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<title>Inside the Memory View: A Guide for Debug Providers</title>
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<h1>Inside the Memory View: A Guide for Debug Providers</h1>
<div class="summary">
<p>There are many programming languages that allow access and
discrete control of system memory. If you are a debug provider for one
of these languages, then you probably have a requirement to provide
support for debug-time memory inspection and manipulation. The Eclipse
debug framework provides a Memory View, along with an extensible
framework to simplify and standardize this task. This article introduces
the Memory View and describes how to add your own customized memory
<div class="author">By Samantha Chan, IBM Toronto Lab</div>
<div class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2007 International
Business Machines Corp.</div>
<div class="date">September 7, 2007</div>
<div class="content">
<p>The Memory View is provided by the debug framework and allows
users to examine memory from their application. It is a flexible view
that allows debug implementers to present memory monitors in ways that
make sense to their users. You can display a memory monitor using any
type of SWT widget.</p>
<p>When the Memory View was first developed, one of the goals was to
support a diverse audience with very different needs and debug models.
It needed to be able to support everyone from developers who work on
huge mainframe systems to developers working on small embedded devices.
The needs of this vast range of developers are quite different. While it
may have made sense to present memory in a certain way for one
development environment, it may be completely confusing for developers
working on a different platform.</p>
<p>The solution was to provide a view and a framework that allows
debug implementers to define how their memory monitors are to be
presented in the user interface. This article will discuss this
framework and will show how one can add memory view support in a
<img src="images/memoryView.gif" align="center"
title="Figure 1 - Memory View" alt="">
<p>Figure 1 - Memory View</p>
<p>Figure 1 shows the Memory View. The Memory View consists of three
panes. The pane on the left is called the <i>Monitors</i> pane and lists
all of the memory monitors that are monitored by the current debug
session. The two panes on the right are called the <i>Renderings</i>
panes. They show renderings of the selected memory monitor from the
Monitors pane. A memory rendering is a user interface representation of
a memory monitor. It shows the content of a memory monitor in a display
format. In Figure 1, the Memory View is currently displaying two
renderings for the memory monitor "&amp;str". The <i>Hex</i> rendering
displays the memory monitor in the traditional table format. The <i>Hex
Tree</i> rendering displays the same memory monitor in a tree.</p>
<p>How can you, as a debug provider, use the Memory View? You can
add support for the Memory View in one of the following two ways:</p>
<dt><b>Reuse the memory renderings provided by the debug
<dd>The debug platform provides a set of table renderings for you
to reuse. There are four table renderings: Hex, ASCII, Signed Integer
and Unsigned Integer. You can simply add memory monitor support in your
debugger and reuse these renderings. These renderings can be customized
as needed. The <i>Hex</i> rendering from Figure 1 is an example of a
table rendering provided by the debug platform.</dd>
<dt><b>Create customized memory renderings</b></dt>
<dd>This method of adding Memory View support involves more work,
but allows you to control how memory monitors are presented to users.
In addition to providing memory monitor support in your debugger, you
can define new types of memory rendering. You can then display your
memory monitors using customized rendering types. The <i>Hex Tree</i>
rendering from Figure 1 is an example of a customized rendering.</dd>
<p>This article will show you how to add memory monitor support in a
debugger. It will also explain how to reuse the table renderings
provided by the debug platform. In addition, this article will discuss
some of the customization points available in the table renderings.</p>
<h2>Running the Example</h2>
<p>This article comes with a sample project that will help you learn
how to add memory monitor support to a debugger. This sample consists of
a launch configuration, a set of debug model objects, and a debug engine
that simulates a system that is capable of monitoring memory.</p>
<p>To run this sample:</p>
<li>Extract <a href="/articles/Article-MemoryView/example/"></a> to your plugins directory
<li>Restart the workbench and create a "Debug Nothing" launch
<li>You do not need to enter anything in the launch configuration.
