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<H1>Your First Plug-in</H1>
<H3>Developing the Eclipse "Hello World" plug-in<BR></H3></CENTER>
<BLOCKQUOTE><B>Summary</B> <BR>
The traditional Hello World program doesn't do that much, but it can be invaluable
when exploring a new development environment. In this article we'll develop
the Eclipse Hello World plug-in and show you how to integrate it with the Eclipse
Workbench. After you read this article you should know how to use the Eclipse
Java&trade; Development Tooling to create, run, and debug a simple plug-in that
extends the Eclipse Platform. You'll see how to setup a project for your plug-in,
edit the Java code, compile, and run or debug your plug-in in another launched
copy of Eclipse. We'll be looking at plug-in manifest files, extensions, and
extension points to see how plug-ins are described to Eclipse and how they are
integrated with the Platform.
<p><B>By Jim Amsden, OTI</B><BR>
Updated September 6, 2002 for Eclipse release 2.0 by <strong>Andrew Irvine,
Last revised January 28, 2003</p>
<p>Editor's note: <em>Sept. 2003 - This article has been retired from service.</em>
The newer article <a href="../Article-PDE-does-plugins/PDE-intro.html">PDE
Does Plug-ins</a> shows how PDE greatly simplifies the task of creating a
<p>This article describes Eclipse release 2.0, which differs in minor ways from
the previous Eclipse release. If you are still working with Eclipse release
1.0, you should consult <a href="../Your%20First%20Plug-in.html">the original
version of this article</a>.</p>
<HR width="100%">
<P>The Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) project provides a very nice
environment for creating plug-ins and integrating them with the Eclipse Platform
and/or other plug-ins. We're not proposing an alternative to PDE here. PDE is
definitely the way to go. But sometimes its helpful to do things "by hand" in
order to gain a more thorough understanding of how something works and how the
pieces fit together. That's the approach we're going to take in this article.
We'll develop a very simple plug-in implementing the Eclipse version of the
classic Hello World sample. This will allow us to focus on the relationships
between the various components of Eclipse and our plug-in without getting bogged
down in the details of the example itself. We'll go raw as much as possible
so we can see what's actually happening under the covers. Hopefully this will
give you a better understanding of Eclipse, help you make better use of PDE,
and give you some idea where to look when things don't go quite as planned.</P>
<H3>The Problem</H3>
<P>For the Eclipse Hello World program, let's start out with a simple design.
We're going to add a button to the Workbench toolbar that when pressed, displays
an information dialog containing the string "Hello World". Pressing OK dismisses
the dialog. Nothing fancy, and certainly not anything that begins to exploit
the full extensibility of Eclipse. But something we can easily use to get our
feet wet. And it turns out that more complicated examples follow roughly the
same pattern so we'll get a lot out of this very simple example.</P>
<P>So lets get started! I'll assume you've already downloaded the latest Eclipse
code drop from, have it installed, and know how to start it up.
If not, checkout the downloads page at the Eclipse site, and follow the instructions
there. </P>
<H3>Step 1: Getting ready to write Java code</H3>
<P>Before we get started, we need to check some workbench preferences to make
sure its configured properly for plug-in development. We'll be setting other
properties later in the article, but for now, let's just set the default project
layout and select the JRE we're
going to use.</P>
<P><B>Setting the default project layout</B>:&nbsp; Edit the Java preferences
by selecting the <code>Window-&gt;Preferences</code> menu item.&nbsp; Expand the
<code>Java</code> list item.&nbsp; Click on the <code>New Project item</code>&nbsp;
and check the <code>Folders</code>&nbsp; radio button.
Ensure &quot;<code>Source folder name</code>&quot; is set to 'src' and
that &quot;<code>Output folder name</code>&quot; is set to 'bin'.
If you do not alter this setting, all of the class files and source files will
be placed in directories based at the root of the project.&nbsp; This is fine
for small scale development, but is not the structure you want when constructing
bigger programs.&nbsp;</P>
<P>Note:&nbsp; The Hello World plug-in assumes that the project layout has been
altered to use 'src' and 'bin' folders.&nbsp; If you do not do this, you will
get runtime errors when testing your plug-in.</P>
<H3>Step 2: Creating the plug-in Project</H3>
<P>Now we are ready to create a Java project for your plug-in. Go to the Navigator
view (Resource Perspective), and select <code>File-&gt;New-&gt;Project</code>.&nbsp; The project creation wizard
has a list of categories each with a list of projects.&nbsp; Select the <code>Java</code>&nbsp;
category in the left hand list and <code>Java project</code>&nbsp; in the right. Creating a Java
project vs. some other project creates a project which understands Java resources
and how to manage changes in them. In the Java project wizard, enter a project
name for your plug-in. Generally it is a good idea to use the plug-in name or
id as the project name to make it easier to deploy your plug-in, and to make
sure your plug-in name doesn't collide or get confused with some other plug-in.
