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| <h1>Designing Accessible Plug-ins in Eclipse</h1> |
| <div class="summary"> |
| <h2>Summary</h2> |
| <p>Accessibility for disabled users is now a priority in application development |
| as advances in techniques and support within operating systems have now made |
| this possible. This article covers the Eclipse accessibility support, general |
| tips for creating accessible plug-ins, and the types of disabilities that the |
| Eclipse accessibility support assists. This is all illustrated using an example |
| of making a view accessible. </p> |
| |
| <p>For information about accessibility in Eclipse 3.5 or later, please see |
| the <a href="/articles/article.php?file=Article-Accessibility351/index.html">updated version of this document</a>.</p> |
| |
| <div class="author">By Tod Creasey, IBM OTI Labs</div> |
| <div class="copyright">Copyright © 2003,2006 IBM Corporation.</div> |
| <div class="date">Originally published May 20, 2003</div> |
| <div class="date">Updated for Eclipse 3.2 July 25, 2006</div> |
| </div> |
| |
| <div class="content"> |
| <h2>Introduction</h2> |
| <p>A major goal of Eclipse 2.0 was to supply support for the use of Eclipse by |
| people with disabilities. This article deals with the support provided in Eclipse |
| for use of accessibility tools in the Microsoft® Windows® operating |
| systems as well as general UI design tips for people who want to make accessible |
| applications. It also covers the US Federal government section 508 accessibility |
| regulations and the IBM<font size="-2">TM</font> accessibility checklist.</p> |
| <h2>Regulations and other Resources</h2> |
| <p>Much of the work in the industry in accessibility has been driven by the US |
| Federal Government <a href="http://www.section508.gov/" target="_blank">Section |
| 508 Regulations</a>. This regulation is a set of criteria that computing applications |
| must satisfy in order to be sold to the US government. </p> |
| <p>The Section 508 regulations are fairly general so IBM has provided a more detailed |
| checklist for developers of accessible applications - see the <a href="http://www.ibm.com/able/guidelines/index.html" target="_blank">IBM Accessibility |
| Guidelines</a>. Microsoft® has an accessibility section on their Web site |
| as well - see <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/enable" target="_blank">Microsoft |
| Accessibility</a>.</p> |
| <h2>Types of Accessibility Support</h2> |
| <p>There are several types of disability that can be dealt with in an accessible |
| application. The main categories are mobility issues, contrast, sound and color |
| issues and the use of screen readers.</p> |
| <p>Mobility enablement covers a wide range of issues. The main issue is the mouse. |
| Initially a mouse was added to a computer as a labor saving option; now many |
| applications cannot be operated without it. Many people cannot or prefer not |
| to use the mouse because of problems with repetitive strain injuries or poor |
| motor control. Other mobility issues deal with being able to hold multiple keys |
| at once (accelerators), required response time to messages and visual focus |
| indication.</p> |
| <p>Contrast and color is an issue for people who are not blind but cannot see |
| small fonts or subtle color differences. Some people work in High Contrast mode |
| where the only colors they use are black and white. As a result of this, color |
| should never be used as the only way of presenting information - there should |
| be an alternative way as well. The same issue is true for sound because not |
| only do deaf people require visual stimulus but many people turn off their sound |
| while working. Windows, dialogs and icons should also avoid using background |
| and foreground colors that are too close to each other.</p> |
| <p>Screen readers such as JAWS® from Freedom Scientific make use of the Microsoft |
| Active Accessibility support (MSAA) to read the contents of windows and dialogs |
| to the user. SWT supports MSAA so most of the support for screen readers will |
| come by default. Screen readers infer content from the control that has focus |
| and its associated widgets (labels and parents). Developers also need to be |
| careful of tab support for screen readers because this is how someone using |
| one will navigate your application. An application using screen readers also |
| should assume that a mouse will not be used - it is very difficult to position |
| a pointer if you cannot see a fine detailed thing such as a mouse pointer. </p> |
| <h2>Showing Accessibility by Building an Accessible View</h2> |
| <p>We will illustrate the main accessibility issues and how to solve them in Eclipse |
| with a simple example of a view. This view will be a simple entry view with |
| fields for name and password and an OK button. To jazz it up we have an image |
| instead of text for a title and have set the background to be yellow to blend |
| in with the image. We have also made the text of our title for the entry fields |