Simply click "Debug".</li>
<p>Once launched, the Memory View will open automatically and the <b>Add
Memory Monitor</b> button (the button with the "+" from the Monitors Pane)
is enabled. Click that button and type any expression in the field. The
sample debugger will simulate evaluating this expression to an address
and allow you to add memory renderings to the view.</p>
<h2>The Memory View Framework</h2>
<p>In order to add memory monitor support in your debugger, you must
first have a basic understanding of the Memory View framework. Figure 2
shows the Memory View framework.</p>
<img src="images/framework.gif" align="CENTER"
title="Figure 2 - Memory View Framework" alt="">
<p>Figure 2 - Memory View Framework</p>
<dt><i>Memory Block</i></dt>
<dd>A memory block represents a block of memory allocated in your
debugger. It is a debug model object that implements IMemoryBlock or
IMemoryBlockExtension. We will talk about the differences between
IMemoryBlock and IMemoryBlockExtension in the following sections.</dd>
<dt><i>Memory Block Manager</i></dt>
<dd>The memory block manager is responsible for managing all of
the memory blocks in the workbench. You can use the memory block
manager to query the memory blocks that are currently present. In
addition, when a new memory block is added, the memory block manager
will broadcast a memory block added event. When a memory block is
removed, the manager will broadcast a memory block removed event. You
may register a listener to the memory block manager and receive
notifications for these events.</dd>
<dt><i>Memory View</i></dt>
<dd>The Memory View is a memory rendering site. A memory rendering
site hosts the memory renderings contributed to the workbench. It also
provides a synchronization service that allows renderings from the same
rendering site to communicate with each other.</dd>
<dt><i>Memory Rendering Type</i></dt>
<dd>A memory rendering type represents a kind of memory rendering.
It is contributed via plugin.xml. A memory rendering type specifies a
rendering type delegate, which is responsible for creating a memory
rendering in the Memory View. Memory rendering types are not tied to
any debug model - rather, they are defined globally in the workbench.
To reuse an existing rendering type, a model must create a memory
rendering binding that binds a rendering type to the model.</dd>
<dt><i>Memory Rendering Binding</i></dt>
<dd>A memory rendering binding defines the types of renderings
that are valid for a debug model. You can contribute a memory rendering
binding via plugin.xml.</dd>
<dt><i>Memory Rendering Manager</i></dt>
<dd>The memory rendering manager manages all rendering types and
rendering bindings in the workbench.</dd>
<p>In order to support the Memory View, your debugger must be able
to create and return a memory block. The memory block is responsible for
getting memory from your debug engine/system. In addition, your debugger
must define the necessary memory rendering bindings. The following
sections will explain how to add memory block support in your debugger.
We will also talk about defining memory rendering bindings and reuse the
memory renderings provided by the debug platform.</p>
<h2>Adding Memory Monitor Support in a Debugger</h2>
<p>To add memory monitor support, your debug model needs to
implement two key interfaces:</p>
<li>Your debug target must implement <b>IMemoryBlockRetrieval</b>
or <b>IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension</b>. IMemoryBlockRetrieval and its
extension, allow the user interface to ask your debug target for a
memory block when needed.</li>
<li>Your debug model must implement <b>IMemoryBlock</b> or its
extension <b>IMemoryBlockExtension</b>. IMemoryBlock and its extension
represent a memory monitor in your debugger. The user interface
communicates with your debug model through this interface when it needs
to retrieve memory to populate the view.</li>
<h3>Implementing IMemoryBlockRetrieval</h3>
<p>A memory block retrieval allows the user interface to request a
memory block from your debugger when needed. It is usually implemented
by a debug target. IMemoryBlockRetrieval requires that you implement
these two methods:</p>
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt="">&nbsp; public boolean supportsStorageRetrieval();
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt="">&nbsp; IMemoryBlock getMemoryBlock(long startAddress, long length) throws DebugException;
<p>The supportsStorageRetrieval() method <img src="images/tag_1.gif"
height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt=""> allows the user
interface to query if your debug target supports memory block retrieval.
