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<h1><img src="images/Idea.jpg" height=86 width=120 align=CENTER></h1>
<h1 ALIGN="CENTER">How to Internationalize your Eclipse Plug-In</h1>
This article is a roadmap for writing Eclipse plug-ins destined for the
international market. We'll begin with a brief review of the motivations
and technical challenges of internationalization, followed by step-by-step
instructions of how to internationalize your Eclipse plug-in.
<p><B>By Dan Kehn, Scott Fairbrother, and Cam-Thu Le</b><br>
IBM Eclipse ISV Enablement
(Jumpstart) Team
<p>August 23, 2002</p>
<p>Editor's note: This article reflects Eclipse release 2.0.</p>
<p>An old joke in the internationalization community goes like this:</p>
<blockquote>"A person who speaks three languages is called trilingual.
And a person who speaks two languages is called bilingual.
So what do you call someone who only speaks one language?"
<P><I>&lt;insert dramatic pause here&gt;</I></P>
<p>Today, providing a software product solely in English is no longer acceptable
from a usability, quality, marketing, and in some cases, legal standpoint. Enabling your product for the world market simply makes economic sense. And the enablement process is relatively straightforward, as this article will show.</p>
<p>A few notes before we begin. Because the Eclipse
Platform adopts the internationalization
implementation provided with the Java SDK, it's helpful
to read the <a href="">Java
Tutorial: Internationalization</a> trail before continuing. The tutorial presents a fine overview of the issues and
steps involved in the process. We will assume that you've already read the tutorial
so we can underscore the key points, surface other noteworthy items, and cover
Eclipse-specific issues and steps in this article. And when you run into unfamiliar
terminology or acronyms in this article,
jump to our <a href="#glossary">glossary</a>.</p>
<H3><a name="overview">Overview of internationalization</a></H3>
<p><i>Internationalization</i> is the process of creating software for the world market.
Besides the economic benefits, some countries require products to pass certain localization requirements set by the government before it can be introduced to their markets.</p>
<p>The process of internationalition is usually accomplished in two steps:</p>
<b>NLS-enabling the product.</b>
<br />
This step covers coding techniques and user interface
design issues. Enabling a product for National Language Support (NLS) ensures the product is designed for national language function
and uses proper APIs to handle national language data. During this step, smart
coding practices -- such as avoiding hardcoded strings, making input buffers
large enough to hold translatable text, properly parsing strings that contain
non-Latin characters, not localizing strings saved as part of a file format,
and isolating the national language elements from program code -- must be weighed
and considered so the translation can be completed with minimal expense and
<b>Translating the product.</b>
<br />This step involves translating the domestic
language elements
into a foreign language. As with words and phrases, pictures
and symbols may also be interpreted differently
by various cultures. It is during
the translation verification step that
all translations are reviewed for contextual
accuracy, icons or clip art are modified
to ensure there are no user misinterpretations,
and page layouts are checked for inadvertent
text truncation. While verifying
the product's functional integrity after
translation, this step also looks for
hidden cultural impacts.
<H3><a name="affected">What does internationalization affect?</a></H3>
<p><i>Monoglots take note</i>: This is the beginning of your sensitivity training.
There may be a quiz at end of this article. :-)</p>
<p>Let's begin with a distillation of the list of culturally dependent data
presented in the Java Internationalization tutorial, reordered by the likelihood
that the typical developer will encounter it, and followed by details on
<a href="#data_text">Text</a>
<br />Messages, labels on GUI components
<br />Online help (*.html), Plug-in manifest (plugin.xml)<br />
<a href="#data_formatting">Data formatting</a>
<br />Numbers, dates, times, currencies
<br />Phone numbers, postal addresses<br />
<a href="#data_regional">Regional and personal substitutions</a>
<br />Measurements
<br />Honorifics and personal titles<br />
<a href="#data_multimedia">Multimedia considerations</a>
<H4><a name="data_text">Text</a></H4>
<p><b>Messages, labels on GUI components</b>
<br />
Resource bundles nicely handle language-dependent
texts. The strategy is either to load all
strings at once into a <a href="">ResourceBundle</a> subclass, or to retrieve them individually.
The Eclipse Java Development Tooling (JDT)
in version 2.0 provides wizards to support
the detection of translatable strings. We'll
return to them shortly in <a href="#steps">Internationalization steps</a>.</p>
<p>Loading translated strings into memory is only the first step. The next
step is to pass them to the appropriate controls for display (such as a
label, text field, menu choice, etc.). The page designer and programmer
must work together to assure that the chosen layout allows for appropriate
resizing and reflowing of the dialog. The layout support in the Standard
Widget Toolkit (SWT) library relies heavily on the programmer to &quot;do
the right thing&quot; by specifying layout descriptions that react appropriately
to changes in field sizes. The article <A href="">Understanding Layout in SWT</A> covers the implementation issues in detail.</p>
<p>This is particularly important because text
length increases during translation. English
phrases are often shorter than their equivalent
translations, usually on the order of 40%.
Font sizes also may need to be modified to
accommodate the local language.
<a name="plugin_xml_attribs">Online help (*.html), Plug-in manifest (plugin.xml)</a>
<br />
These forms of text content are more involved than simple key/value-oriented
properties files, so the steps to their externalization are slightly more complex.</p>
<p>In the case of the manifest file, it is coupled
with a similarly named property file,,
containing only the externalized text.
