});</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; });</code>
<p>This code draws a triangle on a Shell as a polygon from&nbsp; the&nbsp;<img src="images/tag_1.gif" height=13 width=24>
top left, top right, and center of the bottom edge. Beforehand however, the
GC is clipped with a rectangle&nbsp;<img src="images/tag_2.gif" height=13 width=24>
that reduces the client area with a margin of 20 pixels wide, so only the clipped
rectangle is draw.
<p><img src="images/ClippedTriangles.gif" height=191 width=562>
<p>When a paintEvent occurs for a control the GC is always clipped to just the
area that needs repainting. For example, if another window is moved in front
of an SWT shell and then moved away, the newly revealed portion of the GUI is
marked as damaged and a paint event is queued.&nbsp; When the paint event occurs,
the <code>paintControl(PaintEvent evt)</code> method argument contains the area
of the Control that requires redrawing in its x, y, width and height fields.&nbsp;
The damage to the control can be complex containing multiple disjoint rectangles,
and if there is more than one damaged area of a control when the paint event
occurs the damaged areas are merged into a single rectangle representing the
union of the damaged areas. This step is performed by the underlying platform
and is designed to aid performance as multiple paint events are processed in
a single callback.
<p>In the example above that fills a clipped triangle&nbsp; each time the <code>paintControl(PaintEvent)</code>
method is called, an optimization could be to look at the PaintEvent's area.&nbsp;
It maybe that the paint event doesn't even intersect the shape being drawn in
which case no drawing need occur, or if only a portion of the drawing is needs
repainting then only this is drawn.&nbsp; Depending on the type of drawing,
working out which portion of a GC to selectively redraw however can be more
expensive than just relying on the fact the GC is clipped, and in practice code
inside paint events often just ignores the damaged area and re-does all of the
GC drawing, relying on clipping to ensure only the damaged area is refreshed.
<p>If a program needs to manually damage an area of a control this can be done
using <code>Control.redraw(int x, int y, int width, int height)</code>, or <code>Control.redraw()</code>
to damage the entire client area.&nbsp; The area is marked as damaged and will
be included in the next paint event that occurs.&nbsp; To cause a synchronous
and immediate paint event to occur use the method <code>Control.update()</code>
that will force all outstanding paint requests to be processed for the control.
If there are no paint request&nbsp; (i.e. none of the client area is damaged),
then <code>update()</code> will do nothing.
<h1> <a NAME="Canvas"></a>Canvas</h1>
Although any Control can be drawn onto through its paintEvent, the subclass org.eclipse.swt.widgets.<code>Canvas</code>
is specifically designed for graphics operations. This can be done either by using
a Canvas and adding a paint listener, or through subclassing to create a re-usable
Custom Control.&nbsp; Canvas has a number of style bits that can be used to affect
how painting occurs.
<p>The default behavior for a Canvas is that before it paints itself the entire
client area is filled with the current background color.&nbsp; This can create
screen flicker, because if the paintEvent also draws onto the GC, then the user
sees a flash between the original background being filled, and the drawing occurring.&nbsp;
One way to avoid this is to use the style bit SWT.NO_BACKGROUND when creating
the Canvas.&nbsp; This prevents the native background from being drawn, however
it means the program must be responsible for drawing every pixel of the client
<p>When a widget is resized a paint event occurs.&nbsp; This can create screen
flicker as repeated repainting of the client area occurs.&nbsp; Flicker is also
known as flash, and the style bit SWT.NO_REDRAW_RESIZE can be used to reduce
this.&nbsp; When NO_REDRAW_RESIZE is used and the control's size is reduced
no paint event is generated.&nbsp; This means there will be no flash as the
control is not unnecessarily redrawn, and if the size is increased then the
paint event's GC is clipped set to just the area that needs repainting.&nbsp;
This is the newly revealed bottom and right edge rectangles in a shape like
a backwards L.