If it returns true, then the "Add Memory Monitor" actions in the Memory
View will be enabled. Otherwise, the actions will be permanently
<p>The getMemoryBlock() method <img src="images/tag_2.gif"
height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt=""> allows the user
interface to request a memory block from your debug target. When called,
your debug target must create and return a memory block based on the
given start address and length. If there is any problem creating the
memory block, your debug target must report the error by throwing a
debug exception.</p>
<p>IMemoryBlock and IMemoryBlockRetrieval allow your users to create
a simple memory monitor with very basic functionality. For example, by
implementing IMemoryBlock, you are limiting your user to looking at
memory within a certain range. Your users cannot examine memory that is
beyond the range defined by the start address and the length of the
memory block.</p>
<p>To provide more advanced functionality to your users and to
represent a more complicated system, your debug model must implement the
IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension and its counterpart,
IMemoryBlockExtension. The IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension interface
requires your debug model to implement an extra method:</p>
<img src="images/tag_3.gif" height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt="">&nbsp;public IMemoryBlockExtension getExtendedMemoryBlock(String expression, Object context) throws DebugException;
<p>Action enablements in the Memory View will still be determined by
the supportsStorageRetrieval() <img src="images/tag_1.gif" height="13"
width="24" align="CENTER" alt=""> method from
IMemoryBlockRetrieval. However, when a memory block is required, the
user interface will, through the debug target, request
IMemoryBlockExtenson via the IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension interface.
When called, the getExtendedMemoryBlock() method <img
src="images/tag_3.gif" height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt="">
must convert the given expression to an address and return an
IMemoryBlockExtension. If there are any problems creating the requested
memory block, the debug target must throw a debug exception to report
this error to the Memory View.</p>
<p>SampleDebugTarget from the example plug-in implements
IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension. This is how it implements the
getExtendedMemoryBlock() method:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public IMemoryBlockExtension getExtendedMemoryBlock(String expression, Object context) throws DebugException {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// ask debug engine for an address
<img src="images/tag_4.gif" height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BigInteger address = getEngine().evaluateExpression(expression, context);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// if address can be evaluated to an address, create memory block
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (address != null)
<img src="images/tag_5.gif" height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IMemoryBlockExtension memoryBlock = new SampleMemoryBlock(this, expression, address);
<img src="images/tag_6.gif" height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return memoryBlock;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// otherwise throw debug exception
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "example.debug.memoryview", 0, "Expression cannot be evaluated to an address", null);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DebugException exception = new DebugException(status);
<img src="images/tag_7.gif" height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;throw exception;
<p>When there is a request to create a memory block, the debug
target <img src="images/tag_4.gif" height="13" width="24" align="CENTER"
alt=""> passes the request to the engine to evaluate the given
expression to a valid address. If the address can be evaluated
successfully, the target <img src="images/tag_5.gif" height="13"
width="24" align="CENTER" alt="">creates and returns a <i>SampleMemoryBlock</i>,
which implements IMemoryBlockExtension. If the expression cannot be
evaluated successfully, the debug target throws a debug exception. <img
src="images/tag_7.gif" height="13" width="24" align="CENTER" alt=""></p>
<h3>So, what should I implement? <br>
IMemoryBlockRetrieval vs. IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension</h3>
<p>IMemoryBlockRetrieval and IMemoryBlock interfaces were created in
Eclipse 2.0. They are a set of simple APIs that allows a debug target to
create a simple memory block based on a given address and length. The
resulting memory block is static, and only allows its caller to retrieve
memory from the memory block as a whole. As a result, when an
IMemoryBlock is displayed in a rendering, users will not be able to
examine memory beyond the range defined by the memory block. Since these
interfaces require the implementation of a small number of simple
methods, using them is the easier option. However, this option poses
some limitations on your users.</p>
<p>IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension and IMemoryBlockExtension were
introduced in Eclipse 3.1. They provide a richer set of methods to allow
the user interface to obtain more information about the target system.