Special care must be taken with manifest
files like plugin.xml and fragment.xml, since
the attributes of the tags can contain both
translated and untranslated text. Consider
the benign example below:</p>
<a name="c1"><b>Listing 1. Plug-in manifest file, before translation</b></a><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<tr><td><pre><code> &lt;plugin
name=&quot;Jumpstart Example Plug-in&quot;
provider-name=&quot;IBM Corporation&quot;
<p>Here we see a mix of translatable text, untranslatable text, and "gray
area" translatable text, all as tag attributes. Clearly the
<code>id</code> and <code>class</code> attributes are not translatable,
since they represent programming identifiers. It is equally certain that the
<code>name</code> attribute should be translated.</p>
<p>You might be tempted to consider the
<code>version</code> attribute (because of the locale-dependent decimal separator) or <CODE>provider-name</CODE> attribute (because of the locale-dependent legal attribution &quot;Corporation&quot;)
as candidates for translation, since they will be displayed to the end
user. However, version numbers are generally left untranslated for two
reasons: end users attribute little meaning to their numeric value, and
programmers sometimes write code that expects version numbers to be a composed
string like &quot;3.5.4&quot;. It is arguably a better design decision
that the version information be stored as separate numbers like major,
minor, and service update to avoid the need to parse a version string,
but that discussion is beyond the scope of this article.</p>
<p>The <CODE>provider-name</CODE> may be left untranslated as well, since &quot;Corporation&quot; has legal meaning that can defy accurate translation. After identifying what text needs to be externalized, our example now looks like this:</p>
<a name="c2"><b>Listing 2. Plug-in manifest file, after translation</b></a><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<tr><td><pre><code> &lt;plugin
name=&quot;<B>%<span class="boldcode"></span></B>&quot;
provider-name=&quot;IBM Corporation&quot;
<p>where <code></code> contains the externalized string, &quot;Jumpstart
Example Plug-in&quot; associated with the key <code></code>.</p>
<p>This simple example demonstrates
that translating isn't simply providing equivalent
words or phrases for your text; it also involves
an understanding of the local cultural considerations
and potential legal impacts. This is why
a translation professional is necessary,
as well as translation verification testing.</p>
<H4><a name="data_formatting">Data formatting</a></H4>
<p><b>Numbers, dates, times, currencies</b>
<br />
The Java library includes classes that handle the necessary formatting for numbers
(decimal separator, thousands separator, grouping), dates (MDY, DMY, first day
of work week), times (12- or 24-hour format, separator), and currencies (local
symbol, shown as suffix or prefix, leading separator or none).</p>
<b>Phone numbers, postal addresses</b>
<br />
These are more subtle and less common text
translation concerns, but still noteworthy.
Many applications simply allow free-format
entry of phone numbers since there are so
many local variations. Postal addresses are
straightforward: Adding a "State/Province"
field and allowing for multiple address lines
is generally sufficient.</p>
<H4><a name="data_regional">Regional and personal substitutions</a></H4>
<p><b>Honorifics and personal titles</b>
<br />
Though less common in the United States, the proper enablement
of honorifics (Mr., Mrs., Dr.) is considered absolutely necessary elsewhere to avoid a
serious breach of etiquette.</p>
<br />
These are less frequently encountered. This
involves substitution of measurement indications
with corresponding conversion (for example, miles
versus kilometers). In many cases, users
will need either simultaneous display of
a measure in different units, or an easy
way of toggling between them.</p>
<H4><a name="data_multimedia">Multimedia considerations</a></H4>
<p>In general, products should select regionally
neutral sounds, colors, graphics, and icons.</p>
<p>This means no Homer Simpson "D'oh!" sound associated with
error messages. If you're thinking that
no serious development organization would
do such a thing, consider an icon that is
typical of those that are proposed and rejected:</p>
<IMG src="images/route66.jpg" width="39" height="39" alt="Route 66 icon" />
<p>The developer wanted to convey a metaphor for &quot;IP router&quot; by using a symbol harkening back to a national highway that traversed the United States from Chicago to Los Angeles, called <A href="">Route 66</A>. Most Americans would find this metaphor obtuse; imagine the confusion of the hapless non-US user.</p>
<p>Similarly, the image below may be intuitive to many North American users:
<IMG src="images/mailbox.jpg" width="85" height="95" alt="Mailbox icon" />
<p>But in recognition studies, others from outside
the United States have guessed that this
is a birdhouse. This is the more
universally accepted image for mail:</p>
<IMG src="images/envelope.jpg" width="23" height="23" alt="Envelope icon" />
<p>To avoid confusing and potentially offensive visuals, the best course is to engage professional graphic artists who are aware of cultural issues.</p>
<H3><a name="steps">Internationalization steps</a></H3>
<p>Now let's turn to the actual steps for internationalizing your Eclipse plug-in:</p>
<a href="#step1">Move translatable strings into *.properties
<a href="#step2">Separate presentation-dependent parameters</a>
<a href="#step3">Use proper locale-sensitive data formatting,
substitutions APIs</a>
<a href="#step4">Test in domestic language</a>
<a href="#step5">Create initial translated plug-in fragment</a>
<a href="#step6">Prepare and send domestic language materials
for translation</a>
<a href="#step7">Repackage and validate translated materials</a>
<a href="#step8">Deploy fragments</a>
<p>We'll discuss each of these steps in detail.</p>
<H4><a name="step1">Step 1. Move translatable strings into *.properties
<p>Fortunately, Eclipse's Java Development Tooling provides considerable help to properly separate translatable strings. The <b>Source &gt; Find Strings to Externalize</b> menu choice displays the <b>Externalize Strings</b> wizard. This wizard will lead you through
the steps to locate hardcoded strings in
your code, classify them as translatable
or not, then modify the code to use a resource
bundle where appropriate.</p>
<p>We'll introduce the <b>Externalize Strings</b> wizard with an example,
the canonical "Hello World" <i>before</i> using the wizard:</p>
<a name="c3"><b>Listing 3. Hello world, before translation</b></a><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<tr><td><pre><code> package com.jumpstart.nls.example.helloworld;