| bold so that it catches the eye more. Because we are trying to keep good contrast |
| for readability we are using black text on the background. We have also added |
| a couple of entries in the drop-down menu to allow the user to reset the view |
| and to enter the values for an anonymous login.</p> |
| <p><strong><img alt="Starting look of view example" src="images/beforescreen.gif" height="215" width="370"></strong></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure 1. Screen shot of input example</strong></p> |
| <p>Here is the code that is interesting for this discussion.</p><pre>public void createPartControl(Composite parent) { |
| // We have created a label at the top for our label image with |
| // a welcome label underneath. We have set its font to be a bold |
| // font so it is more visible. We have then defined the titles |
| // for our text entry fields and then the fields. Finally, we add |
| // a button at the bottom of the fields. |
| |
| Composite workArea = |
| new Composite(parent, SWT.BORDER); |
| setBackground(workArea); |
| |
| Label topLabel = new Label(workArea, SWT.NONE); |
| topLabel.setImage( |
| AccessibilityPlugin.getDefault() |
| .getImageRegistry().get( |
| AccessibilityPlugin.LOGIN_IMAGE)); |
| |
| Label titleLabel = new Label(workArea, SWT.NONE); |
| setLabelColors(titleLabel); |
| titleLabel.setText("Welcome to our online store!"); |
| FontData labelFontData = |
| new FontData("Arial", 10, SWT.BOLD); |
| titleLabel.setFont(new Font(parent.getDisplay(), labelFontData)); |
| |
| Label nameTitle = new Label(workArea, SWT.NONE); |
| nameTitle.setText("Name:"); |
| setBackground(nameTitle); |
| |
| Label passwordTitle = new Label(workArea, SWT.NONE); |
| passwordTitle.setText("Password:"); |
| setBackground(passwordTitle); |
| |
| nameEntryField = new Text(workArea, SWT.BORDER); |
| passwordEntryField = new Text(workArea, SWT.BORDER); |
| Button enterButton = new Button(workArea, SWT.PUSH); |
| enterButton.setText("Login"); |
| } |
| |
| private void setBackground(Control control) { |
| control.setBackground( |
| WorkbenchColors.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_YELLOW)); |
| } |
| |
| private void setActionText(){ |
| resetAction.setText("Reset Fields"); |
| anonymousAction.setText("Anonymous Settings"); |
| }</pre> |
| <p>So far it looks fine, right? We have a drop-down menu to make some common operations |
| easier, we have good contrasting colors (black on a yellow background), bold |
| fonts for our welcome title and our code organized to handle the titles first |
| and then the fields.</p> |
| <h2>Presenting Information Accessibly</h2> |
| <p>A common accessibility problem is presenting something that looks great with |
| your operating system settings but that is unusable with other people's settings. |
| This generally manifests itself as hard-coded font or color values or images |
| that are the only source of information.</p> |
| <h2>Colors and Images</h2> |
| <p>We have a problem image in our example. Our title image contains information |
| that the user must have in order to use our application and if the user cannot |
| read the image they cannot use our application. Users who reverse their colors |
| or who need larger fonts won't be able to read this.</p> |
| <p><img alt="Title icon" src="images/namepassword.gif" height="36" width="216"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure 2. The title icon</strong></p> |
| <p>The most common setup for this case is the High Contrast mode in the Windows |
| environment. In High Contrast text is generally shown as white on a black background |
| and all of the fonts are increased in size. High Contrast themes and modes are |
| provided by the Windows operating system for those who cannot easily see subtle |
| differences in shade. High Contrast comes in both white on black and black on |
| white and any accessible application should handle both of these. Because of |
| these settings any application that forces a background or foreground to a hard-coded |
| color will likely fail accessibility testing. Eclipse is tested using all of |
| the high contrast modes provided by Microsoft.</p> |
| <p>Here is the Eclipse Resource Navigator in both Normal and High Contrast modes.</p> |
| <p><img alt="Navigator view in High Contrast" src="images/navhighcontrast.gif" height="200" width="600"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure 3. The Navigator View in Normal and High Contrast modes</strong></p> |
| <p>By contrast here is our view in Normal and High Contrast modes:</p> |
| <p><img alt="High contrast comparison" src="images/highcontraststart.gif" height="250" width="675"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure 4. The Entrance View in Normal and High Contrast modes</strong></p> |
| <p>The first problem we will tackle is in unreadable text and image. The yellow |
| background makes the white text unreadable in High Contrast Mode and the image |
| still has black text (because it is an image) despite the text being white everywhere |
| else.</p> |