Because IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension is capable of creating a memory
block from an expression and a debug context, users are not forced to
enter an address when they create a memory monitor. Instead, the user
can simply type in an expression (for example a variable name or a
register name) to create a memory monitor. In addition, the resulting
memory block (an IMemoryBlockExtension) is more dynamic and allow its
callers to request memory from any address. This allows for dynamic
scrolling in the table rendering and the user can examine memory at any
valid location in a system.</p>
<p>The following table summarizes the differences between
IMemoryBlockRetrieval and IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension.</p>
<table width="100%" border="1">
<th align="left">IMemoryBlockRetrieval</th>
<th align="left">IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension</th>
<td>Creates IMemoryBlock – a basic static memory block. Does not
offer as much functionality, but easier to implement.</td>
<td>Creates IMemoryBlockExtension – provides much more
functionality. More difficult to implement.</td>
<td>User must enter an address and length to create a memory
<td>User can enter an arbitrary expression when creating a memory
monitor (e.g. variable name).</td>
<td>Content of the resulting memory monitor must be retrieved as
a whole and dynamic scrolling is not allowed.</td>
<td>Resulting memory monitor can retrieve memory from any valid
location, which enables dynamic scrolling in table renderings.</td>
<p>The next section discusses the differences between IMemoryBlock
and IMemoryBlockExtension in more detail.</p>
<h3>Implementing IMemoryBlock / IMemoryBlockExtension</h3>
<p>A memory block represents a memory monitor in a debug model. It
allows the user interface to request a block of memory from the debug
model for populating the view. IMemoryBlock is an easier interface to
implement as it has fewer methods. However, this interface was designed
with a few assumptions about the target system. IMemoryBlock does not
provide as much flexibility or information for the user interface to
<p>IMemoryBlockExtension is a more complicated interface to
implement as it requires your debug implementation to be more flexible
and provide more information about the target system. However, it allows
the user interface to provide a richer set of features for memory
<p>IMemoryBlock requires the following methods to be implemented:</p>
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public long getStartAddress();
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public long getLength();
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public byte[] getBytes() throws DebugException;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public void setValue(long offset, byte[] bytes) throws DebugException;
<p><i>Fixed Length Memory Block</i><br>
IMemoryBlock is a fixed-length memory monitor. The range of memory to
monitor is defined by a start address and a length. If you look at the <img
src="images/tag_2.gif" alt=""> getBytes() method, callers to this
interface can only retrieve memory from this memory block as a whole.
Callers are not able to ask for memory from an arbitrary location. As a
result, when this type of memory block is displayed in a rendering, it
does not allow its users to scroll beyond the range defined by the start
address and its length.</p>
<p><i>32-bit-Only Addressing Support</i><br>
IMemoryBlock only supports systems with address sizes of 32-bit or less.
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt=""> The address in a memory block
is represented by the <i>long</i> data type. As a result, an address can
only be represented by the largest value that a long can represent. If
your target system supports addresses larger than 32-bit, (for example,
64-bit address), then you cannot use IMemoryBlock to represent the
target system.</p>
<p><i>Byte-Size-Only Addressable Unit Support</i><br>
IMemoryBlock assumes that the target system has byte-size addressable
units. Since the getBytes() method returns an array of bytes and the
length of the memory block is defined as the number of bytes in the
memory block, IMemoryBlock can only represent a target system whose
minimum addressable size is 8-bit. On some systems, the minimum
addressable unit size is larger than 8-bit. Some systems have a 16-bit
addressable size, while others can have a 32-bit addressable size.
