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<title>PDE Does Plug-ins</title>
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<div align="right"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="2">Copyright
&copy; 2003 International Business Machines Corporation. All rights reserved</font>
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<td align=LEFT valign=TOP colspan="2" bgcolor="#0080C0"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF">Eclipse
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<h1><img src="images/Idea.jpg" height=86 width=120 align=CENTER></h1>
<h1 ALIGN="CENTER">PDE Does Plug-ins</h1>
<font face="Arial">The Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) provides a set
of tools that assist the developer in every stage of plug-in development from
genesis to deployment. This article chronicles the creation, development, testing,
building, and deployment of a simple &quot;Hello World&quot; plug-in using a
subset of these tools.</font>
<p><b> By Wassim Melhem and Dejan Glozic, IBM Canada Ltd.</b><br>
<font size="-1">September 8, 2003</font></p>
<hr width="100%">
<h2>Why PDE?</h2>
<p>A plug-in is the fundamental building block of the Eclipse platform. Eclipse
is the sum of its constituent plug-ins, where each plug-in contributes functionality
to the platform and is activated when the functionality it provides is needed.
Structurally, each plug-in resides in a subdirectory called eclipse/plugins
in the Eclipse installation, and contains a manifest (plugin.xml) file that
describes its content to the Eclipse runtime. A plug-in may also include a Java&trade;
code library and other resource files it needs, such as icons, properties files,
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/directory.gif" width="575" height="369"></p>
<p align="left"> Writing an Eclipse plug-in is straight forward, but not exactly
trivial. The task entails creating a manifest file, writing Java source code,
compiling the code into a library, testing it and packaging the plug-in into
a form that is suitable for deployment. This task can be quite intricate, depending
on the complexity of the plug-in and the developer's Eclipse expertise. Enter
<p>The Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) is a set of tools designed to assist
the Eclipse developer in developing, testing, debugging, building, and deploying
Eclipse plug-ins while working inside the Eclipse workbench. Keeping with
Eclipse's philosophy of seamless integration of components, PDE is not a separately
launched tool. PDE integrates itself in the workbench by providing platform
contributions, such as editors, wizards, views and a launcher, which users can
easily access from any perspective without interrupting their work flow. </p>
<p>This article showcases a subset of PDE tools that are available in Eclipse
2.1 by chronicling the journey of one plug-in from genesis to deployment. The
plug-in will contribute to the Eclipse workbench a menu containing a single
item which, when selected, will pop up a dialog containing the phrase &quot;Hello,
<h2>Configuring PDE</h2>
<p>In order for PDE to provide a development environment that is identical to
the runtime environment in which the plug-in will be later deployed, one needs
to specify the <b>Target</b> <b>Platform</b>. Target<b> </b>platform refers to the set of plug-ins with which the plug-in
being developed will be deployed. At runtime, most plug-ins require other plug-ins to be on their class path in order to
run properly. At development time, a plug-in, which is
represented as a project in the workspace, similarly requires that all the libraries for its required
plug-ins be on its build path in order for its code to compile without errors. </p>
<p>Libraries for required plug-ins can be easily made available to the workspace
plug-in by simply specifying the installation location of the target platform.
PDE scans and lists all the plug-ins found at that location, but only the
plug-ins explicitly selected by the user will constitute the target platform and
can be used by plug-ins in the workspace; the rest are ignored.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/target_platform.gif" width="586" height="478" ></p>
<p align="left">
<img src="images/tip.gif" width="62" height="13"> Plug-ins from the target
platform are
not part of the workspace, and their contents therefore cannot be browsed in Eclipse's Navigator
and Package
Explorer views. PDE thus provides a <b>Plug-ins </b>
view where the directory structure of these external plug-ins can be browsed and
external files can be opened (in read-only mode, of course).</p>
<h2>Creating a New Plug-in Project</h2>
<p>In the workspace, a plug-in is encapsulated in a single project. At its
top level, the project must contain a manifest file, describing the plug-in
content, and a file, containing information that is used
to guide the build process. To create a plug-in project,
PDE provides a <b>New Plug-in Project </b>wizard, which can be found under the
<b>Plug-in Development</b> category in the <b>New Project</b> creation wizard.
This wizard not only creates the plug-in project, it also gives the developer a quick
start by generating the two essential plug-in files and, optionally, some Java
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/plugin_project_1.gif" width="500" height="500" ></p>
<p align="left">Most plug-ins, including the &quot;Hello World&quot; plug-in, are meant
to contain executable Java code and must therefore be housed in a Java project.