public class HelloWorld {
static public void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(&quot;Copyright (c) IBM Corp. 2002.&quot;);
System.out.println(&quot;How are you?&quot;);
<p>Selecting <CODE></CODE> and then <b>Source &gt; Externalize Strings</b> will display the wizard shown in Figure 1:</p>
<a name="f2"><b>Figure 1. Externalize Strings wizard</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image2.jpg" width="576" height="430" alt="Externalize Strings wizard" />
<p>By selecting an entry from the table and
then one of the pushbuttons to the
right, you can mark the strings as belonging
to one of three cases:</p>
<IMG src="images/translate.jpg" width="10" height="10" alt="Translate" />
<br />
Action: An entry is added in the properties files; the auto-generated key and
access code is substituted in the code for the original string. The string used
to specify the key is marked as non-translatable with a comment marker, such as
"<code>// $NON-NLS-1$</code>"<br />
<br />
<IMG src="images/never.jpg" width="12" height="11" alt="Never translate" />
Never Translate<br />
Action: The string is marked as non-translatable with a comment marker. The
<b>Externalize Strings</b> wizard will not flag it as untranslated in subsequent
executions.<br />
<br />
<IMG src="images/skip.jpg" width="11" height="11" alt="Skip" />
Skip<br />
Action: Nothing is modified. Subsequent executions of the <b>Externalize Strings</b> wizard will flag the string as potentially translatable.</li>
The trailing number in the <code>// $NON-NLS-1$</code> comment marker indicates which
string is not to be translated in the case where are there are several strings
on a single line. For example:
<code>"Date", "TOD", "Time"); // $NON-NLS-2$</code>
<p>Here the middle parameter is flagged as non-NLS. The other two are skipped.</p>
<p>Returning to our example, note that the total number of strings for each category
is summarized below the list. The key names of the externalized strings are
auto-generated based on the string value, but they can be renamed directly in
the table. In addition, an optional prefix can be specified (<code>S_</code>
in the example below).</p>
<a name="f6"><b>Figure 2. Externalize Strings wizard</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image6.jpg" width="576" height="434" alt="Externalize Strings wizard" />
<i>Hint</i>: Clicking the icon in the first column of a given row will advance
to the next choice: Translate, Never Translate, or Skip.</p>
<p>Now that we've identified what strings are translatable, continue to the next
step to choose how they will be externalized. Here's the page displayed after
selecting <b>Next</b>; the <b>Property file name</b> and resource bundle accessor
<b>Class name</b> were modified to more specific values than the defaults:</p>
<a name="f7"><b>Figure 3. Externalize Strings wizard</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image7.jpg" width="576" height="434" alt="Externalize Strings wizard" />
<p>The resource bundle accessor class will contain code to load the properties
file and a static method to fetch strings from the file. The wizard will generate
this class, or you can specify your own existing alternative implementation.
In the latter case, you may want to uncheck the <b>Use default substitution
choice</b> and specify an alternative code pattern for retrieving externalized
strings. If the accessor class is outside of the package (for example, a centralized
resource bundle accessor class), you can optionally specify that you want to
<b>Add [an] import declaration</b> to the underlying source.</p>
<p>The <b>Externalize Strings</b> wizard uses the JDT Refactoring framework, so
the next two pages should look familiar. First, a list of warnings:</p>
<a name="f8"><b>Figure 4. Externalize Strings wizard</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image8.jpg" width="576" height="357" alt="Externalize Strings wizard" />
<p>And finally a side-by-side presentation of the proposed changes:</p>
<a name="f9"><b>Figure 5. Externalize Strings wizard</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image9.jpg" width="576" height="356" alt="Externalize Strings wizard" />
<p>Once you select <b>Finish</b>, the wizard performs the source code modifications,
creates the resource bundle accessor class, and generates the initial properties
file. Here is the code for the standard resource bundle accessor class:</p>
<a name="c4"><b>Listing 4. Standard resource bundle accessor class</b></a><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<tr><td><pre><code> package com.jumpstart.nls.example.helloworld;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public class HelloWorldMessages {
private static final String BUNDLE_NAME =
&quot;com.jumpstart.nls.example.helloworld.HelloWorld&quot;; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final ResourceBundle RESOURCE_BUNDLE =
private HelloWorldMessages() {}
public static String getString(String key) {
try {
return RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(key);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
return &quot;!&quot; + key + &quot;!&quot;;
<p>The only variation in this generated code
is the value assigned to the static final,
<code>BUNDLE_NAME</code>. Before we continue to the next
step, below are some noteworthy guidelines
contributed by Erich Gamma and Thomas M&#228;der
of the JDT team.</p>
<H4><a name="gln">Guidelines for managing resource bundles and properties files</a></H4>
<p>These guidelines are designed to:</p>
<li>Reduce the number of NLS errors, in other words, the values of externalized strings
that are not found at runtime</li>
<li>Enable cross-referencing between the keys
referenced in the code and the keys defined
in the properties file</li>
<li>Simplify the management of the externalized strings. Using a centralized
property file can result in frequent change conflicts. In addition, it requires
the use of prefixes to make keys unique and complicates the management of
the keys.</li>
<p>To achieve these goals, we propose the following guidelines: </p>
<b>Use a properties file per package, and qualify
the keys by class name</b>
<p>For example, all the strings for the JDT
search component are in,
with key/value pairs like:<br />
<br />
<code>SearchPage.expression.pattern=(? = any character, * = any string) <BR>
ShowTypeHierarchyAction.selectionDialog.title=Show in Type Hierarchy </code>
<b>Use a dedicated static resource bundle accessor
class </b>
<p>Let the <b>Externalize Strings</b> wizard generate this class. It should be
named like the properties file. So in our
example, it would be called SearchMessages.