IMemoryBlock is not capable of representing these systems.</p>
<p><i>Does Not Support Endianness</i><br>
IMemoryBlock does not provide methods for callers to query the
endianness of the target system. As a result, it makes rendering memory
to numbers difficult.</p>
<p>IMemoryBlockExtension requires that these methods are
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public BigInteger getBigBaseAddress() throws DebugException;
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public int getAddressSize() throws DebugException;
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public BigInteger getMemoryBlockStartAddress() throws DebugException;
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public BigInteger getMemoryBlockEndAddress() throws DebugException;
<img src="images/tag_3.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public int getAddressableSize() throws DebugException;
<img src="images/tag_4.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public MemoryByte[] getBytesFromAddress(BigInteger address, long units) throws DebugException;
<img src="images/tag_4.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public MemoryByte[] getBytesFromOffset(BigInteger unitOffset, long addressableUnits) throws DebugException
<p><i>Support Any Address Size</i><br>
IMemoryBlockExtension can handle platforms that have an address size
larger than 32-bit. Since all addresses are represented by a BigInteger
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt="">, there is no limit on address
<p><i>Boundary on the Memory Block</i><br>
IMemoryBlockExtension allows you to specify a boundary on a memory
block. <img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt=""> Once a boundary is
specified, users cannot examine memory that is beyond the boundary. This
allows you to prevent your users from going into memory regions that
they are not supposed to access.</p>
<p><i>Support for Multi-Byte Addressable Unit</i><br>
On some systems, the size of a minimum addressable unit is larger than
one byte. <img src="images/tag_3.gif" alt="">
IMemoryBlockExtension allows debug providers to specify the size of
addressable units. A memory rendering can make use of this information
to present the content of its memory block correctly.</p>
<p><i>Allow Caller to Retrieve Memory Dynamically</i><br>
<img src="images/tag_4.gif" alt=""> IMemoryBlockExtension allows
its callers to retrieve any amount of memory from an arbitrary address
location. This means that users can examine memory from any valid
location on the system. In addition, this results in performance
improvements since the view does not have to retrieve the entire content
of the memory block as a whole. It can request memory from the memory
block on demand.</p>
<p><i>Allows Models to Provide Additional Information</i><br>
When asked to retrieve memory, IMemoryBlockExtension returns an array of
MemoryByte instead of an array of byte. <img src="images/tag_4.gif"
alt=""> A MemoryByte is a wrapper class for a byte. It consists
of a value and an attribute. The attribute field allows you to provide
additional information about the system at a particular byte. For
example, you can indicate if a byte of memory is writable by enabling
the <i>writable</i> attribute in a MemoryByte.</p>
<p>When deciding which set of interfaces to implement, you have to
determine if your users require the additional features provided by
IMemoryBlockExtension. The major benefits of implementing
IMemoryBlockExtension is in its ability to retrieve memory dynamically,
thereby improving better performance during memory inspection. It is
more flexible and allows your debug model to provide much more
information about the application being debugged.</p>
<p>SampleMemoryBlock from the example plug-in implements
IMemoryBlockExtension. The base address of the memory block is used in
various places. It is one of the most important properties of a memory
block. It is used for generating the labels of the rendeirngs and to
calculate where a rendering should begin asking for memory. The
getBigBaseAddress() method is implemented in SampleMemoryBlock as:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public BigInteger getBigBaseAddress() throws DebugException {
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fBaseAddress = fDebugTarget.getEngine().evaluateExpression(fExpression, null);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return fBaseAddress;
<p>When it is asked to return the base address of the memory block,
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt=""> SampleMemoryBlock re-evaluates
its expression and returns the new base address. If there is an error
with the evaluation, the memory block throws a debug exception. To
optimize this code and avoid interactions with your debug engine, it is
desirable to cache the value of the base address and only update its
value when necessary.</p>
<p>The table renderings provided by the debug platform request
content from the memory block using the getBytesFromAddress() method.