| <p>First we will fix the image. It conveys information to users that they need |
| to know in order to proceed. Because it is an image it cannot be changed in |
| any way to be more readable to someone who cannot read black text on a yellow |
| background or who needs a larger font than the one we created it with.</p> |
| <p>We will replace this in our new design with an image that is decoration only |
| and with a label that has the important information by switching around the |
| text in the title and the text in the image because the title information is |
| currently just a welcome banner. That way when users set their fonts in Eclipse |
| to something they can read the information they need will be readable too. We |
| will discuss fonts more in the next section.</p> |
| <p><img alt="View with info on dialog" src="images/welcomesnapshot.gif" height="196" width="294"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure 5. View with the required information moved to a label</strong></p> |
| <p>Now we have replaced the image with something that just adds aesthetic appeal, |
| and we have made the required text a label so that it can have the same font |
| as the others.</p> |
| <p>The next issue with our view is color. Although the yellow background blends |
| in nicely with our image, the contrast will not work for all settings as we |
| can see in Figure 4. People using the High Contrast settings will not be able |
| to use this view because they are trying to see white on black.</p> |
| <p>So clearly our yellow label backgrounds will not work. The easiest solution |
| is to just leave the colors of their widgets and let SWT do the work using the |
| operating system settings. This is what we will do in order to stay consistent |
| with the workbench. Most developers choose this option (as does Eclipse). There |
| are places such as in banners in dialogs where we use a setting other than the |
| default (Eclipse uses SWT.COLOR_LIST_FOREGROUND for the title). JFace provides |
| an API for accessing these color choices in the JFaceColors class.</p> |
| <p>For those who want to choose system colors SWT provides a series of colors |
| that allow us to pick up user settings. They are:</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li><font size="2">COLOR_WIDGET_FOREGROUND: system color used to paint |
| foreground areas</font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_WIDGET_BACKGROUND: system color used to paint |
| background areas</font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_WIDGET_BORDER:</font> <font size="2">system color used to |
| paint border areas</font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_WIDGET_DARK_SHADOW : system color used to paint dark |
| shadow areas</font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_WIDGET_NORMAL_SHADOW : system color used to paint |
| normal shadow areas </font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_WIDGET_LIGHT_SHADOW: system color used to paint light |
| shadow areas</font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_WIDGET_HIGHLIGHT_SHADOW: system color used to paint |
| highlight shadow areas</font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_LIST_FOREGROUND: system color used to paint list |
| foreground areas</font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_LIST_BACKGROUND : system color used to paint list |
| background areas </font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_LIST_SELECTION: system color used to paint list |
| selection background areas </font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_LIST_SELECTION_TEXT: system color used to paint list |
| selected text</font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_INFO_FOREGROUND : system color used to paint tool tip |
| text </font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_INFO_BACKGROUND: system color used to paint tool tip |
| background areas</font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_TITLE_FOREGROUND: system color used to paint title |
| text</font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND: system color used to paint title |
| background areas </font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT : system color used to paint |
| title background gradient </font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_TITLE_INACTIVE_FOREGROUND: system color used to paint |
| inactive title text </font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_TITLE_INACTIVE_BACKGROUND: system color used to paint |
| inactive title background areas </font> |
| </li><li><font size="2">COLOR_TITLE_INACTIVE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT: system color used |
| to paint inactive title background gradient </font> </li></ul> |
| <p>We will just delete the code that sets backgrounds and we will end up with |
| the view shown next. The yellow background for the Composites and labels has |
| been replaced with the system default color (gray on Windows XP).</p> |
| <p><img alt="View using system colors" src="images/fixedcolors.gif" height="195" width="294"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure 6. View using system colors</strong></p> |