When you need to create formatted strings,
add the convenience methods to the bundle
accessor class. For example:</p>
<a name="c5"><b>Listing 5. Static resource bundle accessor class</b></a><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<tr><td><pre><code> public static String getFormattedString(String key, Object arg) {
String format= null;
try {
format= RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(key);
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
return &quot;!&quot; + key + &quot;!&quot;;//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$
if (arg == null)
arg= &quot;&quot;; //$NON-NLS-1$
return MessageFormat.format(format, new Object[] { arg });
public static String getFormattedString (String key, String[] args) {
return MessageFormat.format(RESOURCE_BUNDLE.getString(key), args);
<br />
<b>Do not use computed keys</b>
<p>There is no easy way to correlate a computed
key in the code with the key in the properties file. In particular
it is almost impossible to determine whether a key is no longer in use.</p>
<b>The convention for the key name is &lt;classname&gt;.&lt;qualifier&gt;</b>
<p>Example: PackageExplorerPart.title</p>
<H4><a name="step2">Step 2. Separate presentation-dependent parameters</a></H4>
<p>Not all externalized text is simply words and phrases that will be translated to a target language. Some are more specifically related to your plug-in's implementation. Examples include properties, preferences, and default dialog settings.</p>
<p>Here are a few specific examples that might
find their way into a properties file:</p>
<li>Size or layout constraints. For example,
the appropriate width of a non-resizable
table column</li>
<li>Default fonts that are dependent on the language or operating system. A good
default font for Latin-1 languages is an invalid choice for DBCS languages.</li>
<p>For those plug-ins that subclass from <a href="">AbstractUIPlugin</a>, NL-related parameters can also be found
in its <a href="">default
preference</a> stores (pref_store.ini) and <a href="">dialog
settings </a>(dialog_settings.xml). The Eclipse Workbench itself does not use
default preference stores, opting instead to store defaults in properties files
and then initialize them via AbstractUIPlugin's <code>initializeDefaultPreferences(IPreferenceStore)</code> method.</p>
<H4><a name="step3">Step 3. Use proper locale-sensitive data formatting, substitutions APIs</a></H4>
<p>Please refer to the detailed coverage in the <a href="">Java Tutorial: Internationalization</a> trail.</p>
<H4><a name="step4">Step 4. Test in domestic language</a></H4>
<p>Testing the readiness of a product for translation is non-trivial and beyond
the scope of this article. However, the follow-on article <a href="">How to Test your Internationalized Eclipse Plug-in</a> presents strategies for validating the NL-sensitive aspects of your product.</p>
<H4><a name="step5">Step 5. Create initial translated plug-in fragment</a></H4>
<p>At this point, we could simply copy our domestic language property files to
similarly named files with locale-specific suffixes (for example,,
where xx is the language), and move to step 6, <a href="#step6">Prepare and send domestic language materials for translation</a>. In this case, the product is delivered with its code and whatever languages it supports as a single install.</p>
<p>However, this approach has a few drawbacks.
Firstly, the code and its national language
resources are intermingled in the same directory
/ JAR file. If the translation lags the code
delivery, the plug-in JAR file must be updated,
despite the fact that the underlying code
is unchanged. Secondly, files other than
property files are not inherently locale-sensitive,
so they must be segregated to separate directories
for each language (for example, HTML, XML, images).</p>
<p>To address these issues, the Eclipse Platform
introduces the notion of another reusable
component that complements plug-ins, called
a <i>plug-in fragment</i>. A plug-in fragment provides
additional functionality to its target plug-in.
At runtime, these plug-in contributions
are merged along with all dependent fragments.
These contributions can include code contributions
and contributions of resources associated
with a plug-in, like property and HTML files.
In other words, the plug-in has access to
the fragment's contents via the plug-in's classloader.</p>
<H4><a name="g1">How and why to use fragments to provide the translatable information</a></H4>
<p>A plug-in fragment is an ideal way to distribute
Eclipse-translated information including
HTML, XML, INI, and bitmap files. Delivering
translations in a non-intrusive way, the
Eclipse Platform translations are packaged
in fragment JAR files and are added to existing
Eclipse installations without changing or
modifying any of the original runtime elements.
This leads to the notion of a <i>language
<p>The Eclipse Platform merges plug-in fragments
in a way that the runtime elements in the
fragment augment the original targeted plug-in.