In such cases, one can specify the source folder that will contain
the plug-in code during development, and the library where the compiled code
will be packaged. PDE maps the library name to the source
folder and saves that information in the plug-in project's
file, so that it can be used later during the build process. One can
also specify the output folder, where the Java compiler will place the compiled
*.class files of the project. When launching a runtime workbench instance to run
or debug the plug-in, PDE will put this output folder on the plug-in
runtime classpath, thus allowing the runtime class loader to locate and load the
freshly generated class files.</p>
<p align="left"> <img src="images/tip.gif" width="62" height="13"> Not all plug-ins contain Java code.
Plug-ins such as documentation plug-ins contain only non-Java resources, and
can therefore be sufficiently contained in simple projects. In fact, it is
desirable to create simple projects for such plug-ins, so that they would not
unnecessarily be subjected to Java builders.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/plugin_project_2.gif" width="500" height="500" ></p>
<p align="left">
The ability to create a plug-in with a ready-to-run extension is appealing,
particularly to novice Eclipse developers. Therefore, templates for
Eclipse's more popular extensions are available during the plug-in project
creation process. Writing an Eclipse extension always
involves adding markup to the manifest file, and if required, accompanying Java
code that gets executed upon the invocation of the extension. The
code generation wizards generate all the markup and code needed to produce a
customizable and fully-functioning extension. </p>
<p>Selecting the &quot;Hello, World&quot; template wizard from the list above
results in the creation of a &quot;Hello World&quot; plug-in that is ready to
run. That is great, but would make this paper extremely short. In
this example, we will create a blank plug-in project, so that we can demonstrate
how to write a plug-in from scratch.</p>
<p>As a result of our selections, the wizard generates the plug-in project, the
manifest file, the file and initializes the content of these
two files based on the data entered in the wizard. Let us now proceed with the
implementation of the plug-in, starting with the editing of the manifest file.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/project.gif" width="295" height="180"></p>
<h2>Editing the Plug-in Manifest File</h2>
<p>The manifest file describes the content of the plug-in to the Eclipse runtime.
In addition to basic plug-in information such as plug-in identifier, version,
etc., this file contains four main sections:</p>
<li>A Dependencies section listing all the plug-ins required by the plug-in.
A plug-in must list as dependencies all the plug-ins needed for its code to
compile and all the plug-ins contributing extension points that it is using.</li>
<li>An Extensions section declaring all the functionalities that this plug-in
contributes to the platform by extending other plug-ins' extension points.</li>
<li>A Runtime section declaring the libraries where the plug-in code is
packaged. At runtime, the class loader searches these libraries when
loading the plug-in's classes.</li>
<li>An Extension Points section declaring new function points defined by this
plug-in which other plug-ins can extend (i.e., provide an implementation for).
For example, the Platform UI plug-in provides an editor extension point, which
other plug-ins can extend to implement and contribute a new editor to the
<p>Let us now edit the different sections of the plug-in
manifest file using the PDE multi-page UI editor, the default editor for manifest
files in Eclipse.</p>
<h3 align="left">Dependencies</h3>
<p>Contributing a menu to the workbench requires extending the <i>actionSets</i>
extension point that is defined by the <i>org.eclipse.ui</i> plug-in. Therefore,
the &quot;Hello World&quot; plug-in must declare this plug-in as a dependency.
By doing so, in addition to providing access to the extension point, the libraries
of <i> org.eclipse.ui</i> will be on the plug-in's runtime classpath.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/dependencies_page.gif" width="532" height="380"></p>
<p>The list of required plug-ins solely determines the libraries that will be
on the plug-in's runtime classpath. PDE takes charge of the vital task of computing
the plug-in project's classpath during development time, so that it accurately
reflects the runtime classpath. Upon saving the manifest file, PDE automatically
updates the project's classpath to reflect changes made to the dependency list,
if any. This feature is an invaluable utility because the alternative, i.e.,
computing the classpath manually, is tedious and error-prone.</p>
<p>The list of required plug-ins should not contain unused entries. An incomplete list of dependencies is easy to spot at development
time because the plug-in's code will not compile in the workspace.