| <p>If you still want to have a color that you set yourself you must have a way |
| to adjust it for different color settings. Most developers use a ColorFieldEditor |
| to allow the user to change these values. It is recommended that you only do |
| this if there really is no system color you want to use because it adds extra |
| complexity to the accessible setup for a user.</p> |
| <p>Color is frequently used to liven up the look of an application but remember |
| the following guidelines:</p> |
| <ol> |
| <li>Color must not be used as the only means of conveying information |
| </li><li>Color must be configurable for people who cannot use a given color option |
| </li> |
| </ol> |
| <h2>Fonts</h2> |
| <p>Like colors, fonts also need to be configurable for those users who cannot |
| see small fonts. The Windows operating system offers Large and Extra Large font |
| size modes (see Properties>Appearance from the Windows desktop) for setting |
| the fonts to be more readable to those with poor eyesight. All dialogs and windows |
| should be tested with the fonts set to these sizes to be sure that none of the |
| text is cut off and that it fits in the visible window. Eclipse is tested for |
| sizing using the Windows High Contrast Mode in Windows XP at 1152x864 resolution |
| using the fonts provided by the High Contrast mode. High Contrast mode can be |
| set by selecting Control Panel->Accessibility Options -> Display -> |
| High Contrast Mode.</p> |
| <p>As with colors, applications often require more font choice than the OS provides |
| - the only font SWT can get from the OS is the default font for that widget. |
| The default font can be found from any Display by calling getSystemFont(). Eclipse |
| also defines these fonts.</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li>Banner Font: used in dialogs for the main title |
| </li><li>Header Font: used for headers in pages like the Welcome Page. |
| </li><li>Text Font: used for editors like the text editor and is also the default |
| for the Java<font size="-2">TM</font> editor. |
| </li><li>Dialog Font: used in all widgets in Dialogs. (Added for Eclipse release |
| 2.1). </li></ul> |
| <p>In our example we defined our own font for use in the dialog using the FontData |
| API provided by SWT because we wanted a bold font.</p> |
| <pre>FontData labelFontData = new FontData("Arial", 10, SWT.BOLD); |
| Font labelFont = new Font(parent.getDisplay(), labelFontData); |
| </pre> |
| <p>We currently have no way for the user to change this. For the sake of |
| consistency we will use the banner font for our main title and remove the fonts |
| from elsewhere. Now our font creation code will be:</p><pre>Font labelFont = JFaceResources.getBannerFont();</pre> |
| <p>Using the Eclipse banner font we can pick up the setting an Eclipse user has |
| made for the banner font in Eclipse and apply it to our views. These fonts are |
| set in General>>Appearance>>Fonts and Colors preference page. </p> |
| <p>As of Eclipse 3.2 the System Default theme has been added. This theme uses |
| the system fonts for the JFace fonts (banner, dialog and header fonts) and system |
| colors for all of it's colors so that all fonts and colors are readable in every |
| environment. This is the default theme for High Contrast mode. Themes are found |
| in the General>>Appearance preference page and are a convenient way to |
| set up a set of fonts and colors for the whole Workbench so that the user does |
| not need to set them all individually. Themes are added using the org.eclipse.ui.themes |
| extension point.</p> |
| <p>Here is the view with the new font and colors in both Normal and High Contrast |
| modes. </p> |
| <p><img alt="View using system fonts" src="images/fixedfonts.gif" height="252" width="612"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure 7. View Using System Fonts</strong></p> |
| <p>There is also a way for you to register your own font within the workbench |
| using a declaration in your plugin.xml. If you register it using the org.eclipse.ui.fontDefinitions |
| extension point you can get a font that is managed within the Workbench > |
| Fonts preference page and in the JFace font registry. Most developers just use |
| one of the provided fonts because they are adequate for most applications.</p> |
| <p>As of Eclipse 3.0 it is also possible to get a bold or italic version of any |
| registered font by calling <code>FontRegistry#getBold(String)</code> or <code>FontRegistry#getItalic(String).</code> |
| </p> |
| <p>The only accessibility rule for fonts is that users must be able to change |
| any font they wish somewhere in the application or the operating system.</p> |
| <h2>Keyboard and Mouse</h2> |
| <p>The most significant requirement for accessibility is that everything in an |
| application must be reachable using the keyboard. Without keyboard access people |
| who do not have the motor control to get a mouse where you they want it will |