The target plug-in is not moved, removed,
or modified in any way. Since the fragment's
resources are located by the classloader, the plug-in developer
has no need to know whether resources are
loaded from the plug-in's JAR file or
one of its fragments' JAR files.</p>
<H4><a name="g2">Eclipse Language Pack JAR</a></H4>
<p>The Java language supports the notion of a language pack
with the resource bundle facility. The Java
resource bundles do not require modification
of the application code to support another
language. The *.properties file namespace
avoids collisions through the following naming
convention: <i>basename_lang_region_variant</i>. At runtime, the <a href="">ResourceBundle</a> facility finds the appropriate properties
file for the current locale.</p>
<p>The approach to deploying files such as HTML
and XML files in fragments is slightly different
than Java resource bundles in that the Eclipse
fragment uses a directory structure to sort
out the different language versions.</p>
<b>Example fragment contents</b>
<br />
The plug-ins and the plug-in fragments reside
in separate subdirectories found immediately
under the eclipse subdirectory. Looking at
our example fragment, as deployed on a German
system, we see an \nl folder, fragment.xml
and an nl1.jar file.</p>
<a name="f20"><b>Figure 6. Fragments subdirectories</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image20.jpg" width="504" height="278" border="0" alt="" />
<p>Typically, translated *.properties files
are suffixed according to the resource bundle
rules and deployed in JAR files. In contrast,
when a view needs an input file type whose
name is not locale-sensitive like resource
bundles (such as *.xml), we define a subdirectory
structure for each language version of the
file. The de subdirectory above
is one such example, where de = German.</p>
<b>Fragment manifest</b>
<br />
Each plug-in folder can optionally contain a fragment
manifest file, fragment.xml. The manifest
file describes the plug-in fragment, and
is almost identical to the plug-in manifest
(plugin.xml), with the following two exceptions:</p>
<li>The <code>class</code> attribute is gone since
fragments do not have a plug-in class. They
just follow their target's specification.</li>
<li>There are no dependencies because the fragments have the same dependencies
as their target plug-in.</li>
<p>Manifests used to describe a national language
fragment are typically quite simple, specifying
only the <code>&lt;fragment&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;runtime&gt;/&lt;library&gt;</code> tags. Here's the example
fragment manifest file in its entirety:</p>
<a name="c6"><b>Listing 6. Fragment manifest file</b></a><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<tr><td><pre><code>&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
name=&quot;NLS Example Plugin NL Support&quot;
&lt;library name=&quot;nl1.jar&quot; type=&quot;resource&quot;/&gt;
&lt;library name=&quot;$nl$/&quot;/&gt;
<p>The <code>&lt;fragment&gt;</code> tag attributes are:</p>
</b> -- User-displayable name for the extension.</li>
</b> -- Identifier for this fragment configuration.
Used to uniquely identify this fragment instance.</li>
</b> -- Reference to the target extension point. This plug-in fragment merges with this target extension.</li>
</b> -- Version of the fragment plug-in. </li>
</b> -- Version specification in major.minor.service
<li><B><CODE>type</CODE></B> -- The default is '&quot;code&quot;. Specifying &quot;resource&quot; indicates the library includes resource files and no code. This improves overall performance significantly because resource-only libraries are skipped when loading code.</li>
<p>The <code>&lt;runtime&gt;</code> section contains a definition of one or more libraries that make up the
plug-in fragment runtime. The referenced libraries are used by the platform
execution mechanisms where the plug-in loads, merges, and executes the
correct code required by the plug-in. The <CODE>name</CODE> attribute accepts a library name (&quot;nl1.jar&quot; above) or directory
containing resources. A directory reference must contain a trailing path
separator. Optionally, the specification may include a substitution variable.
In the example above, the second library includes a variable substitution
<CODE>$nl$</CODE> based on the locale; it is used above to add a language/region specific
folder to the library search path (e.g., a locale of &quot;it&quot; = Italy,
&quot;fr&quot; = France, or &quot;de&quot; = Germany, etc. would add the
corresponding plug-in subdirectory <CODE>it/</CODE>, <CODE>fr/</CODE>, or <CODE>de/</CODE> to the list of searched paths). The value of the <CODE>nl</CODE>, <CODE>os</CODE>, <CODE>ws</CODE>, and <CODE>arch</CODE> substitutions variables can be displayed and modified on the <B>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; Plug-in Development &gt; Target Environment</B> page. The <CODE>nl</CODE> substitution variable is used in those cases where it is not possible or practical to suffix files with the locale name.</p>
<b>Building a fragment</b>
<br />
The Eclipse Workbench comes with a tool used
in plug-in development: <i>the Plug-in Development Environment
(PDE)</i>. The PDE contains support for developing
plug-in fragments.</p>
<p>Let's now examine how to build a fragment
for national language translations using
the PDE. There is no practical limit to the
number of languages in a given fragment.
The fragment then is the basis of our "Language
Pack" containing one or more language
translations. However, in this example, we'll
confine our language pack to the German translation.</p>
<p>To build a plug-in fragment, start the New
Project wizard (<b>File</b> &gt; <b>New</b> &gt; <b>Project...</b>), select the <b>Plug-in Development</b> category, then <b>Fragment Project</b> type. On the first page of the New Fragment
Wizard, type the project name. Keep in mind
that the project name will also become the
fragment ID. For example, starting a project
adding national language support to the HelloWorld
example, we would name our project "com.jumpstart.nls.example.helloworld.nl1".
The trailing ".nl1" is not required,
but does help distinguish fragments that
represent "language packs" from
fragments that add additional code and functionality.</p>
<a name="f7"><b>Figure 7. Starting a fragment project</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/fraggen1.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="500" alt="Starting a fragment project" />
<p>Press <b>Next</b>. We see the default values for the project's
source folder and runtime library on the
second page:</p>
<a name="f8"><b>Figure 8. Defining fragment folders</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/fraggen2.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="500" alt="Defining fragment folders" />
<p>These values seem reasonable, so pressing
<b>Next</b> again, we arrive at the "Fragment Code
Generators" page. Select the second
radio button to indicate we want to create
the fragment manifest file from a template,
then select the <b>Default Fragment Generator</b> wizard from the list.</p>
<a name="f9"><b>Figure 9. Selecting the default wizard</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/fraggen3.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="500" alt="Selecting the default wizard" />
<p>After pressing <b>Next</b>, we see the "Simple Fragment Content"
page. This page has two entries used to target
our fragment on an existing plug-in. We must
supply the plug-in target id and version.