<p>The style bit NO-REDRAW_RESIZE works well to reduce flicker if a fixed-size
drawing is being done on the GC, and each newly exposed area generates a paint
event onto which a fresh piece of the drawing occurs.&nbsp; Incorrectly used
however, NO_REDRAW_RESIZE can lead to a graphic effect known as cheese.&nbsp;
Cheese is a general term that applies when a portion of a widget is not updated
correctly following a resize. An example of&nbsp; is shown below where the paint
event needs to update the entire client area, such as&nbsp;<img src="images/tag_1.gif" height=13 width=24>
fill it with an oval shape.&nbsp; Because no paint event occurs when the window
is reduced in size the shape is not redrawn when the size is decreased, and
when the window is made larger because the GC is clipped to just the damaged
area Cheese occurs in the newly expanded area because the previous drawing is
not erased ( as the paint event is clipped to only the newly exposed area ).
<p><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; shell.setLayout(new FillLayout());</code> <br>
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" height=13 width=24><code> final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(shell,SWT.NO_REDRAW_RESIZE);</code>
<p><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; canvas.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() {</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; public void paintControl(PaintEvent
e) {</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Rectangle
clientArea = canvas.getClientArea();</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; e.gc.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_CYAN));</code>
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" height=13 width=24><code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
e.gc.fillOval(0,0,clientArea.width,clientArea.height);</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }</code> <br>
<code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; });</code>
<p>When the canvas size is increased the GC is clipped to just the area that needs
repainting and cheese occurs.
<p><img src="images/Cheese_Complete.gif">
<p>To correct this problem in line&nbsp;<img src="images/tag_2.gif" height=13 width=24>
the style bit of SWT.NONE should be used so that the GC is not clipped on expansion,
and a paint event occurs even when the shell size is reduced so the full oval
can be repainted.
<p><img src="images/tag_2.gif" height=13 width=24><code> final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(shell,SWT.NONE);</code>
<p>For any SWT widget, if more than one rectangle is damaged then the platform
merges these into a single damaged area that is the union of all damaged rectangles
so the SWT program only processes a single paint event. The style bit NO_MERGE_PAINTS
on Canvas can be used to override this behavior which means the listener will
be called with a single paint event for every separate damaged rectangle.
<p>The style bits NO_BACKGROUND, NO_REDRAW_RESIZE and NO_MERGE_PAINTS can be used
with any Composite or subclass, including Canvas, Shell, or Group.&nbsp; Although
this is allowed by SWT ( no exceptions will be thrown ) the Composite class's
Javadoc includes the following style bit warning <i>"... their behavior is undefined
if they are used with subclasses of <code>Composite</code> other than <code>Canvas</code>".&nbsp;
</i>The Canvas class is therefore the preferred control to use when performing
arbitrary drawing operations.
<p>Another way to reduce flicker is to batch up the drawing that occurs on the
display by double buffering.&nbsp; Double buffering is a technique where the
drawing occurs onto a GC that is not the one used on the paintEvent, and the
contents are then copied across. To do this you can create an Image with the
same size as the Canvas' client area and then draw onto this with a <code>GC(Image)</code>;&nbsp;
The final image is then transferred across to the paint event's GC with a single
<code>drawImage(Image image, int x, int y) </code>method call.&nbsp; When using
this technique be aware that some platforms perform native double buffering
for you already, so you may in fact be triple buffering.
<h1> <a NAME="Drawing lines and"></a>Drawing lines and shapes</h1>
A GC has a number of methods that allow lines to be drawn on it, either between
two points, a series of interconnected points, or a pre-defined shape.&nbsp; Lines
are drawn in the foreground color of the GC and can be drawn in a number of styles
and with different thickeness.&nbsp; For a paint event the GC has the same attributes
as the control that fired the event (foreground / background color and font),
and the default line style is solid with a width of 1 pixel.
<h2> <code>GC.drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);</code></h2>
Draw a line between two points on the drawable surface beginning at x1,y1 and
ending at x2,y2.&nbsp; The end points are included in the line, and if they are
the same then a single pixel dot will be drawn.
<h2> <code>GC.drawPolyline(int[] pointArray);</code></h2>
Draw a series of interconnecting lines with the int[] representing x and y positions
for consecutive points.&nbsp; The statement: <br>
<code>gc.drawPolyline(new int[] { 25,5,45,45,5,45 });</code> <br>
draws a line from 25,5 to 45,45 and then from 45,45 onto 5,45.