| not be able to use your application. Many other people do everything using the |
| keyboard as a way of preventing repetitive strain injuries so this is likely |
| the most used accessibility feature.</p> |
| <p>Menus on any of the views provided by Eclipse are already accessible. F10 will |
| give the main window menu focus, Shift+F10 will bring up the context menu for |
| a view, Ctrl+F10 will activate the pull-down menu for a view if there is one |
| and Alt+- will bring up the view menu. </p> |
| <p>To make a menu more accessible, you can define the label for the menu using |
| a mnemonic. A mnemonic appears as an underlined letter in a menu entry label. |
| Selecting that letter will move the menu selection to that entry. This is done |
| by defining the mnemonic letter in the plugin.xml for a label with an <i><b>&</b></i> |
| prefix. For instance a label specified as &Copy would show up on a menu |
| as <u>C</u>opy; popping up the menu that has it and selecting the letter C would |
| move the menu selection to that entry. If you want to check your mnemonics in |
| the Windows environment then hold down the Alt key and they will appear in the |
| active window.</p> |
| <p>You can do the same thing with widgets in a view. If you add a mnemonic in |
| a label that is associated with a widget, selecting Alt+ the letter will move |
| the focus to that widget. This is especially important where there are a lot |
| of widgets in a view or dialog because tabbing through all of them can be very |
| time-consuming.</p> |
| <p>The developer of a plug-in normally has to be concerned with mouse access when |
| designing a view or dialog. Every piece of information within the view or dialog |
| should be reachable using the keyboard. That means two things:</p> |
| <p>1) Every control that the user needs to manipulate (such as combo boxes, text |
| fields, and buttons) the user should be able to navigate to it with a keystroke |
| - usually the tab key. You can also supplement this behavior with an action |
| using a hot key - for instance Eclipse uses Ctrl+F6, Ctrl+ F7, and Ctrl+F8 to |
| switch between editors, views and perspectives respectively.</p> |
| <p>2) Everything that needs scrolling to be seen needs to have that scrolling |
| accessible to the keyboard. The usual way to do this is to listen for tabs or |
| the page up and page down keys and to move the viewing area appropriately.</p> |
| <p>In the case of our view we did not try to do anything special with tabs or |
| widget entry so we don't need to worry about keyboard access - the behavior |
| Eclipse gives us by default is fine. The keyboard-related problem was that our |
| drop-down menus and widgets did not use mnemonics. All we need to do is add |
| an & prefix before the letters we want in the mnemonic.</p> |
| <pre>private void setActionText(){ |
| resetAction.setText("&Reset Fields"); |
| anonymousAction.setText("&Anonymous Settings"); |
| }</pre> |
| <p>In the case of text field and combo boxes that have other labels associated |
| with them, all we have to do is add the mnemonic to the label widget. However |
| the operating system must know which text widget is associated with which label |
| widget when the mnemonic is selected. It does this by inferring this association |
| using the z-order.</p> |
| <p>Default Z-ordering is determined by the creation order of widgets. The |
| z-order is by default the order in which the widgets are created but it can be |
| modified using Control.moveAbove() and Control.moveBelow(). A label widget must |
| be immediately before the text widget or combo box that it is labeling in the |
| z-order of its parent for it to be associated with it. This also implies that |
| the two widgets must have the same parent for this behavior to occur. We take |
| care of this by changing our code so that each label widget is created before |
| the text widget we wish to associate it with.</p> |
| <p>All we need to do is to create the label and then its associated text rather |
| than creating both labels first. For the sake of usability we are also going |
| to put the name before the text horizontally rather than vertically because |
| this is the way that people are used to reading a computer screen.</p> |
| <pre>public void createPartControl(Composite parent) { |
| Composite workArea = new Composite(parent, SWT.BORDER); |
| |
| Label titleLabel = new Label(workArea, SWT.NONE); |
| titleLabel.setText("Enter Name and Password:"); |
| titleLabel.setFont(JFaceResources.getBannerFont()); |
| |
| Label nameTitle = new Label(workArea, SWT.NONE); |
| nameTitle.setText("&Name:"); |
| |
| nameEntryField = new Text(workArea, SWT.BORDER); |
| |
| Label passwordTitle = new Label(workArea, SWT.NONE); |
| passwordTitle.setText("&Password:"); |
| |
| passwordEntryField = new Text(workArea, SWT.BORDER); |
| |
| Button enterButton = new Button(workArea, SWT.PUSH); |
| enterButton.setText("&Login"); |
| }</pre> |
| <p>To see this in action we select Alt+N when our view has focus and you will |
| see the cursor going to the text field beside Name:.</p> |