In our example, we'll use the plug-in id as the project name. Enter <i>org.eclipse.examples.helloworld</i>.</P>
<H3>Step 3: Integrating with Eclipse</H3>
<P>Before we can start writing our code, we need to determine how we're going
to integrate with Eclipse. That's because all extensions to Eclipse are done
through plug-ins, and plug-ins integrate with each other through extensions
on extension points. Eclipse plug-ins typically provide extensions to the platform
that support some additional capability or semantics. What is needed is a way
for plug-ins to allow other plug-ins to change their behavior in a controlled
<P>Eclipse provides an extensibility mechanism that is scalable, avoids name collisions,
doesn't require compilation of the whole product as a unit, and supports multiple
versions of the same component at the same time. Eclipse does this by introducing
the notion of a plug-in which encapsulates functional extensions to the Platform.
Each plug-in has a name, id, provider name, version, a list of other required
plug-ins, and a specification for its runtime. A plug-in can also have any number
of extension points that provide a portal into which other plug-ins can add
their functionality. This is how Eclipse enables other plug-ins to handle the
variability supported by your plug-in. In order to integrate with other plug-ins,
a plug-in provides extensions on these extension points (perhaps even its own
extension points in order to provide some default behavior).</P>
<P>A plug-in is described in an XML file called the plug-in manifest file. This
file is always called plugin.xml, and is always contained in the plug-in
sub-directory. The Eclipse Platform reads these manifest files and uses the
information to populate and/or update a registry of information that is used to
configure the whole platform. </P>
<P>In our case, we want to use a button on the Workbench toolbar, so the extension
point we will use is <code>org.eclipse.ui.actionSets</code>.&nbsp; An action set is a strategy for
the addition and removal of menu and toolbar items. This strategy is executed
if the user explicitly adds the action set to the workbench. A user can add
an action set to the workbench by invoking <code>Window-&gt;Customize Perspective-&gt;Other...</code>&nbsp;
to display the available actions. To activate an action set, you would navigate
the action set categories, select the desired action set, and press OK. A perspective
can also add an action set to the initial page layout by invoking <code>IPageLayout.addActionSet(id)</code>.&nbsp;
For details on the actionSets extension point, open the help reference material by
invoking <code>Help-&gt;Help Contents...</code>&nbsp;
select <code>Platform Plug-in Developer Guide-&gt;Reference-&gt;Extension Points
Reference-&gt;Workbench</code>.&nbsp Select this hyper-link and you will be presented with
the Platform Extension Points. You are interested in <code>org.eclipse.ui.actionSets</code>.&nbsp;</P>
<H3>Step 4: Creating the plug-in Manifest File</H3>
<P>Now that we know what we've got to do, lets tell Eclipse about our plug-in
by creating the plug-in manifest file. Use <code>File-&gt;New-&gt;Other...</code>&nbsp;
and select <code>Simple-&gt;File</code>&nbsp; to create a file called plugin.xml in
the org.eclipse.examples.helloworld project. </P>
<P>Edit the plugin.xml file so that it looks like this:</P>
<PRE>&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;
name=&quot;Eclipse Hello World Example&quot;
&lt;import plugin=&quot;org.eclipse.core.resources&quot;/&gt;
&lt;import plugin=&quot;org.eclipse.ui&quot;/&gt;
&lt;library name=&quot;helloworld.jar&quot;/&gt;
&lt;extension point = &quot;org.eclipse.ui.actionSets&quot;&gt;
label=&quot;Hello World&quot;
description=&quot;The action set for the Eclipse Hello World example&quot;&gt;
&lt;separator name=&quot;samples&quot;/&gt;
&lt;action id=&quot;org.eclipse.examples.helloworld.actions.HelloWorldAction&quot;
label=&quot;Hello World&quot;
tooltip=&quot;Press to see a message&quot;
<P>You can use Eclipse to edit this file using the default text editor. To do
so, select <code>Window-&gt;Preferences</code>, expand the Workbench entry,
and select <code>File Associations</code>. Add resource extension xml, and add the
&quot;Text Editor&quot; to its associations. Now when you attempt to open an editor on a
.xml file, you'll do so with the default text editor. This will do just fine
for our simple example. PDE makes this a LOT easier for complex plug-ins. </P>
<P>Now lets take a look at the manifest file and see exactly what's there. First
we see that we're declaring a <code>plugin</code>. That's always the root element
of a plug-in manifest file. The attributes of the <code>plugin</code>&nbsp; element
give the plug-in name, id, version, and provider name. The id is the really