<p><img src="images/PolygonClient.gif" height=94 width=161>
<h2> <code>GC.drawPolygon(int[] pointArray);</code></h2>
Similar to <code>drawPolyline(int[])</code> except that the last point is joined to
the first <br>
<code>gc.drawPolygon(new int[] { 25,5,45,45,5,45 });</code> <br>
This draws the three corners of the triangle and, by joining the point at 5,45
with 25,5 completes the shape by creating a contained area <br>
<img src="images/PolygonClient.gif" height=94 width=161>
<h2> <code>GC.drawRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height);</code></h2>
Draw a rectangle with the top left corner at x,y with the specified with and height
<code>gc.drawRectangle(5,5,90,45);</code> <br>
draws a rectangle with one corner at 5,5 and the opposite corner at 95,50; <br>
<img src="images/RectangleClient.gif" height=97 width=174>
<p>When a rectangle is drawn the bottom and right edges are drawn and it is conceptually
similar to lines being drawn between its four corners.&nbsp; As well as passing
the x,y,width and height as individual arguments the method is overloaded so
you can pass in the entire Rectangle - <code>GC.drawRectangle(Rectangle);</code>
<h2> <code>GC.drawRoundedRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth,
int arcHeight);</code></h2>
A rounded rectangle differs from a standard rectangle in that its corners are
rounded.&nbsp; The rounding on each corner can be thought of as 1/4 of an oval,
and the arcWidth and arcHeight specify the width and height of the full oval.
<code>gc.drawRoundedRectangle(5,5,90,45,25,15); </code>draws a rounded rectangle with
a top left corner of 5,5.&nbsp; The figure below shows a zoomed picture of the
bottom right corner together with an imaginary oval shown with a width of 25 and
a height of 15 to show how the rounded corner is created from 1/4 of the oval.
<p><img src="images/RoundedRectangleClient.gif" height=121 width=449>
<p>The implementation of the rounded rectangle could be achieved with 4 calls
to <code>drawArc() </code>and 4 to <code>drawLine(). </code>However on some platforms
such as Windows or Photon there is an optimized platform API that SWT uses.
<h2> <code>GC.drawOval(int x, int y, int width, int height);</code></h2>
An oval is draw within the rectangle defined by its top left corner (x,y) and
its width and height.&nbsp; To draw a circle set the width and height to be the
same value. <br>
<p><img src="images/OvalClient.gif" height=95 width=188>
<h2> <code>GC.drawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int endAngle);</code></h2>
An arc is drawn within the area bounded by the rectangle whose top left corner
is x,y and has the specified width and height.&nbsp; The startAngle is on the
horizontal x axis, so 0 degrees does not represent North but instead can be thought
of as pointing East.&nbsp; The arc is drawn anticlockwise for the number of degrees
specified by the endAngle <br>
<code>gc.drawArc(5,5,90,45,90,200);</code> <br>
This draws an arc beginning at 90 degrees, which is vertical ( 0 degrees being
horizontal ), and the arc continues for 200 degrees.&nbsp; The arc does not stop
when it reaches the endAngle of 200 degrees relative to the 0 axis, rather it
stops when it has traversed 200 degrees relative to its starting position.
<p><img src="images/ArcClient.gif" height=87 width=161>
<h2> <code>GC.setLineStyle(int style);</code></h2>
Lines can be drawn in a number of styles that are defined as static constants
on the class <code>org.eclipse.swt.SWT </code>beginning LINE_. <br>
<table BORDER >
<td><img src="images/Line_SOLID.gif" height=16 width=292></td>
<td><img src="images/LINE_DOT.gif" height=16 width=292></td>
<td><img src="images/LINE_DASH.gif" height=16 width=292></td>
<td><img src="images/LINE_DASHDOT.gif" height=16 width=292></td>
<td><img src="images/LINE_DASHDOTDOT.gif" height=16 width=292></td>
<h2> <code>GC.setLineWidth(int width);</code></h2>
The default width for a line is 1 pixel, however this can be changed by setting
the lineWidth of the GC. <br>
<table BORDER >
<td><img src="images/Width_2.gif" height=16 width=292></td>
<td><img src="images/Width_4.gif" height=16 width=292></td>
<p>Because line styles and width affect all of the draw operations, allowing you
to achieve effects such as a dotted rectangle or an oval with a thick line.