We can use the <b>Browse</b> button to select the plug-in that we want
to extend.</p>
<a name="f10"><b>Figure 10. Targeting the fragment</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image23.jpg" border="0" width="500" height="500" alt="Targeting the fragment" />
<p>Now let's proceed to the fragment manifest editor, which is similar to the plug-in manifest editor in that
it is a multi-page editor with Overview,
Runtime, Extensions, Extension Points, and
Source pages.</p>
<a name="f11"><b>Figure 11. Fragment manifest editor</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image24.jpg" border="0" width="518" height="492" alt="Fragment manifest editor" />
<p>Notice the tabbed pages corresponding to
sections of the fragment xml file. We will
be using the <b>Runtime</b> page to point the fragment
classpath at the libraries containing our
<p>We specified the nl1.jar in the new fragment wizard so that library is already
included in the classpath of this fragment. What is missing at this point is
the inclusion of the locale-specific folder. You can add new runtime libraries
by selecting <b>More</b> from the Runtime Libraries section of the Overview
page, or by turning to the Runtime page, selecting <b>New...</b>, then entering
<a name="f12"><b>Figure 12. Fragment runtime information</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image25.jpg" border="0" width="502" height="317" alt="Fragment runtime information" />
<p>Taking a look at the Source page of the fragment
manifest editor, we see that the PDE generates
all the XML necessary to describe our plug-in
<a name="f13"><b>Figure 13. Fragment source</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image26.jpg" border="0" width="444" height="374" alt="Fragment source" />
<H4><a name="step6">Step 6. Prepare and send domestic language materials for translation</a></H4>
<p><br />
Producing correct translations requires specific skills, which you must purchase. (Unfortunately, your four years
of high school German classes do not qualify you!) There are many
companies that will gladly produce professional-quality translations.</p>
<p>For the Eclipse Platform, this step was accomplished
in two phases. The first phase involved sending
all the externalized text to a translation
center. This first-pass translation is done
"out of context." The translator
does not see the running product, nor do
they have product-specific experience. They
have tools at their disposal to help speed
the translations and assure consistency,
but ultimately they rely on translation testers
to validate the running product in the target
language (the second phase).</p>
<p>The risk and consequences of performing an
out-of-context translation, the results of
which are sometimes quite amusing, are
discussed in the follow-on article <a href="">How To Test your Internationalized Eclipse Plug-in</a>.</p>
<H4><a name="step7">Step 7. Repackage and validate translated materials</a></H4>
<p>Now having the translated files, we reassemble
them in their appropriate directories/JAR
files as described in step 5, <a href="#step5">Create initial translated plug-in fragment</a>. The NL1 Fragment folder contains
language versions of the
file. After translating the
file to German, we rename it to
and store it in the NL1 Fragment
source folder. Note that the nl\de (German)
folder is new and is created manually, not
by the PDE. These language-specific folders
segregate the versions of non-properties
files (such as hello.xml shown
below) as we add translations over time.</p>
<a name="f14"><b>Figure 14. Reassembled fragment project</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/nav3.jpg" border="0" width="326" height="323" alt="Reassembled fragment project" />
<p>Be aware that the translated properties files will very likely contain accented
characters that are codepage dependent, so properties files must be converted
to the ISO 8859-1 codepage expected by the <a href="">PropertyResourceBundle</a>
class. The native2ascii utility will handle codepage conversions and insert
any necessary Unicode escapes.</p>
<p>The term <i>Unicode escape</i> deserves a bit more explanation.
The native2ascii conversion utility, included
with the Java SDK, accepts a source encoding
and produces output encoded in ISO 8859-1,
plus it transforms characters outside this
codepage to the notation known as Unicode
escapes. This notation is \udddd, where dddd
= the codepoint of the desired character
in the Unicode codepage.</p>
<p>Here's an example. Consider
the French phrase "Son p&#232;re est
all&#233;&nbsp;&#224; l'h&#244;tel"
(his father went to the hotel). This contains
four accented characters that
are not part of the Latin-1 codepage. Transforming
this phrase with the native2ascii utility
<br />
<br />
<code>Son p\u00e8re est all\u00e9 \u00e0 h\u00f4tel</code>
<p>There are no longer any accented characters, and the resulting string is
composed entirely of characters having codepoints that are found in ISO
8859-1. But what are the <code>\u00e8</code>,
<code>\u00e9</code>, <code>\u00e0</code>, and <code>\u00f4</code> that were substituted?
They are the Unicode codepoints of the accented
characters in \udddd notation.</p>
<p>A little caveat when using the native2ascii utility:
It assumes that the source encoding is the
same as the active codepage of the machine
that executes it. However, translators typically
save the translations in their default country
codepage, and this codepage is different
in each country and each operating system.
