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| <td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="#0080C0"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF"> Eclipse |
| Corner Article</font></font></b></td> |
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| <h1> <img SRC="../images/Idea.jpg" height=86 width=120 align=CENTER></h1> |
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| <h1> Editor Contributors - A Distinct Species</h1> |
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| <h3> Why are Eclipse desktop editors using a distinct contribution mechanism |
| instead of simply doing it directly from editors</h3> |
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| <blockquote><b>Summary</b> <br> |
| Eclipse platform desktop offers various ways a plugin can contribute to menus |
| and tool bars. The most natural way for views is to contribute directly (if |
| you own the view, that is). However, editors are somewhat special - their contributors |
| are registered alongside editors and contribution from editor instances is not |
| allowed. This article explains why the difference and how editor contributors |
| prevent renegade runtime footprint and improve user experience. We will also |
| take a look at handling editor contributors in multi-page editors.</blockquote> |
| <b>By <a href="mailto:dejan@ca.ibm.com">Dejan Glozic</a></b> |
| <p> |
| <hr WIDTH="100%"> |
| <br> |
| One of the primary mechanisms of interaction with an Eclipse platform application |
| is by performing actions in the given context. Whether you use menus, tool bars, |
| accelerator keys etc. to perform an action is less important. Consequently, one |
| of the most important considerations for Eclipse plugins is how to expose these |
| actions to the user. |
| <p>A standalone application developer has a relatively easy task since he owns |
| all of the action vectors (menu bars, tool bars, pop-up menus etc.). A plugin |
| developer must view its task as a contribution to the whole. Its contribution |
| will 'rub elbows' with those from other plugins, and seamless integration becomes |
| very important. |
| <p>Desktop integration of actions is relatively easy for view developers. Eclipse |
| views are fairly encapsulated desktop parts. They have a local tool bar and |
| a pull-down menu. Because of this encapsulation, adding a view to the desktop |
| is a relatively easy affair. |
| <p>Content editor is a completely different animal. Editors normally require a |
| large number of actions that are applicable in their context. Embedding these |
| actions into the desktop part is not possible in all but a very few simple cases. |
| Instead, editors add their actions to the shared desktop areas: the main menu |
| and tool bars. This creates a few problems. There can be potentially many editors |
| opened at once. They cannot all add their menus and tool bars into the shared |
| area - it would be a disaster. It would not be right either, because only one |
| editor can be active at a time. A context switching mechanism is needed to make |
| sure that only actions of the active editor are visible at any given point in |
| time. |
| <p>Context switching ensures that visibility of the editor and its actions in |
| the desktop's shared areas are in sync. This requirement cannot be left to editor |
| developers - it is too important. Instead, editors are asked to create a contribution |
| and this contribution is used to add and remove actions on active editor switching. |
| <h3> Contribution Memento</h3> |
| The desktop implements context switching by using a feature of JFace contribution |
| managers called <b>modification bracketing</b>. If you add actions into a contribution |
| manager in its normal state, they will end up in its managed shared area of the |
| desktop. However, it is possible to go into <b>recording mode</b> by calling a |
| method <b>beginModification</b>. From that moment on, all contributions made to |
| this manager are going into a separate record called <b>contribution memento</b>. |
| Once we are done contributing, we call <b>endModification</b>. This method will |
| restore the normal state of the manager and also return an <tt>ContributionMemento</tt> |
| object. We can use this object to activate or deactivate it when needed. Activating |
| a memento means adding all of the recorded actions to the originating manager. |
| Similarly, deactivation of the memento removes the actions. |
| <p>Usage of mementos is transparent to editor developers. Eclipse desktop employs |
| mementos to implement context switching, and ISVs are only required to do the |
| contribution part. The only thing for developers to remember is that some kind |
| of recording takes place, and that it is done on editor creation. Editors will |
| not be able to modify their contribution afterwards - it will simply be switched |
| in and out, as shown in Figure 1. <br> |
| <br> |
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| <center> |
| <tr> |
| <td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER><img SRC="images/normaltoolbar.jpg" height=132 width=615></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER><b><font size=-1>(a) </font></b></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER><img SRC="images/htmltoolbar.jpg" height=132 width=615></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER><b><font size=-1>(b)</font></b></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td><b><font size=-1>Figure 1: Eclipse desktop menu and tool bar with no |
| editors (a) and with HTML editor opened (b). Note how there are more menus |
| and buttons in picture (b). These additions are coming from the contribution |
| associated with the editor.</font></b></td> |
| </tr> |
| </table> |
| </center> |
| <h3> The problem of flashing and run-time memory waste</h3> |
| If you are writing a desktop view, contributing to the local tool bar is fairly |
| simple - you simply ask for the local tool bar manager and add your actions. Similar |
| scenario could be envisioned for contributing from the content editors, but it |
| is not used, and for a reason. Consider the following: desktop views are unique. |
| There cannot be multiple instances of the same view showing up in the desktop |
| (if you try to reopen a view, the currently opened instance simply pops up and |
| regains focus). However, there can be many instances of the same editor type opened |
| at the same time, one for each file. If we contribute actions from the editor |
| instance itself, that would mean a huge waste of time and memory. |
| <p>For example: if we open 10 HTML files with a Web Tooling editor, and it has |
