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<div align="right">&nbsp; <font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2">Copyright
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<h1><img src="images/Idea.jpg" height=86 width=120 align=CENTER></h1>
<h1 ALIGN="CENTER">Folding in Eclipse Text Editors</h1>
Starting with release 3.0, Eclipse allows folding in its text editor. In this
article, I explain the new projection infrastructure introduced in
the JFace Text framework
and show how to extend the XML Editor example provided
with Eclipse to allow folding of text.
<p><b> By Prashant Deva</b> (<a href=""></a>)<br>
March 11, 2005</p>
<hr width="100%">
<p>Starting with Eclipse 3.0 the JFace Text framework has been extended with a
feature to allow for collapsing and expanding of text. This can be noticed in
the JDT text editor, which allows you to fold individual methods and classes.
You can implement folding in your plug-in too, to allow the users to fold text
according the structure of your plug-in's documents.</p>
<p>You will notice that 2 new packages have been added to the framework: </p>
Implements the infrastructure for folding in a UI independent manner. <br>
This package resides in the plug-in <code>org.eclipse.text</code>.</li>
Uses the class in <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.projection</code> to implement
folding in a UI dependent manner.<br>
This package resides in the plug-in <code>org.eclipse.jface.text</code>. </li>
<h2>Basic Concept</h2>
<p>Now let's look at the basic idea in the framework that allows it to just show portions
of the actual text. Although these concepts have been in the framework
since 2.1, a whole new implementation was added in 3.0 to support the additional
requirements of text folding.</p>
<p><img src="images/withoutFolding.png" width="284" height="172"> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/withFolding.png" width="364" height="174"></p>
<p>As you can see in the figure (a) above, without folding things were very simple.
We had a document to hold the text and a corresponding view to provide the UI
for the text. Now things are a little bit more complicated. We have a <strong>Master
Document</strong>, which is like the document we used to use previously.
It contains the entire text. However, there is also an additional <strong>Projection
Document</strong> attached to a Master Document. The contents of a projection
document are a subset of the contents of the Master Document. In other words,
the content of a projection document consists of portions of the Master Document.</p>
<p> As you probabably guessed, when you collapse the text in the editor you see
the contents of a projection document containing only the expanded sections.</p>
<h2>Behind the scenes</h2>
<h4>UI Independent Infrastructure </h4>
<p>Now let’s take a look at the <code>org.eclipse.jface.text.projection</code> package.
Keep in mind that you don't actually have to use this package in order to implement
folding in your text editor. The following description is just
to help you understand the concepts behind the folding infrastructure.<br>
The classes we need to concentrate on are:
<li><code>ProjectionDocument</code>: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Represents
a portion of the content of a Master Document.</li>
<li><code>ProjectionDocumentEvent</code>: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The event object
sent out by ProjectionDocument</li>
<li><code>ProjectionDocumentManager</code>: Maintains the association between
a Master Document and its Projection Documents.</li>
<p>The rest of the classes in the package are for internal use only and we need
not bother with them.</p>
<p>The class <code>ProjectionDocumentManager</code> acts as glue between the master
document and its child projection documents, connecting them together. Thus
any change made to the projection document causes a corresponding change
to the master document and vice versa.</p>
<p>Here is an example of using ProjectionDocumentManager:</p>
<pre> Document masterDocument = <font color="#0000FF">new</font> Document();
ProjectionDocumentManager manager = <font color="#0000FF">new</font> ProjectionDocumentManager();
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" CENTER>ProjectionDocument projectionDocument = (ProjectionDocument)
<p>In the above example we first create a <strong>Master Document</strong> and
then create a <strong>Projection Document</strong> off of it by using the <code>ProjectionDocumentManager</code>.
Instances of the class <code>ProjectionDocument</code>
(<img src="images/tag_1.gif" width="24" height="13">)
should be created only
by using the ‘factory method’ <code>createSlaveDocument()</code> of <code>ProjectionDocumentManager</code>
and not instantiated through its constructor. </p>
<p>A Projection Document has two methods to define its content from the master
<li><code><font color="#0000FF">public void</font> addMasterDocumentRange(<font color="#0000FF">int</font>
offsetInMasterDocument,<font color="#0000FF">int</font> lengthInMasterDocument)</code>
Adds a range of text from the Master Document to the Projection Document.