<p><code>gc.setLineWidth(3);</code> <br>
<code>gc.drawOval(5,5,40,40);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setLineWidth(1);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setLineStyle(SWT.LINE_DOT);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setForeground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE));</code> <br>
<p><img src="images/LineShapes.gif" height=91 width=172> <br>
When a property such as a line width, line style or color is changed on a GC
this affects all subsequent drawing operations.&nbsp; The code snippet above
changes the width to 3 to draw the oval, but it then changes it back to 1 before
drawing the dotted blue rectangle.&nbsp; Forgetting to revert values in a GC
after modifying them is a common bug when doing SWT graphics programming.
<h1> <a NAME="Drawing Text"></a>Drawing text</h1>
Text can be drawn onto a GC, the glyphs are drawn in the GC's foreground color
and font, and the area it occupies is drawn with the GC's background color.&nbsp;
To draw text you define its top left corner, width and height.&nbsp; There are
two sets of methods to draw text, the first set of which have <b><code>Text</code></b>
in their method name, and will handle line delimiters and tabs and are used to
implement an emulated Label. The second set of API methods have <b><code>String</code></b>
in their method name, and no tab expansion or carriage return processing occurs,
and are used for more sophisticated controls like the <code>StyledText </code>used
by the Eclipse Java editor.
<h2> <code>GC.drawText(String text, int x, int y);</code></h2>
<code>Font font = new Font(display,"Arial",14,SWT.BOLD | SWT.ITALIC);</code> <br>
<code>// ...</code> <br>
<code>gc.drawText("Hello World",5,5);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setForeground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE));</code> <br>
<code>gc.setFont(font);</code> <br>
<code>gc.drawText("Hello\tThere\nWide\tWorld",5,25);</code> <br>
<code>// ...</code> <br>
<p><img src="images/TextHelloWorld.gif" height=108 width=200>
<p>The drawText API processes the control characters \t as tab \n as a carriage
<h2> <code>GC.drawString(String text, int x, int y);</code></h2>
<code>Font font = new Font(display,"Arial",14,SWT.BOLD | SWT.ITALIC);</code> <br>
<code>// ...</code> <br>
<code>gc.drawString("Hello World",5,5);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setForeground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE));</code> <br>
<code>gc.setFont(font);</code> <br>
<code>gc.drawString("Hello\tThere\nWide\tWorld",5,25);</code> <br>
<code>// ...</code> <br>
<p><img src="images/StringHelloWorld.gif" height=106 width=304> <br>
When drawString is used, the tab and carriage return characters are not processed
<p>The size that a String occupies when it is drawn onto a GC is based on its
contents and the font of the GC.&nbsp; To determine the area that a String will
occupy when it is drawn use the methods <code>GC.stringExtent(String text), </code>or<code>
GC.textExtent(String text). </code>These return a Point whose x and y are the
width and height required to render the String argument.
<h2> <code>GC.drawText(String text, int x, int y, boolean isTransparent);</code></h2>
When drawText(String text, int x, int y) is used the text is drawn in the GC's
current foreground color.&nbsp; If you are drawing on top of an area where you
want the existing background to show through, then you can set the isTransparent
argument to true.&nbsp; This is useful if you are drawing on top of an image and
you don't want the text to obscure the image's background.
<p><code>Font font = new Font(display,"Arial",12,SWT.BOLD | SWT.ITALIC);</code> <br>
<code>Image image = new Image(display,"C:/devEclipse_02/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_2.0.2/eclipse_lg.gif");</code>
<code>GC gc = new GC(image);</code> <br>
<code>gc.drawText("Hello World",5,5);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setFont(font);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setForeground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE));</code> <br>
<code>gc.drawText("Hello World",5,25,true);</code> <br>
<code>gc.dispose();</code> <br>
<code>image.dispose();</code> <br>
<p><img src="images/TextHelloWorldTransparent.gif" height=182 width=159> <br>
<h2> <code>GC.drawText(String text, int x, int y, int flags);</code></h2>
The flags are a bitmask of the constants SWT.DRAW_DELIMITER, SWT.DRAW_TAB, SWT.DRAW_TRANSPARENT
and SWT.DRAW_MNEMONIC.&nbsp; These determine whether or not \n is processed as
a carriage return, \t as a tab expansion, whether background transparency is used,
and whether &amp; is processed as a mnemonic or a literal.