So the person responsible for integrating
the translations will need to either (a)
know in which codepage that the translators
save their files, or (b) ask that they save
it in a common codepage. You can specify
the source encoding when invoking native2ascii
with the<code>-encoding</code> parameter.</p>
<p> <i>Tip:</i> If you are uncertain of the source codepage, you can spot-check
the output of native2ascii against <a href="#unicode_table">Unicode codepoints
of common accented Latin characters</a> table later in this article. If you
find \udddd notations in your converted files that are not in this table (such
as \u0205), it is likely that you specified the incorrect source encoding. There
is no equivalent spotcheck for DBCS languages, where practically all the characters
in the converted files are Unicode escapes. You simply have to be careful and
validate against the running product.</p>
<p>Testing the translation merits its own article. The follow-on article <a href="">How to Test your Internationalized Eclipse Plug-in</a> describes the process and lessons learned during the recent translation verification of the Eclipse Platform, and includes a view (an Eclipse plug-in, of course!) for performing a quick check of property file translations.</p>
<H4><a name="step8">Step 8. Deploy fragments</a></H4>
<p>Fragment sources, similar to plug-in sources,
may be packaged in a JAR file. Using the
PDE to generate the JAR package, select the
"fragment.xml" file and choose
"<b>Create Fragment JARs...</b>&quot; from the pop-up menu. A wizard will guide you in creating a build script to produce all the required JARs for your fragment. If your <CODE>fragment.xml</CODE> file includes translatable strings, separate them into a <CODE></CODE> file (just as you would for a plugin.xml file, i.e., there is no such thing as a &quot;; file). This works because fragments are an extension of a plug-in and therefore inherits it dependencies, including its <CODE></CODE> file values.</p>
<a name="f15"><b>Figure 15. Selecting the fragment.xml file</b></a><br /><IMG src="images/image28.jpg" border="0" width="320" height="241" alt="Selecting the fragment.xml file" />
<p>To deploy this example fragment, copy the fragment.xml, the \nl directory,
and JAR to the com.jumpstart.example.helloworld.nl1 subdirectory in the
plugins directory. This completes our example and the steps for internationalization.</p>
<H3><a name="summary">Summary</a></H3>
<p>Enabling your product for the world market simply makes economic sense. And
the steps above show that the process is relatively straightforward. Now here's
that quiz we mentioned in the introduction:</p>
<blockquote>True or False: The majority of IBM's worldwide
software sales revenue is within the United
False. Indeed, more than 50% of IBM software revenue
comes from outside the United States.</p>
those developers with products based on the Eclipse platform
benefit from having ready translations of
the base product. All that is left is to
follow the clear steps outlined in this article
to open your Eclipse-based product to a worldwide
<H4><a name="glossary">Glossary</a></H4>
<br />
Characters can be represented by one or more bytes of information. Codepoints
are the hexadecimal values assigned to each graphic character.</p>
<br />
A codepage is a specification of code points for each graphic character in
a set, or in a collection of graphic character sets. Within a given codepage,
a codepoint can have only one specific meaning. You can display the active
codepage on the Windows&#174; operating system with the CHCP command (only one codepage is active at any given moment).</p>
<br />
The codepage associated with a given piece of data. A file is said to be "encoded"
in a given code page; for example, Notepad will encode its data in code page
437 on a US-English machine by default. The <b>Save As</b> dialog allows the
user to select several other possible encodings, Unicode and UTF-8 most notable
among them.</p>
<i>Internationalization (sometimes abbreviated "I18N")</i>
<br />
Internationalization refers to the process of developing programs without prior
knowledge of the language, cultural data, or character encoding schemes they
are expected to handle. In system terms, it refers to the provision of interfaces
that enable internationalized programs to change their behavior at run time
for specific language operation.</p>
<i>Single-Byte Coded Character Set (SBCS)</i>
<br />
In a single-byte coded character set, a one-byte codepoint represents
each character in the set. Typically, SBCS is used to represent the characters
of the English language, the European languages, the Cyrillic languages, the
Arabic language, and the Hebrew language, to name a few.</p>
<i>Double-Byte Coded Character Set (DBCS)</i>
<br />
In a double-byte coded character set (DBCS), a two-byte codepoint represents
each character in the set. Languages that are ideographic in nature, such as
Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, have more characters than can be represented
internally by 256 code points and thus require double-byte coded character sets.</p>
<i>Localization (sometimes abbreviated "L10N")</i>
<br />
Localization refers to the process of establishing information within a computer
system specific to each supported language, cultural data, and coded character
set combination.</p>
<i>Mixed-Byte Character Set</i>
<br />
A mixed-byte coded character set is a set of characters containing both single-byte
characters and double-byte characters. On the MBCS, each byte of data must be
examined to see if it is the first byte of a double-byte or single-byte character.
If the byte is in a certain range (greater than X'80', for example), then it
is the first byte of a double-byte character.</p>
<br />
National Language Support.</p>
<br />
Directly from <A href=""></A>: "Unicode
provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform, no
matter what the program, no matter what the language."
<br />Note: While it is true that Java text manipulation classes are Unicode-centric,
this is often not the case for data stored outside of your program's auspices.