<li> <code><font color="#0000FF">public void</font> removeMasterDocumentRange(<font color="#0000FF">int</font>
offsetInMasterDocument,<font color="#0000FF">int</font> lengthInMasterDocument)</code><br>
Removes a range of text corresponding to the Master Document from the Projection
<p>Adding more to the previous lines of code: </p>
masterDocument.set("one two");
<font color="#009900">//removes "one t" from projection document</font>
<font color="#009900">//adds "ne " to projection document</font>
System.out.println(masterDocument.get()); <font color="#009900">//prints 'one two'</font>
System.out.println(projectionDocument.get());<font color="#009900">//prints 'ne wo'</font>
<p>Above, we set the contents of the master document to a string.
Doing so
automatically sets the contents of the projection document to the same value. Then
we modify the projection document to contain only certain portions of the master
document. Finally we output the contents of both the documents and see that
the portion of master document which we removed from the projection document
is not printed out but the contents of the master document remain the same.</p>
<h2>The Stage</h2>
<h4>UI Dependent Infrastructure</h4>
<p>To actually implement folding in your editor, you don't really need to be concerned
with the details above.
The Eclipse developers have provided a nice package
named <code><strong>org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection</strong></code>
that takes care of all the details and makes your job far easier.</p>
<p>The centerpiece of this package is the <code>ProjectionViewer</code> class,
which you must use in your plug-in instead of the usual <code>TextViewer</code>
class, to implement folding. A <code>ProjectionViewer</code> internally uses
a <code>ProjectionDocumentManager</code> to manage the display of Projection
Documents, so we don't have to worry about that. It implements the <code>ITextViewerExtension5</code>
interface which is a central part of the UI dependent infrastructure. </p>
<p><code>ITextViewerExtension5</code> introduces the concept of
<em>widget coordinates</em> and <em>model coordinates</em>.
A widget coordinate corresponds
to a position on the text viewer while a model coordinate corresponds to a position
on the document. A widget range always has a corresponding model range which
maps to the viewer’s document, while on the other hand a model range can be
either ‘exposed’ or ‘unexposed’. An exposed model range is visible on the viewer
and can thus be mapped to a widget range. Thus when you expand the text in the
viewer, that model range is ‘exposed’ and vice versa. <code>ITextViewerExtension5</code>
contains methods to do the conversion from widget to model coordinates and vice
versa, and to expose model ranges.</p>
<h4>Projection Support</h4>
<p>Another important class in this package is <code>ProjectionSupport</code>.
This class controls the display and configuration of all the UI elements related
to folding, for example, the painting of those elipsis icons when
you collapse a region, and the vertical column that contains the triangle icons
to expand/collapse text. A <code>ProjectionSupport</code> instance needs to be installed
on a viewer. The XML Editor example shown <a href="#projectionSupport">below</a> demonstrates how to do this
in code.</p>
allows you to specify <em>summarizable annotation types</em>. Basically,
these are the annotations that will appear in the vertical column on the left
when you fold the text that contains them. For example, JDT specifies the ‘error’
and ‘warning’ annotation types as summarizable, so that when you fold the text
that contains a warning or an error, its icon appears on the vertical column
besides the folding arrow, as shown below.</p>
<p><img src="images/annotationSummary.png" width="282" height="129"></p>
<p>Here is how it is implemented:</p>
<p>The <code>setHoverControlCreator()</code> method
allows you to set up a hover control to display the collapsed text
in a tooltip style box when the use moves the cursor over the arrow.
For example:</p>
<p><img src="images/hover.png" width="223" height="136"></p>
<p>The constructor takes an <code>IInformationControlCreator</code> as the argument. You usually
create an anonymous class here. Here is how JDT does it: </p>
<pre>fProjectionSupport.setHoverControlCreator(new IInformationControlCreator() {
<font color="#0000FF">public</font> IInformationControl createInformationControl(Shell shell) {
<font color="#0000FF">return new</font> CustomSourceInformationControl(shell, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);
<h4>Projection Annotations</h4>
<p>To enable folding, we have to specify which regions of the text are collapsible.