interesting attribute. It specifies the identifier the platform uses to reference
this plug-in. Since this name has to be unique for all installed plug-ins, we
use Java package naming conventions to create a unique id. Anything will do,
but this is a reasonable convention that should be followed. You'll see how
these ids are used a little later when we have to reference another plug-in's
extension point.</P>
<P>The <code>requires</code>&nbsp; element is where you specify all the other plug-ins
your plug-in depends on. In our case, we're using the actionSets extension of
plug-in <code>org.eclipse.ui</code>&nbsp;, so we specify that plug-in here. </P>
<P>The plug-in <code>runtime</code>&nbsp; element is how you tell the platform where
to find the classes in your plug-in. Essentially, the <code>requires</code>&nbsp;
and the <code>runtime</code>&nbsp; elements go together to specify the "classpath"
for the plug-in. This approach allows each plug-in to have its own classpath
independent of any other plug-in. Further, each plug-in has its own classloader
which is used to load all classes defined by that plug-in (i.e., the classes
found in its library declarations).</P>
<P>Now we're finally getting to the real integration! The extension element (in
our plugin.xml file) describes an extension on the org.eclipse.ui.actionSets
extension point. In our example, we're extending the actionSets extension-point
of plug-in <code>org.eclipse.ui</code>.&nbsp; The id of our extension, how the
platform refers to it, is <code>org.eclipse.examples.helloworld.HelloWorldActionSet</code>&nbsp;
while the display name is &quot;Hello World&quot;. If you look at the documentation
referenced above for the actionSets extension-point, you'll see that it can
have a number of action elements which describe the actions in the set. Each
action has a class attribute that specifies the class that implements the required
interface, <code>org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</code>.&nbsp;
This is what we have to implement for our extension. You'll also need to provide
the helloworld.gif file to provide an icon for your action. Anything will due
for testing. Create the icons folder in your plug-in folder. All plug-in file
and folder pathnames are relative to the plug-in folder.</P>
<P>Don't get confused between an extension-point element and an extension element
with a point attribute. The extension-point element defines a hook into the
platform while the extension specifies and instance of using the hook. The point
attribute is the id of the extension-point you're extending. </P>
<H3>Step 5: Setting up the plug-in Project</H3>
<P>Switch to the Java perspective if you're not already there with
<code>Window-&gt;Open Perspective-&gt;Other</code>&nbsp; and select the Java
perspective (or if Java is available on the menu, you may select it directly).
Then select the packages explorer tab to view the packages in your project. You should only
see the packages you've specified in your Java build path so far, probably just
the JRE_LIB entry for your rt.jar. Since your going to be using the
<code>IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</code>&nbsp; interface, and other parts of
the platform to develop our example, you need to include the referenced plug-in
runtimes in your Java build path. </P>
<P>From the plug-in manifest file above, we can see that we require plug-in <code>org.eclipse.ui</code>.&nbsp;
Referencing the plug-in in the requires element of our plug-in allows the platform
to find classes we reference at runtime, but it doesn't help the compiler at
development time. We need to get this plug-in's runtime in your project's build
path so we can compile against imported classes and interfaces. To do this,
select the project and view its properties; right click on the project. Select
the <code>Java Build Path</code>&nbsp; entry, and click on the <code>Libraries</code>&nbsp;
tab. Then click on the <code>Add External JARs...</code>&nbsp; button and browse
to &lt;your eclipse install directory&gt;/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui_2.0.0,
the directory for the 2.0 version of the Eclipse UI plug-in. </P>
<P>See why we like to have the plug-in ids correspond to the plug-in directory names?
It makes it a lot easier to find things. In directory org.eclipse.ui_2.0.0 you'll
see the <code>workbench.jar</code>&nbsp; file. Select this file to add it to your
build path.
The Eclipse UI plug-in depends on the Eclipse SWT plug-in, so we will need to add that
one too: <code>org.eclipse.swt.win32_2.0.0-&gt;ws-&gt;win32</code>&nbsp; contains
<code>swt.jar</code>,&nbsp; assuming you are running on Windows&reg;. There are
similar directories for Linux users running either motif or gtk.