SampleMemoryBlock implements this method as:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public MemoryByte[] getBytesFromAddress(BigInteger address, long length) throws DebugException {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;try {
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MemoryByte[] bytes = new MemoryByte[(int)length * fDebugTarget.getEngine().getAddressableSize()];
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BigInteger addressCnt = address;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;int lengthCnt = (int)length;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;int i=0;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// asks engine to get bytes from address
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MemoryByte[] engineBytes = fDebugTarget.getEngine().getBytesFromAddress(addressCnt, lengthCnt);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;System.arraycopy(engineBytes, 0, bytes, i, engineBytes.length);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// pad with dummy memory if engine did not return enough memory
<img src="images/tag_3.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return bytes;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;} catch (RuntimeException e) {
<img src="images/tag_4.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;throw e;
<p>When the request for memory is made, <img src="images/tag_1.gif"
alt="">the memory block first creates a buffer of MemoryByte to
hold the memory returned by the engine. <img src="images/tag_2.gif"
alt="">Then the memory block asks the engine for the required
amount of memory. The memory block copies the memory to the buffer to
avoid others from modifying the memory from the engine accidentally. <img
src="images/tag_3.gif" alt="">The memory block then returns the
array of MemoryByte to its caller. <img src="images/tag_4.gif" alt="">If
there is an error retrieving the memory, the engine throws an exception
which gets re-thrown by the memory block.</p>
<p>If you want users to be able to modify the memory block, you must
implement the supportsValueModification() method.</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public boolean supportsValueModification() {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return fDebugTarget.getEngine().supportsValueModification(this);
<p>If memory modification is supported by your platform, this method
should return true. Otherwise, this method should return false. If the
supportsValueModification() method returns false, the edit action in the
renderings will be disabled.</p>
<p>When the user has finished modifying memory from the table
rendering, the rendering will ask its memory block to modify memory
using the setValues() method. Your memory block should then ask your
debug engine to modify memory at the given location. If there is an
error, a debug exception must be thrown. SampleMemoryBlock implements
the setValues() method as:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public void setValue(BigInteger offset, byte[] bytes) throws DebugException {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;try {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// ask the engine to modify memory at specified address
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fDebugTarget.getEngine().setValue(fBaseAddress.add(offset), bytes);
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fireContentChangeEvent();
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;} catch (RuntimeException e) {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, "example.debug.memoryview", 0,
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Failed to edit.", e);
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DebugException exception = new DebugException(status);
<img src="images/tag_3.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;throw exception;
<p>When requested to change memory, <img src="images/tag_1.gif"
alt="">the memory block asks the debug engine to change the value
at the specified offset. <img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt="">After
the values are changed, the memory block must issue a content change
debug event. The table renderings listen for change events from the
memory block and will update accordingly. <img src="images/tag_3.gif"
alt="">If there are problems when modifying the memory block, it
catches the error from the engine and throws a debug exception.</p>
<p>When a user removes a memory block, the Memory View framework
calls the IMemoryBlockExtension.dispose() method. This is a chance for
your debugger to perform the necessary clean-up when a memory block is
removed. For example, if your memory block is caching data, you may want
to clean the cache when the dispose() method is called. If your engine
is monitoring memory at a certain location, you may want to notify it
that the memory monitor has been removed and that it should stop
monitoring. In our example, memory monitors are tracked by the debug
target. The dispose() method gives us a chance to remove the memory
block from our debug target. SampleMemoryBlock implements the dispose()
method as:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public void dispose() throws DebugException {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// remove this memory block from debug target
<h2>Reusing Table Renderings</h2>
<p>Now that you have implemented memory monitor support in your
debug model, you are ready to display the memory blocks using the table
renderings provided by the debug platform. The debug platform provides