<p><code>gc.drawImage(image,0,0);</code> <br>
<code>gc.drawText("Hello\t&amp;There\nWide\tWorld",5,25,SWT.DRAW_DELIMITER | SWT.DRAW_TAB
<p><img src="images/TextFlags.gif" height=166 width=192> <br>
&nbsp; <br>
<h1> <a NAME="Filling shapes"></a>Filling shapes</h1>
Whereas lines are drawn in the GC's foreground color, shapes are filled with the
GC's background color.
<h2> <code>GC.fillPolygon(int[]);</code></h2>
<code>gc.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE));</code> <br>
<code>gc.fillPolygon(new int[] { 25,5,45,45,5,45 })</code> <br>
<img src="images/PolygonFillClient.gif" height=96 width=164>
<h2> <code>GC.fillRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height);</code></h2>
<p><img src="images/RectangleFillClient.gif" height=98 width=165>
<p>When a rectangle is filled, the bottom and right edges are not included.&nbsp;
With the code above the origin point 5,5 is included in the filled blue rectangle,
however the argument rectangle's bottom right corner of 95,50 (5+90 , 45+5)
is outside the filled area.&nbsp; The bottom right corner of the filled rectangle
is at 94,49.&nbsp; This is unlike the behavior for <code>drawRectangle(5,5,90,45)</code>,
where the full shape is outlined so the bottom right corner is 95,50.
<p>To illustrate this, the code below strokes a rectangle whose corners are 5,5
and 90,45 before filling it in cyan.&nbsp; To ensure that the filling of the
rectangle doesn't overwrite its drawn outline, the origin is offset to 6,6.&nbsp;
This moves the bottom right corner of the filled rectangle, however because
it has already excluded the bottom and right edges it only needs to be inset
by one to not overlap with the drawn rectangle.
<p><code>gc.drawRectangle(5,5,90,45);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_CYAN));</code> <br>
<p><img src="images/RectangleStrokeFill.gif" height=111 width=195>
<h2> <code>GC.fillRoundedRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height, int arcWidth,
int arcHeight);</code></h2>
<p><img src="images/RoundedRectangleFilledClient.gif" height=95 width=166>
<p>Like the <code>GC.fillRectangle(...) </code>method, the bottom and right edges
are excluded from the filled shape so the bottom right corner becomes 94,49
rather than 95,50.
<h2> <code>GC.fillOval(int x, int y, int width, int height);</code></h2>
<p><img src="images/OvalFilledClient.gif" height=93 width=167 align=ABSBOTTOM>
<p>Like the other fill APIs, the bounding rectangle's bottom right corner is inset
by one.
<h2> <code>GC.fillArc(int x, int y, int widt4h., int height, int startAngle, int
<code>gc.fillArc(5,5,90,45,90,200);</code> <br>
<img src="images/ArcFilledClient.gif" height=97 width=196> <br>
The arguments to the <code>fillArc(...)</code> method are similar to the <code>drawArc(...)</code>,
with the offset from an East axis to begin filling and the number of degrees to
continue the arc in an anti-clockwise direction. However unlike the <code>drawArc(...)</code>
whose bottom right corner of the bounding rectangle is the origin offset by the
width and height, <code>fillArc(...)</code> follows the same pattern used by the other
fill methods where the bottom and right edge are excluded and the corner inset
by one.
<h2> <code>GC.fillGradientRectangle(int x, int y, int width. int height, vertical
This allows a rectangle to be filled with a gradient of coloring between the GC's
foreground and background color.&nbsp; The gradient can either be horizontal or
<p><code>gc.setBackgrouind(display,getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE));</code> <br>
<p>This creates a horizontal gradient fill starting with the foreground color
(black) on the left, and finishing with the background color (blue) on the right.&nbsp;
As with the other fill methods, the bottom and right edges are excluded so the
bottom right corner becomes inset by 1.
<p><img src="images/GradientFillFalse.gif" height=97 width=166>
<p><code>gc.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE));</code> <br>
<code>gc.setForeground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_CYAN));</code> <br>
<p>The vertical gradient begins at the top with the foreground color (cyan) and
finishes at the bottom with the blue background color.