The platform automatically provides a special runtime support
plug-in: <code>org.eclipse.core.runtime_2.0.0</code>&nbsp; - you should also add the
<code>runtime.jar</code>&nbsp; from
this plug-in to your build path. If your plug-in depends on any other plug-ins,
you'll need to add their jar files too. PDE takes care of all of these things for
you, but we'll save that for another article.</P>
<P>Note: Eclipse release 2.1 re-architects the UI plug-in. The <code>workbench.jar</code>&nbsp;
is located in the directory <code>org.eclipse.ui.workbench_2.1.0</code>.&nbsp;
In addition the JFace plug-in is required. The <code>jface.jar</code>&nbsp;
file can be found in the <code>org.eclipse.jface_2.1.0</code>.&nbsp; directory.
The remaining plug-ins can be found in the corresponding release 2.1 directories.
<P>Now we're ready to write the code and compile it against workbench.jar and
swt.jar. The workbench has the JDK set, the project has all the jar files in
its build path we need, and the plug-in manifest file tells us what classes
we have to start with.</P>
<H3>Step 6: Implementing the IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate Interface</H3>
<P>In this example, our implementation of interface <code>IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</code>&nbsp;
is <code>org.eclipse.examples.helloworld.HelloWorldAction</code>. Go take a
look at the JavaDoc for the <code>IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</code>&nbsp; interface to see
what methods we need to implement. The JavaDoc is available from the
<code>Help-&gt;Help Contents</code>&nbsp; menu item. Select <code>Platform Plug-in Developer Guide</code>&nbsp;
expand to <code>Reference-&gt;API Reference-&gt;Workbench-&gt;org.eclipse.ui</code>.&nbsp;
In addition to using standard Java package naming conventions, you should consider
including the plug-in id as part of your package name. While not required, it will
help you keep your code organized.</P>
<P>To create the implementation class, we'll first create a package for our plug-in.
Select the src folder of the <code>org.eclipse.examples.helloworld</code>&nbsp; project in the
packages view, right click, and select <code>New-&gt;Package</code>.&nbsp; Create
a package named <i>org.eclipse.examples.helloworld</i>.</P>
<P>Next, select the newly created package, right click, and select <code>New-&gt;Class</code>.&nbsp;
If you prefer using the tool bar, there are buttons to create a package and
a class, among other Java-specific buttons. In the dialog that comes
up, verify the package name is <code>org.eclipse.examples.helloworld</code>&nbsp; (it won't be
if you didn't select it first), and fill in the class name <i>HelloWorldAction</i>
as specified in the class attribute of the action element in our extension (see
the manifest file plugin.xml). The superclass <code>java.lang.Object</code>&nbsp;
is fine, but add the interface <code>IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</code>.&nbsp;
Just click on the <code>Add...</code>&nbsp; button on the right and start typing <i>IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</i>.
You'll see the selection list zero in as you type. Select <code>IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</code>&nbsp;
and click OK. You'll see <code>org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</code>&nbsp;
in the list of interfaces your class is going to implement. For convenience,
click on the <code>Inherited abstract methods</code>&nbsp; check box so the new class
wizard will create stubs for all the interface methods you need to implement.
This will save you a lot of typing. If you don't see the class in the selection
list that you expect, this is a good indication that your Java build path isn't
including everything it needs. Check your build path in the project preferences
and try again.&nbsp;</P>
<P>Now we have our <code>IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</code>&nbsp; implementation
class. From the interface we have four methods to implement, <code>init</code>&nbsp; and <code>dispose</code>&nbsp;
from <code>IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</code>, and <code>run</code>&nbsp; and <code>selectionChanged</code>&nbsp;
from <code>IActionDelegate</code>. Edit the class, and provide the method implementations
given below.</P>
<PRE>package org.eclipse.examples.helloworld;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
/** HelloWorldAction is a simple example of using an
* action set to extend the Eclipse Workbench with a menu
* and toolbar action that prints the &quot;Hello World&quot; message.