Extraneous entries, on the other hand, are harder to spot because they are
benign at development time, but can slow down class loading at runtime as extra
libraries on the plug-in's runtime classpath will unnecessarily be searched. PDE, therefore, provides a <b>
Find Unused Dependencies</b> utility as an item in the required plug-ins list's
context menu, which scans the dependency list for extraneous entries and offers
to remove them.</p>
<p> <img src="images/tip.gif" width="61" height="13"> The plug-ins <i>
org.eclipse.core.boot</i> and <i>org.eclipse.core.runtime</i> are implicitly
available for all plug-ins at runtime, and therefore need not be explicitly
listed as required plug-ins.</p>
<p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, geneva; font-size: 10pt">A plug-in can
contribute new functionality to the platform by adding an extension to extension
points declared by other plug-ins. The extension declaration must follow the schema
defined by the extension point it contributes to. The schema can be as simple or as complex as the author of the
extension point defines it to be. </p>
<p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, geneva; font-size: 10pt">Adding a new
extension on the Extensions page of the manifest editor involves creating nested
elements using the context menu, and setting attribute values for these elements
in the Properties view. When adding a new extension, PDE uses the grammar of
the extension point to fill the context menu with valid element names and populate
the property view with the legal attributes for the selected element.</p>
<p style="font-family: arial, helvetica, geneva; font-size: 10pt">Menus and menu
items, which, along with toolbar actions, are collectively referred to as action
sets, can be added to the workbench by contributing to the <i>org.eclipse.ui.actionSets</i>
extension point. The top-level element of this extension is an 'actionSet'
element specifying its unique internal identifier, as well as its label and
visibility in the workbench. When the attribute 'visible' is set to 'true',
the action set will be visible in all perspectives; otherwise, the action set
will have to be manually added to a perspective by choosing <b>Window &gt; Customize
Perspective... &gt; Other</b>.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/extensions.gif" width="602" height="233"></p>
<p align="left">
The 'menu' element specifies the label of the menu as it will appear in the
workbench and the internal identifier of the menu.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/extensions2.gif" width="523" height="230"></p>
<p align="left">
The 'separator' element creates a menu separator that also serves as a group to
which the menu item will be added.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/extensions3.gif" width="502" height="232"></p>
<p align="left"> The 'action' element specifies the actual menu item. Using
the menu's identifier and the separator's name, the 'menubarPath' attribute
indicates the slot where the item is to be placed. When the menu action
is selected, the class that will be executed to display the &quot;Hello, world!&quot;
message is the one specified by the 'class' attribute. The schema indicates
that this class must implement the interface <i>org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate</i>;
PDE therefore customizes the value field for the 'class' property to allow one
to specify and generates on the spot a Java class that implements the specified
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/extensions4.gif" width="682" height="381"></p>
<p align="left"> PDE generates the class, complete with the stubs for all the
required methods. The init(..) and run(..) method need to be manually
fleshed out as below:</p>
<img border="0" src="images/sample_action_code.gif" width="588" height="502"></p>
<p>During the plug-in project creation process, we had specified that the code is to be packaged in a library named 'helloworld.jar'.
The library's type, visibility, and content can be set
on the <b>Runtime</b> page of the manifest editor.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/runtime_page.gif" width="495" height="555" ></p>
<p>A library's <b>type</b> plays an important role at runtime. If a library is
declared to contain both code and resources, accessing a resource or a class
file from such a library results in the activation of the plug-in. On the other
hand, accessing a resource from a library that is declared to contain only resources,
e.g., libraries that only contain NL-*.properties files, does not activate the
plug-in. </p>
<p>In order to speed up class loading, one should always declare the package
prefixes that are found in each library. A library will not be searched
during class loading unless its list of package prefixes contains a prefix for
the fully qualified name of the class being searched for. Libraries that
do not declare a list of package prefixes will be searched during the loading of
every class.</p>
<p>During development, the library JAR has not been created yet. The <b>Library Content</b> section lists the source folders
that will be compiled into the selected library during the build process.