We do this by
calling <code>addAnnotation()</code>
adding <code>ProjectionAnnotations</code> to the ProjectionViewer's
<code>ProjectionAnnotationModel</code>. The position allows the annotation to
be attached to certain text in the editor. </p>
<p>The methods of ProjectionAnnotationModel are pretty self-explanatory: </p>
<pre><font color="#0000FF">class</font> ProjectionAnnotationModel{
<font color="#0000FF"> public void</font> collapse(Annotation annotation)
<font color="#0000FF"> public void</font> expand(Annotation annotation)
<font color="#0000FF"> public boolean</font> expandAll(int offset,int length)
<font color="#0000FF"> public void</font> toggleExpansionState(Annotation annotation)
<font color="#0000FF"> public void</font> modifyAnnotations(Annotation[] deletions,Map additions,
Annotation[] modifications)
<p>These methods toggle the annotations to expand/collapse states.
The only method which may be confusing is: <code>modifyAnnotations()</code>.
This basically does several deletions, additions, and modifications at once.
The additions
parameter is a Map with Annotation as the key and Position as the value. Executing
the method generates a single change event rather than a series of them when
you would add and remove annotations one after the other.
<p>A <code>ProjectionAnnotation</code> has the following methods to collapse/expands
the text region it is associated with:</p>
<pre> <font color="#0000FF">public void</font> markCollapsed() <font color="#009933"> //marks the annotation as collapsed</font>
<font color="#0000FF">public void</font> markExpanded() <font color="#009933">//marks the annotation as expanded</font>
<font color="#0000FF">public boolean</font> isCollapsed() <font color="#009933">//tells whether the annotation is collapsed or expanded</font>
<p>Thus, when you are working in JDT and you click the arrow on the left side
column of the text to collapse it, the method <code>isCollapsed()</code> is
called to check whether the text is collapsed or not and then
<code>markCollapsed()</code> is called
if <code>isCollapsed()</code> returns false. For example,</p>
<pre> <font color="#0000FF">if</font>(!annotation.isCollapsed())
<p><img src="images/note.gif"> Manipulating ProjectionAnnotations is the only
supported way to control folding. Even if you were to get a hold of a Projection
Document, its projection behavior should never be manipulated directly. </p>
<h4>Painting the Annotations...</h4>
<p>Folding in the editor would be quite useless without the user interface
that allowed us to collapse and expand the text.
Here's what it looks like in the editor:</p>
<p><img src="images/projectionAnnotation.png" width="226" height="214"></p>
<p>ProjectionAnnotation has a method which actually paints those triangles you see
on the left.</p>
<p><code><font color="#0000FF">public void</font> paint(GC gc, Canvas canvas,
Rectangle rectangle)</code></p>
<p>You can override this method in your plug-in if you want to draw something other
than an triangle on the left side, for example a plus/minus sign.</p>
<p>There is one more method you should know about:</p>
<p><code><font color="#0000FF">public void</font> setRangeIndication(<font color="#0000FF">boolean</font>
<p>A <em>range indication</em>
is that line you see when you move your cursor to an triangle indicating
that the text is expanded. The line signifies the range of
text that will be collapsed when you click the triangle, and thus the name.
Passing true or false to this method controls whether
that line is drawn or not.</p>
<h2>The Show</h2>
<h4>XML Editor plug-in</h4>
<p>I can hear you saying “Yeah, all this is fine, but how do I actually use this
stuff in my plug-in?” Well to show you how to do that I will walk you through
a little example. We will extend the XML editor plug-in example provided with
Eclipse to allow folding of XML elements. My aim is just to demonstrate the
basics of implementing folding here, so I have tried to keep the code as simple
as possible. If you want to add any advanced functionality you should be able
to do so yourself by now (hopefully) ;-) </p>
<p>Let's look at the steps involved in supporting folding.
Note that all the methods shown below are defined in the class
<code>XMLEditor</code> which extends the <code>TextEditor</code> class.</p>
<li>Override <code>createPartControl </code> method of <code>TextEditor</code>
to configure and install <code>ProjectionSupport</code></li>
<li>Override <code>createSourceViewer</code> method of <code>AbstractTextEditor</code>
to return a <code>ProjectionViewer</code></li>
<li>Provide some functionality to define collapsible regions</li>
Now lets see how to implement this in our plug-in.