public class HelloWorldAction implements IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate {
IWorkbenchWindow activeWindow = null;
/** Run the action. Display the Hello World message
public void run(IAction proxyAction) {
// proxyAction has UI information from manifest file (ignored)
Shell shell = activeWindow.getShell();
MessageDialog.openInformation(shell, &quot;Hello World&quot;, &quot;Hello World!&quot;);
// IActionDelegate method
public void selectionChanged(IAction proxyAction, ISelection selection) {
// do nothing, action is not dependent on the selection
// IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate method
public void init(IWorkbenchWindow window) {
activeWindow = window;
// IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate method
public void dispose() {
// nothing to do
<P>The code isn't too complicated, so I won't cover it in any more detail. Other
articles will be addressing the specific Eclipse features we're using, but we
want to focus on plug-ins and the end-to-end integration story rather than the
code specifics in this article.</P>
<H3>Step 7: Testing your plug-in</H3>
<P>We're ready to test our plug-in! The best way to do this is to use two
Eclipse workbenches, one for plug-in development, a second for testing and
debug. Let's call them the development workbench and the testing workbench to
avoid confusion. We don't want to use the same instance the Eclipse workbench
for both development and test for a number of reasons:</P>
<LI>You have to restart the workbench every time there's a change in your
plug-in so it gets reloaded properly. If you use your development instance for
this, you'll be restarting it all the time.
<LI>If there's a problem in your plug-in, it could hang the development
workbench making it difficult to locate and fix the problem.
<LI>You can't debug a workbench with the same workbench that's running the
debugger. That's because when the debugger hits a breakpoint, the whole
workbench is stopped. </LI></UL>
<P>Prior to launching a testing workbench you must tell Eclipse where the required
plugins are located.
Edit the Plug-in Development preferences by selecting the <code>Window-&gt;Preferences</code>
menu item.&nbsp; Expand the <code>Plug-In Development</code> list item.&nbsp;
Select <code>Target Platform</code> and click on the <code>Not in Workspace</code> button on the
right hand side. You will note the selected items in the list to the left of this button are all
now checked. Finally click on the <code>OK</code> button to accept these changes.
<P>To start Eclipse with Eclipse simply choose <code>Run-&gt;Run As-&gt;Run-time Workbench</code>.&nbsp;
Eclipse automatically starts executing in a second workbench, the testing workbench.
Be patient this operation may appear to take a long time; when a second
workbench opens the operation is complete. To view the location of this second workbench browse
the launch configuration via <code>Run-&gt;Run...</code>.&nbsp; Alternatively
both these functions may be achieved via the Workbench toolbar Run icon.</P>
<P>Now we can test the Hello World actions. You'll
see the Hello World icon that was specified in the icon attribute of the action
element in our plug-in manifest file on the Workbench toolbar (if you don't
provide an icon, it will appear as a gray or red square). Move the cursor
over it and you'll see the hover help you entered. Click and you see the
message. Not quite as simple as <code>printf("Hello World");</code>&nbsp; but it looks
a lot nicer.&nbsp; To turn off the Hello World action set (and remove the
associated button), select <code>Window-&gt;Customize Perspective...</code>&nbsp;
and expand the <code>Other</code>&nbsp;category.&nbsp; Now you can uncheck the
Hello World item.</P>
<P>When you turn off the Hello World action set, you'll see that the icon is
removed from the toolbar and you can no longer invoke the plug-in action.</P>
<H3>Debugging your plug-in</H3>
<P>Debugging your plug-in is just as easy. Just open your Java source and put a
breakpoint where you would like to start debugging. Then debug your test
workbench by selecting <code>Run-&gt;Debug As-&gt;Run-time Workbench </code>.
The workbench will open a debug perspective page,
and you'll see the Eclipse process running. Eclipse will come up, and be ready
for you to invoke your plug-in. Again, enable the Hello World actions and click
on the Hello World button. The test workbench will halt at your breakpoint and
you'll see your code, breakpoint, and variables in the debug perspective in your
development workbench. Go ahead and experiment with the debugger. Then press
resume when ready, and up comes the message. Remember you can only have one
active Run-time workbench, so you will need to close your testing workbench
between trials.</P>
<P>We've seen the complete development of a plug-in extension to Eclipse from
design to debug and test. We've done all the development, testing, and debugging
using Eclipse itself and the Java Development Tooling. The Hello World example
doesn't do much, and the complexity per function is pretty high. But more
complex plug-ins follow the same pattern, and Eclipse provides a lot more than
we've seen with this simple example. You should now have a pretty good idea how
all the pieces fit together and what it means to develop and integrate a
plug-in. Now its time to do something real. You'll want to use PDE for that, so
look for that article coming soon.</P>
<p><small>Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered
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<p><small>Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.</small></p>