| <img alt="Menu with mnemonics" src="images/menumnemonics.gif" height="188" width="424"> |
| <p><strong>Figure 8. View with mnemonics for menus and widgets and corrected label |
| placement</strong></p> |
| <h2>Accommodating Screen Readers</h2> |
| <p>There are now numerous screen readers that can read aloud elements of the |
| user interface. One of the most popular screen readers is the JAWS product from |
| Freedom Scientific. Screen readers attempt to infer the relevant information |
| about a widget and those that surround it and present that information to the |
| user. They do this by taking the widget that has focus and inferring which of |
| its siblings and parents has useful information.</p> |
| <p>As a text and combo box widgets do not have a label associated with them we |
| have several ways that we can get a screen reader to infer a label for a widget |
| with focus:</p> |
| <ol> |
| <li>A label immediately precedes the focus widget in the z-order. |
| </li><li>The focus widget is the direct child of the shell (in this case the shell |
| label gets read). |
| </li><li>It is the parent of a widget that has a label and is labeled itself. For |
| instance, a labeled text inside of a group box will have both its label and |
| the label of the group box read. But if there is an unlabeled widget (say |
| an intermediate Composite) between the label and the group box, the group |
| box will not be read. </li> |
| </ol> |
| <p>Our example had text and labels created in the wrong z-order. We created both |
| the labels and then both of the entry fields. Not only does this cause problems |
| for the mnemonics, it also prevents screen readers from providing usual information |
| to users.</p> |
| <p>Screen readers also use the z-order to determine labeling for text and combo |
| box widgets. Any tool that tries to infer a label for the text fields with our |
| initial example.will assume that "Password:" is the title of the Name: text |
| widget because the "Name:" text widget was created after the "Password:" |
| label. It will not find any label for the "Password:" text widget |
| because it was created right after the "Name:" text widget. With our |
| new implementation, a screen reader will use "Name:" as the label |
| for the name field and "Password:" for the label of the password field.</p> |
| <p>A screen reader will not only read the label of a widget with focus but it |
| will also read the labels of any parents of that widget that have one (such |
| as a group) and the title of the dialog or window. A screen reader will generally |
| stop at the first unlabelled parent so be sure that you have no intermediate |
| Composites between labels you want read. If you wish to label a group |
| of widgets, you should contain them in a group box.</p> |
| <p> Our example should use a group box instead of a label for the Name and |
| Password entry field. By adding a group box we would make a screen reader say |
| "Enter Name and Password: Name:" when the first text widget had focus.</p> |
| <p>Here is what the final view looks like with the group box.</p> |
| <p align="left"><img alt="Final view" src="images/finalview.gif" height="189" width="373"></p> |
| <p align="left"><strong>Figure 9. Entrance View with a Group box</strong></p> |
| <h2 align="left">Using the SWT Accessibility API</h2> |
| <p align="left">We have changed the view so that the entry fields are created directly |
| after their labels (to ensure z-order) and we have switched the title from a |
| label to a group box. When one of the entry fields is selected a screen reader |
| will read the group box title and then the field title.</p> |
| <p align="left">Now that everything that we can see is set up, we can do one more |
| thing we can do to really make this usable. We have no critical information |
| in our welcome graphic, but we have not provided a way to let a user using a |
| screen reader know that. A screen reader will associate a random name with the |
| label widget if we do not provide one, so visually impared users will have to |
| assume the graphic contains no information that is of use to them.</p> |
| <p align="left">SWT provides two interfaces for enabling accessibility in a |
| control.<code>org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleListener </code>is the |
| interface that is implemented by existing SWT controls. |
| <code>org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleControlListener</code> is an |
| interface for custom widgets so it is not a concern if you are using the widgets |
| provided by SWT.</p> |
| <p align="left"><code>org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleAdapter</code> is |
| a class with implementations of all of the methods in AccessibleListener that |
| do nothing. We want to make it so that our banner graphic has a consistent name |
| so we add an AccessibleListener to it that implements getName().We will subclass |
| this in an inner class because we only want to override getName(). Here is how |
| we implement this: |
| </p><pre>topLabel.getAccessible().addAccessibleListener( |