<p><img src="images/tryit.gif" width="61" height="13">Create a new Plug-in project.
At the end of the Project Wizard there will be an option to Create a
plug-in using one of the templates. Check it and select Plug-in with an editor.
This will create a plug-in with an editor for XML files. Now we will extend
this editor to allow the folding of XML elements.</p>
<p><strong>1)</strong> First, we override the <code> createPartControl</code>
method of the <code>TextEditor</code> class. To keep things simple
I haven't provided any code for summarizable annotation types or hover controls,
but you are free to do so in your own plug-in.</p>
<a name="projectionSupport"></a><pre><font color="#0000FF">public void</font> createPartControl(Composite parent)
<font color="#0000FF">super</font>.createPartControl(parent);
ProjectionViewer viewer =(ProjectionViewer)getSourceViewer();
projectionSupport = new ProjectionSupport(viewer,getAnnotationAccess(),getSharedColors());
<font color="#009933">//turn projection mode on</font>
annotationModel = viewer.getProjectionAnnotationModel();
<p><strong>2)</strong> Next, we tell <code>createSourceViewer</code> to return
a <code>ProjectionViewer</code> instead of a <code>SourceViewer</code>. </p>
<pre><font color="#0000FF">protected</font> ISourceViewer createSourceViewer(Composite parent,
IVerticalRuler ruler, <font color="#0000FF">int</font> styles)
ISourceViewer viewer = <font color="#0000FF">new</font> ProjectionViewer(parent, ruler,
getOverviewRuler(), isOverviewRulerVisible(), styles);
<font color="#009933">// ensure decoration support has been created and configured.</font>
<font color="#0000FF">return</font> viewer;
<p><strong>3)</strong> Finally, we need some mechanism to tell the editor which
regions are collapsible. For that I have written a (very) small parser for XML
(which is very buggy and doesn't support nested elements). The parser runs as
a reconciling strategy and parses the entire document every time it is modified.
The parser then passes the range of every XML element to the editor, which then
in turn adds Projection Annotations to define collapsible regions.</p>
The source code for my simple parser is too large to show here, however, those
interested can take a look at the <code></code>
file in the provided source code. </p>
<p>Below is the code that does all this:</p>
<pre><font color="#0000FF">private</font> Annotation[] oldAnnotations;
<font color="#0000FF">public void</font> updateFoldingStructure(ArrayList positions)
Annotation[] annotations = new Annotation[positions.size()];
<font color="#009933">//this will hold the new annotations along
//with their corresponding positions</font>
HashMap newAnnotations = new HashMap();
<font color="#0000FF">for</font>(<font color="#0000FF">int</font> i = 0; i < positions.size();i++)
ProjectionAnnotation annotation = <font color="#0000FF">new</font> ProjectionAnnotation();
newAnnotations.put(annotation, positions.get(i));
annotations[i] = annotation;
annotationModel.modifyAnnotations(oldAnnotations, newAnnotations,null);
oldAnnotations = annotations;
<p>Here is our completed editor with folding:</p>
<p><img src="images/xmlEditor.png" width="331" height="203"></p>
<h1>Source Code</h1>
<p>All the source code that accompanies this article
may be found in the <a href=""> file</a>.</p>
<p><b>Update (19April2005):</b> My (buggy) xml parser has been replaced by a better one from
Gerd Castan which supports nested xml elements.
<p>By now, you should have understood the UI independent and dependent infrastructure
used in JFace Text to implement the folding capability. You should also have
understood how to implement folding in the text editor of your eclipse plug-in.
Plus you even got a free XML editor for Eclipse with folding support ;-).</p>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Creating a text-based editor for Eclipse</a></li>
<li>Articles in the Eclipse 3.0 Faqs book on text editors:
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ262]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ263]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ264]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ265]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ266]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ267]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ268]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ269]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ270]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ271]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ272]</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">[FAQ273]</a>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Online help for Editors</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Online help for the Java editor example</a></li>
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