Java programmers must take into consideration the data encoding by performing
local codepage-to-Unicode transformations where necessary.</p>
<H4><a name="unicode_table">Unicode codepoints of common accented Latin characters</a></H4>
<table width="39%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<td colspan="2">
<div align="center"><b>Characters</b></div>
<td width="48%">\u00e0 </td>
<td width="52%">a grave</td>
<td width="48%">\u00e1</td>
<td width="52%"> a acute</td>
<td width="48%">\u00c0 </td>
<td width="52%">A grave</td>
<td width="48%">\u00c1 </td>
<td width="52%">A acute</td>
<td width="48%">\u00c2 </td>
<td width="52%">A circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00e2</td>
<td width="52%">a circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00c3 </td>
<td width="52%">A tilde</td>
<td width="48%">\u00e4 </td>
<td width="52%">a dieresis</td>
<td width="48%">\u00c4 </td>
<td width="52%">A dieresis</td>
<td width="48%">\u00e8 </td>
<td width="52%">e grave</td>
<td width="48%">\u00c8 </td>
<td width="52%">E grave</td>
<td width="48%">\u00e9 </td>
<td width="52%">e acute</td>
<td width="48%">\u00c9 </td>
<td width="52%">E acute</td>
<td width="48%">\u00ea </td>
<td width="52%">e circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00eb </td>
<td width="52%">e dieresis</td>
<td width="48%">\u00cb </td>
<td width="52%">E dieresis</td>
<td width="48%">\u00ea </td>
<td width="52%">e circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00ca </td>
<td width="52%">E circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00ef </td>
<td width="52%">i dieresis</td>
<td width="48%">\u00ec</td>
<td width="52%"> i grave</td>
<td width="48%">\u00ed </td>
<td width="52%">i acute</td>
<td width="48%">\u00cc</td>
<td width="52%"> I grave</td>
<td width="48%">\u00cd </td>
<td width="52%">I acute</td>
<td width="48%">\u00ee </td>
<td width="52%">i circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00ce </td>
<td width="52%">I circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00f6 </td>
<td width="52%">o dieresis</td>
<td width="48%">\u00d6 </td>
<td width="52%">O dieresis</td>
<td width="48%">\u00e3 </td>
<td width="52%">a tilde</td>
<td width="48%">\u00f4 </td>
<td width="52%">o circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00d4 </td>
<td width="52%">O circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00f2 </td>
<td width="52%">o grave</td>
<td width="48%">\u00d2 </td>
<td width="52%">O grave</td>
<td width="48%">\u00f3 </td>
<td width="52%">o acute</td>
<td width="48%">\u00d3 </td>
<td width="52%">O acute</td>
<td width="48%">\u00f5 </td>
<td width="52%">o tilde</td>
<td width="48%">\u00d5 </td>
<td width="52%">O tilde</td>
<td width="48%">\u00f1 </td>
<td width="52%">n tilde</td>
<td width="48%">\u00d1 </td>
<td width="52%">N tilde</td>
<td width="48%">\u00f9 </td>
<td width="52%">u grave</td>
<td width="48%">\u00d9 </td>
<td width="52%">U grave</td>
<td width="48%">\u00fa </td>
<td width="52%">u acute</td>
<td width="48%">\u00da </td>
<td width="52%">U acute</td>
<td width="48%">\u00fb </td>
<td width="52%">u circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00db </td>
<td width="52%">U circumflex</td>
<td width="48%">\u00fc </td>
<td width="52%">u dieresis</td>
<td width="48%">\u00dc </td>
<td width="52%">U dieresis</td>
<td width="48%">\u00df </td>
<td width="52%">s sharp</td>
<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">
<td colspan="2">
<div align="center"><b>Special symbols</b></div>
<td width="48%">\u00ba </td>
<td width="52%">masculine ordinal indicator</td>
<td width="48%">\u00a7 </td>
<td width="52%">section sign</td>
<td width="48%">\u00aa </td>
<td width="52%">feminine ordinal indicator</td>
<td width="48%">\u00ac </td>
<td width="52%">not sign</td>
<td width="48%">\u00b9 </td>
<td width="52%">1 superscript</td>
<td width="48%">\u00b2 </td>
<td width="52%">2 superscript</td>
<td width="48%">\u00b3 </td>
<td width="52%">3 superscript</td>
<td width="48%">\u00a3 </td>
<td width="52%">pound sign</td>
<td width="48%">\u00a2 </td>
<td width="52%">cents sign</td>
<td width="48%">\u00b0 </td>
<td width="52%">degree sign</td>
<h3><A name="authors" />About the authors</A><A name="authors" /><BR><BR>
<P><A name="authors" /><B>Dan Kehn</B> is a Senior Software Engineer at IBM in
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
interests in object-oriented programming
go back to 1985, long before it enjoyed
acceptance it has today. He has a broad
of software experience, having worked
development tools like VisualAge for
operating system performance and memory
and user interface design. Dan worked
a consultant for object-oriented development
projects throughout the U.S. as well
as four
years in Europe. His recent interests
object-oriented analysis/design, programming
tools, and Web programming with the
Application Server. Last year he joined
Eclipse Jumpstart team, whose primary
is to help ISVs to create commercial
based on the Eclipse Platform. In another
life, Dan authored several articles
diverse Smalltalk topics like meta-programming,
team development, and memory analysis.
can find them on</A>
<A href="">Eye on SmallTalk</A>.
<P><B>Scott Fairbrother</B> works on the Eclipse Jumpstart team at IBM in Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina. He is a software developer with over 20 years of experience.
He has developed object-oriented application frameworks for business process
management. He has written specifications for IBM middleware on Windows
2000 and has also authored on the subject of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.</P>
<P><A name="authors" /><B>Cam-Thu Le</B> joined IBM in 1983. Cam's experience spans
many aspects of software creation:
testing, and National Language Support
planning and coordination. Cam has
led the
National Language versions of IBM products
to worldwide concurrent general availability,
including the 4690 Point of Sales product
and VisualAge for Smalltalk. Cam joined
Eclipse Project last year as the NLS
point. Cam coordinated the building
and testing
of the NL versions of the Eclipse Workbench
and WebSphere Studio Workbench.</A>