| new AccessibleAdapter() { |
| public void getName(AccessibleEvent e) { |
| e.result = "Welcome to our online store!" |
| }});</pre> |
| After we have made this change we can verify it on the Windows operating system |
| using the Microsoft Active Accessibility support (see the Bibliography). When |
| we use the Microsoft Inspect Objects tool from that package we can see that when |
| we hover over the label we get a value to use with accessibility tools. |
| <p><img alt="Results using MSAA tools" src="images/accessibility.gif" height="233" width="519"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure 10. Verification of the AccessibleControlAdapter on the Welcome |
| Banner using MSAA tools</strong></p> |
| <p>The final version of our Entrance View is in AccessibleEntranceView in the |
| code included in the Appendix.</p> |
| <h2><br>Conclusions</h2> |
| <p>Accessibility support is an important part of UI development; it not only enables |
| products for disabled users but also teaches good general UI design techniques. |
| We showed how to take a simple view and analyze and correct the accessibility |
| issues with it using the Eclipse accessibility support.</p> |
| <h2>Appendix</h2> |
| <p><a href="/articles/Article-Accessibility/org.eclipse.ui.articles.accessibility.zip">The |
| Accessibility Example project</a></p> |
| <h2>Windows Accessibility Support </h2> |
| <p>Sunce the release of Eclipse 2.0 the accessibility support has focused on the |
| Windows operating system. Windows 2000 and Windows XP provide a series of built-in |
| accessibility features that Eclipse is compatible with. The accessibility |
| settings in Windows XP are found in Control Panel>Accessibility Options.</p> |
| <p><img alt="Windows Accessibility Dialog" src="images/windowsdialog.gif" height="450" width="367"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure 11. Windows XP Accessibility Options Dialog</strong></p> |
| <p>Extra large fonts is a setting that enlarges all of the fonts on the desktop. |
| In Windows XP this is found on the Appearance Page of the Desktop Properties |
| dialog. In Windows 2000 there are several themes that have extra large fonts |
| (e.g. Windows Extra Large). Themes can also be shown in High Contrast mode for |
| people who have difficulty differentiating colors. You should test in both High |
| Contrast White and High Contrast Black selections.</p> |
| <p>Sticky keys is a Windows function for people who have difficulty holding down |
| two keys at once. Sticky Keys allows the user to select a modifier key (Ctrl, |
| Alt or Shift), release it and select another key as if they had the modifiers |
| depressed. Normally this is only an issue if you have some time-dependent functionality |
| in your application or if you are listening for a key release.</p> |
| <p>Filter keys is another function for people who have a slow response time. Generally |
| holding a key down will result in the keystroke being sent multiple times which |
| can be very frustrating for someone who cannot lift their finger in time to |
| avoid the extra keystrokes. Filter keys either ignores duplicate keystrokes |
| or slows down the repeat rate, or both, according to user preference.</p> |
| <p>Mouse keys is a function that allows the user to replace the mouse support |
| with a keyboard equivalent in order to get mouse functionality without the mouse. |
| You should not rely on this support in your accessibility plan however because |
| an application must be fully keyboard-accessible to pass most accessibility |
| guidelines (including the IBM guidelines).</p> |
| <p>Sound support is a function added for the deaf and hard-of-hearing users. It |
| gives a visual cue when a system sound has occurred. However, it is bad accessibility |
| design to use sound as the only source of information. If a user needs to use |
| sound to use your application you should make sure there are alternative ways |
| to access the information. </p> |
| <h2>Bibliography</h2> |
| <p><a href="http://www.ibm.com/able/guidelines/index.html" target="_blank">IBM |
| Accessibility Guidelines</a></p> |
| <p><a href="http://www.section508.gov/" target="_blank">Section 508 |
| Regulations</a></p> |
| <p><a href="http://www.microsoft.com/enable" target="_blank">Microsoft |
| Accessibility </a></p> |
| <p><a href="http://www.msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/msaa/msaastart_9w2t.asp?frame=true%29" target="_blank">Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA)</a></p> |
| </div> |
| |
| <div class="notices"><p>IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation |
| in the United States, other countries, or both.</p> |
| <p>Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, |
| Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.</p> |
| <p>Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation |
| in the United States, other countries, or both.</p> |
| <p>Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.</p> |
| </div> |
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