blob: e435f9b9daf9bd310832e3ce749799321841d7a1 [file] [log] [blame]
<article link="Image_viewer.html">
<title>A Basic Image Viewer</title>
<date>March 15, 2004</date>
<category>User interface</category>
<name>Chengdong Li</name>
Research in Computing for Humanities, University of Kentucky
This article shows how to extend the SWT Canvas to implement a
mini image viewer plug-in using Java2D transforms. The extended
image canvas can be used to scroll and zoom large images, and
can also be extended to apply other transforms. The
implementation is based on SWT and the non-UI portions of AWT.
The plug-in has been tested on Windows, Linux GTK, and Mac OS X
Carbon with Eclipse 2.1 or better.