four rendering types:</p>
<table width="100%" border="1">
<th align="left">Name</th>
<th align="left">Rendering Type Id</th>
<th align="left">Description</th>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="15%">Hex</td>
<td>Renders memory as raw memory. It does not take endianness of
the platform into account. Content of the memory block is shown in
hexadecimal values.</td>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="15%">ASCII</td>
<td>Renders memory into ASCII strings. The codepage used to
convert memory into ASCII strings is defined by a code page preference
that can be found in the Memory View. The default code page is CP1252.</td>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="15%">Signed Integer</td>
<td>Renders memory into signed integers. If the endianness of the
memory block is known, the rendering renders memory according to the
endianness of the memory block. Otherwise, the rendering defaults to
render memory as big endian. Users can switch between big and little
endian when working with this rendering.</td>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="15%">Unsigned Integer</td>
<td>Renders memory into unsigned integers. If the endianness of
the memory block is known, the rendering renders memory according to
the endianness of the memory block. Otherwise, the rendering defaults
to render memory as big endian. Users can switch between big and
little endian when working with this rendering.</td>
<p>To reuse these renderings, you must create a memory rendering
binding in your plugin.xml file. A memory rendering binding defines a
set of rendering types that are valid for your memory block. It lists
the rendering types that you want your users to see when working with
your memory blocks. In our example, SampleMemoryBlock is bound to all
four rendering types that are provided by the debug platform. Its memory
rendering binding is defined as:</p>
&lt;extension point="org.eclipse.debug.ui.memoryRenderings"&gt;
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt=""> defaultIds="org.eclipse.debug.ui.rendering.raw_memory,org.eclipse.debug.ui.rendering.signedint"
<img src="images/tag_3.gif" alt=""> primaryId="org.eclipse.debug.ui.rendering.raw_memory"
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt=""> renderingIds="org.eclipse.debug.ui.rendering.raw_memory,
<img src="images/tag_4.gif" alt=""> &lt;instanceof value="example.debug.memoryview.internal.core.SampleMemoryBlock"/&gt;
<p>A rendering binding consists of three attributes:</p>
<p><i>renderingIds</i> - defines a list of rendering types that are
valid for your memory block. <img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt="">
In this example, the rendering binding specifies that Hex, ASCII, Signed
Integer, and Unsigned Integer are all applicable for SampleMemoryBlock.</p>
<p><i>defaultIds</i> - defines a list of renderings that should be
created by default whenever the specified memory block is added to the
workbench. <img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt=""> For example, if you
want the the Hex and Signed Integer rendering to be created by default
whenever your users add a memory monitor, you should specify their
rendering type identifiers in the <i>defaultIds</i> attribute.</p>
<p><i>primaryId</i> - defines which one of the default renderings
should be hosted in the primary rendering pane.</p>
<p>The Memory View consists of two rendering panes for displaying
memory renderings. The pane on the left is considered the primary
rendering pane. The pane on the right is considered the secondary
rendering pane. The primary rendering pane is opened by default when the
Memory View is opened. User has to open the secondary pane manually when
<p>When multiple renderings are specified in the <i>defaultIds</i>
attribute, it is not clear which one should be opened in the primary
rendering pane. As shown in our example, <img src="images/tag_2.gif"
alt=""> the sample lists both the <i>Hex</i> and <i>Signed
Integer</i> rendering as its default renderings. It is unclear if both
renderings should be created in the primary rendering pane or if each
rendering pane should host one of the default renderings.</p>
<p>To solve this problem, a memory rendering binding defines a <img
src="images/tag_3.gif" alt=""> <i>primaryId</i> attribute. There
can only be one primary rendering type in a memory rendering binding
extension. The rendering listed in <i>primaryId</i> will be created in
the primary rendering pane by default. The rest of the renderings listed
in <i>defaultIds</i> will be created in the secondary rendering pane. In
this example, the <i>Hex</i> rendering type is listed as the primary
rendering type. As a result, when a SampleMemoryBlock is created, the <i>Hex</i>
rendering will always be displayed in the rendering pane on the left.
The <i>Signed Integer</i> rendering will be displayed in the rendering
pane on the right.</p>
<p>A memory rendering binding is associated with a type of memory
block using expression enablement. <img src="images/tag_4.gif" alt="">
As shown in the example, the memory rendering binding is tied to
SampleMemoryBlock. When SampleMemoryBlock is added to the workbench,
this memory rendering binding will be used to determine which renderings
the user can create. It will also be used to determine what renderings
are to be created by default.</p>
<div class="note"><img src="images/tryit.gif" width="61" height="13" alt="">
To see how a memory rendering binding works, remove one of the rendering
identifiers from the "renderingIds" attribute in the example plugin.