<p><img src="images/GradientFillTrue.gif" height=100 width=166>
<h1> <a NAME="XOR"></a>XOR</h1>
When drawing occurs on a GC you are altering its pixel values that make up the
graphic on the Drawable surface.&nbsp; If you set the GC's XOR mode to true, then
what occurs is that for each pixel the red, green and blue values of the source
being drawn are XOR'd with the existing red, green and blue values and the result
becomes the new destination pixel. <br>
<p><code>shell.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE));</code> <br>
<code>// ...</code> <br>
<code>gc.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLUE));</code> <br>
<code>gc.fillRectangle(5,5,90,45);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setXORMode(true);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE));</code> <br>
<code>gc.fillRectangle(20,20,50,50);</code> <br>
<code>gc.setBackground(display.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_RED));</code> <br>
<p><img src="images/XORFills.gif" height=117 width=276>
<p>The filled rectangle has a background color of white (255,255,255).&nbsp; When
this is drawn over the blue (0,0,255) the XOR'd result is yellow (255,255,0).&nbsp;
The portion of the rectangle drawn over the white background (255,255,255) creates
an XOR result of black (0,0,0). The filled oval has a background color or red
(255,0,0).&nbsp; When this is drawn over blue the resulting XOR value is purple
(255,0,255), and when it is drawn over white the result is cyan (0,255,255);
<h1> <a NAME="Drawing Images"></a>Drawing Images</h1>
The class <code></code> represents a graphic that has
been prepared ready to be displayed on a device such as a Display or Printer.&nbsp;
The simplest way to create an image is to load it from a recognized file format.&nbsp;
Supported file formats are GIF, BMP (Windows format bitmap), JPG, PNG, and in
newer Eclipse releases TIFF.
<p><code>Image image = new Image(display,"C:/eclipse/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_2.0.2/eclipse_lg.gif");</code>
<h2> <code>GC.drawImage(Image image, int x, int y);</code></h2>
Every image has a size that is determined by its bounds.&nbsp; For example, the
size of the image <code>eclipse_lg.gif </code>is 115,164 and can be determined by
using the method <code>image.getBounds(). </code>When an image is drawn it will be
shown at the width and height defined by its bounds..
<p><code>gc.drawImage(image,5,5);</code> <br>
<img src="images/ImageClient.jpg" height=221 width=175>
<h2> <code>GC.drawImage(Image image, int srcX, int srcY, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
int dstX, int dstY, int dstWidth, int dstHeight);</code></h2>
Images can be drawn with different sizes from their original width and height,
and also portions of images can be drawn.
<p>The src coordinates are relative to image itself, so to draw the entire image
use 0,0 and width and height set to the image bound's width and height.&nbsp;
The dst arguments represent where to draw the image on the GC, and what size
to draw it at.&nbsp; The original image is 115 by 164, so to stretch it to twice
the width and half the height use the statement
<p><code>gc.drawImage(image,0,0,115,164,5,5,230,82);</code> <br>
<img src="images/ImageClientStretched.jpg" height=136 width=289>
<p>Using the src coordinates allows you to specify that you want only a portion
of the image drawn.&nbsp; For example, if you only want a section from the top
right area of the image drawn, you can use src coordinates of 20,0 and a width
and height of 95,82.&nbsp; The code below draws the destination rectangle with
the same width and height (95,82) as the cropped area, however a different size
could be used to stretch or shrink the image portion.
<p><img src="images/ImageClipped.jpg" height=219 width=405>
<p>Other images effects can be achieved, such as transparency, animation and alpha
channel blending of images.&nbsp; These are outside the scope of this article,
however I hope to cover these in a future article.
<h1> <a NAME="Understanding Images"></a>Conclusion</h1>
This article has shown how a GC can be used to draw lines, text, and to fill shapes.&nbsp;
A GC can be created by passing the drawable into its constructor, such as an Image,
or for a Control by using the <code>paintEvent</code> callback.&nbsp; The API of a
GC allows lines and shapes to be drawn in its foreground color and filled in its
background color.&nbsp; The general purpose Canvas control is optimized to allow
drawing through its <code>paintEvent</code>, and it has a number of constructor style
bits to control when paint events occur.&nbsp; GC clipping allows you to control
the region of the GC that visible drawing occurs on, and when drawing different
line styles can be used, and text and images can be shown.
<p><font size="-2">Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other
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<p><font size="-2">Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks
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