Whenever the user modifies this list, PDE automatically updates the appropriate entries in the plug-in
project's file.</p>
<h3>Extension Points</h3>
<p>Defining a new extension point requires the writing of a schema, which all
clients of the extension point must then follow in order to be processed
correctly at runtime. PDE provides an editor for the composition of such a
schema. However, since the &quot;Hello World&quot; plug-in does not contribute new
extension points, we will leave the discussion of extension points and schemas
for a future article.</p>
<h2>Testing the Plug-in</h2>
<p>PDE contributes to the platform a launcher that allows one to test and debug
plug-ins. One can create and run a runtime workbench launch configuration
to spawn a second (runtime) workbench instance, whose constituent plug-ins are
the workspace plug-ins and all selected external plug-ins in the target platform. The
runtime workbench instance thus previews the behavior of the plug-ins in the
environment in which they will later be deployed.</p>
<p>The runtime workbench instance is launched in development mode (i.e., with
the <i>-dev</i> option), so the output folder of the plug-in project is put
on the runtime classpath of the corresponding plug-in. This allows the runtime
class loader to always locate and load the plug-in's freshest class files. All
other execution options and settings with which to launch the runtime workbench
are set in the launch configuration itself. These settings include the JRE,
VM arguments, and all the program execution options supported by the Eclipse
platform. The workspace location for the runtime workbench is also specified
in the configuration, and must be different from the workspace location of the
host platform as one definitely needs to test their plug-in in a sandbox. One
may create multiple configurations to test their plug-ins under different conditions.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/launcher_1.gif" width="671" height="525"></p>
<p> <img src="images/tip.gif" width="61" height="13"> PDE uses the values specified
on the <b>Plug-in Development &gt; Target Environment</b> preference page to
set the default values for the -<i>os</i>, -<i>ws</i>, -<i>arch</i> and -<i>nl</i>
arguments in the configuration. Changes made to these values in the configuration
are local to that configuration. Changes made to values on the preference page
affect the defaults for all configurations that are created thereafter.</p>
<p align="left"> When the launch configuration in our example is run, the runtime
workbench will appear within seconds. The &quot;Hello World Menu&quot; menu
will appear at the top, containing one item &quot;Hello World Action&quot;.
When this item is selected, a dialog pops us to greet the world.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/dialog.gif" width="497" height="235"></p>
<h2>Exporting the Plug-in into a Deployable Zip</h2>
<p>The last stage in the life cycle of a workspace plug-in is its packaging in
a format that will make it easily deployable in any Eclipse-based product.</p>
<p>The process of packaging a plug-in project is driven by the
configuration file. This file is structured as a set of key-value pairs, where
the keys are defined by Eclipse's build process, and provides information about
the mapping of source folder to jars, what files to include in the packaged
plug-in, what files to exclude, etc.</p>
<p>Two of these keys are used in the building
of the &quot;Hello World&quot; plug-in:</p>
<li><b><font face="Arial">source.&lt;library&gt;</font></b> - The value is a
comma-separated list of the source folders to be compiled into the library
specified. This key is maintained up-to-date by PDE using the data entered
on the Runtime page of the manifest editor.</li>
<li><b><font face="Arial">bin.includes</font></b> - The value is a comma-separated
list of the files and folders to include in the binary build. While an initial
value for this key is set by PDE during the plug-in project creation process,
it is up to the developer to maintain this key and explicitly specify all
the files and folders to be included in the packaged plug-in. For this sample
plug-in, plugin.xml and helloworld.jar are the only two files to be included
in the build.</li>
<p>To package and export the plug-in, the <b>Deployable Plug-ins and Fragments
</b>export wizard is used.</p>
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/export_wizard.gif" width="563" height="550"></p>
<p align="left">The zip file generated then simply needs to be unzipped into the installation
directory of any Eclipse-based product and the plug-in becomes part of that
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/deploy.gif" width="570" height="295"></p>
<h2 align="left">Conclusion</h2>
<p align="left">Using a simple &quot;Hello World&quot; plug-in as an example,
this article demonstrates how PDE provides all the tools necessary to develop
an Eclipse plug-in more easily and more quickly. The plug-in project creation
wizard gives a quick start by generating the project along with the plugin.xml
and files. The code generation wizards generate code
and markup for Eclipse's more popular extension points, so that a novice Eclipse
developer can get their first plug-in up and running in a few minutes.
The manifest editor generates a syntactically and semantically valid manifest
file. The runtime workbench launcher allows the testing and debugging
of the plug-in in an environment that is identical to the runtime environment
in which it will be deployed. Finally, the plug-in export wizard turns
the tedious build and packaging process into a simple one-step operation.</p>
<p align="left">While plug-ins seem to take center stage in the Eclipse architecture,
other components such as fragments, features and update sites play an important
role in the development of Eclipse products. In future articles we will discuss
the PDE tools available for the development of these components, as well as
take a detailed look at how to define new extension points.</p>
<p><small>IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
in the United States, other countries, or both.</small></p>
<p><small>Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries,
or both.</small></p>