| 40 actions to contribute, we will have 400 action instances in memory. Only |
| 10% of these instances will be used at any point in time because only one of |
| these editors can be active. The remaining 90% will be switched out. |
| <p>There is also a problem of menu and tool bar updates. In a naive implementation, |
| every editor switch would mean context switching for these shared areas: actions |
| of the deactivating editor will be removed, while those of the activating editor |
| will be added. But switching between editors of the same type means that we |
| are removing and adding instances of the same actions. Nothing will change in |
| the desktop except the unavoidable pause and flashing. |
| <h3> The Eclipse solution</h3> |
| The Eclipse desktop solution for this problem is to move editor contribution from |
| editor <i>instances</i> to editor <i>types</i>. The desktop extension point for |
| registering new editors accepts not only the Java class name for the editor, but |
| also an optional class name for the <b>editor contributor</b>: |
| <p><tt>interface IEditorActionBarContributor extends IActionBarContributor {</tt> |
| <br> |
| <tt> public void editorChanged(IEditorPart editor);</tt> <br> |
| <tt>}</tt> |
| <p>This contributor extends action bar contributor interface and adds a method |
| to inform you about the editor change. This method is called only when editors |
| of your editor type are switched, so you can safely cast it into your editor |
| class. The implementors of this interface would use its required methods (<tt>contributeToMenu</tt>, |
| <tt>contributeToToolBar</tt> etc.) to add actions, submenus etc. in the usual |
| way. The key difference here is that these actions must be designed without |
| any specific editor instance in mind. They have to work on the currently active |
| instance, which means that they need to recalculate their enable state every |
| time there is editor change. |
| <p>When a file is opened for editing, and the editor instance is the first of |
| that editor type to be opened, the contributor will be created as well. The |
| contributor will create a memento and keep it. When editors are switched, it |
| will use the memento to switch actions in or out. When another editor instance |
| of the same type is opened, no new actions will be created. The running contributor |
| will call <tt>editorChanged</tt> to allow actions to update. Contributor and |
| its actions will be removed and disposed only when the last instance of this |
| editor type is closed. |
| <p>The key difference here is that context switching will occur only when two |
| editors of the <i>different</i> type are switched. On switching editors of the |
| same type, only <tt>editorChanged</tt> will be called in the contributor. This |
| means that editor changes will be smooth, with no flashes and pauses. |
| <h3> Multi-page editors</h3> |
| The situation complicates somewhat if the content editor if of a multi-page variety |
| (for example, Web tooling HTML editor with its Design, Source and Preview pages). |
| In this case, actions need to update their availability not only on an editor-to-editor |
| basis, but also on page switches within the same editor, as shown in Figure 2. |
| Since editor instance do not have access to editor actions (actions are normally |
| created as fields of the class that implements contributor interface), the following |
| solution may work well. |
| <p>First, create a page listener interface: |
| <blockquote><tt>interface IEditorPageListener {</tt> <br> |
| <tt> public void pageChanged(WorkbookPage page);</tt> <br> |
| <tt>}</tt></blockquote> |
| In your multi-page editor class, add two methods to register the listener: |
| <blockquote><tt>public void addEditorPageListener(IEditorPageListener listener);</tt> |
| <br> |
| <tt>public void removeEditorPageListener(IEditorPageListener listener);</tt></blockquote> |
| When page within the editor changes, notify the listeners by calling <tt>pageChanged</tt> |
| with the newly active page. |
| <p>In the implementation of editor contributor, connect on each editor switch: |
| <p><tt>public MultiPageContributor implements IEditorActionBarContributor,</tt> |
| <br> |
| <tt> |
| IEditorPageListener {</tt> <br> |
| <tt> MyMultiPageEditor currentEditor=null;</tt><tt></tt> |
| <p><tt> public void editorChanged(IEditorPart part) {</tt> <br> |
| <tt> MyMyltiPageEditor editor = (MyMultiPageEditor)part;</tt> |
| <br> |
| <tt> if (currentEditor!=null) currentEditor.removeEditorPageListener(this);</tt> |
| <br> |
| <tt> currentEditor = editor;</tt> <br> |
| <tt> currentEditor.addEditorPageListener(this);</tt> |
| <br> |
| <tt> updateActions();</tt> <br> |
| <tt> }</tt> <br> |
| <tt> public void pageChanged(WorkbookPage page) {</tt> <br> |
| <tt> updateActions(page);</tt> <br> |
| <tt> }</tt> <br> |
| <tt>}</tt> |
| <p>The behavior of this class is straightforward: when editor becomes active, |
| the contributor disconnects from the old editor and connects to the new one. |
| While the current editor is active, page changes within it will cause the contributor |
| to update the action state. The two overloaded methods for updating actions |
| not shown here simply update the state of the actions according to the state |
| of the current editor and the currently selected page in the editor. <br> |
| <br> |
| <br> |
| |
| <center> |
| <tr> |
| <td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER><img SRC="images/htmltoolbar.jpg" BORDER=0 height=132 width=615></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER><b><font size=-1>(a) </font></b></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER><img SRC="images/srctoolbar.jpg" height=132 width=615></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER><b><font size=-1>(b)</font></b></td> |
| </tr> |
| <tr> |
| <td><b><font size=-1>Figure 2: Eclipse desktop menu and tool bar for the |
| Source (a) and Design view (b) of the HTML editor. The same actions |
| are present for both pages, but some of them are disabled for the |
| Source view.</font></b></td> |
| </tr> |
| </table> |
| </center> |
| <br> |
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| <h3> Conclusion</h3> |
| This article has shown how contribution to menus and tool bars is 'special' in |
| Eclipse desktop. We described the use of JFace contribution mementos. The article |
| has also shown how the problem of tool bar flashing and action duplication is |
| solved by removing contributors from editor instances. Finally, a tip on handling |
| multi-page editors is presented. |
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