When a rendering is not listed in "renderingIds", the rendering will
become unavailable to users.</div>
<h2>Customizing Table Renderings</h2>
<p>Almost everything within a table rendering can be customized. You
can customize the decoration of the label, add different icons in each
cell, render the content with a different color, or even change the
column or row headings in the rendering. The following table is a
summary of all customization points available for table renderings. It
also describes what adapters you would need to provide in order to
customize the table renderings.</p>
<table width="100%" border="1">
<th align="left">Attribute</th>
<th align="left">Description</th>
<th align="left">Adapter</th>
<td>Text in a cell</td>
<td>The text displayed in each cell.</td>
<td>Icon in a cell</td>
<td>The icon displayed in each cell.</td>
<td>The foreground and background color in each cell.</td>
<td>Column Heading</td>
<td>The column headings displayed in the table rendering.</td>
<td>Row Heading</td>
<td>The text displayed in the address column.</td>
<td>Label or Icon of the rendering</td>
<td>The label displayed in the tab item.</td>
<p>Customization points of the table rendering are exposed using the
IAdaptable interface. To customize an attribute in a table rendering,
your memory block must provide the corresponding adapter and return it
when the getAdapter() method is called. For example, to customize the
text in each table rendering cell, your memory block will have to
provide an ILabelProvider adapter and return the adapter from the
getAdapter() method. Before text can be rendered in a table rendering,
the rendering requests an ILabelProvider from its memory block. If an
adapter is returned, the rendering relies on the adapter to provide the
text for each of the cells.</p>
<p>Your adapter will be given an object of type
MemoryRenderingElement when called. MemoryRenderingElement describes the
memory that is currently being rendered by the table rendering. It
provides the following information:</p>
<li>The rendering that is trying to render this
<li>An array of MemoryByte to be rendered.</li>
<li>The address where the memory is located.</li>
<p>Your adapter can make use of the provided information and render
memory differently.</p>
<p>Our sample adapter renders memory differently if memory is
read-only. Our sample adapter displays read-only memory in blue. If the
memory is writable, then we use the default coloring schemes provided by
the table rendering. To customize the colors in the table rendering, we
need to provide an IColorProvider adapter from SampleMemoryBlock:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (adapter.equals(IMemoryBlockRetrievalExtension.class))
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return getDebugTarget();
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (adapter == IColorProvider.class)
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return SampleModelPresentation.getSampleModelPresentation();
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return super.getAdapter(adapter);
<p>When the sample memory block is asked to return an adapter to
IColoProvider adapter, <img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt=""> the
memory block returns its model presentation. The model presentation
implements the IColorProvider interface.</p>
<p>SampleModelPresesntation.getForeground() is implemented as:</p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;public Color getForeground(Object element) {
<img src="images/tag_1.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (element instanceof MemoryRenderingElement)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MemoryRenderingElement elm = (MemoryRenderingElement) element;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MemoryByte[] bytes = elm.getBytes();
<img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if (!bytes[0].isWritable())
<img src="images/tag_3.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return blue;
<img src="images/tag_4.gif" alt="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;return null;
<p>When the getForeground() method is called, <img
src="images/tag_1.gif" alt=""> the model presentation checks to
see if the caller is asking for the foreground color of a
MemoryRenderingElement. <img src="images/tag_2.gif" alt=""> If it
is, the model presentation checks if the memory being rendered is
writable. This example assumes that if the first byte is writable, then
the entire cell is writable. If the memory is not writable, <img
src="images/tag_3.gif" alt=""> then the model presentation
returns <i>blue</i> as the foreground color. <img src="images/tag_4.gif"
alt=""> Otherwise, the model presentation returns null, which
implies that default foreground color should be used.</p>
<div class="note"><img src="images/tryit.gif" width="61" height="13" alt="">
The sample debug engine produces read-only memory from 0xAB123456 to
0xAB123556. To see how the adapter customizes the foreground color of
read-only memory, go to 0xAB123456 and you should see that that region
is rendered in blue.</div>
<h2>Wrapping Up</h2>
<p>In this article, you have learned how you can support monitoring
memory using the Memory View framework. To add memory monitor support,
your debug adapter must implement the IMemoryBlockRetrieval and
IMemoryBlock interfaces. If you would like to optimize performance and
provide more advanced features in your memory renderings, your debug
adapter must implement the IMemoryBlockRetreivalExtension and
IMemoryBlockExtension interfaces. You must then determine which
renderings you would like to provide. To show memory blocks in a
rendering, you must bind your memory blocks to a rendering type.
Finally, the table renderings are highly flexible - so you can customize
the table renderings by providing the appropriate adapters.</p>
<p>Showing memory monitors in a table format is just one way of
looking at memory. If table renderings are not sufficient for your
users, you can always be creative and define a customized rendering
type. The possibilities are endless.</p>